i think that he is the way means our journey on earth is in the wrong direction and my heart takes me back to the Israelite after God brought them out of the slavery in Egypt they refused to follow the ways that was directed by the prophet,then the journey became longer than it was suppose to be.if we as Christians fail to follow the way the truth and the life our hope of making heaven might be marred.
Lord Jesus i believed you Lord that you are the only way the truth and the life no man can cometh to the Father but by you Jesus. Thank you Abba Father for sending Jesus to us not to condemn but by Jesus the world might be save thanks to your blood that shed for us this is more than enough that you have loved us I will praise you Jesus forever and thank you in advance for the explosive blessing
I believe that Heaven is a ready place for ready people. The Lord made heaven for the ones that love him with their whole heart. No sin will ever enter there again. I REALLY WANNA GO...HOW ABOUT YOU.
I believe you Jesus that you have prepared a mansion for me Thank you Lord for the blood you shed for us. You are always faithful to your words i believe you Jesus my Jehova Jireh the Lord my provider Shalom i will praise you and love you forever Lord help me to be born again every moment of my life
the greatest commandment is Love thy Lord thy God with all your heart all, all your soul and all your might, if you do this he will always be with you,he will never leave you. You must love him first for he sent us his only son to pay the price of our sin, he committed no sin, he took all the pain, suffering and shame for us all, how could you know what true love is without the Love of God Amen!
WOW, Thank You LORD for Joel and Your Precious WORD and the WARNING to BEWARE!! The TIME is Drawing NEAR... Please STOP and LOOK UP to HEAVEN Above and CALL Upon HIS HOLY NAME "JESUS" and REPENT and Place Your TRUST in JESUS... WHO is THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE ( John 14:6 KJV) - GOD BLESS The World ( John 3:16 KJV) - Hope to See Ya in HEAVEN!!
Verse 16~Jesus referred to the holy spirit as not only a Helper, but also a Comforter. When we are in need of comfort, we should pray for more holy spirit.
God is very good. I thank God for breath n my body. I am super grateful to be living .This chapter here is telling us he hasn't left. That he is still here. prayfornation
Jesus asked Phillips’ to see God . And there are at time you want to be in the presence of God.whe song writer said l hear song in the air and there most be God somewhere.Jesus want Philips to know that he was the Messiah,and he believe in God he has also have to believe in him.
"...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me. . ." tells me that the ONLY way to salvation is clearly presented in these eighteen (18) words. You have a simple choice - YOUR choice - to believe or not to believe! Read 2 Cor. 5:17.
I am a woman of God and i (Whole Heartly Believe In The Word Of God) people who don't believe that , Jesus is son of God , They need to Read this chapter ( John 14) to get an understanding ) and they won't loose their lives to satan , Love on Jesus
"And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you.That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing." Have you ever known anyone, who actually STUDIED TO BE QUIET? It is though, the commandment of the Lord. 1Cor 15:37. And we know if we love Him, we will keep his commandments. John 14:15.
John 14 has always been a powerful shield and comfort all the days of my life ... “Let not your heart be troubled ...” and why should I worry, or be afraid? When I am down and out, I know I will rise and walk with Him who loves me. Even when there are those who may cast me out, I know I am never lost for Jesus has already prepared a home for me “in my Father’s house.” I can never despair, for he
“Let not your heart be troubled ...” comforts me and vanishes all my pains, doubts and fear. John 14 has alwas been a way to listen to Jesus talking to me; I can hear his gentle and reassuring words within my heart, my tears he wipes away; his presence engulfs me in a shield protecting me, upholding me; I have no reason to be aftaid.
Jimmy - John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. --- We must believe but that alone will not save you -The devils believe.
John 14:15 is not symbolic, it's clear and means just what it says. If you love me God keep my commandments. The first four commandments addresses our love for God. The next six spells out how we should relate to our fellow man. That's what it means by two great commandments love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.
"If ye love me, keep my commandments." If you always tell your wife, Oh, I love you, I love you; but won't go to work or help with the chores; how is that love? Aren't you supposed to be under promise before God to love one another and be one? Why do you not keep the Lord's commandments? Laziness? Indifference? Other loves more important? Fear of the ridicule and looks of men? No heart agreement?
1John5:7 is so easy to understand. Most people are searching for contradict of the word. John 14:26 tells the comforter is the Word of God Hebrews 13:8 christ never changes The father the word and Holy Spirit never changes his mind on sin. Study to show thyself approve
in the latter rain, a truly blessed place of the true holy spirit.