Now 50 years of Bible study should have cleared up Father, Son, Holy Ghost. But being as it hasn't, 2 scriptures to help. John 8:28, words of Christ, as my father hath taught me. John 14:28, in Christ's "very own words", for my Father is greater than I. This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. If Jesus, whom some say, is not the Son of God, but God,they make God out to b a liar.
Bruce, John 14:26.Be at peace.V.27"Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it be afraid." Be courageous. Luke 12:4-5 Jesus warns us to Fear the Lord with terror,because he has power to cast us into the lake of fire that you preach.Could the "fearful" be someone that does not have the courage to tell others about Christ?Or have Christ like courage during times of testing;trials,temptations.?
V. 15 - Pas. Norm Paslay - Being a Christian is less about cautiously avoiding sin than about courageously doing God's will.
We are great sinners, but He is a greater savior.
Far too many parents are more interested in their kids making the team, than in making the Kingdom of God.
"..if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." What the Lord has begun, He will not rest till He has completed. You who are the delight of His eyes, and the joy of His heart; howsoever the enemy and his minions roar and threaten us, Jesus is still at the right hand of God, and the day of vengeance is in His heart!
WE are the household of God who dwells in us ( Eph 2:19-22, I Co 6:19-20) and wisdom is already in us ( 1 Co 1:30, John 14:16-17, 26). Understanding is already ours ( John 8:32). We need to stop looking to "obtain" the things of God and start manifesting what we "already have". God's already provided everything ( 2 Pet 1:3). See Hosea 4:6 as to why most Christians are defeated in life. It's sad.
Continue, The Father, by cultivating the Son works Himself with all His riches into the vine and eventually the vine expresses the Father in a corporate way through His branches.The Fathers economy in the Universe.When we abide in the Lord and His words abide in us, we actually are one with Him and He works within us.Than when we ask in prayer for whatever we will, it is not only we who are pray.
The worldly concept of peace is an absence of war. During the time when the Lord Jesus Christ earthly ministry, Israel is under the colonization of Roman Empire and wars are eminent during that time and people of Israel wants peace and security and longing for the promise Messianic king to deliver them from Roman Empire and have peace in their promised land. Jesus Christ is giving them assurance that the peace He is offering is more than the peace they are expecting. An inward peace that surpasses logical understanding. Peace that comes from the Father in heaven is not the absence of chaos and wars, but the absence of fear. If you fear for something, like losing job, losing someone you love, losing security, losing something important, losing the battle, then you don't have peace in your heart. The peace what the Lord Jesus Christ offers is the complete TRUST in Him, having the full confidence that no matter what you will not have fear because He is control of your life and everything.
V. 9 - " ..... he that hath seen me HATH seen the Father ..... "; Jesus didn't say, I am LIKE the Father, He said I am the Father, Jn. 1:14; ! Tim. 3:16.
"Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it suffices us." Now Philip had seen all the Lord's works of power; had heard His teaching, and His wisdom and understanding; he had been with Jesus constantly for about three and a half years, and had studied His face, and His whole nature and character daily being with Him and the other Apostles. Does he now still need more? Do we still also?
For the past year or so, I have faced challenges that almost drained all peace and joy from me. Even today, the odds against me financially are phenomenal, I have not managed to settle the university fees bill for my daughter in Moscow, talking within the home is strained, scarce and harsh, I am not working, things are just rough. Notwithstanding these hardships, the verse John 14:27 is just the right verse for me. I instantly received the peace that Jesus my Savior speaks of. The joy is returned, not joy in the hardships and challenges but peace and joy from Jesus my Lord. Thank you for the peace and the joy Lord, be exalted forever, and with this peace comes breakthroughs in all the areas of my life. If hardships had tried to destroy the peace in me, and since the peace has returned, the hardships are being destroyed effectively, one after the other. I now understand that peace is a warrior against all manner of challenges - Amen, in Jesus' Name.
It's so funny that we all at some point and time in our lives think we can say anything and do anything, and still think we are going to heaven, not so Jesus says He is the way and the truth, and there's no other way to God our father which art in heaven, He not playing around He makes it clear. we got to get it together for the sake of God our Father God the Son and God the Holy spirit. get ready
Jesus is the only Prince of Peace without him in our life We don't have Peace not even the world giveth Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. Sometimes we need to handover our disappointments to Jesus rather than keep thinking the things that are not working Jesus is the only answer and our need. I will keep your words Lord until rapture i will praise you and worship you amen
8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
Jesus said in Mathew that men shall come from east and west and dine with Abraham in the kingdom while the children of Abraham shall be cast into fire. please know it that without Jesus,no soul shall go into heaven.God Bless You.
Bless God for Jesus Christ, verse 28 of St.John chapter 14. Jesus reiterated the importance of his going away and that he shall return. Earlier in verses 2 and 3, Jesus tells the believers he goes to prepare a place for us in the Fathers house of mansions. And that bit of knowledge be all the more to keep and obey with love the commandments given.
Jesus is the only way that we can gain access to our heavenly Father, Jehovah God. We need to closely examine the way Jesus lived his life and strive to imitate his example as closely as possible. We also need to approach God in prayer through the name of Jesus Christ.
The lord is so great and the word is powerful...he does not require us to do anything just believe in him and follows his commandments..just that !!! God thank you for everything!!!
Jesus is the only way the truth and the life no one can cometh to the Father but by me. I believed you Jesus that you are the Son of the living God thank you for the blood you shed for us. Help me to be born again in spirit every moment of my life i will praise you Jesus and worship you alone. Thank you for your words that i meditate every you are my life and my salvation amen
We are great sinners, but He is a greater savior.
Far too many parents are more interested in their kids making the team, than in making the Kingdom of God.
8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?