Discuss John 16 Page 5

  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 2. David0921.

    1 John 2:3-5: speaks of keeping Jesus' Commandments, not specifically the Ten Commandments (there is a clear difference between them). Psalm 119: the Laws, Precepts, Judgements, etc. given to Israel; not to those in Christ Jesus.

    "How do I determine what is sin and what is not?" The Holy Spirit Who resides in my life instructs me in all things I need to know or be alerted to: of ALL of God's Laws, of where I slip up, of things just not quite right that can be regarded as sin ( John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 6:19; Ephesians 4:30). The Decalogue in & of itself falls far short of what God would require of me. In other words, I would rather be subservient & obedient to the Spirit than to the Letter of the Law. And when I fail Him, I am gently instructed & helped to learn & follow His Path.

    "So when we say that the Decalogue, the 10 Commandments, are not for us today", I certainly don't mean the Truth contained therein, including all other Laws, whether Israel or Gentile-specific, but I refer to the purpose of the Decalogue, as a whole package of Laws for Israel that demanded obedience or punishment (including obedience to the 4th Commandment).

    This type of Law has no bearing on those now IN CHRIST, who have been delivered from that Law of sin & death ( Romans 7:6; Romans 8:2). If there was no Holy Spirit to indwell the believer, then yes, we must grab onto & perform all the laws we can find in God's Word & hope for the best in the Judgement. But the believer's salvation is secure because it is all of God (His Great Plan), all of Jesus (His Great Sacrifice) and of His Spirit (His Great Ministry), Who will 'present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy'. My obedience & confidence rests only in the Person of the Godhead, enjoying the liberty of serving Him as He directs & not conforming to a set of rules that was prescribed to judgement & death.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Christ has already come & that in Spirit, He told His disciples; Mark 9:1; Matt 16:28; over 2000 yrs ago, which came in full power at Pentecost.

    I will not leave you comfortless, but you will see me again, that your joy maybe full, & Christ doesn't come alone, He brings His Father within Him, They became Ephesians 2:22; John 17:21-23; & they Micah 4:3;

    Hebrews 9:28; is Titus 2:11; diffusing the fragrance of His knowledge in every heart. 2Cor 4:6 This is Titus 2:13; describing His 2nd appearance in Spirit. Who continually gives of Himself that Titus 2:14;

    As for this son of perdition; it's the old Adamic nature that is rule by Ephesians 6:12; who's coming 2Thessalonians 2:9; this spirit works even deceive the very elect, who, we all must engage with within 2 Cor 10:3-5; Jesus says; Matt 15:18,19; for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, so their within us. Think about this, we all have these thoughts spring up within us, 1 Pet 4:3; thus Jesus commands; Luke 14:27; The ones, Satan does deceive is explain, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12; they refuse to believe the Witness, whom God has place within conscience. John 16:8; John 12:47-50; Jesus says, 8:24; Therefore were He has gone one cannot go.

    Both seeds are spiritual, both kingdoms are within mankind.

    This rapture theory John 17:11:15 "not to take them out of the world". But describes receiving 1Pet 1:5-9;The cumulation is the Baptism of the Holy Spirt, describing 2 Cor 10:6; resulting from Titus 3:5; by 1Pet 1:23; unto John 3:3; the chaff, ( old man sin nature is thoroughly purges out without a trace, Daniel 2:34,35; these earthen vessels, 1Cor 15:48,49; ) the wheat (new man created in the image of Him that created him) is gather unto the Gardener, we're His & He's ours, Acts 1:9-11; Daniel 7:13;

    It's a spiritual encounter & habitation with the One true God, John 17:24; here & now, Acts 4:32,33;

    Do you perceive the wonderous honor & glory of God's Great Salvation, on earth as it is in heaven.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago


    The person of the Holy Spirit is not a ghost as is written in English language, but a Person. As a Person, as JESUS was in flesh and bones, he is completely unknown, and he has several missions, as JESUS said: John 16:12-15 & 8-11:

    12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

    13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth: for HE SHALL NOT SPEAK OF HIMSELF; but whatsoever HE SHALL HEAR, THAT SHALL HE SPEAK: and he will shew you things to come.

    14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    15 All things that the Father has are mine:therefore said I, that he shall take of mine,and shall shew it unto you.

    8 When he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of Judgment:

    9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;

    10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;

    11 Of Judgment, because the prince of this world is Judged.


    - The Person of he Holy Spirit has not genealogy as JESUS has; why? Because he is not a Jew.

    - The NAME of JESUS is known of men, and is also known of the angels, and He is known of the demons too. But the person of the Holy Spirit has a NAME written that no MAN knows, but he himself. He has not genealogy as JESUS has.

    - JESUS came from heaven and He was born in Israel. John 6:v.38 - I came down from heaven not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me.

    In other hand, the prophetic birth of the person of Holy Spirit is not in Israel, its in a Gentile nation.His birth is within the body of Christ-the Church-and as JESUS said, he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that he speaks, he shall receive of mine, he shall take of mine.

    JESUS existed before the world was, the person of HS is the ancient of days
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    To everyone that has been following this conversation

    In Chris last point, he has a solid reasoning concerning the Scriptures that we now possess.

    Yet, none of the translations are 100% accurate, one says the meaning is this, & another says no, its this.

    Ephesians 4:5; & He's the John 1;1; is Christ divided? Look back in history & take note how much blood was shed because of this division of the Word. Is this not turning Christ words against His works. The Lord is One.

    Reading over the whole of our conversation, the intent I purpose to reveal was not the discrediting of the Scriptures, but that they are spiritually discerned. That man un-regenerated heart Jeremiah 17:9, would shun the cross & choose another method than ordain of God to know him. & lets keep in mind that the Scriptures are only 2Timothy 3:16; the Strong's Complete Exhausted Concordance, etc; is not! Though ever so skillfully endeavored. Man has turn this note worthy endeavor into a replacement of Him. The promise is that God will teach His people Himself, Isa 54:13; the results; we come to know Him, a personal intimate fellowship; 1John 1:1-3; This has been God's heart desire from the beginning & only by coming in the Way that He has provided will make this a reality, along with all His other promises. We must look to His Spirit John 16:13, Zechariah 4:6;

    In love & truth

    Frankie J
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    John 16:8 conclusions (for now).

    I thought it fitting to also point out how those in leadership will also be held accountable on this subject. There are few in ministry who will ask the congregation to pray for their needs; or who will openly acknowledge when they have done something amiss. Specifically; it is methodologies that are often held from worldly experience that are used to build up ministries; such as slick advertising campaigns. I prefer to hold to the seeker unfriendly camp; or perhaps what has been coined "your worst life now". Such advice is exemplified in Paul's harsh retort to the Corinthians who were living "like kings" at the time ( 1 Cor. 4:8). Sounds familiar; right? It would be wonderful to see the Gospel preached out of envy ( Philippians 1:15-16). That would be the case if the world was being turned "upside down" ( Acts 17:6); but in truth there are few that want to go down in a blaze of glory which the martyrdom at the time exemplified.

    Exhortation; or iron sharpening iron ( Prov. 27:17) is also becoming a rare art heading toward extinction. Sin may be covered by the blood; but undoubtably still can lead to death; at least as far as the body is concerned. Such is the case with 1 Corinthians 11:30. For us to not have some awareness of the Holy Spirit convicting us of sin after salvation ignores passages such as Galatians 5:17. It is easy to ignore the desires of the Holy Spirit in the contentious struggle and just focus on the struggle with the flesh; for conflict to occur evidence of the Spirit's sanctification must be present. Again; without such things all of our "good deeds" simply are a remake of our actions to satiate God to the best of our ability; without ceding control to the Lord's authority and power. His RIGHTEOUSNESS is the only way we are going to want to obey His commandments; the whole emphasis of Psalm 119 as an example. And the Bema Seat keeps us humble now; every action is judged ( 1 Cor. 3:13)
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    John 16:8

    The subject matter here is on sin; righteousness and judgment to come as the role of the Holy Spirit; and undoubtably I have made several postings on that subject. 1 John 4:3-5 is another fundamental precept as to the origin of a spirit; as well as verses involving the fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom.

    I would venture to say that often things seem to be backwards in given testimonies on the initial experiences with God or the Holy Spirit. A genuine conversion gives us a sort of "smackdown" in regard to us being enemies of God; which should occur when we realize that we have been heading to hell up until that point and that our sin NATURE is the real source of this enmity. Many like to tout about this sin or that sin but don't get to the source of the problem; namely a heart problem. This; of course simply substitutes one action for another; where we start living with a works based merit (whether we realize this fully or not).

    One wouldn't want to have a decayed; maggot filled month old steak; no matter how well it is carefully seasoned; prepared and cooked! We are all enemies of God; and only His atonement can bridge that gap and repair the damage. Running away from God or having some natural repulsion at first I would say is a better indicator of true faith of a real experience with Christ. His love; of course is understood as pure and Holy and righteous; but our desire to avoid consequences; and find some other remedy for our condition usually causes a desire to escape. Only when we understand our sin NATURE can we begin to accept our helpless; hopeless state.

    Judgment to come involves individual as well as national destinies. Much of the persecution of the Prophets came from these warnings; and a true messenger of God also is persecuted for the same. Hell is unpalatable but a necessary subject; as God's love is always balanced by justice. Thus; our love should grow during sanctification; not just be reactionary.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Richard,

    1Jn 1:8-10 explains the operations of John 16:8; & the exercises of Hebrews 5:13;14; when He convicts of sin or of righteousness, He bring these two seeds of thought within into judgment. The still small Voice of conscience that reproves us of sinful thoughts, words or actions, this is Grace Titus 2:11 / Light John 1:9 Christ spiritual appearance within our hearts, Ephesians 5:13; to 1 John 3:8; if rejected, His word has no place within us, & we call Him a liar & why? John 3:19,20; Rom 1:18,19; rejecting Him, we suppress the Truth in unrighteousness. Therefore we don't John 1:12; but if we receive His convictions, we received the power that comes with the conviction to become the sons of God, for the 1Cor 12:7; More insight of the Spirit operations within conscience, Rom 2:15;

    So there's a time when Holy Spirit comes to us as sinners, for Rom 3:23 & a time ( if we received His words ) repentance is granted & we're cleanse from all sin. 1 John 1:9; Titus 2:14; 2Cor 7:1; by the 1 Pet 1:23; = Light, becoming Matt 5:48; 1 Pet 1:15,16; for they that are 1Cor 6:17 & in Him 1 John 3:5; All by the working of Grace / Light / Spirit appearance within conscience.

    In Love & Truth

    Frankie J
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    2 of 3

    ..The salvation that Jesus offers is redemption from the sinful nature that resulted from the fall of Adam; Hebs 10:22 denotes cleansing of our conscience & bodies too! How can we draw near to Him as stated here if not possess here? its confirm by Rom 12:1; 1 Timothy 3:9 Paul had; Hebs 9:14 the dead works are our transgressions. It appears to me that all who reply to my original question, thinks that the body in & of itself is evil, when it's just a tabernacle, a vessel animated by the spirit & souls. Become born again by His Spirit & transformed by the renewing of our minds, meaning Philippians 2:5; 1 Cor 2:16 & everyone that has this hope, 1Jn 3:3 becomes a certainty, by the operations of the Grace of God, 1 Cor 12:7

    Rom 6:23 refer to being spiritually dead, as the whole of Rom 6 speaks of being dead unto sin & alive unto Christ. Your implying that all the writers of the Scriptures are hypocrites, pretending to be something their not, Scriptures declares otherwise 2 Pet 1:21 Do you really believe Holy Spirit would contradict Himself from commanding us to "sin not" God forbid, sin shall not have dominion over you, then in chapter 7, to continue in sin? This is not 2 Tim 2:15;

    Paul here is relating his struggles in the operations of sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience, he comes to the end of his rope of self efforts in which he walk in under the law, "blameless"! & now is learning the spiritual warfare of Ephesians 6:12; 2Cor 10:3-6, for mankind was overcome spiritually & must be redeem spiritually. He receive the revelation of the righteousness that is by faith, Rom 7:24; The Light; 2 Cor 4:6,7: The Word, Rom 10:8; The Law, Rom 8:2; The Spirit, Rom 8:11-13, John 16:13; & is not a lie. 1 John 2:27
  • Landry - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Your comment sums up antichrist.

    As David0921 said, there is only two kingdoms on earth, the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.

    The Kingdom of God of God is the Spirit of TRUTH, LIFE and LIGHT: CHRIST.

    The opposite of Christ is antichrist.

    The kingdom of Satan, the spirit of deception, death, and darkness.

    It's not ONE antichrist in that kingdom, it begins with ALL men.

    1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist; wherefore you have heard that it should COME, and even NOW already is it in the world.

    Most Christians confess that Christ came the first time in the flesh, FEW confess that he came the second time as the LIFE in the body of man.

    Christ is still on the earth in the FLESH, in YOU his body; YOU, sinful flesh DIED on the cross, ONLY Christ arose to indwell YOU, his flesh.

    John 16:8 And when he (the SPIRIT of Christ) is COME (Christ second coming as the Holy Ghost) HE (Christ) will reprove the WORLD OF SIN (unbelief).

    Colossians 1:27 ..... this mystery .... Christ in you ...... a NEW CREATION ......

    God bless you
  • Landry - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Brother Adam:

    What is man SAVED from?

    The wages of SIN is DEATH.

    What is SIN?

    Psalms 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

    Hebrews 10:16 And this is the covenant I will make with them, after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my LAWS in their hearts, and in their minds I will write them:

    Hebrews 10:17 And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.

    So what is the SIN that results in death.

    James 2:7 Do they not blaspheme thy Holy NAME by which ye are called?

    Revelation 13:6 And he open his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme HIS NAME ....

    John 16:8 And when HE (the Holy Ghost) is COME, he (the Holy Ghost) will reprove the world of SIN ....

    So what is SIN that leads to death? ....blasphemy of the Holy Ghost by whose NAME ye are CALLED.

    Acts 2:38 .....REPENT (of your beliefs) and be baptised in the NAME of Jesus ......

    John 16:9 Of SIN because the BELIEVE not on me (the promised SEED of God), the ROD that CAUSES man to do the WILL of God.

    Man does't BELIEVE that Christ came as SINFUL FLESH (you and I and all creation): and DIED on the cross.

    Three days later Christ ONLY arose; and all creation were joint heirs with Christ's resurrection, all creation bears the NAME of Christ, because they were made ONE with Christ, blaspheming that name leads to DEATH.

    The whole world is DEAD in sin (UNBELIEF).

    God bless you
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hiya Jema G/M.....I saw your post ty gbu..."let these sayings sink down into your hearts and ears".... Luke 9:44....But Jema this is the bridegroom speaking about his Seed, his living Words sown in our hearts and minds ( our ears).....Initiating a spritual pregnancy.....Even in the natural a bridegrooms Seed is alive....Not a written word....But a living Seed.....Thats y he wants to KNOW US so that he can sow his good seed in our hearts and Minds our Ears..... John 16:6 kjv..... b/c i have spoken these words (his godly seeds ) sorrows have filled your hearts....A woman when she is in travail has sorrows ( a pregnancy).....But after the Child comes her sorrows are turned into joy.....Our Child is the H.G. the Child of Promise....My lil Children of whom i travail in birth Again till Christ is formed in you... Gal 4:19.....Thats y he is saying that which is BORN of the spirit is spirit.....Which is the H.G. our Child of PROMISE....Why is the H.G. the Child of Promise ?...simply b/c the H.G. IS THE REGENERATION and MULTIPLICATION OF Christ via his precious seed THE LIVING WORD....Thats y he always refers to himslef as the son of man.....Simply b/c mankind is gona bring forth fruit unto God.....A baby Christ which is the H.G...K LEMME GO....Blessed are them that follow me in the Regeneration....
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Landry,

    We agree on Daniel 9:25-27 is a prophecy about the Messiah/Christ, the temple, Jerusalem, and Daniel's people, but the rest of your reply, our understandings are different, and I would not know how to reply, but to say a prayer for all of us. John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

    God bless,

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi 510.

    "The Lord has won the battle for us".

    You may not find it written like that in the scripture.

    However that fact to be true but the battle isn't over as long as we're in the world.

    Scripture records the end and all things will be made new.

    We still have our adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour as mentioned in 1 Peter 5:8.

    We also have this flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would as mentioned in Galatians 5:17.

    In John 16:33 Jesus says; "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world".

    Jesus said in John 18:36. "MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD:

    There's a heavenly kingdom yet to come!

    Today he's calling out a people unto himself.

    We were redeemed from this foreign cursed land by the precious blood of Christ as Peter mentioned in 1 Peter 1:17-19 as well as them of old who came before us as mentioned in Hebrews 11:13.

    With that being said we are to be ambassadors for Christ. One who goes to a foreign country to do the business of he who sent you,

    Satan is the prince of this world we live in.

    I hope this helps and perhaps others would like to add,

    God bless.
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    lemme ramble a bit about the just and the unjust....Jesus said that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit..... Romans 9:8.... Flesh and blood are not the Children of God.....Its only the Children of Promise that are counted for that GOOD SEED....Who are the Children of Promise?... They are the gift of God the H.G.....Which is born of the spirit in US via his good seed...The LIVING WORD NOT THE WRITTEN WORD....As faith comes by hearing his good seed the living word that initiates a spiritual pregnancy.....B/C I have spoken these living words sorrows have filled your hearts a spiritual pregnancy ....A woman when she is in travail has sorrows but after the CHILD ( The H.G.) is COME HER SORROWS are turned into Joy... John 16:20.....The H.G. is he that is born of the spirit...The gift of God....An Israel of God.. Gal. 16:6...She brought forth aman child that is gona rule all nations Rev. 12 :5 kjv.....Which is the H.G. as no man can call Jesus the Christ without the H.G. that living word....Which is that Child of Promise that is gona be born in you....Whosoever receiveth one such child in my name receiveth ME ME

    Its only the living word the H.G. that testifies of Jesus....When he the spirit of truth is come he will testify of me which is the H.G.... John 15:22....Thats y we must be born again of an incorruptible seed that liveth and abideth for ever as Peter said....The living word which is spirit and life.....

    ..... John 5:39 .Thats y Jesus is saying Search the scriptures the written words in them you think you have eternal life but it is only them that testifies of me....Which is the H.G. THE LIVING WORD, that spirit of truth that testifies of me....Which is that New Covenant that he gave us by his blood at Calvary....The book in the right hand of the father that Jesus wrote with his own blood.....Whosoever was not found written in this book of life was cast into the lake of fire...As our God is a consuming fire..H.G. fire..
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Church: Beyond five senses ( John 16:8).

    Sin; righteousness and judgment to come may not be the only function of the Holy Spirit but is essential. While a Word of Knowledge or Prophecy may be used to wake someone up; those filled with the Spirit and having their garments white and unspotted ( Ephesians 5:27 and other passages) who themselves are living with a healthy fear of the Lord will be noticed.

    Perhaps it would be better to intentionally make people UNcomfortable by bringing them to church; it should start with ourselves when we see others who are clearly sold out to Christ that at times may put us to shame.

    We know from the Word that it is the sin NATURE that is the root of all sorts of bad fruit causing behaviors (i.e. sinful actions). It seems rare today; along with the lack of fear of the Lord; "sloppy agape" as they call it for many to take seriously sin even after being genuinely saved. Discipline is needed; but of course the adage "we don't smoke; cuss; drink or dance" and other things to that affect aren't going to do anything against the power of sin. Legalism is dead by itself; along with the doing it "my way" adage. (Man all these quotes probably will get me flagged).

    Lest we wake up someday in many of our churches and realize that we are a motley crew without much in common with each other and decide to call it a day and move on; often we find ourselves in the same boring pattern of worship week after week.

    Once we realize how strange it is that we are; as it were His peculiar people we can understand how fellowship in the Spirit is supposed to work. It is easy to connect with the prettiest; smartest or most gifted orator in our congregation; or be more wrapped up in customs or even doctrinal knowledge than being in corporate worship of the LIVING God who ever lives to intercede for us ( Heb. 7:25 again).

    How to minister to others based on giftings and callings comes AFTER we get beyond focusing on just our five senses.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    The church beyond five senses: the spiritual realm (cont)

    Continuing the thought of the invisible realm (see John 20:29); we begin to understand the promises of God's protection of His saints ( Psalm 91:11; Isaiah 52:12) through the angels; we see how to correctly "bind and loose" ( Matt. 16:19); how to align more closely to what Christ is interceding in our behalf in seeking His will ( Heb. 7:25); and of course see those in bondage loosed from Satan's grip ( Luke 4:18-19) taken from Isaiah 61:1.

    Those who love Him keep His commandments ( John 14:21) and originally found in Deuteronomy 7:9. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom ( Proverbs 9:10 but found many other places in scripture).

    For a case study; let us examine 1 Corinthians 14:22-25 where we have tongues and prophecy as applying to unbelievers in one verse then switch to believers in the next verses. This means that evidence of the power of God needs to be present AND a clear message relatable to the sinner or saint present given. In reality there cannot be a supernatural manifestation of the Spirit WITHOUT a piercing of the soul ( Hebrews 4:12) that is of course accompanied by the Gospel as the rest of the verse indicates. It also shows how a church must be corrected as He chastises all His own (found further on in Hebrews 12 verse 6).

    The fact that some spiritual activity is occuring isn't evidence that God is at work; it could be demons. The fact that this was still a place where His Spirit was at work was evident in the fact that Paul's severe discipline had results; and that right quick (as the Brits like to say). This is clear from chapter 7 of 2 Corinthians. As I started off this discourse; I mentioned the Ephesians. They were threatened with total removal of their candlestick in Revelation 2. Therefore; being dead would be worse than immature; even with all the correct doctrines and outer actions; ceremonies; etc.

    John 16:8 shows how the true Spirit of God works.
  • Landry - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen brother Pierre1939"

    The new covenant; the living word in YOU, the LIFE of Christ in YOU.

    The Spirit of God; known as the Holy Ghost, the ONE and ONLY life in YOU.

    John 16:8 And when the HOLY GHOST (the spirit of truth) is COME, the second coming of Christ like a thief in the night, in YOU. The Holy ghost will REPROVE the world of SIN ......

    John 8:9 Of SIN because the don't BELIEVE on me (MY WORDS) .....

    The blood of Christ covers ALL SIN; rightly dividing God's word (judgement) leads to TRUTH.

    Proverbs 16:6 BY MERCY and TRUTH, iniquity (unbelief, sin) is PURGED .....

    These words are for the readers, I know you have already been baptised into these truths.

    God Bless You!
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Heaven Intro conclusion.

    In conclusion to my introduction on matters such as heaven and hell; I will say that I am confined here to whatever the moderators deem necessary parameters. I could eliminate specific examples or references from my personal life or others I have researched if it is needed to better focus on the Word itself. As I just stated in my last introduction posting; there is nothing against scripture to be tolerated; and I will also say not to ADD to it. These are not as the audience is probably aware an attempt to add to "thus saith the Lord" or the 66 books of the Bible. If I ever present something that is clearly not scriptural then I would be the first one to want to be rebuked. On such matters as the Holy Spirit; for example I have tried to emphasize the focus of a John 16:8 mentality. I also promise to try my hardest to find error and expose it whenever it comes to anybody's testimony from their personal lives; or even my own viewpoints. As to my posting on hell; I hope the verses Mr. Weise quoted come even close to anyone else as to scriptural knowledge; as with any other subject such as heaven. I will dogmatically say that there is no room for the soul sleep theory and that is found with the difference in the Hebrew word for the grave (qeber) vs for the abode of the dead (sheol). I believe we can perceive through discernment into the spiritual realm; again Mr. Weise did not have an NDE or die and he stated as such. There are those who claim that they were clinically dead for some time; certainly a few of these cases can be proven true. It would seem some insight into that dimension would be seen at that point; sans a final destiny and judgment being that they are able to come back.

    Anyway as to heaven; of course many of the same issues come up which are errors such as the five things mentioned in my last hell posting. There is less on the subject in scripture it would appear than on hell; but I will glean what I can
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hey Jimbob gbu my man....Yes i will gladly show you a scripture that proves that Jesus is not the written word ( the scriptures)... John 5:39....Jesus says search the SCRIPTURES ( the written words ) in them you think that you have Eternal life...But it is only them that testifies of me....Which are the living words....When he the spirit of truth is come he will testify of me John 16:13 John... 15:26...which is the H.G. THE LIVING WORD....That book in the right and of the father....THE BOOK OF LIFE....LIVING WORDS..The CHILDREN OF PROMISE..Jimbob if Eternal life were in the written words the bible....Then Jesus shed his blood in vain and the cross was just foolishness....God has something much greater for his ppl then just a bible...A KINGDOM....Peter said where shall we go lord thou has the words of eternal life....which is that book in the right hand of the father that Jesus wrote with is own blood...But without Calvary the Cross there wd NOT have been a book of life of living words, living seeds to multiply Christ in humanity the seeds of the sower are the result of the book of life....Written words the bible cd not accomplish what Jesus did at Calvary....Hope you see this Jim...My words are spirit and life Jesus....That good seed is the living words of God...The Wheat is a baby Christ a living being....Simply b/c the sower of that good seed is Christ the bridegroom....Thats y he has to know us....Child is th H.G..

    Jesus plainly tells us no man can come unto me unless my father that has sent me draw him...which is the living word the H.G....The contents of that book of life in the right hand of the father...The book of life....The woman in Rev. 12:5 does not give birth till the book of life is opened....Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child ( the H.G.) you will in NO WISE enter there in....Her Child is the H.G. the spirit of truth that is gonna reprove this whole world of Sin.Righteousness and Judgement a living being that has to be born in us....
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hiya Gi-Gi Gbu sweety..Lemme try to talk to you a min.... Romans 7:4 You are dead to the law by the body of Christ that you should be married to another even Christ Jesus the living word...That you should bring forth FRUIT unto God...GiGi we don't wanna be married to paper and ink Our bridegroom is Christ Jesus which is God Spirit and life...We cannot bring forth fruit unto God by reading the bible the written word a killer....As 2 Cor. 3:6 is telling us He has made able ministers of the New Covenant...Not of the letter but of the spirit...The letter is a killer but the spirit gives life..Jesus is not the author of a killer but of the spirit...Which is that book in the right hand of the father..That book of life is the N.C....GiGi we need to birth a baby Christ that Child of Promise but the bible does not have that good seed.... Mat. 13:37....Jesus says its only the son of man that soweth the good seed which is his VOICE the living Word...The bible cannot sow that good seed...simply b/c its spirit and life....the bible is just paper and ink a nite light...We cannot bring forth fruit unto God by reading the bible....Even in the natural a woman cannot get pregnant by reading a book...And we need to birth the Child which is the H.G. the Child of Promise the good FRUIT...Thats y he is saying b/c i have spoken these words ( his seed living words) sorrows have filled your hearts... John 16:13...A woman when she is in travail has sorrows but after the Child comes her sorrows are turned into Joy...The Child is the H.G. that Child of Promise...But the woman cannot get pregnant by reading a book ( the bible)...the written words....My words are spirit and life...We need to know our husband who has living seed...Our fruit the Child is very important....Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....The woman in Rev.12 does not receive the Kingdom till she births the Child...Whosoever receiveth one such child in my name receives ME...GBU.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago

    We are sealed by the Spirit.

    Ephesians 4:30.

    Here's the contrast to that.

    Matthew 13:19-23. When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.

    But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it;

    Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.

    He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.

    But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

    The Holyspirit spirit reveals the truth of God and takes the truth and seal it.


    John 16:12-15. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

    He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    Here in John 16:30-32 we have a picture of the disciples belief shattered after Jesus was crucified.

    But after they were sealed they preached boldly!!

    Look at their condition in Matthew 28:16-17.

    Ephesians 1:13.

    God bless.
  • Pierre1939 - 1 year ago
    The H.G. has to be born in us via the seed of Jesus which are his living words...As my words are spirit and life impling there is a baby Christ in his words which is the H.G. our new hearts and new spirit...A kingdom...Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit...which is the H.G.... A Child of Promise from his good seed sown in our hearts...They don't refer to Jesus as the bridegroom for nothin....He wants to know us....He wants to multiply himself in humanity as the field is the world...That good seed is in his voice thus today if you will hear his voice (the good seed ) harden not your hearts....There is a kingdom in his seed the living word.... Mark 4:26....The Kingdom of God will come as a man who sows seed in his field...But the wheat is a baby christ simply b/c the Sower of that good seed is Christ the bridegroom....She brought forth a manchild which is the H.G.....That is gonna rule all nations with his rod of iron...That spirit of truth that is gonna reprove this whole world of sin and judgement and righteousness... John 16:8 kjv....But he cannot speak of himself for a season simply b/c he is just a new born babe in us desiring the sincere milk of the word....Thats y Jesus said that which is BORN of the spirit is spirit....Kings shall be your nursing father and queens shall be your nuring mothers....Men and women are gonna birth a Baby Christ in their hearts....Jeremiah saw all men in travail and birth pains Jeremiah 30:6....27 times in the O.T. The prophets saw all the world in travail and birth pains....The H.G. is a baby Christ the kingdom...Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil child you will in no wise enter there in....When he breathe on them he was propagating a Baby Christ the son of man....The H.G....Is the Granson....Simply b/c the H.G. cannot be born in us without the seed of Jesus ...Thats y Isaiah refers to Jesus as everlasting father he is the father of the H.G....The H.G. can only be born in us via seed of Jesus.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    A messenger of Satan

    When looking at the life of Paul ( 2 Cor. 12:17) or that of Job (focusing on chapter 1 and 2 with ramifications through the rest of the book) we see how Satan was actively interfering with and causing suffering for two great men of God. As we know Peter also was given thoughts from Satan ( Mark 8:33); and I recently brought up how that was very soon after something was revealed directly from the Holy Spirit; namely Christ's Divinity ( Matt. 16:17).

    These verses give us two major concepts to ponder; first that those who are truly serving the Lord are going to be attacked; and secondly that in a way as a part of the suffering promised to us ( 2 Timothy 3:12) we can be assured that we are one of His own.

    That ties into the series I am planning to put forth on assurance of salvation; but I am going to focus on this theme for a moment. I believe that it is fundamental in understanding Ephesians 6:12 and in general to how spiritual oppression and attacks shouldn't be ignored as what we will experience. In fact; all those who oppose us are more or less in league with the god of this world ( 2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Peter 4:12-19).

    Okay; I am going to pursue this one avenue (I prevaricated above). Satan is the accuser of the brethren ( Rev. 12:10). Since He often begins with the mind dangling the carrot of temptations and the like; then accusing us when we succumb to it brings thoughts that we have of being lost; unworthy; or an overall fear as a result of his minions affecting us. We need to differentiate between a Holy Spirit conviction of John 16:8 and that of our accuser. Also; when we sin and don't seek forgiveness Satan acts as a usurper with the legal authority we have opened up and this is allowed by the Lord oftentimes to buffet us. There is a difference between embracing a lifestyle of sin and momentary lapses. Remember that worldly sin brings death; Godly sorrow leads to repentance. ( 2 Cor. 7:10).
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Gi-Gi Gbu...love ya....But all the explaining in the world cannot change the scriptures....Rev.11:15...The kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdoms of our lord and his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever...There is no scripture that can change this...And many more that tells us His kingdom is gona be right here on this earth...

    .....And you said that this earth is too sinful for his kingdom to be here ...But you are not realizing what Jesus said....In John 16:8 kjv..When he the Spirit of truth is come ( the H.G. the manchild the kingdom ) he will reprove the world of sin and judgement and righteousness....Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....She brought forth a manchild that is gonna rule all Nations....All Nations is indicative of this beautiful earth...

    .....There is nothing wrong with this beautiful Earth that the blood of the lamb did not fix...@ Calvary...A new heart and a new spirit is all mankind needs...As being born again of his incorruptible seed ... Isaiah 62 :22kjv ...As the New heaven and the New earth shall remain so shall your SEED and NAME remain...Which is the seed of the sower that is gona form Christ in us, The H.G. his name sake the Kingdom....Which is our New heart and New spirit...Gi-Gi Always remember God so loved the world ( humanity) that he gave his only begotten son....And the gift of the H.G....The Promise is that Kingdom as the Kingdom of God is not in meat or drink but in joy and peace and righteousness in the H.G. Romans 14:17 kjv

    ....Gi-Gi stay away from other bibles like the NSAB, OR Concordences and Church comentaries They can make the bible say anything....Thats y there are a approx. 20,000 different Churches and religions on every corner....They all have their big Concordences but none of them believe the same....The scriptures plainly tells the Anointing you have received of him ...will teach you all things...You need no man teach you 1 st John 2:27 kjv only
  • Donna Stephens - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Brother SSpencer;

    I quoted scripture, is scripture a false witness, the name at the top of the page is not the one speaking.

    Is scripture deception, or is the carnal mind the one that deceives.

    John 16:8 And when he (the spirit of truth) is come, he will reprove the world of SIN

    Do you believe he (the spirit of truth) will reprove THE WORLD of SIN?

    You know he has eternity, is that long enough to reprove the world of sin?

    If you believe man has to accept God's gift of his own self, then your don't really believe we are saved by grace and not works of ourself.

    Ezekiel 36:27 And I will put my spirit IN YOU and CAUSE YOU to walk in my statues, and ye will keep my judgements, and DO THEM.

    One of his statutes is to BELIEVE his words, Now, is he CAUSING you to believe, or is you carnal mind rebelling against his word.

    Philippians 2:13 For it is God that WORKETH IN YOU both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.

    These are not my words.

    Is it sin not to believe his words, is he going to REPROVE the WORLD of SIN?

    God Bless you, my brother in Christ.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Concluding thoughts for now on Rapture and reasons for it; as well as Tribulation saints commentary

    My proposition is that the final revival or as Joel 2:23 is basically attained in the "signs and wonders" environment which the rest of Joel and much of the O.T. discuss for the end times. As I have stated numerous times of late by the sixth seal ALL will know about God AND Christ on the throne. ( Rev. 6:12-17). This proves judgments of God clearly are poured out with comprehension by all those on earth at the time. Therefore; the Gospel as preached now will be unnecessary; Christ and God will be on one side; and Satan; the False Prophet and Antichrist on the other side. It would appear that with the woman riding the Beast the first part of the Tribulation the false Babylon one world religion will be the primary killers ( John 16:2; which appears to have particular emphasis on those in Israel at that time). Later on; of course the Antichrist destroys the religion and probably one of the headquarters by fire ( Rev. 17:16). I will state that those who are destroyed are naked; and that seems to parallel Revelation 16:15 as well as the fate of the Laodiceans. It appears a remnant will survive most of the Tribulation who don't step out in faith but also hide out from being forced to take the Mark.

    The aforementioned verses and others such as similar sounding events in the seal; trumpet and bowl judgments which make us question not just the timing of the Rapture but other events I am not planning to go into a detailed analysis at present. I will state that just because things are hard to understand we shouldn't just place symbolic interpreteations on them; most believers don't with the already fulfilled prophecies when Christ came the first time so we shouldn't do so now with future events. There is as many are aware a time for "Jacob's trouble" or Daniel's 70th Week ( Jeremiah 30:17; Daniel 9:24-27) which seem to indicate the seven years to purge Israel.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Tammy. If I might ask a couple of questions: you wrote, "If a person takes the time to read the opening of the seals....(this is during the tribulation)...", are you referring to the Great Tribulation? Or, is the "opening of the seals" a part of the tribulations & trials we might all face each day ( John 16:33)? It's important to clarify the difference, as it can get confusing as to what someone is understanding when the word 'tribulation' is mentioned. Thank you.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Part 4.

    One technical point about the lampstand is of interest: It was a lightholder. The olive oil lamps were placed upon the lampstand. The lampstand supported the flame, but the flame revealed the beauties of the golden lampstand. The olive oil lamp is a scriptural symbol of the Holy Spirit. The analogy is striking. Christ sent the Holy Spirit into the world and He supports the Holy Spirit in His work, but the Holy Spirit takes the things of Christ and reveals them unto believers. As the olive oil lamps were supported by the lampstand and they in turn revealed the beauties, thus Christ is the foundation and support for the work of the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit in turn reveals the things of Christ (see John 16:12-15).

    The lampstand gave light in the Holy Place - it not being possible for natural light to penetrate there. The priest inside walked by divine light, and he had to go outside for natural light. True worship today is in spirit and truth; it is where the Spirit takes the things of Christ and reveals Him unto the believers. Walking by the light of reason, intellect, science, or the golden rule may be fine and proper for the natural man, but these never lead the soul into the place of fellowship with God. Natural light is the extent of these, and by virtue of the appeal to the natural man, they are indeed dazzling. The moths are attracted, and the light that draws them is their destruction. But the true worshipers behold only Christ, and this is never discerned by the natural man without the aid of the Holy Spirit. The beauties of Christ are never beheld by the natural man but are revealed only by the Holy Spirit.

    See part 5.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Brother Jesse

    There's a lot being said in those scriptures and also these!

    John 15:18-21.

    If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.


    Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

    But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.

    They hated the Lord without a cause!! They hated him for telling the truth! John 8:42-47.

    Galatians 4:16-20.

    John 15:26.

    John 16:12-15.

    It shouldn't be surprising when we see hatred from the world and those of the world gravitate toward one of the other and those that are Christ gravitate toward one another!

    Here's why!

    John 15:17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.

    John 4:20-21.

    If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

    And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

    1 John 2:3-11.

    If Christ spirit doesn't CAUSE you to Love one another then perhaps the world spirit and the father of lies stand in the way.

    When the Spirit of truth is taken out of the way then the father of lies will be revealed.

    God bless.
  • Free - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Vickie Rodriguez on Acts 2. When the Holy Spirit comes to you and you are to pray, praise it may come differently depending on what kind of person you are or. We rejoice with those who are happy. We weep with those who mourn. After all, we change our mood according to what is needed. After all, he does nothing that will hurt, destroy you or other people. Always proceed in that way, He comes in and with peace. A great joy can trigger the Holy Spirit. Likewise, He will always be close to you whether in sorrow or joy. You can ask Him to come to you, and He will always come and be close to you. John 16:17 He loves that we need Him. He lives in our hearts those of us who believe in Jesus Christ. For your own part, keep your heart above all. For it is there you will find the Lord in our days. Not with gaps and screams in different parish house. He comes with peace. And always be ready and go out before the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The problem with that is that most people don't lack anything in the current situation.

    I took the temerature on it the other day. And sat down to give a glass of water to people passing by. No one even needed water. How, then, can they lack and understand that they lack a thing SALVATION. But one thing they welcome is God's Word, the Bible. So there's a way to evangelize here for now. Hope you understand what I mean. And always be on the Lord's side He will help you in all situations if you ask Him. Much Good luck. And never give up, He does not give up us. Stay close to the Lord everyday in the Bible. Love u in Christ. Matthew 1 chapter

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