Discuss John 15 Page 20

  • Irene123 on Matthew 3 - 9 years ago
    Tilda; 'we' don't 'accept' Christ; if you'll read the Gospels as Jesus gathered His disciples - he 'called' everyone of them; as He passed by them, they didn't say, "Hey, lets follow Jesus." John 15:16; Matt. 20:16. Jesus knows who will obey Him. Judas Iscariot was chosen to fulfill phrophecy - John 13:18, "......... I know whom i have chosen.............."
  • Doug on John 15 - 9 years ago
    I love Jesus for what he did for me on the cross
  • Michael Oti on John 15 - 9 years ago
  • Tilda on John 15 - 9 years ago
    Hallelujah,glory to God,lets return the love that was shown to us,by loving the Lord our God with all our hearts,our minds,our souls and our strengths,and to love our neighbours as us,for this is required of us,glory to Jesus.I love God
  • Mary O. sebonego on John 15 - 9 years ago
    we should love on another
  • Dwight Dyer on John 15 - 9 years ago
    A verse of comfort because whatever tribulation we might be dealing with we can continue on because the love of Christ for us is as real and as strong as that of God the father for Christ. What a comfort that should be to us! Whatever the outcome of all our trials, we are still his. We are blessed beyond measure.
  • MockingBird on John 15 - 9 years ago
    God loved me before I had done anything wrong and He forgave me before I had even sinned . So should I love others as Jesus has and is loving me. God loves me as much as He loves Jesus . No Greater love than this !!!! Praise God !!!
  • PrecSika on John 15 - 9 years ago
    Trusting in GOD with everything... Letting Him have His way. Putting my life in His hands so He leads me.
  • Lu2677 on Psalms 23 - 9 years ago
    Ronald Howard, "Enemy calls and asks me to go sin. What should I do?.
    Don't go! Read John 12:46 and John 15:5.
  • Bonsile Mnisi on John 15 - 9 years ago
    Thanks God that I am one of the chosen ones. the fact that He says He is the true vine and we are the branches, it is a must that we abide in Him, for if we do not we will bear no fruit, we might end up dry, and a dry branch is called wood and only goes to make fire and is finished. How I wish to abide in Him all the times so that i do not dry up and become the wood (useless creature here).
  • MockingBird on John 15 - 9 years ago
    God has chosen me : That is quite a statement coming from my Lord God : Since He has chosen me and ordained me to GO and bring forth fruit : and that fruit to remain : What God does : Sticks !! Whatever I ask in His name , He will do it for me : I must ask in accordance to His word which is His will !!
  • Aldrin mahulilo on John 15 - 9 years ago
    That's true because Jesus is the law if he did not come people would have not known the truth because most of the things that were prohibited by the Jews was not true that's why he abolished other laws.
  • Adepoju peace on John 15 - 9 years ago
    Comment*above text is a blessing to every child of God that is ready to be blessed by obeying the request of the master. Master asked us to go an bear fruit and by doing this, he said His father will answer our prayer. Then as many child of God that will show that he loves, must obey any of his command to the letter, doing this is also attract his blessings to ourselves. We can call that chapter
  • Vicki on John 15 - 9 years ago
    AMEN,thank you JESUS,for choosing me.
  • Robert Oren Reierson III on John 15 - 9 years ago
    This was my first time visiting this site and I believe it transforms as well as informs not only Christians but others on a whole different level. Praise the Lord our God for everything He does for us. Even when he is testing our faith, when things are not going the way we want them to if we keep believing in God and having our faith and love in Jesus we will prevail through darkness. Amen.
  • Jude on John 15 - 9 years ago
    As Christians we need to this in our mind that we are band to face persecution in life and our persecution may be rejection by family members and friends or even more that but Christ is our example
  • MockingBird on John 15 - 9 years ago
    If I am a doer of God's word : I will get persecuted : When I obey His word I will get persecuted : No if's and's or but's about it. I am not greater than my Lord Jesus Christ : If they persecuted Him and they most assuredly did then they will persecute me : The lost and dying world and the religious world . Be prepared and ready. Some will take heed and others will scoff at you , or should I say the word and or the way you are living when living in the Truth !!!!
  • Patricia Tackett on John 15 - 9 years ago
    I'm so glad you put this on hear
  • Georgia on John 15 - 9 years ago
    Ann Miles
    God as Jonacani wrote his/her answer is correct and I praise God that God doesn't see our spelling mistakes. Only when we are in heaven will we be perfect and spell perfect and Jonacani did a very good job of describing verse 5's meaning in Christ. Praise God for understanding when we read.

  • Kathy Knobloch on John 15 - 9 years ago
    Jesus is thevgreat I AM. Jesus said without me ye can do nothing. He deserves all glory.
  • Siyanda Twaku on John 15:7 - 9 years ago
    By having faith in him u shall prosper
  • SOLAYE on John 15:7 - 9 years ago
    This has been my favourite verse from childhood. I have found it to be true. God has been there for me through every calamity and upheaval in my life and will continue to be there. Amen.
  • Ann Miles on John 15 - 9 years ago
    I would like to comment on Jonacani's. when you are making a statement concerning GOD, you need to spell it correctly and NEVER use his name in lower case "god". The difference is, "god" is pertaining to an object Idol that is forbidden by GOD the Father in Heaven.
  • Jonacani on John 15:7 - 9 years ago
    pray is a short test it's shows to god how u full fil your soul or your spiritual life by the word of god in your evry day living,,,because pray come from the word god....
  • Sherri on John 15 - 9 years ago
    I am no scholar of the word but why make it so complicated, God sent us his only begotten SON, he is the perfect sacrifice, for all of our sins, he saved us, and no more are we separate from GOD.
  • V. V. on John 15:13 - 9 years ago
    Christ came into this world to serve a purpose... deity in service to die. The crusifiction was the only natural death that fullfiled the spiritual death of the soul. To die is to gain... dying out in the flesh means to be rid of our lusts and desire to sin no more. If your eye sins... cut it out... is a parable not a comand. Committing suicide is a sin. Giving your soul to free a brother or sister in Christ from sin to save that person from eternal hell is what Christ wants. Let the supernatural type the natural and watch what God can do... What a mighty God we serve. If a friend was sinning and for me to save that person would cause me to sin would I not want to save that person's soul? Though God knows my heart and because I trust in my God... all is well. Even if my flesh body gets in the way. I am not ashamed to serve my God.
  • Greg on John 15:13 - 9 years ago
    Edward, I do not think, this verse meant to commit suicide... We can die for a friend by our enemy, taking our life fro loving that person, but to take our own life is a sin.. For we have to remember God feeds the birds an animals in the woods, we should not worry about who feeds them, for God does supply to those who truly love him... There is no excuse for suicide, the thought could have been nice, but besides being a sin, it would have put his family in a pain an suffering state for his killing himself.. Giving up your life, in this text is, Loving all no matter what, an living the way Jesus did, taking on a life that can be a harmful one too you, but trusting it God to give you strength..
  • Trinity adwoa kwofie on John 15:13 - 9 years ago
    We should in turn love him
  • HARY COLLINS on John 15 - 9 years ago
    Jesus has indeed taught us how to love.
  • Ngala Nadege on John 15:13 - 9 years ago
    wow I love this chapter so very much it makes me to realize how Jesus really love me by laying down his life for me what a great love. and it is equally motivating me to tell others about this great love, it is only when we realise that he layed down his life for us , that Is when we are motivated to talk about him

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