For a Christian, when we are born again our flesh dies. " Our natural independency or self reliance." for lack of a better description.
We have nothing credible to offer God of ourselves to present anything righteous.
Romans 8:2-10.
Right away we see a contrast of the two in the term alone.
Romans 8:11-13.
Fruit is attached to a branch and that branch is attached to a vine! The vine gives it life. That life saved and sanctified us. ( Not just Positionally but transitionally.) It changed us! John 15:1-5.
Romans 8:11-13.
Work/efforts of the flesh is dead works unattached and no ability to produce anything that pleases God.
John 15:5. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING.
Dr. J. Vernon McGee, gives us some practical help in our choices that transform our character.
So what is the fruit of walking with God? Let's go straight to the orchard and examine the fruit that is in the life of the believer.
Jesus said, "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." - John 15:4, 5
If you were not raised in the country, you may not know that in every fruit orchard, there is always something else that tries to overcome the fruit. In nature, slugs and bugs and stinkweeds all attempt to crowd out the fruit. And in the life of the believer, there are always things that will attempt to crowd out the fruit of the Spirit. In other words, it's quite possible that the weeds grow and the fruit will not be produced. Paul spoke of that very thing in Galatians 5:17.
Fierce opposition may be something in this country that we are not normally accustomed to but one has to ask why in light of 2 Timothy 3:12-17; John 15:18-21; 2 Corinthians 11:26 etc.
Perhaps I made this statement earlier in the Psalms discussion; but we need to distinguish between unconditional love and the fact that "enemies" still exist. Romans 5:10 and apparently 29 other verses show that indeed we all are enemies of God prior to our conversion; hence all unregenerate remain in that state.
There is something to be said for the O.T. times when the mindset was more "an eye for an eye"( Exodus 21:24). In terms of today; Christ demonstrated no personal condemnation for a particular individual; but He certainly spent chapters excoriating the Pharisees and others which caused multiple attempts at His life along the constant persecution.
Again as I stated in other Psalms regarding David's multiple hiding periods from Saul he showed respect for him by preserving his life multiple times when he could have ended it; and also he mourned over his death when the Lord finally made Saul reap what he sowed. When someone tries to kill you 21 times as Saul was said to do (not to mention other enemies of his); then we can understand a desire to see justice. Christ alluded to judgment with unbelief among the places that had seen mighty works such as Matthew 11:21 (the "woe to you" term was also used with the Pharisees).
Individual judgment to come or the fate of nations is not something we should gloss over. We as watchmen are responsible to sound the alarm ( Isaiah 52:8 and other verses in Jeremiah; etc). In evangelism warning of a national fate seems to be generally disregarded as opposed to warning individuals as to the wrath to come. I can't see studying how Christ preached that it can be ignored. We can study scripture and history to see how Isaiah and Jeremiah for instance were martyred for such messages.
Hello Peggy. You could look up the following Scriptures on Jesus Christ's Deity (i.e. God's fullness found in Jesus ( Colossians 2:9) & in His Holy Spirit). Jesus' Deity is proved by:
a. His Names: Hebrews 1:8, John 20:28 (God); Matthew 16:16, Matthew 26:61-65 (the Son of God); Matthew 22:41-46 (Lord); Revelation 19:13 (Word of God); Revelation 19:16 (King of kings and Lord of lords).
b. His Characteristics: Matthew 28:18 (Omnipotence: all powerful); Luke 6:8, John 2:24,25, John 13:11 (Omniscience: all knowing); Matthew 18:20 (Omnipresence: present in any place); John 1:4 (Life); John 14:6 (Truth); Hebrews 13:8 (Immutability: unchanging); 1 Timothy 3:16, John 1:1-14 (God manifest in the flesh in Jesus).
c. His Works: John 1:3, Colossians 1:16 (creates); Colossians 1:17 (sustains); Luke 7:48,49 (forgives sin); John 11:41-44 (raises the dead); John 5:27 (judges); John 15:26 (sends the Holy Spirit).
d. His receiving Worship: Hebrews 1:6 (from angels); Revelation 5:11-13 (from other heavenly beings); Matthew 14:33 (from men); Philippians 2:10 (from all).
e. His equality within the Triune God: John 14:23, John 10:30-33 (with the Father); Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14 (with the Father and the Spirit).
I hope you can see from these few Scriptures that Jesus was not just a special Man or Prophet sent by God, but truly was "God manifested in the flesh". No other man before Jesus' coming, during, or after His leaving this Earth, could ever fully reflect God's Glory, Wisdom & Power. Only God could - and He did this by sending us His Word, made Him a Man, so that He could give His Life as full payment for our sins - but only to those who believe this & place their trust in Him. To some, the 'Trinity' teaching is abominable. But man's salvation depends on the Divine Person of the Lord Jesus Christ - that God could accept no other Sacrifice to redeem & secure people to Himself - only by giving fully of Himself, which is true love for all.
"You shall love the LORD your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind."
First you must understand what kind of love Jesus is talking about...
In English, there's pretty much just one word for love, but the Greek language distinguishes four different kinds of love... Philia, Eros, Storge and Agape. They all have a beautiful description of different kinds of love and understanding each is a sure way to help improve your relationship with the Lord your God. Compartmentalizing love into different categories will help you to examine yourself and determine if you're showing the Lord your God enough love. Here Jesus is talking about agape love
It is the selfless, unconditional type of love that helps people to forgive one another, respect one another, and serve one another, day in and day out. It is the highest level of love you can offer. It is given without any expectations of receiving anything in return. Offering this type of love is a decision to love in any circumstance... including destructive situations. It is a love that responds calmly when faced with difficulties, sacrificing without complaining, and waiting patiently. This type of love is selfless and is for the preservation of relationships. It is a love that involves feeling so much love for someone that you always put them before yourself. It is agape love!
To achieve this kind of love you must abide in Him and He in you... and keep His commandments
The first fruit of the Spirit is Love... John 15:4-5... This is the first and great commandment... Matthew 22:37-40
The Lord commanded; If you love me...Keep my Commandments.
In loving the Lord,what does it mean to love?
In continuing the scripture which you have been meditating upon.
38] This is the first and great commandment.
[39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
[40] On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
It seems like keeping his commandments is the Love your neighbour..
But what does it mean to " keep " his commandments.
Many of the Preachers of this day will say that it is to do, perform, pertain to what the Lord commands.
But I believe it to be something more intimate and sweet.
The Law was our schoolteacher, to show us that we could not and therefore can not fulfill all the law, because our heart is darkened, evil and corrupt with sin.
John 2:24 But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,
25 And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.
Thus I believe "keeping" his commandments it to rather Love his commandments, as loving the Lord.
If we remember what the Gospel of John had stated when the Lord was about to lay down his life for us. He prayed unto the Father that we would abide in him and he in us as he abode within the Father.
Joh 17:23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.
John 15:4-5
4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
To love him with all your heart, soul and strength is to abide in him...just as you have been the whole week which you thought upon such inhabit the word of God as he inhabits you.
Ephesians 1:13-14 states that we are sealed withe Spirit unto the day of redemption. Notwithstanding this; it is not a mere verbal statement that assures salvation. Therefore to those TRULY born again; indeed they are saved in a "once saved always saved" way. We all have as evidence of genuine faith a need to REPENT (turn from sin); but God actually GIVES us the desire to repent through the GIFT of repentance ( Acts 5:31; etal). It is more doctrinally sound to say that GOD elects or chooses those who will become adopted sons or inherited into the Kingdom ( Colossians 1:13; Romans 8:22-23). We must confess with our mouths; of course but that comes along with belief in the heart ( Romans 10:9). Those who are saved because they LOVE God they keep His commandments ( John 14:15). Those who are saved will bear fruit ( John 15:2). The surrounding scriptures and parable of the sower show that a person must pass through the temptations of the world and be proven to be true sons ( Hebrews 12:8). Those who are true believers are chastised as He does with all those He loves. The fruit of the Spirit eventually manifests; and God continues to prune (or sanctify) us to produce MORE fruit. The others fall away eventually to the world; flesh and devil; only God can save us from ourselves and these forces which are blinding those who don't know the Lord ( 2 Cor. 4:4).
The 10 Commandments therefore are still in force today; but we are unable to follow with the MORE stringent matters of the heart which only again comes from the Spirit. Without this there is an outward obedience only. The only thing which has changed is the Sabbath Day; and I would say that Matthew 12:8 answers this by placing Sunday as the day of rest. This is also the only command that was peculiar to the nation of Israel; rather than universal law which clearly as shown with John the Baptist in matters of divorce holding for pagans as well. Other ceremonial rules changed with Peter's vision in Acts 10.
The first 3 verses echoing the famous song on the subject by a popular band shows how seemingly prophetically those who patiently wait upon the Lord will be raptured (v. 2); and then many will see and fear. We also see a "new song" in verse 3; arguably part of the song which other saints are singing in glory.
The next two verses show the great grace and innumerable works that God has wrought. We do well to heed to the second part of verse 4 on not turning away from TRUST in God and toward the lies of this world. Such is the fate of many professing Christians today. Verse 7 was a prophetic quotation about Christ mentioned in the Book of Hebrews. Verses 8 and 10 apply to the Messiah as well. Verse 11 could apply to David or Christ; but we can only place verse 12 as something applying to David. For any true believer God reveals sin and like an onion being peeled; systematically more and more of our old nature is exposed and revealed as time goes on.
As we continue from verses 6 through 10 we see the personal importance of God's grace to David himself (after two unpardonable death sentence actions of adultery and being complicit in murder with the Bathsheeba and Uriah the Hittite incident).
The rest of the Psalm could apply to David or Christ. The fact that Christ was "poor and needy" certainly seems to contradict the health and wealth gospel of today. His was not a self righteous martyrdom complex. The creator of the universe came as a servant to die for His enemies to make us His adopted sons. There are many today who make a name for themselves (often quite literally) with their name or ministry in bold print. To be a "man of sorrows" ( Isaiah 53:3) is certainly not popular; nor verses that say that if they persecuted me they will persecute you ( John 15:18-21). The resurrection and the life start now when His life is seen in true servants of God who have a "humble and contrite spirit" ( Psalm 51:17). Only His sacrifice brings life.
The world hated Jesus first. I'm really concerned about the world currently, because people are exchanging truth for lies as the shinier more appealing object of their affection. Truth seems unpopular in current times- this is hard to see unfold as I used to have hope for a brighter future.
Something to watch for is Jude 1:4. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
This was going on in Jude's day and have certainly excelled in our day. " For there are certain men crept in unawares".
How do they creep in? craftiness? PERHAPS MULTIPLE NAME CHANGES. What is their purpose? Hender the spiritual growth of the believer by their false doctrine?
They seem to agree with you on topics such as the trinity and other topics "even though they give an unorthodox description of it once examined closely".
They come in all shapes form and fashions.
Let's deal with those who Spiritualizes ALL the scripture and in doing so these particular views devalue the blood shed on the cross and the love God displayed in offering his beloved son. ( John 3:16.)
Also, John 15:13. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
This means nothing if there are no consequences to "NOT' receiving Christ, if there is no hell and everyone goes to heaven no matter what you have done in this lifetime! "This is according to their doctrine"
HOW IS THE LOVE OF GOD DISPLAYED ON THE CROSS IF IT WAS UNNECESSARY? Judas, Hitler, Putin, Murderers, Thieves, etc., etc. gets in Heaven anyway!
This particular person also holds the view that we all become as Gods with their incorrect spiritualizing of the text.
It's also interesting to see some support a view without understanding it or holding the same viewpoints. The only thing they have in common is multiple name changes.
Chris gave a good answer, I'd like to add to the discussion. Please note the verse right before, Jeremiah 29:11, Jeremiah 29:10, sometimes we want GOD to change our situations "right now", sometimes HE does, but I believe this promise, is for GOD's people when we need the encouragement for the troubled times & endurance in longer seasons. Notice in Daniel, he & his companions had went through many difficult moments but GOD in miraculous ways delivered them, protected them & even encouraged them. I believe it was after Daniel was thrown in the lions den that he fasted & humbly prayed about the promise made in Jeremiah 29:10,11, Daniel 9:1,2,3, still waiting on that promise of 70 years,
note Daniel 6:1,2,3, (for why I place the timing, seemingly after lions den) the noted scriptures referring to about Daniel's encouragement, & companions, some say "the greater the trial the greater the miraculous": Daniel 1:8,9,17, Daniel 2:12,13,17,23Daniel 3:12-27, Daniel 4:19,24,25, Daniel 5, Daniel 6:7,10,16,22,28, Daniel 9:23, Daniel 10:11,12,18, Daniel 11:1,
Luke 10:19, there are moments that are painful but when we look at Salvation, the pruning, witness to strengthen the Body of Believers, then we realize it didn't "hurt us".
I hope these scriptures give you strength & hope= 1Peter 4:12,13, 2Corinthians 1:3-7, John 15:1-2, 1Corinthians 4:5, 2Corinthians 3:2, Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:3, 2Timothy 2:10, Psalms 30:5,
Endure even undue trials= 2Timothy 2:3, 2Timothy 4:5, remember Timothy was with Paul in ministry during persecution. 1Peter 2:19, Mark 13:13, James 5:10,11,
If we wish to separate those "would be" believers who desire to go to heaven but have no compulsion to serve God from those who already are His bondservants and just would be continuing what they started to practice here on earth we can evaluate their love for God and obedience to obey His commandments ( John 14:15). There are many shallow; foolhardy and at times downright blasphemous concepts of "love" today which permeate much of Christendom; particularly in the "music industry". The concept of obedience because of love seems a foreign concept today; especially in our nation. How many social issues could be deflected if that were the case of more children in their family upbringing for their parents today? Surely; there is more to His love than us being bondservants; as He calls us "friends." ( John 15:15 in the very next verse!) To serve to the length of our own hurt is surely seen in Christ's ministry; not the least of which of course was the crucifixion and all the sufferings beforehand. We often neglect the extent of the rest of His public ministry; where He wasn't even able to mourn the death of John the Baptist; despite making a deliberate attempt at retreat to be alone in a desert place with His chosen few. ( Matthew 14:13). While the Son of Man came to serve and not be served ( Mark 10:45) while on earth; He is certainly worthy to serve and exalt for all eternity for what He did for us. For Him to lift Himself up is not sinful like with the rest of His Creation.
True; there are "pleasures for evermore at His right hand" ( Psalm 16:11). This has to be balanced with the rest of our reverent service toward Him. The shallow; sentimental emotional "love" is at best a tepid version of the Spirit; at worst just a hyped up emotional mindset which is of the world; or comes from occult persuasion. Our emotions; mind; and soul must be incorporated into worship of God ( Mark 12:30).
Sorry for such a delay, I'm not getting my notices to my email. I think I have som updating to do.
Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, This is to be present in a believers life for the ministry. If a person have this in his life he will be more effectual in his ministry.
John 15:11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
This Joy spoken of here is not what you can manifest on your own.
This comes to a believer abiding in Christ.
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. John 15:4.
The Psalmist says in Psalms 20:4-5
we are to have joy in thy salvation.
This reminds me of Romans 8:28-35
This a lot to be joyful about.
However sometimes we will encounter sadness but even in sadness we have joy in Christ!
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5.
So true, the wonderful works of God. What Jesus said in John 15:12-14, many things were going on in 1971, there was a song that came out, I'm sure Jesus was not the focus, but it hits a button, you may know it, if not it is You've got a friend by Carol King.
Praise the LORD for all on this forum. It is great to read of all the comments and different view points and the general discussions. This particular chapter brings to mind of our own peculiar circumstances now in 2022. No matter what we are going through, the LORD knows who each and every one of us are in HIM.
When we come out of it, as the children of Israel did come out of Egypt, we will be numerous and "spiritually" wealthy in then LORD JESUS CHRIST. I am encouraged to watch my LORD work on our behalf, as we carry out HIS commission. Matthew 28: 18-20; John 15:7,8; 1 John 5:14
May our leaders find mercy, grace and faith in GOD'S salvation and lean on HIS wisdom and direction. Proverbs 3: 3-13
Let us stand together in CHRIST our LORD and pray diligently for the peace of Jerusalem as well our own nation. Ps 122:6; 1 Timothy 2:1-4
GOD to shine HIS face on all who worship and praise HIS Holy Name.
My comment is that salvation is conditional whether people believe it or not, because its what the Bible says. It's full of calls to action and challenging us to change our behavior. Most people will not be saved Matthew 7:13. Salvation is with grace but is only for believers/followers- a choice that each person must make. One way to summarize this action appears to be genuine belief and faith in Jesus Christ. John 3:16. That is an action and choice.
So, if someone does not believe, one can presume the unbeliever will not be saved. This already "offends" a lot of people, because some want to justify themselves in their own mind while doing the bare minimum they assume God wants. Some have been deceived into believing obeying God is "bad." But believing is only one of many action verbs the Bible challenges us to do. Other actions fall under this category of genuine active belief and following Jesus too. All these verses in the Bible are true and are equally important. Some like to cherry pick one, but ignore others and assume they don't apply, but they all apply and are true and are God's word.
John 3:16
follow Jesus:
John 8:12
deny himself:
Luke 9:23
Romans 10:9
Ephesians 2:8
Romans 10:17
repent and be baptized:
Acts 2:38
keep commandments:
John 15:10
Matthew 22:37-40
There are many more. Some falsely assume by obeying God they are doing 'works' and that is 'bad', therefore, obeying God is 'bad'. No, that's not what the Bible says, and obeying doesn't mean you're saved by works or that people who obey believe that.
My last comment is that James and Paul are consistent. Some assume Paul was anti-works, but only if you cherry pick a few verses and ignore large parts of his book can that conclusion be drawn. Paul was very much pro-obedience as the following verses demonstrate:
When Jesus cleaned out the temple and drove out the money changers, it was just prophetic of what the New Covenant in his blood is gonna accomplish in mankinds hearts and minds...Judgement must began at the house of God...In Humanity ...1 st Peter 4:17..Your Bodies are the temples of the H.G....1 st Cor. 6:19....Abide in me and i in you.. John 15:45....If any man hears my words and keeps them my Father and I will come and take our abode with him....The most high God does not Dwell in buildings made with siree bob....Under this new covenant he wants to live in your hearts and minds and be married to you...and have his abode in you....Not in any temple made with mans hands.... Acts 7:48 kjv
....... Rev. 21:22- 28....And i saw NO temple there in for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY AND THE LAMB ARE THE TEMPLE OF IT.
......When Jesus cleaned out the Temple he was just trying to show us what his BLOOD OF THAT NEW COVENANT IS GONNA DO TO MANS HEARTS MINDS....Abide in me and i in you....And you are made Clean by the WORD i have spoken unto you...( that New Covenant ) That Book he wrote with his own blood...At Calvary.
......Outta of the mouths of babes and suckling thou has perfected praise...Which is the H.G. the Child of Promise that has to be born in us via the seed of the Sower....The living words of God....The contents of the BOOK....Untill you birth the H.G. a free gift....That Child OF Promise you will continue to defile the Temple....The Child is the living word the H.G...The multiplication of Jesus in you....Remember even in the O.T. God wanted the Child Samuel to do the Ministering not old Eli and his sons ....k
What do we mean that we are saved by God's grace? We mean that salvation was offered to us through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. When is this salvation received by people? When we repent for the sins we have done and ask for God's forgiveness. If there is no repentance, is salvation still granted to people? No it is not. Again, in a condition of unrepentance is God's grace available to people? The answer is again no.
About water baptism. Is it a command from God? Yes it is. There are many verses throughout the Bible about that, I can not go through them but if you look to past discussions about water baptism you will find a lot of stuff, it has been discussed a lot lately. So if one does not want to be water baptized, is it considered disobedience to God's will? Is disobedience a sin? Is this sin forgiven if one doesn't repent and corrects himself? Is grace still available to him as long as one is in disobedience and unrepentance? We can agree, I think, that the answer is always no.
Is it considered as a man's work when obeying to God's commandments?
John 6:28-29 "Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent"
So Jesus calls it a work to believe in Him, so what do you think of that, is it necessary for salvaion (to do the work of believing)? Yes it is, also obeying God's rules is necessary for salvation, whether one calls it a work or not.
John 15:9-10 "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. if ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love"
And I would like you to analyze to me the following verses:
Romans 2:6-7"Who will render to every man according to his deeds:To them who by patient continuance in well doing (good works) seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life"
I've been unable to keep up with the site over the last few days. However I just read a few comments and replies, It's one thing to disagree and rebuke and then there's is those who expose themselves.
We all understand that all of us is not brothern and this brotherhood is not defined on how well we teach or preach or agreeing with someone.
You can be well doctrined and be as fruitless as a broom stick.
When someone holds the truth and share it, if your ears have been opened you will RECEIVE it! This is a work of the Holyspirit.
But if someone of the world who happens to be amongst us hears that same truth and don't have the spirit don't be surprised if they hate you. John 15:18-19.
They're not hating you because they disagree with you. They're hating you because they have a different spirit than you.
HOWEVER!! Agreeing on doctrine doesn't confirm anything but truth should produce fruit and that fruit should be displayed in our lives.
1 John 4:8. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1 John 4:13. Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
1 John 4:7. Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
1 John 4:12. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
1 John 4:16-17. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
1 John 4:21. And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.
I can say with complete confidence that the answer is yes, a murderer can be forgiven. Jesus says all manner of sin can be forgiven, and since murder is sin, it would be included in "all manner." The only sin that a person can never receive forgiveness for is when God sends His Spirit to testify to that person, showing them their sinful state, and their need to be redeemed, their need to surrender their life to Christ, if a person rejects that testimony, they will never be forgiven for that.
In Luke 23:34, when Jesus was on the cross, He said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." The fulfillment of that prophecy is from Psalm 22:18. But Jesus is saying Father forgive them for they don't know what they're doing. We know in Ephesians 6:12, Paul said that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against evil spiritual forces in the spirit realm. It is not people. It is Satan using people.
In John 15:18, Jesus said the world hated me so you know the world is going to hate you. And this prayer of Jesus "Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing" was actually answered in Acts Chapter 2, the very first sermon given by Peter after the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Peter said this Jesus (whom you crucified). He is talking to the very people that were there when Jesus was crucified. Were they forgiven? I would say yes because we are told that several thousand souls were saved. The Lord's prayer "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" was answered!
And on Pentecost the gospel was preached and they received the very one that they crucified as their Savior.
Hi Bonnie. Matthew 3:10 & Luke 3:9 give us this message. It was spoken by John the Baptist to those who came to see what he was doing at the Jordan River. And his message was, 'you, who are resting on your Jewish heritage to be guaranteed God's favor, think again - God is able to reject any who don't come to Him in true repentance & with a change of life, & will accept those, even non-Israelites, who do come to Him in His Way' (just a loose translation).
So the 'axe that is laid to the root of the trees': this signifies that this will be God's Judgement of cutting down & discarding even those who have been blessed as are called the children of God, since these very ones are not trusting God for their position & redemption, but trusting in their heritage & not living out lives that are worthy & fruitful. These 'trees' God will cut down with His Axe of Judgement, right at the root so that nothing can grow from it again; and John the Baptist's coming (and as a forerunner to Jesus Christ), was to do exactly that: to separate those in God's flock from those who aren't - as also those abiding in the Vine & those who want to be for their own reason - but these will be soon plucked from the branch for lack of fruit (i.e no evidence of faith & no fruit from being nourished by God through Jesus ( John 15:1-8)).
Lord willing; this commentary will be helpful for those who really haven't seen the repeated themes of the unity of the Godhead; and the predetermined "elect" group who are chosen for Christ to be revealed; and who therefore will respond to show saving faith. A major point that I tried to bring up in earlier chapters was that there is always a corresponding interaction going both ways; so that confession of faith and all of man's actions prompted by the Spirit are simultaneous actions. KNOWING us according to Matthew 7:23 is part of saving faith; hence the absence indicates we are tares. Our soul testifies with His Spirit ( Romans 8:16) that we are God's children.
None of the contradicts the necessity of confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts that Christ is Lord ( Romans 10:9). We are asked to repent; but it is He who grants the gift of repentance ( Romans 2:4) and this also has a group of people in mind (the Jews as a whole who come to faith) in Acts 5:31 and the Gentiles in Acts 11:18. We still our to test ourselves to see if we are in the faith ( 2 Cor. 13:5-6). All good fruits therefore come from the source of God; and are evidences of saving faith ( Matt. 7:17). We need to remember that God chastises all He loves ( Hebrews 12:6 etal); and therefore He prunes back so even more fruit is produced ( John 15:1-2). He is doing the work therefore; our WORKS are merely the external evidence that indeed He is working from the inside out. These have been prepared for us from before the foundation of the world ( Eph. 2:10).
The other doctrines such as God's sovereignty; our totally depraved nature; and perseverance of the saints are covered in many scriptures and can be covered in other studies. As far as free will is concerned; God accomplishes His purposes through the vicissitudes of man; and the wiles of Satan and all his minions. To not submit to our Creator is folly ( Psalm 14:1; Psalm 2:2; Rev. 19)
John 15:2 is a frightening verse; in that on the surface it would seem that someone could be saved but end up being lost. Romans 11:21-22 seems to reflect the same sort of picture. Since scripture can't contradict itself; this can't mean salvation can be lost. It does reflect that there are some who would gain prominence, reputations or financial gain from association with the church but whose hearts were never in it. Continuation is a theme here in verse 9 (perseverance of the saints in a way). Verse 16 makes it clear once again that God chose us for these good fruits; i.e. good works.
Going back to verse 2; the second part shows how God is doing the purging (or chastisement; and testing through trials) to gain MORE fruit for those truly in Him. The parable of the sower and the seeds ( Matthew 13:3-9 and in Luke) illustrates how those in Him must get to the point of producing fruit. This fruit comes from Him; therefore He is gaining a return for His investment or redemption achieved through the Atonement.
The concept of being called friends is once again attached to the idea of producing LASTING fruit as WELL as seeing answered prayers. This should give us pause to reflect on our own spiritual growth as well as being selective in WHO prays for us; looking for those that show evidence of these things.
Finally; we have verse 17 about the COMMAND to love one another; followed by the fact that men will HATE us because of Christ in us. This theme goes on to verse 26 where the Comforter is promised to do the talking; as well as the Disciples own eyewitness testimony in the following verse as part of their unique ministry. In light of this; we have to question churches that the world readily accepts in light of whether the TRUE and whole Gospel is being preached.
Pray for those ordained to marry in Jesus' name.
By His grace. For His glory. Alleluia. Amen.
For a Christian, when we are born again our flesh dies. " Our natural independency or self reliance." for lack of a better description.
We have nothing credible to offer God of ourselves to present anything righteous.
Romans 8:2-10.
Right away we see a contrast of the two in the term alone.
Romans 8:11-13.
Fruit is attached to a branch and that branch is attached to a vine! The vine gives it life. That life saved and sanctified us. ( Not just Positionally but transitionally.) It changed us! John 15:1-5.
Romans 8:11-13.
Work/efforts of the flesh is dead works unattached and no ability to produce anything that pleases God.
John 15:5. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING.
God bless.
Part 1 of 4.
Dr. J. Vernon McGee, gives us some practical help in our choices that transform our character.
So what is the fruit of walking with God? Let's go straight to the orchard and examine the fruit that is in the life of the believer.
Jesus said, "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." - John 15:4, 5
If you were not raised in the country, you may not know that in every fruit orchard, there is always something else that tries to overcome the fruit. In nature, slugs and bugs and stinkweeds all attempt to crowd out the fruit. And in the life of the believer, there are always things that will attempt to crowd out the fruit of the Spirit. In other words, it's quite possible that the weeds grow and the fruit will not be produced. Paul spoke of that very thing in Galatians 5:17.
See part 2.
Fierce opposition may be something in this country that we are not normally accustomed to but one has to ask why in light of 2 Timothy 3:12-17; John 15:18-21; 2 Corinthians 11:26 etc.
Perhaps I made this statement earlier in the Psalms discussion; but we need to distinguish between unconditional love and the fact that "enemies" still exist. Romans 5:10 and apparently 29 other verses show that indeed we all are enemies of God prior to our conversion; hence all unregenerate remain in that state.
There is something to be said for the O.T. times when the mindset was more "an eye for an eye"( Exodus 21:24). In terms of today; Christ demonstrated no personal condemnation for a particular individual; but He certainly spent chapters excoriating the Pharisees and others which caused multiple attempts at His life along the constant persecution.
Again as I stated in other Psalms regarding David's multiple hiding periods from Saul he showed respect for him by preserving his life multiple times when he could have ended it; and also he mourned over his death when the Lord finally made Saul reap what he sowed. When someone tries to kill you 21 times as Saul was said to do (not to mention other enemies of his); then we can understand a desire to see justice. Christ alluded to judgment with unbelief among the places that had seen mighty works such as Matthew 11:21 (the "woe to you" term was also used with the Pharisees).
Individual judgment to come or the fate of nations is not something we should gloss over. We as watchmen are responsible to sound the alarm ( Isaiah 52:8 and other verses in Jeremiah; etc). In evangelism warning of a national fate seems to be generally disregarded as opposed to warning individuals as to the wrath to come. I can't see studying how Christ preached that it can be ignored. We can study scripture and history to see how Isaiah and Jeremiah for instance were martyred for such messages.
Let us preach truth in love.
a. His Names: Hebrews 1:8, John 20:28 (God); Matthew 16:16, Matthew 26:61-65 (the Son of God); Matthew 22:41-46 (Lord); Revelation 19:13 (Word of God); Revelation 19:16 (King of kings and Lord of lords).
b. His Characteristics: Matthew 28:18 (Omnipotence: all powerful); Luke 6:8, John 2:24,25, John 13:11 (Omniscience: all knowing); Matthew 18:20 (Omnipresence: present in any place); John 1:4 (Life); John 14:6 (Truth); Hebrews 13:8 (Immutability: unchanging); 1 Timothy 3:16, John 1:1-14 (God manifest in the flesh in Jesus).
c. His Works: John 1:3, Colossians 1:16 (creates); Colossians 1:17 (sustains); Luke 7:48,49 (forgives sin); John 11:41-44 (raises the dead); John 5:27 (judges); John 15:26 (sends the Holy Spirit).
d. His receiving Worship: Hebrews 1:6 (from angels); Revelation 5:11-13 (from other heavenly beings); Matthew 14:33 (from men); Philippians 2:10 (from all).
e. His equality within the Triune God: John 14:23, John 10:30-33 (with the Father); Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14 (with the Father and the Spirit).
I hope you can see from these few Scriptures that Jesus was not just a special Man or Prophet sent by God, but truly was "God manifested in the flesh". No other man before Jesus' coming, during, or after His leaving this Earth, could ever fully reflect God's Glory, Wisdom & Power. Only God could - and He did this by sending us His Word, made Him a Man, so that He could give His Life as full payment for our sins - but only to those who believe this & place their trust in Him. To some, the 'Trinity' teaching is abominable. But man's salvation depends on the Divine Person of the Lord Jesus Christ - that God could accept no other Sacrifice to redeem & secure people to Himself - only by giving fully of Himself, which is true love for all.
First you must understand what kind of love Jesus is talking about...
In English, there's pretty much just one word for love, but the Greek language distinguishes four different kinds of love... Philia, Eros, Storge and Agape. They all have a beautiful description of different kinds of love and understanding each is a sure way to help improve your relationship with the Lord your God. Compartmentalizing love into different categories will help you to examine yourself and determine if you're showing the Lord your God enough love. Here Jesus is talking about agape love
It is the selfless, unconditional type of love that helps people to forgive one another, respect one another, and serve one another, day in and day out. It is the highest level of love you can offer. It is given without any expectations of receiving anything in return. Offering this type of love is a decision to love in any circumstance... including destructive situations. It is a love that responds calmly when faced with difficulties, sacrificing without complaining, and waiting patiently. This type of love is selfless and is for the preservation of relationships. It is a love that involves feeling so much love for someone that you always put them before yourself. It is agape love!
To achieve this kind of love you must abide in Him and He in you... and keep His commandments
The first fruit of the Spirit is Love... John 15:4-5... This is the first and great commandment... Matthew 22:37-40
The Lord commanded; If you love me...Keep my Commandments.
In loving the Lord,what does it mean to love?
In continuing the scripture which you have been meditating upon.
38] This is the first and great commandment.
[39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
[40] On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
It seems like keeping his commandments is the Love your neighbour..
But what does it mean to " keep " his commandments.
Many of the Preachers of this day will say that it is to do, perform, pertain to what the Lord commands.
But I believe it to be something more intimate and sweet.
The Law was our schoolteacher, to show us that we could not and therefore can not fulfill all the law, because our heart is darkened, evil and corrupt with sin.
John 2:24 But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,
25 And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.
Thus I believe "keeping" his commandments it to rather Love his commandments, as loving the Lord.
If we remember what the Gospel of John had stated when the Lord was about to lay down his life for us. He prayed unto the Father that we would abide in him and he in us as he abode within the Father.
Joh 17:23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.
John 15:4-5
4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
To love him with all your heart, soul and strength is to abide in him...just as you have been the whole week which you thought upon such inhabit the word of God as he inhabits you.
The 10 Commandments therefore are still in force today; but we are unable to follow with the MORE stringent matters of the heart which only again comes from the Spirit. Without this there is an outward obedience only. The only thing which has changed is the Sabbath Day; and I would say that Matthew 12:8 answers this by placing Sunday as the day of rest. This is also the only command that was peculiar to the nation of Israel; rather than universal law which clearly as shown with John the Baptist in matters of divorce holding for pagans as well. Other ceremonial rules changed with Peter's vision in Acts 10.
The first 3 verses echoing the famous song on the subject by a popular band shows how seemingly prophetically those who patiently wait upon the Lord will be raptured (v. 2); and then many will see and fear. We also see a "new song" in verse 3; arguably part of the song which other saints are singing in glory.
The next two verses show the great grace and innumerable works that God has wrought. We do well to heed to the second part of verse 4 on not turning away from TRUST in God and toward the lies of this world. Such is the fate of many professing Christians today. Verse 7 was a prophetic quotation about Christ mentioned in the Book of Hebrews. Verses 8 and 10 apply to the Messiah as well. Verse 11 could apply to David or Christ; but we can only place verse 12 as something applying to David. For any true believer God reveals sin and like an onion being peeled; systematically more and more of our old nature is exposed and revealed as time goes on.
As we continue from verses 6 through 10 we see the personal importance of God's grace to David himself (after two unpardonable death sentence actions of adultery and being complicit in murder with the Bathsheeba and Uriah the Hittite incident).
The rest of the Psalm could apply to David or Christ. The fact that Christ was "poor and needy" certainly seems to contradict the health and wealth gospel of today. His was not a self righteous martyrdom complex. The creator of the universe came as a servant to die for His enemies to make us His adopted sons. There are many today who make a name for themselves (often quite literally) with their name or ministry in bold print. To be a "man of sorrows" ( Isaiah 53:3) is certainly not popular; nor verses that say that if they persecuted me they will persecute you ( John 15:18-21). The resurrection and the life start now when His life is seen in true servants of God who have a "humble and contrite spirit" ( Psalm 51:17). Only His sacrifice brings life.
Matthew 10:22
The world hated Jesus first. I'm really concerned about the world currently, because people are exchanging truth for lies as the shinier more appealing object of their affection. Truth seems unpopular in current times- this is hard to see unfold as I used to have hope for a brighter future.
1John 3, whole chapter, , John 15:12-26, Luke 6:22, 1Peter 4, John 16:1-16,
Examples of Christ to follow = John 16:32-33, John 3:17, Luke 23:23,33,34
James 4:1-4,
Something to watch for is Jude 1:4. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
This was going on in Jude's day and have certainly excelled in our day. " For there are certain men crept in unawares".
How do they creep in? craftiness? PERHAPS MULTIPLE NAME CHANGES. What is their purpose? Hender the spiritual growth of the believer by their false doctrine?
They seem to agree with you on topics such as the trinity and other topics "even though they give an unorthodox description of it once examined closely".
They come in all shapes form and fashions.
Let's deal with those who Spiritualizes ALL the scripture and in doing so these particular views devalue the blood shed on the cross and the love God displayed in offering his beloved son. ( John 3:16.)
Also, John 15:13. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
This means nothing if there are no consequences to "NOT' receiving Christ, if there is no hell and everyone goes to heaven no matter what you have done in this lifetime! "This is according to their doctrine"
HOW IS THE LOVE OF GOD DISPLAYED ON THE CROSS IF IT WAS UNNECESSARY? Judas, Hitler, Putin, Murderers, Thieves, etc., etc. gets in Heaven anyway!
This particular person also holds the view that we all become as Gods with their incorrect spiritualizing of the text.
It's also interesting to see some support a view without understanding it or holding the same viewpoints. The only thing they have in common is multiple name changes.
That is the view I hold as well.
I believe the water here is the word of God.
John 15:3. Now ye are clean through the WORD which I have spoken unto you.
Ephesians 5:26. That he might sanctify and cleanse it WITH THE WASHING OF WATER BY THE WORD,
1 Peter 1:23. Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, BY THE WORD OF GOD, which liveth and abideth for ever.
God bless.
Chris gave a good answer, I'd like to add to the discussion. Please note the verse right before, Jeremiah 29:11, Jeremiah 29:10, sometimes we want GOD to change our situations "right now", sometimes HE does, but I believe this promise, is for GOD's people when we need the encouragement for the troubled times & endurance in longer seasons. Notice in Daniel, he & his companions had went through many difficult moments but GOD in miraculous ways delivered them, protected them & even encouraged them. I believe it was after Daniel was thrown in the lions den that he fasted & humbly prayed about the promise made in Jeremiah 29:10,11, Daniel 9:1,2,3, still waiting on that promise of 70 years,
note Daniel 6:1,2,3, (for why I place the timing, seemingly after lions den) the noted scriptures referring to about Daniel's encouragement, & companions, some say "the greater the trial the greater the miraculous": Daniel 1:8,9,17, Daniel 2:12,13,17,23 Daniel 3:12-27, Daniel 4:19,24,25, Daniel 5, Daniel 6:7,10,16,22,28, Daniel 9:23, Daniel 10:11,12,18, Daniel 11:1,
Luke 10:19, there are moments that are painful but when we look at Salvation, the pruning, witness to strengthen the Body of Believers, then we realize it didn't "hurt us".
I hope these scriptures give you strength & hope= 1Peter 4:12,13, 2Corinthians 1:3-7, John 15:1-2, 1Corinthians 4:5, 2Corinthians 3:2, Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:3, 2Timothy 2:10, Psalms 30:5,
In correction= Isaiah 48:10,11, Malachi 3:2, Proverbs 3:11-35, Hebrews 12:7, 2Thessalonians 1:4,
Endure even undue trials= 2Timothy 2:3, 2Timothy 4:5, remember Timothy was with Paul in ministry during persecution. 1Peter 2:19, Mark 13:13, James 5:10,11,
James 5:13-18, 2Chronicles 7:14,
Hopefully these are helpful & encouraging
If we wish to separate those "would be" believers who desire to go to heaven but have no compulsion to serve God from those who already are His bondservants and just would be continuing what they started to practice here on earth we can evaluate their love for God and obedience to obey His commandments ( John 14:15). There are many shallow; foolhardy and at times downright blasphemous concepts of "love" today which permeate much of Christendom; particularly in the "music industry". The concept of obedience because of love seems a foreign concept today; especially in our nation. How many social issues could be deflected if that were the case of more children in their family upbringing for their parents today? Surely; there is more to His love than us being bondservants; as He calls us "friends." ( John 15:15 in the very next verse!) To serve to the length of our own hurt is surely seen in Christ's ministry; not the least of which of course was the crucifixion and all the sufferings beforehand. We often neglect the extent of the rest of His public ministry; where He wasn't even able to mourn the death of John the Baptist; despite making a deliberate attempt at retreat to be alone in a desert place with His chosen few. ( Matthew 14:13). While the Son of Man came to serve and not be served ( Mark 10:45) while on earth; He is certainly worthy to serve and exalt for all eternity for what He did for us. For Him to lift Himself up is not sinful like with the rest of His Creation.
True; there are "pleasures for evermore at His right hand" ( Psalm 16:11). This has to be balanced with the rest of our reverent service toward Him. The shallow; sentimental emotional "love" is at best a tepid version of the Spirit; at worst just a hyped up emotional mindset which is of the world; or comes from occult persuasion. Our emotions; mind; and soul must be incorporated into worship of God ( Mark 12:30).
John 15:19,
Hopefully these are helpful
Sorry for such a delay, I'm not getting my notices to my email. I think I have som updating to do.
Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, This is to be present in a believers life for the ministry. If a person have this in his life he will be more effectual in his ministry.
John 15:11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
This Joy spoken of here is not what you can manifest on your own.
This comes to a believer abiding in Christ.
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. John 15:4.
The Psalmist says in Psalms 20:4-5
we are to have joy in thy salvation.
This reminds me of Romans 8:28-35
This a lot to be joyful about.
However sometimes we will encounter sadness but even in sadness we have joy in Christ!
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5.
I hope this helps.
God bless.
So true, the wonderful works of God. What Jesus said in John 15:12-14, many things were going on in 1971, there was a song that came out, I'm sure Jesus was not the focus, but it hits a button, you may know it, if not it is You've got a friend by Carol King.
Thanks, and God bless,
When we come out of it, as the children of Israel did come out of Egypt, we will be numerous and "spiritually" wealthy in then LORD JESUS CHRIST. I am encouraged to watch my LORD work on our behalf, as we carry out HIS commission. Matthew 28: 18-20; John 15:7,8; 1 John 5:14
May our leaders find mercy, grace and faith in GOD'S salvation and lean on HIS wisdom and direction. Proverbs 3: 3-13
Let us stand together in CHRIST our LORD and pray diligently for the peace of Jerusalem as well our own nation. Ps 122:6; 1 Timothy 2:1-4
GOD to shine HIS face on all who worship and praise HIS Holy Name.
September 13, 2022
My comment is that salvation is conditional whether people believe it or not, because its what the Bible says. It's full of calls to action and challenging us to change our behavior. Most people will not be saved Matthew 7:13. Salvation is with grace but is only for believers/followers- a choice that each person must make. One way to summarize this action appears to be genuine belief and faith in Jesus Christ. John 3:16. That is an action and choice.
So, if someone does not believe, one can presume the unbeliever will not be saved. This already "offends" a lot of people, because some want to justify themselves in their own mind while doing the bare minimum they assume God wants. Some have been deceived into believing obeying God is "bad." But believing is only one of many action verbs the Bible challenges us to do. Other actions fall under this category of genuine active belief and following Jesus too. All these verses in the Bible are true and are equally important. Some like to cherry pick one, but ignore others and assume they don't apply, but they all apply and are true and are God's word.
John 3:16
follow Jesus:
John 8:12
deny himself:
Luke 9:23
Romans 10:9
Ephesians 2:8
Romans 10:17
repent and be baptized:
Acts 2:38
keep commandments:
John 15:10
Matthew 22:37-40
There are many more. Some falsely assume by obeying God they are doing 'works' and that is 'bad', therefore, obeying God is 'bad'. No, that's not what the Bible says, and obeying doesn't mean you're saved by works or that people who obey believe that.
My last comment is that James and Paul are consistent. Some assume Paul was anti-works, but only if you cherry pick a few verses and ignore large parts of his book can that conclusion be drawn. Paul was very much pro-obedience as the following verses demonstrate:
Romans 2:9-10
1 Peter 1:5
1 Cor 9:24-27
Hebrews 6:4-6
Galatians 5:1-4
2 Timothy 2:10
Hebrews 10:26
2 Corinthians 5:10
....... Rev. 21:22- 28....And i saw NO temple there in for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY AND THE LAMB ARE THE TEMPLE OF IT.
......When Jesus cleaned out the Temple he was just trying to show us what his BLOOD OF THAT NEW COVENANT IS GONNA DO TO MANS HEARTS MINDS....Abide in me and i in you....And you are made Clean by the WORD i have spoken unto you...( that New Covenant ) That Book he wrote with his own blood...At Calvary.
......Outta of the mouths of babes and suckling thou has perfected praise...Which is the H.G. the Child of Promise that has to be born in us via the seed of the Sower....The living words of God....The contents of the BOOK....Untill you birth the H.G. a free gift....That Child OF Promise you will continue to defile the Temple....The Child is the living word the H.G...The multiplication of Jesus in you....Remember even in the O.T. God wanted the Child Samuel to do the Ministering not old Eli and his sons ....k
Let's talk about grace and works
What do we mean that we are saved by God's grace? We mean that salvation was offered to us through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. When is this salvation received by people? When we repent for the sins we have done and ask for God's forgiveness. If there is no repentance, is salvation still granted to people? No it is not. Again, in a condition of unrepentance is God's grace available to people? The answer is again no.
About water baptism. Is it a command from God? Yes it is. There are many verses throughout the Bible about that, I can not go through them but if you look to past discussions about water baptism you will find a lot of stuff, it has been discussed a lot lately. So if one does not want to be water baptized, is it considered disobedience to God's will? Is disobedience a sin? Is this sin forgiven if one doesn't repent and corrects himself? Is grace still available to him as long as one is in disobedience and unrepentance? We can agree, I think, that the answer is always no.
Is it considered as a man's work when obeying to God's commandments?
John 6:28-29 "Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent"
So Jesus calls it a work to believe in Him, so what do you think of that, is it necessary for salvaion (to do the work of believing)? Yes it is, also obeying God's rules is necessary for salvation, whether one calls it a work or not.
John 15:9-10 "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. if ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love"
And I would like you to analyze to me the following verses:
Romans 2:6-7"Who will render to every man according to his deeds:To them who by patient continuance in well doing (good works) seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life"
I've been unable to keep up with the site over the last few days. However I just read a few comments and replies, It's one thing to disagree and rebuke and then there's is those who expose themselves.
We all understand that all of us is not brothern and this brotherhood is not defined on how well we teach or preach or agreeing with someone.
You can be well doctrined and be as fruitless as a broom stick.
When someone holds the truth and share it, if your ears have been opened you will RECEIVE it! This is a work of the Holyspirit.
But if someone of the world who happens to be amongst us hears that same truth and don't have the spirit don't be surprised if they hate you. John 15:18-19.
They're not hating you because they disagree with you. They're hating you because they have a different spirit than you.
HOWEVER!! Agreeing on doctrine doesn't confirm anything but truth should produce fruit and that fruit should be displayed in our lives.
1 John 4:8. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1 John 4:13. Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
1 John 4:7. Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
1 John 4:12. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
1 John 4:16-17. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
1 John 4:21. And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.
This is for one to examine himself!
1 John 4:13.
This is uniquely written to and for the brethren.
God bless.
I can say with complete confidence that the answer is yes, a murderer can be forgiven. Jesus says all manner of sin can be forgiven, and since murder is sin, it would be included in "all manner." The only sin that a person can never receive forgiveness for is when God sends His Spirit to testify to that person, showing them their sinful state, and their need to be redeemed, their need to surrender their life to Christ, if a person rejects that testimony, they will never be forgiven for that.
In Luke 23:34, when Jesus was on the cross, He said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." The fulfillment of that prophecy is from Psalm 22:18. But Jesus is saying Father forgive them for they don't know what they're doing. We know in Ephesians 6:12, Paul said that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against evil spiritual forces in the spirit realm. It is not people. It is Satan using people.
In John 15:18, Jesus said the world hated me so you know the world is going to hate you. And this prayer of Jesus "Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing" was actually answered in Acts Chapter 2, the very first sermon given by Peter after the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Peter said this Jesus (whom you crucified). He is talking to the very people that were there when Jesus was crucified. Were they forgiven? I would say yes because we are told that several thousand souls were saved. The Lord's prayer "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" was answered!
And on Pentecost the gospel was preached and they received the very one that they crucified as their Savior.
So the 'axe that is laid to the root of the trees': this signifies that this will be God's Judgement of cutting down & discarding even those who have been blessed as are called the children of God, since these very ones are not trusting God for their position & redemption, but trusting in their heritage & not living out lives that are worthy & fruitful. These 'trees' God will cut down with His Axe of Judgement, right at the root so that nothing can grow from it again; and John the Baptist's coming (and as a forerunner to Jesus Christ), was to do exactly that: to separate those in God's flock from those who aren't - as also those abiding in the Vine & those who want to be for their own reason - but these will be soon plucked from the branch for lack of fruit (i.e no evidence of faith & no fruit from being nourished by God through Jesus ( John 15:1-8)).
As Brother Chris mentioned the eagle represented a wonderful metaphor just like here in John you see a whole chapter of metaphors.
John 15:1-5 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.
Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
These metaphors throughout the bible gives us a clear picture of the intent.
God bless.
Lord willing; this commentary will be helpful for those who really haven't seen the repeated themes of the unity of the Godhead; and the predetermined "elect" group who are chosen for Christ to be revealed; and who therefore will respond to show saving faith. A major point that I tried to bring up in earlier chapters was that there is always a corresponding interaction going both ways; so that confession of faith and all of man's actions prompted by the Spirit are simultaneous actions. KNOWING us according to Matthew 7:23 is part of saving faith; hence the absence indicates we are tares. Our soul testifies with His Spirit ( Romans 8:16) that we are God's children.
None of the contradicts the necessity of confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts that Christ is Lord ( Romans 10:9). We are asked to repent; but it is He who grants the gift of repentance ( Romans 2:4) and this also has a group of people in mind (the Jews as a whole who come to faith) in Acts 5:31 and the Gentiles in Acts 11:18. We still our to test ourselves to see if we are in the faith ( 2 Cor. 13:5-6). All good fruits therefore come from the source of God; and are evidences of saving faith ( Matt. 7:17). We need to remember that God chastises all He loves ( Hebrews 12:6 etal); and therefore He prunes back so even more fruit is produced ( John 15:1-2). He is doing the work therefore; our WORKS are merely the external evidence that indeed He is working from the inside out. These have been prepared for us from before the foundation of the world ( Eph. 2:10).
The other doctrines such as God's sovereignty; our totally depraved nature; and perseverance of the saints are covered in many scriptures and can be covered in other studies. As far as free will is concerned; God accomplishes His purposes through the vicissitudes of man; and the wiles of Satan and all his minions. To not submit to our Creator is folly ( Psalm 14:1; Psalm 2:2; Rev. 19)
John 15:2 is a frightening verse; in that on the surface it would seem that someone could be saved but end up being lost. Romans 11:21-22 seems to reflect the same sort of picture. Since scripture can't contradict itself; this can't mean salvation can be lost. It does reflect that there are some who would gain prominence, reputations or financial gain from association with the church but whose hearts were never in it. Continuation is a theme here in verse 9 (perseverance of the saints in a way). Verse 16 makes it clear once again that God chose us for these good fruits; i.e. good works.
Going back to verse 2; the second part shows how God is doing the purging (or chastisement; and testing through trials) to gain MORE fruit for those truly in Him. The parable of the sower and the seeds ( Matthew 13:3-9 and in Luke) illustrates how those in Him must get to the point of producing fruit. This fruit comes from Him; therefore He is gaining a return for His investment or redemption achieved through the Atonement.
The concept of being called friends is once again attached to the idea of producing LASTING fruit as WELL as seeing answered prayers. This should give us pause to reflect on our own spiritual growth as well as being selective in WHO prays for us; looking for those that show evidence of these things.
Finally; we have verse 17 about the COMMAND to love one another; followed by the fact that men will HATE us because of Christ in us. This theme goes on to verse 26 where the Comforter is promised to do the talking; as well as the Disciples own eyewitness testimony in the following verse as part of their unique ministry. In light of this; we have to question churches that the world readily accepts in light of whether the TRUE and whole Gospel is being preached.