Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on John 14 - 10 years ago
Part 2 of 2 Colossians 3 17 "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him, " A deed is a thing done, act. Baptism is a act in which we do according to Acts 2 38. Therefore, when doing this deed or act of obedience to the Word of God we must call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on John 14 - 10 years ago
Part 1 of 2 If we can agree that the church age began on the day of Pentecost and that the Bible never lies, then we have a foundation in which to build. I will try and sum this up for the both of you. Jesus said it, Peter clarified what Jesus meant on the day of Pentecost and the church age began. There is no where in the Bible where when the church began that anybody was baptized with the preacher calling on the name of titles, such as Father, Son, Holy Ghost while submerging someone in water. The preacher that did the baptizing called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The correct baptism is so important that 12 men had to be rebaptized, Acts 19 1 thru 7.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on John 14 - 10 years ago
Hello to Lois and Ar, Unfortunately all of my comments do not get printed at the same time in which they are wrote. This is why I say go to Acts 2 and John 1 and you will read extensive comments on this subject. I am hoping that the rest of my comments will come out for the both of you today.
Ar, Thanks for defending our faith! Like I mentioned in previous comment the Trinity is only one of the basic truths of the bible it is fundamental to the true Christian faith! How many times did Jesus warn the apostles warn us in the bible that there are many false teacher 's and false prophets saying they are of God when they are actually sheep in wolves clothing! After reading other comments from another person it is obvious that they have been told a lie believe it! The bible says we are to test the spirits to see if they are from God or not! We have to be careful be read up on Gods word...
To Evangelist Chatauna Robinson 's remark of 10 7 2014 referring to John chapter 14, please see what Jesus says to His disciples in Matthew ch 28 verse 19 Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of Father,and of the Son ,and the Holy Ghost.
Ileana Pierra How can you say If you have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit..that is not scriptural. ?? When Matthew 28 19 says Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,Its right there...black white!
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on John 14 - 10 years ago
Part 2 In John 14 8 to 10, Jesus acknowledges he is the Father. Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you and yet has thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works . The flesh is a house in which the spirit and soul resides. In 11 Corinthians 5 19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation .
My bible says that Jesus told His disciples to baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit...I don 't know what spirit or Jesus you believe in ...but it 's definitely not the one of my bible Miss Robinson...you are following a false Jesus and false belief a doctrine of demons. The Trinity is only one of the foundations of the true Christian faith. Without it...it is a false gospel...
I definitely agree with Lois Baldoza 's remark re John chapter 14. The Trinity Father,Son and Holy Spirit was there before the Creation see Genesis chapter one, referring to this, God,the spirit and the Word . Also Mark chapter 1 verses 9 10 and 11. Then 1 John chapter 5 verse 7. You see Evangelist Chatauna Robinson, how clear the Bible talks in Old and New Testament about the Trinity God?
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on John 14 - 10 years ago
Part 2 of 2 When a person baptizes you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, he is not telling the truth when he says this because no man can give you the Holy Ghost. Only Jesus himself gives this gift to man. However, when you do and receive according to what Peter stated on the day of Pentecost Acts 2 38 then you have the whole salvation plan. When you read the entire chapter 2 of the book of Acts you will find that there is no one in there that was baptized with the preacher calling Father, Son, Holy Ghost. They called Jesus name. Because God is Alpha and Omega and his name is Jesus Christ. There is only one. Even the Holy Ghost name is Jesus Christ because this is the spirit of God. This is his spirit. Read St. John 14 26.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson you truly do not know the true Jesus. You said " The second correction is that there is no trinity. " The trinity is something that can not be broken in the Christian faith. It is part of why Christians believe in the 3 persons of the Godhead. What you say is not of the truth... It is Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on John 14 - 10 years ago
Hello Ileana Pierra, I am truly glad that you have received the gift of the Holy Ghost. A lot of people believe that once they have accepted Christ in their hearts that this is all there is to it. They need to follow through with Acts 2 38. However, there are two corrections that I must give you so that when you are witnessing to people you will have the correct information. It is very necessary to get the correct Baptism. It is part of the salvation plan, Acts 2 38. However, sometimes God will fill you with the Holy Ghost before being baptized. Acts Chapter 10 in regards to the first Gentiles in Cornelius house. They were filled with the Holy Ghost and then baptized. I am glad that you know about Acts Chapter 19. I am glad that you were able to get the correct baptism in the Lord Jesus Christ name, because Father, son, and Holy Ghost are not names but Titles or offices in which God holds. I am glad that God completed his work in you that you speak with other tongues as the spirit of God give utterance. The second correction is that there is no trinity. There is just one being. " Ephesians 4 5, "One Lord, one faith, one baptism ". Read over in Acts 2 you will find a lot of information that I gave. When you read Peter 's answer on the day of Pentecost you will find that he acknowledges that oneness of Jesus Christ. Acts 2 36 "Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ ".
If what you guys are interpreting as for the Jews and not the followers of Christ what Jesus is saying here why and I say this in love don 't you ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to you. There can be no understanding of God 's word without the Holy Spirit. I think that a lot of you are trying to put God in a box and He is a "GREAT BIG GOD ". Jesus spoke many parables and the only way we can figure it out is to "Study His Word ". We in the flesh calls the churches the house of God but here Jesus said in my Father 's house are many mansions and if we were not going to be with him, why would He say I go to prepare a place for you and that He will come again and receive you unto Himself. So whether He brings the mansion to us or we get it in Heaven, I take joy in knowing that "ONE OF THEM BELONG TO ME ". For a description of the earthly city you are going to have to read revelation.
I got hold of this chapter in my early 30 's,I 'm now in my later 60 's and the promised Holy Spirit of Truth reveals Jesus at deeper levels year by year.What great comfort.
I was led to a new church yesterday by God for my first visit God placed a follower member to minister Truth to me as the service began to come to a close. This man used by God showed me biblical scripture that proved I had not yet received the Holy Ghost although I had been saved, born again, received Christ and baptized back in 2004. At first I was offended by him to think that he was suggesting the Holy Spirit was not in me, however I listened quietly and patiently. The more I listened, the more God spoke to my heart and the more I could see through actual scripture that millions of Christians have been Baptized by un scriptural means. The only way to receive the Holy Ghost is to be Baptized IN and only IN the NAME of JESUS CHRIST not as many churches do, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I got baptized yesterday for the second time since receiving Christ in 2004 right there and then in the back of this church in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST "only " and as soon as I came up above the water I began to speak in tongues. I had never spoken in tongues before until just yesterday. I feel renewed, and like a piece of the puzzle that was missing is now in place. I feel joy and excitement and enthusiasm like I have not felt in a long time in my Christian walk. Fast forward to this moment, just now the Lord Jesus brought me to John 14 and as I read through this chapter, verse 20 jumped out at me not to be confused with verse 16 where the word messenger s in plural is used. The word messenger in verse 20 is being used to signify The Holy Ghost. I feel Jesus brought me to this verse today to acknowledge the TRUTH I received and experienced yesterday....The Holy Ghost, the one and true messenger of Jesus, the Great Counselor, I am now in HIM and HE is in me and the Father in me, and now yesterday I met the Holy Ghost for the first time the trinity, I am now complete as the Lord intended me to be since 2004 when I first received Him. I can 't help but think how many Christians are in the dark about this as I was and knowing this new TRUTH now I feel compelled to share. If you have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit..that is not scriptural. Get yourself to a church that baptizes in the name of JESUS CHRIST alone and receive the fullness that Christ has in store for you. Acts 19 5 speaks of this Truth. I think this is the reason I was lukewarm...I was missing the Holy Ghost.
The New World Translation has altered this verse to say.. "I am IN UNION WITH " the Father. The most sarcastic thing I ever did was to write a letter to the Watchtower Society. My letter began.. "Enclosed is my check for 10,000. However, you won 't be able to cash it, because the money is not really IN my account. It is only IN UNION WITH my account... which brings up the point I would like to make ...
Philip was looking at Jesus with his naked eye,so he only saw Jesus flesh. The Spirit of God was within Jesus as it is in everyone. Jesus said you can do what I have done and even more. We need to sit still and listen to our Spirit which is God!
What the lORD is saying is plain and simple, If you love me you will be obident to my word. I love him and will be obient too the word of the Lord, knowing that I am not perfect, but I know he is still working on me. Praise the Lord!
I was praying and I was told, " I am who I am, and I am within you. " Google led me here to only find the words of john 14 20. our love for that in which is a greater good the holy spirit from within us, guides us, aids us, and is who and what is and always will save us.
it is perhaps one of my most favorite, meaningful, comforting, and loving chapters in the Holy Bible. When my heart is troubled I return to this chapter and feel the love of God through Christ 's promise of the Holy Comforter. I am going through a troubled time presently so I spent the morning with this chapter in deep thought and prayer.
Jesus himself bieng 100 human and 100 God in flesh can not lie, and His promise of the heavenly places mansions is a reward of anyone who picks up His cross to follow him, jonh 14 2 is clear the house of God originates in heaven, the church is the body of Christ. Though it is reffered to the church in certain scriptures
George, I agree with what you said about the Trinity, but let me add this. God is one entity, but he has three distinct personalities. These are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Your personality is who you are. That is why each is called God. The Father is the way God directs his affairs. Jesus spoke of this when he said that the Father sent him. The Holy Spirit is the way God inspires us to believe in what he is doing as Jesus. Jesus spoke of this when he said in John 16 that the Holy Spirit will tell us about him. But in all cases, Jesus is the personality through whom God speaks to us. What I mean is, there is only one God, not three separate Gods. This is the most fundamental belief of our religion. It is called monotheism, the belief in one God. But self identity or personality in another matter. You can have as many self identities or pesonalities as you like and still be one person. Such is our God. That is why he is a Trinity. Please respond!
The world can give a certain amount of peace But it is not a lasting peace or a healthy peace. Drugs and alcohol and sex can give peace But not healthy and everlasting . The peace that God gives is everlasting and wonderful. The work of righteousness is peace. When we are in the will of God we are in peace. There is the permissive will of God where the devil is and but the perfect will of God is where the everlasting peace is. All the world that is without God is in the permissive will of God. I would rather be in the perfect will of God and I am so endeavouring to get there every day.Thank God for a way of escape !!!
This is the Commander to His troops 'I don 't want you to be in fear, for you are of no use to Me that way,remember Gideon 's army? The world as it has always been is a war zone, only this time I will be present with you and so will be My peace, don 't forget what I did to the devil at the cross, give him a licking for he 's no match to you ' And the Church said Aaaamen.
my favorite verses speak of JESUS praying to the Father to send the Holy Ghost. Now some people say it 's Holy Spirit. I know that it is totally the Comforter that Jesus prayed to the Father to send.