It is the will of the Father that we live by his commandments, by following his wishes only can we live a fruitful life, but in doing so we must accept the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit as the comforter allows us to be the branches that bears fruits.
God brings forth good news ,that we are not servants, but friends. That any one lay down his life for a friend, this is a friend. God gave His son up on the cross for our sins, this is true love!
I believe that yeshua jesus wants us to abide in him dailey as he did the Father. Which means that weneed to commit to having a personal relationship in him that is continuing to grow.
I believe Jesus was saying that we can do nothing in our own strength, for without God we are helpless. Remaining in Gods protection daily is essential If we try to do things in our own strength we will fall flat every time So we need to remain in the vine Jesus christ all the time 24 7 365. I believe if we do what christ says in Matthew Mark Luke and John we will truely be his disciples.So its common sense to follow his teachings God bless you all yours in Jesus name from john. I hope this view has helped
Loving God 's word and loving Jesus is a perfect obedience that you showed to the Father. Without Jesus in our lives we are nothing, just simply nothing, why not we read and eat his heavenly manna , the word of God where his word will give us life and abundance of blessings. Jesus loves you
Answer to ECR comments dated 11-09-2014 2:36 am. I don 't agree with you that Jesus Christ holds all three offices, making him the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, thus it will immediately follows that they are equal in power and authority. The bible tells us plainly that they are distinct to one another. The Father is Greater than the Son - John 15:28-. In the book of Genesis 1:26 When God said "Let US make man in OUR image " he is talking to someone who has the power to create just like himself, so beside the Father who else has the power to create? of course its the Son. Its impossible to think that God talk to his angels about creation of men, since angels has no power to create, and its impossible that the Father talking to himself, remember our God is not the author of confusion 1Cor 14:33.
My heavenly Father loves me as much as He does Jesus and Jesus loves me as my heavenly Father loves me. You talk about a love now that is Agape love. Mere man cannot love me as God does. WOW !!!! I will continue in His Love.
Sir As we approach Veteran 's Day 2014, on November 11, 2014, I am thinking about the supreme sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross to save us from our sins. His death and his resurrection permits us to get down on our knees and confess or admit our sins to God then to repent from our sins. And, if we believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins on the Cross and believe that on the third day God the Father raised Jesus from the dead and confess that fact with our mouth we are saved. Finally, through prayer we receive Jesus Christ into our heart and minds. Finally, Jesus said in John Chapter 15, verses 12 13 "12 This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. So, on Veteran 's Day,November 11, 2014, we will honor and praise to our military men and women who have fought and died on foreign soils to permit the people of the USA to be able to have and cherish the freedoms and liberties we have in this country when people from do not have the extreme freedom we so enjoy in this United States of America. My LOVE in Christ Jesus
Thank God for inspiring Bro. Mardia Scott Jr. with correction of a traditional error. I found that the Gr.word used here is something like "hairei " and the Analytical Greek Lexicon, defines it as "3rd person, singular , present tense, indicative, and active, thus indicating that the Father does something. However, I could 't find whether that action is destructive or constructive. I feel, the gospel in general supports help for His children in Christ, rather than the traditional interpretation of discarding us. May our Lord direct and bless.
Why does it seem like most of Christ 's rejecters are IN crowders? Well, I know if I was in the in crowd id be too proud to admit that I have any problems. Id be pushing away all the soulwinners. When the world respects you, your relationship with God won 't be very good. food for thought
A Superior love checkmate God before time began set out to prove His Greatest Love to us. For, offering Himself up as a sacrificial Lamb to die on the Cross in the Form of His dear Son to pay for our sins is the exact opposite of what the enemies of our souls set out to do for us. Given a 1,000 million years no one 's mind will ever conceive of a greater love than Jesus offering everything, His life, breathe and each and every drop of His Blood dripping as He allowed Himself to be ridiculed, spat on and tortured though He could 've summoned Holy Angels at any time to defend Himself. This verse does MORE than express the obvious this verse is written to spur us on to go witnessing to share the Greatest love and fulfill and obey God 's Greatest commandment to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to love thy nieghbor as thyself. How can you love thy neighbor greater than sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus?
In Corinthians Paul said "I die daily. " He didn 't mean physical death but denying "self " and allowing Jesus Christ to be his vine, his all. John 12 24 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. "
Abide in Jesus as branches are always connected to the vine. No sooner a branch detaches it self it will whither away and die. In the same sentence Jesus says without me you can do nothing. What does this mean to us today ? World is trying to do all things without Jesus. It tries to live in the absence of Jesus, love without him, achieve peace without him . Love is a God trait, grace is also a God trait, real peace only comes from God, we cannot even really forgive someone without God in us because true forgiveness is a God trait and not a human trait like he showed in Calvery. So abiding in Jesus is so fundamental that we cannot do anything without him. This was the purpose from the beginning and we have to choose the tree of life over the tree of knowledge.