For a very long time I have pondered John 15 13! Read in the full context of John 15, the suicide death of my nephew and even the recent suicide of Robin Williams I find myself questioning whether "laying down 's one life " means voluntary death I have no doubt it can surely mean this but I think there is more! For me that Christ would lay down set apart his life in heaven and come to earth took the greatest love. To think that he who knew no sin would come amongst us for but a moment in time but he stayed some 33 years in all "our " filth. And so when Christ says "greater love hath no man then this " I feel he is very much saying that when we set apart lay down all our plans and ambitions our life to reach down up to a friend this is the greatest love we can show. And to do so for those who hate us is even greater love then this as Paul says. Death is such a final act for us on earth but in heaven death is not known so the greatest demonstration of love must be different. In conclusion I would suggest that when the death of Christ came even by death on the cross he had already layed down HIS life. That He rose again forces us to acknowledge that his death alone was not sufficient because if he had stayed in death then we would most certainly be still lost.
These things I command you, that you love one another. For GOD so loved the world GOD is love the fruit of the spirit is LOVE. ...... LOVE thy neighbor as thy self GOD WORDS IS ALWAYS SPEAKING OF LOVE FOR GOD SO LOVE THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE ............. If we as CHRISTIANS would love more there be less sin less lust less war LOVE covers a multitude of sin
The fact that God has chosen us proves that he has high expectations for us. He expects us to bring forth fruits and we need to please him in doing so.
Evangelism is the commandment from God. Mark 16v15. No wonder, Jesus said in this verse that he has chosen us and ordained us that we should go and produce fruit, that is, we should go and persuade others to believe in God. Not only to produce fruit but our fruits should abide, that is,our fruits should be rooted in Christ and telling others to believe in Christ.
I am old and ha I am old and could have lived a better and less selfish life.What I have read here has filled me with remorse when I think of all the good people I have known and the lessons wasted on me. I see the truth now and am deeply ashamed,and hope the world will see the truth also.God bless.
As believers we are not promised a trouble free life but whenever we go through troubles we can rest assured the same God that raise Jesus from the dead will see us through.
Church stand for Truth and expect persecution from the world, stop yapping that hatred is directed at you, this is a continuation for it hated HIM first, and now HE lives in you, what do you expect? Good news is that we shall overcome because HE did.
If the firstfruit be Holy, the rest shall be holy also translation mine . This goes along with tithes also so if Jesus is the "first part ", and the first part was persecuted, then the rest shall be persecuted also. but if the rest is not like the first part, then it has no part in the first.
JESUS IS LORD HALLELUJAH. THERE ARE PEOPLE in the physical building they call church and are still of the world.we are not to be conformed to the world. we are to be transformed.
When we take a stand for God we will be persecuted If I am not persecuted for what I stand for then something is wrong There will be some that will receive the word of God that you speak and believe. There is always someone watching you . They watch your manner of walk and talk. Even if they know not God they do know a hyprocrite when they see one . Sometimes I think that the lost world has a 6th sense that can detect certain things. but know this even though they see that your fruit is Good they may still persecute you because you are tredding on their territory and they are under conviction.
Jesus was telling us about what we may likely encounter in the future, that is, what the wicked people of this world did unto him, they will also do unto us. if they have persecuted him, we should be expecting persecution. He went further by saying, if they have obeyed his words, they will also obey ours meaning that, we are not greater than him, what happened to him will definitely happen to us.
John 15 11 wow! He said the words i have spoken to you that my joy may be fill in you and your joy may be full! The joy of the Lord is my sternght. When john heard that Christ was in the same river doing the same thing he john was doing ....he said my joy is full . so if we want joy is not of money etc But is in the Lord .l need joy.
Jesus gave His life because He saw us as His friend. He willingly shed His blood to save us from the wrath of God. No man took His life. He humbled Himself because He loved us and as a true friend our only true friend He did not want us to perish, so He gave His life for us. Now, here 's who Jesus considers a friend those who keep His commandments. It is written in Proverbs 17 17 "A friend loveth at all times. " Now, if we are really Jesus 's friend and know that a friend loveth at all times, we will keep His word, and do as He has commanded, which is to love one another as He loved us. We are to walk in righteousness and love. Let 's not take Jesus 's death for granted or let it be vain in our own lives. Know that Jesus did not speak with words only, but He showed us all that He was a friend indeed because we most definitely were in need.
The greatest act of love is where Jesus laid down his life for us. He had freewill and could have bailed out if he chose to. No one forced him but he humbly obeyed his Father and died so that we can be reconciled to God
I Praise God that Jesus laid down His life for me. Because of His commitment I have eternal life. We also ought to lay down our lives for our brethren. That is hard to do . Especially the ones that I have a hard time loving. If God didn 't think that it could be done He would not have put it in His word. Through prayer I can get it done . God didn 't call me in this life with Him to go through it alone. With help of Holy Spirit I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.
Jesus love us specially, that was why he gave his life for us. He left his glorious position in heaven and came to this sinful world purposely for his love towards us. We need to pay him back by surrendering to his will and obey all his commandments he had commanded us.
Verse 26 "But I will send you the Counselor, the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will tell you about me. " The Holy Spirit is the way God inspires us to believe in what he is doing as Jesus. That is way Jesus said "he will tell you about me. " Here is the point, just as our human spirit makes us intelliegent about us, God 's Spirit makes us intelligent about the things of God. This means that when a person has God 's Spirit, he will know God as Jesus, and be able to tell others about him, too. Let me say it this way. The Holy Spirit does not make us empty headed and nonsensical. This is not helping us to understand Jesus. Nor does he make us fall on the floor and pass out. This surely does not help us understand Jesus. And he surely does not make us run around the church and act as if we have no mind. Let 's make the point If you see someone acting out of their mind, it is not the work of God 's Spirit. It is the work of Satan. May God bless you!
If we have been delivered we should not be fruitless. If we have been delivered we should we should be growing in Christ. Every BRANCH in me. We must be in Christ, a new creature. Galatians 5 22 The fruit of the Spirt is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance against such there is no law.....
in john 7 Jesus says that if you seek the glory of the father and not your own then theres nothing false in you. paul says in phillipians that he is seeking not his own righteuosness but God 's. thus in john 15 Jesus says that if you abide in his words you will bear much fruit and glorify the father. the bible as much as possible and you will have nothing false in you
Is GOD predesind us? NO! Jesus is talking abunt the Gospil good news john 3 16 GOD choos all of us! We have free choose. GOD choos all man to be saved! But it is ur asnswer to GOD 's calling. GOD Bless you!
God has Chosen me to be the love of his life and to bring followers in to his kingdom so that we all can be saved. No hate in our hearts only but love and saviors in the father and son of the holy name