It's simple to get saved, but the process of sanctification is hard. Before I elaborate, I assume you're referring how a sodomite can get saved; "gay" biblically means cheerful, "sodomy/sodomite" means those who practice same sex fornication.
You meet God in his own terms:
1.) You have to be in a broken and contrite state.
Psalms 51:17 "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise."
2.) You call upon Jesus to save you.
Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
3.) Put your faith in the Lord. (Take note that the eunuch called upon the Lord, he didn't just believe his way to salvation)
Acts 8:37 "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."
If you followed these steps, then you are saved; you will have assurance of your salvation as it'll come through chastening, if you don't have any chastening in your life, then you're not saved.
Hebrews 12:7
"If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?"
In answer to your 1st question, Psalm 23:4,Rev.21:4, John 14:1-3, Psalm 147:3
Remember to turn to the Lord when the going gets tough
Your 2nd question, if you are feeling far from God, check out these vs. I'm aware many of them are in Psalms, but I personally find the book of Psalms comforting. Luke 19:10, James 4:8, Psalm 42:5-11, Psalm 139:1-18, Psalm 145:18, Psalm 107:4-9.
Sent to earth by the Father. The only begotten Son of God. Born of a virgin. Crucified on a cross for the sins of the world. Rose up out of the grave on the 3rd day. Ascended up to Heaven and soon to return. This is my Jesus. The ONE who's blood with my testimony makes me an over comer. In Him do I trust. THANK YOU JESUS. To God be the glory!
Sin separates us from God. Jesus is the only way to the father. John 14:6. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Matthew 7:21-23. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM ME, YE THAT WORK INIQUITY.
The Bible says, "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, [Jesus Christ], that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" ( John 3:16).
Jesus said, I came that they may have life and have it abundantly ( John 10:10)
We have all done, thought or said bad things, which the Bible calls "sin." The Bible says, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" ( Romans 3:23).
The result of sin is death, spiritual separation from God ( Romans 6:23).
What's the good news?
Jesus died in our place so we could have a relationship with God and be with Him forever.
God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" ( Romans 5:8)
But it didn't end with His death on the cross. He rose again and still lives!
Christ died for our sins. He was buried. He was raised on the 3rd day, according to the Scriptures" ( 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me" ( John 14:6)
We can't earn salvation; we are saved by God's grace when we have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. All you have to do is admit you are a sinner, that Christ died for your sins, and ask His forgiveness. Then turn from your sins-that's called repentance. Jesus Christ knows you and loves you. What matters to Him is the attitude of your heart, your honesty. We suggest praying the following prayer to accept Christ as your Savior:
Dear God,
I know I'm a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Did you pray this prayer? Your name is written in the Book of Life. Revelation 3:5
If you do Web search (king-james-bible-most-popular ) or type that information
There's an interesting article that explained even it's impact on culture & USA when Colonized.
I've seen in one article that the printing was reduced to save costs.
Saur a German American also produced a Bible USA 1743-1776, including half of the Apocrypha [gruber] amazing German & England/Ireland influence include Apocrypha in early English translations. I'm very interested in this too because it's only been a few years that I have even been aware these books were seemingly removed from our Bible translations. This site has many books in the Apocrypha that point to Jesus as Messiah & strengthen faith. Give wisdom Ecclesiasticus
I trust the HOLY Spirit will give us Wisdom & teach us, James 1:5, John 14:26,
1. Yes I believe in some ways our faith may be considered more complicated because they being with Jesus " physically " John 3:12, John 14:11, yet scripture says : 2 Chronicles 20:20, we have so many accumulated testimonies, prophecy fulfilled, the written WORD of GOD from many generations past in many ways we have all that to help build upon our faith. Then we have personal experiences & witness of miraculous events in our present days & years. I believe it's powerful to see the biblical text, New & Old Tstm & imagine the future with the stacked testimonies & understanding time accumulates more information. When the days of tribulation come the stacked accounts with all scripture will be that much bigger. GOD is amazing. I realized the other day the wealth of faith building information at our reach. I told a young man, "Yes, these days are difficult but we have so much to draw from". & GOD in HIS infinite wisdom gives each generation what they need. Romans 10:17, John 20:29,
2. Luke 23:43, I guess it applies to today to yes prove "nothing is impossible with GOD" Luke 1:37, & possibly to encourage us that it's not too late to repent, in dying moment.
Next. (?) Interesting observation. Matthew 4:12, Matthew 23:37, GOD gives people many chances to do good. Mark 6:20, Mark 6:19-31, read though, Mark 6:32-46, did Jesus even take time to mourn? It seems HE went to take a moment, yet compassion moved HIM to minister.
At 1st read I had thought you asked about Peter & Paul comparison of Peter released & Paul was not, also same "(charges) Acts 12:5-17, Acts 21:30-40, - Acts 22, - Acts 23, - Acts 24, - Acts 25, - Acts 26, - Acts 27,-, Acts 28,
My emotion would want to say "all chains are evil" however Mark 5:3-20, Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4,
GOD uses all for good , Psalms 105:17-25, Romans 8:28-30, while Paul was in prison he wrote letters that became an important part of our HOLY Bible today.
I myself have had many beautiful discussions with Mormons & Jehovah Witnesses. I'm sorry if I mix up the teachings. 1st I want to say many of both, are very kind, I liked just about everyone I encountered. With few exceptions. However, many scriptural discussions seemed to point to teaching that was not in-line with JKV HOLY Bible.
1st important 1= Galatians 1:3-10, 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, teach don't believe another gospel even if an Angel brings, Mormons have a "new" teaching brought from "An Angel".
2nd Book of Mormon, addition to Bible? Psalms 89:34, Rev. 22:18, Deuteronomy 12:32,
3rd Mormons teach that Women can't be prophets untrue : Judges 4:4, Luke 2:36, Joel 2:28.
4th & maybe most important Mormons don't believe CHRIST Jesus is who HE says HE is. : Isaiah 53, Psalms 22, John 19, John 1,
Why do you ask?
Baptist are supposed to believe in Scripture.
I myself like to stick to the WORD of GOD. Those two are not your only choices. The choices really come down to the WORD itself here's some : John 3:15-16, Matthew 25:31-46, James 1:26-27, John 14:16,
I have a rule myself to let the HOLY Spirit teach us as we read. 1 John 2:27, John 14:26,
Sometimes we have to work at "unlearning" what someone tells us the Bible says. GOD's WORD is a "living Word" it teaches, corrects, edifies._.. 2 Timothy 3:16, & gives us wisdom. James 1:5,
Genesis 34, is the account. Notice : Genesis 34:2, they were Hivite
Thank you "GiGi" for pointing out her approximate age through scriptural knowledge. Genesis 30:19-31, Genesis 31:38-41,
Genesis 33:13-17, it says after they met Esau, they built a house & booths for cattle it doesn't say exactly how long they were there. It appears they may have left when Joseph was about 6 yrs. old because Genesis 31:41, But it was before Joseph was 17, Dinah seems to be older sister, they then pitched a tent._ Genesis 33:18-20 The only accounts of age we're given is Joseph was born & Genesis 30:25, Genesis 37:1-2, yet Joseph went to find his brethren in (Shechem) so was this timing, a historical account putting both situations about the same time? Genesis 37:11-14, because later Israel/Jacob tells Joseph about his mother's death & burial, that happened on Journey Genesis 35:1, Genesis 35:15-20, Genesis 35:27-29, Genesis 48:1-7, Genesis 45:25, Genesis 46:6,
About hearing God's voice, consider the following:
John 14:30
"Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me."
So you may want to instead pray for wisdom knowledge and understanding of His will:
Colossians 1
"9For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
10That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;"
Also, do you mind If I ask you how you define repentance, and if you talk about it in your tracts/books?
You didn't address me personally, but your positions ignore much scripture. Jesus didn't come to destroy the law (10 commandments) he came to die for our sins, provide us the means through Him to receive forgiveness for our sins, and teach us how to live and please God, and provide for us a way to achieve salvation if we listen and believe in HIS GOSPEL!
Matthew 5:17-19
17- Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Heaven and earth have NOT passed. Listen close to Jesus:
18- Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
You may want to reconsider following God's commandments.
When asked; Jesus stated the two most important commandments: To love God, and to love our neighbor's. He also stated in the next verse: Matthew 22:40 "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
Jesus said that all the of law hang on those 2 greatest commandments. The commandments are still in affect - until the End of Time!
God did promise us a new covenant. Hebrews 8:10 "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:" He will put His Laws in our minds - not do away with them!
Jesus tells us: John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments." Jesus also tells us 45 to 50 years after his death - in Revelation 22:14 to keep the commandments if we want to enter into Heaven. This is VERY STRONG scripture to ignore.
I'd like to comment on what you wrote: "in fact if you add works to salvation you are not saved at all and going to hell"
You quoted scripture which is great, but that intepretation is untrue.
Let's be very specific. Someone could interpret what you said and instead of helping feed the poor for the day he decides to commit a few random murders. So, according to your statement that's good, because he avoided helping people which would have been bad because it's "works"? Do you realize how twisted and backwards that sounds? So, doing good is bad, and bad is good is your message? Beware, because that is precisely what the devil does. He deceives in order to disobey God and commit evil. Those who follow satan and commit evil are going to hell if they never turn to Jesus. Obeying and doing works is GOOD, as Jesus said.
Now, let's focus on the possible origin of this misunderstanding: Rom 4:1-5.
This is talking about Abraham and works, but as good as he was it wasn't enough. God has high standards. Just because we're not good enough means we should do the opposite of God wants- and commit evil, that would be like slapping Jesus in the face.
This means you can't EARN grace. It doesn't mean to stop doing good. If you keep reading notice Romans 4:8. Paraphrased it says blessed is the man who doesn't even sin in the first place.
The Bible says to be a light of the world, to love and help people, do good works and deeds, help orphans and widows, care for people. And do everything possible to AVOID SIN, even if you have to cut off your own hand! Mark 9:43
John 14:15 - Jesus says to OBEY! And if you don't you don't even love Jesus. Those who don't love Jesus probably aren't following Jesus and by definition are not Christians and should not expect to attain salvation as He says here:
Matthew 7:21
�Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.�
In peace. God does not take back gifts He has given first! Turn from that path right away in Jesus' Holy Name. In Him there is no changing shadow, or no change at all. Who is changing? We do! Beloved and gracious brethren of the Kingdom of heaven.
When you now see this, you read the Word of God that frees you from this you are struggling with. Jesus says: He is the Way of Truth and Life.
John 14: 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
He also says: John 6:37 All that the Father has given me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
Bring back the gift of grace that He has given you. Confess your sins and return to God and the Lord Jesus in the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit. Believe in Jesus Christ my friend. I love u in Christ and pray.
Understanding John 10:30__God and Jesus are ONE - In Reply - 3 years ago
John 10:30
I and my Father are one.
Wesley's Notes for John 10:30
I and the Father ARE ONE. Not by consent of will only, but by unity of power, and consequently of nature ARE.
This word confutes Sabellius, proving the plurality of persons: one - This word confutes Arius, proving the unity of nature in God.
Never did any prophet before, from the beginning of the world, use any one expression of himself, which could possibly be so interpreted as this and other expressions were, by all that heard our Lord speak.
Therefore if he was not God he must have been the vilest of men.
John 14:10
Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth IN ME, he doeth the works.
Wesley's Notes for John 10:30
I and the Father ARE ONE. Not by consent of will only, but by unity of power, and consequently of nature ARE.
This word confutes Sabellius, proving the plurality of persons: one - This word confutes Arius, proving the unity of nature in God.
Never did any prophet before, from the beginning of the world, use any one expression of himself, which could possibly be so interpreted as this and other expressions were, by all that heard our Lord speak.
Therefore IF he was not God he must have been the vilest of men.
Have you been born again? It is JESUS who baptized us with the in-dwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT. It's his job to Teach us what each scripture means. We ask, and the Holy Spirit quickens the answer to our born again spirits; or tells us which scripture to read.
1 Corinthians 18:21
For the preaching of the cross is to them that PERISH is foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
I'd keep reading. Seek the truth and open yourself to learn who God really is and what He will reveal to you. Pray for wisdom and understanding. I wouldn't stop after one section and make conclusions before you take the entire context of the Bible into account. There are logical explanations for your questions.
For your food question if you continued reading you would have naturally found Acts 10. There is much more info in the New Testament about what law applies today, because there is moral law, civil law, and ceremonial law. The latter two were specific to Israelites. You would also read a verse like this: Matthew 5:17-20
Regarding your other questions you would eventually read verses like these:
You initiated a reply to me. I'm not sure how interested you are in my belief, but I am happy to dialogue with you as long as it is respectful and grounded in the truth of God's word, not man's opinion. You shared scripture which is great, I believe all the scripture you shared, but I don't believe your interpretation of it. I believe you have misinterpreted it and I can be very specific to the exact reasons why for each point if you are genuinely open to it. For the scripture you shared there is more scripture that says Jesus is God. He's not God the Father, but God the Son. I believe this, because the scripture says this, not because of feelings, bias, or agenda, but because it literally says Jesus is God in John 1:1. Do you believe John 1:1?
Your comment began with a question not about the trinity as the Bible says in 1 John 5:7. But your question wasn't about what the Bible says in 1 John 5:7, but the word 'trinity'. Since we don't know each other I don't know your motive for saying that, but I can say that some others use it as a common straw man argument to deceive others in order to discredit Jesus. The word the "Bible" isn't in the Bible either, so is it not a Bible? The word used in 1 John 5:7 is the three are 'one', so if you can use that if you don't like the word trinity.
John 1:1
1 John 5:7
Genesis 1:26
Genesis 11:6-7
John 10:30
John 8:19
John 1:1
Philippians 2:5-8
2 Corinthians 5:19
John 1:3
1 John 5:7
Matthew 28:19
1 Peter 1:2
2 Corinthians 13:14
Deuteronomy 6:4
John 14:10
John 20:28
1 John 5:8
1 John 2:22-24
Isaiah 7:14 - Jesus is called Immanuel which means "God with us"
Matthew 1:23-25
Hebrews 1:8 "But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom."
Isaiah 44:6 - Lord is King of Israel, Besides me there is no God.
Hi Donna. I believe that Jesus was speaking in His Humanity, subservient to His Father in all things. Even though Jesus could also state elsewhere ( John 14:1-3), that when He returns to Heaven, He will be preparing a place for them, it seems that there were events (present & future) that He had authority over & there were some events He was not privy to (e.g. the time of His Return: Mark 13:32). So, Jesus is stating here that the authority to grant a position in Heaven didn't rest with Him but with the Father.
Thank you for your words of encouragement. You've said some things that truly ministered to me. What stands out the most is "We all can err and make mistakes in interpretation." It takes an honest believer to admit that, and I say amen to that. There's something I said here a long while back. I said it's not what I say that is truth, it's not what you say (Not you personally, but anyone), it's not what anyone of us says that is truth. It's God's word (Logos) alone that is truth.
And yes, we are fallible beings. It doesn't mean were stupid, but we are incapable of knowing the mind of God. I do value the things everyone here has to share. I don't have to agree with it all, but I do value it. We're all to be as the Bereans and search the scriptures daily to see if the things we are being told are true.
But then again, what is truth? Is truth just a bunch of words written in the pages of a book we call the Bible? Many would say "Yes, God's word is the truth" (And it is), but then we turn around in our fallible human minds we think we understand but do we really? I think a lot of it has to do with human pride. I would be the first to raise my hand and say "Guilty."
Once again, what is truth? Here's what truth is to me, but first, here's what truth is not. It's not what I say, period! To me, truth is a person, and that person is Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the WAY, I am the TRUTH, and I am the LIFE."
So, do you or I or anyone else here have the truth? We do if we have Christ. He is the only truth a believer has. It's not head knowledge and it's not the words written in a book, but Christ Himself. If there were no Bibles, we would still have Christ, and He's all the truth we need!
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter. I pray that Our Heavenly Father God in his Son Our Lord Jesus name will continue to comfort you and strengthen your heart and help you to be strong during this difficult time. God is with you he will never leave you nor forsake you. Be still and know that he is God. God loves you, he will strengthen your heart when you wait on him. Trust in God, and his Son Our Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 46:1 (Holy Bible KJV) God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Hello, I personally believe the Bible message is simple that even a child can understand and know enough to follow Jesus. Beware of anyone trying to make it complex and try to reinterpret the original language or do anything to change what Jesus said. Generally there seems to be high motivation to find ways to disobey Jesus, rather than the same level of motivation to obey Jesus. We're in a spiritual war is all I can say. I know exactly what the Bible says when I read Acts 2:38 and those who disobey will be judged fairly by God. There's zero risk or downside to being baptized and only huge upside, but isn't it interesting how hard someone is willing to work to justify 'not' doing something.
May I address your assumption about sinning after being baptized. All are sinners Romans 3:23. After choosing to follow Christ we still are sinners, but as long as we follow Christ our sins will be forgiven by grace. Paul admitted his wrestling with the flesh if you wish to read about that. If we sin we should ask for forgiveness and be genuine- God knows our hearts. If someone intentionally sins to use grace as a hall pass to commit unlimited sin and wickedless, then I would not say that person isn't following Christ. John 14:15. Of course you'll find some people who claim they can do whatever they want, because their sins don't count and I believe that is a lie from the enemy. God hates sin and us obeying Him matters, regardless of what a man says to convince me otherwise.
Also, when you're baptized you're following Jesus's teaching, not a ritual to get into a particular church. So, if you want to be baptized you can ask church leaders in your area and I'm sure you'll find someone happy to baptize you even though you don't attend their church. I also have a hard time with church, because human beings are flawed beings whereever you go. I don't like seeing worldly culture infiltrating into a church, for example, in effort to please man, instead of trying to please God.
For me, being in Christ Jesus would mean that I have received Him into my life as my Lord and Savior. He is in me and I am in Him and nothing can separate me from Him. Jesus said in John 14:20, "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye (in me), and I in you. So Jesus is making a connection for us here.
In Colossians 2:9, Paul says "For in Him, (in Christ), dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" or in bodily form. When we receive Christ, and we are born of His Spirit, we have the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit living inside of us. Not part of Him, all of Him. You know how long it is going to last? Forever!
We have to understand that we have a spirit. And when God's Spirit comes into our spirit, we become one, never to be undone. His Spirit is in our spirit. And when we die, when our spirit leaves our body, He's taking us. His Spirit and our spirit will never be separate from now, throughout eternity!
So this is what it means to me to be in Christ Jesus. I am in Him, and He is in me.
I believe that john 14:3 refers to the rapture of the churches of king yahshua hamashiach. my reasons are simple:
1. there are two comings of the lord yahshua after his ascension.
2. they are the 2.1 the rapture of his churches, and 2.2 the second coming.
3. at the second coming, he will return to earth as king yahshua at exactly the same place that he ascended to heaven.
4. at the second coming, he will be coming down from heaven to earth together with all of those who were rapture earlier.
therefore, when yahshua said that...he will come again to recieve us to himself...this cannot be the second coming but the rapture of the churches of yahshua hamashiach. if we were to come down to earth with him, how can he be recieving us??
sceptics and even christians have asked the question: "how can the rapture be true when jesus himself did not say anything about the rapture??"
i am not a theologian but i do believe that the the lord yahshua/yeshua/jesus/yesus/iesous was referring to the rapture of his churches in john 14:3!
There have been several moments that were very difficult for me. Just recently I realized the years I studied scripture being confined mostly to bed after injuries: GOD ALMIGHTY is using it today, in being able to point others to scripture, without that difficult moment._..? .. would I have studied even half as much?. John 14:26, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18,
The losses I've suffered, has given me strength years before these recent trials. GOD had me prepared to face many difficulties. Through GOD's grace, taught me deeper trust in him & deeper realization of these scriptures. Hebrews 12:27-29, 2 Corinthians 1:3-7,
Hello, as per your question the Bible doesn't say you "don't have to" be baptized. It says you do, but of course we have freewill to choose who we want to follow in this life- and whether to do good or evil.
Here is Jesus's command to His followers: John 3:5
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
So, the real question is: if someone claims to be a Jesus follower (a Christian), but doesn't follow what Jesus says, how serious are they about following Jesus? And do they really love Jesus? John 14:15.
Would a genuine Christ follower always be looking to do the bare minimum they assume is required to "be saved" -or- give everything in their life to Christ, perhaps beyond what they assume is required?
Matthew 7:22 - this seems to be an unpopular reality for some believers who are uncomfortable with Jesus's words that many will assume they're "saved" but will not be. Given this scenario already predicted by Jesus, and given that someone desires to go to heaven, is it safer to obey Jesus or look for ways to disobey Him?
You meet God in his own terms:
1.) You have to be in a broken and contrite state.
Psalms 51:17 "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise."
2.) You call upon Jesus to save you.
Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
3.) Put your faith in the Lord. (Take note that the eunuch called upon the Lord, he didn't just believe his way to salvation)
Acts 8:37 "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."
If you followed these steps, then you are saved; you will have assurance of your salvation as it'll come through chastening, if you don't have any chastening in your life, then you're not saved.
Hebrews 12:7
"If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?"
If you're still confused, ask Jesus to show you the way to salvation, he'll give you wisdom.
James 1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."
John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Remember to turn to the Lord when the going gets tough
Your 2nd question, if you are feeling far from God, check out these vs. I'm aware many of them are in Psalms, but I personally find the book of Psalms comforting. Luke 19:10, James 4:8, Psalm 42:5-11, Psalm 139:1-18, Psalm 145:18, Psalm 107:4-9.
I love Jesus Christ my personal Lord and Savior.
Sent to earth by the Father. The only begotten Son of God. Born of a virgin. Crucified on a cross for the sins of the world. Rose up out of the grave on the 3rd day. Ascended up to Heaven and soon to return. This is my Jesus. The ONE who's blood with my testimony makes me an over comer. In Him do I trust. THANK YOU JESUS. To God be the glory!
God is Holy more so than we can imagine,
Sin separates us from God. Jesus is the only way to the father. John 14:6. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Matthew 7:21-23. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM ME, YE THAT WORK INIQUITY.
I hope this helps.
God bless.
Jesus said, I came that they may have life and have it abundantly ( John 10:10)
We have all done, thought or said bad things, which the Bible calls "sin." The Bible says, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" ( Romans 3:23).
The result of sin is death, spiritual separation from God ( Romans 6:23).
What's the good news?
Jesus died in our place so we could have a relationship with God and be with Him forever.
God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" ( Romans 5:8)
But it didn't end with His death on the cross. He rose again and still lives!
Christ died for our sins. He was buried. He was raised on the 3rd day, according to the Scriptures" ( 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me" ( John 14:6)
We can't earn salvation; we are saved by God's grace when we have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. All you have to do is admit you are a sinner, that Christ died for your sins, and ask His forgiveness. Then turn from your sins-that's called repentance. Jesus Christ knows you and loves you. What matters to Him is the attitude of your heart, your honesty. We suggest praying the following prayer to accept Christ as your Savior:
Dear God,
I know I'm a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Did you pray this prayer? Your name is written in the Book of Life. Revelation 3:5
Pray to receive the Holy Spirit as your Teacher.
Write down this date.
If you do Web search (king-james-bible-most-popular ) or type that information
There's an interesting article that explained even it's impact on culture & USA when Colonized.
I've seen in one article that the printing was reduced to save costs.
Saur a German American also produced a Bible USA 1743-1776, including half of the Apocrypha [gruber] amazing German & England/Ireland influence include Apocrypha in early English translations. I'm very interested in this too because it's only been a few years that I have even been aware these books were seemingly removed from our Bible translations. This site has many books in the Apocrypha that point to Jesus as Messiah & strengthen faith. Give wisdom Ecclesiasticus
I trust the HOLY Spirit will give us Wisdom & teach us, James 1:5, John 14:26,
Hopefully this is helpful
1. Yes I believe in some ways our faith may be considered more complicated because they being with Jesus " physically " John 3:12, John 14:11, yet scripture says : 2 Chronicles 20:20, we have so many accumulated testimonies, prophecy fulfilled, the written WORD of GOD from many generations past in many ways we have all that to help build upon our faith. Then we have personal experiences & witness of miraculous events in our present days & years. I believe it's powerful to see the biblical text, New & Old Tstm & imagine the future with the stacked testimonies & understanding time accumulates more information. When the days of tribulation come the stacked accounts with all scripture will be that much bigger. GOD is amazing. I realized the other day the wealth of faith building information at our reach. I told a young man, "Yes, these days are difficult but we have so much to draw from". & GOD in HIS infinite wisdom gives each generation what they need. Romans 10:17, John 20:29,
2. Luke 23:43, I guess it applies to today to yes prove "nothing is impossible with GOD" Luke 1:37, & possibly to encourage us that it's not too late to repent, in dying moment.
Next. (?) Interesting observation. Matthew 4:12, Matthew 23:37, GOD gives people many chances to do good. Mark 6:20, Mark 6:19-31, read though, Mark 6:32-46, did Jesus even take time to mourn? It seems HE went to take a moment, yet compassion moved HIM to minister.
At 1st read I had thought you asked about Peter & Paul comparison of Peter released & Paul was not, also same "(charges) Acts 12:5-17, Acts 21:30-40, - Acts 22, - Acts 23, - Acts 24, - Acts 25, - Acts 26, - Acts 27,-, Acts 28,
My emotion would want to say "all chains are evil" however Mark 5:3-20, Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4,
GOD uses all for good , Psalms 105:17-25, Romans 8:28-30, while Paul was in prison he wrote letters that became an important part of our HOLY Bible today.
3. James 1:5-8,
Hope this helps
I myself have had many beautiful discussions with Mormons & Jehovah Witnesses. I'm sorry if I mix up the teachings. 1st I want to say many of both, are very kind, I liked just about everyone I encountered. With few exceptions. However, many scriptural discussions seemed to point to teaching that was not in-line with JKV HOLY Bible.
1st important 1= Galatians 1:3-10, 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, teach don't believe another gospel even if an Angel brings, Mormons have a "new" teaching brought from "An Angel".
2nd Book of Mormon, addition to Bible? Psalms 89:34, Rev. 22:18, Deuteronomy 12:32,
3rd Mormons teach that Women can't be prophets untrue : Judges 4:4, Luke 2:36, Joel 2:28.
4th & maybe most important Mormons don't believe CHRIST Jesus is who HE says HE is. : Isaiah 53, Psalms 22, John 19, John 1,
Why do you ask?
Baptist are supposed to believe in Scripture.
I myself like to stick to the WORD of GOD. Those two are not your only choices. The choices really come down to the WORD itself here's some : John 3:15-16, Matthew 25:31-46, James 1:26-27, John 14:16,
Hopefully this is helpful.
Sometimes we have to work at "unlearning" what someone tells us the Bible says. GOD's WORD is a "living Word" it teaches, corrects, edifies._.. 2 Timothy 3:16, & gives us wisdom. James 1:5,
Genesis 34, is the account. Notice : Genesis 34:2, they were Hivite
Exodus 23:28, Exodus 34:11, Exodus 33:2, Genesis 10:15-19, Joshua 9,
Hopefully this is all helpful.
Thank you "GiGi" for pointing out her approximate age through scriptural knowledge. Genesis 30:19-31, Genesis 31:38-41,
Genesis 33:13-17, it says after they met Esau, they built a house & booths for cattle it doesn't say exactly how long they were there. It appears they may have left when Joseph was about 6 yrs. old because Genesis 31:41, But it was before Joseph was 17, Dinah seems to be older sister, they then pitched a tent._ Genesis 33:18-20 The only accounts of age we're given is Joseph was born & Genesis 30:25, Genesis 37:1-2, yet Joseph went to find his brethren in (Shechem) so was this timing, a historical account putting both situations about the same time? Genesis 37:11-14, because later Israel/Jacob tells Joseph about his mother's death & burial, that happened on Journey Genesis 35:1, Genesis 35:15-20, Genesis 35:27-29, Genesis 48:1-7, Genesis 45:25, Genesis 46:6,
About hearing God's voice, consider the following:
John 14:30
"Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me."
So you may want to instead pray for wisdom knowledge and understanding of His will:
Colossians 1
"9For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
10That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;"
Also, do you mind If I ask you how you define repentance, and if you talk about it in your tracts/books?
You didn't address me personally, but your positions ignore much scripture. Jesus didn't come to destroy the law (10 commandments) he came to die for our sins, provide us the means through Him to receive forgiveness for our sins, and teach us how to live and please God, and provide for us a way to achieve salvation if we listen and believe in HIS GOSPEL!
Matthew 5:17-19
17- Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Heaven and earth have NOT passed. Listen close to Jesus:
18- Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
You may want to reconsider following God's commandments.
When asked; Jesus stated the two most important commandments: To love God, and to love our neighbor's. He also stated in the next verse: Matthew 22:40 "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
Jesus said that all the of law hang on those 2 greatest commandments. The commandments are still in affect - until the End of Time!
God did promise us a new covenant. Hebrews 8:10 "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:" He will put His Laws in our minds - not do away with them!
Jesus tells us: John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments." Jesus also tells us 45 to 50 years after his death - in Revelation 22:14 to keep the commandments if we want to enter into Heaven. This is VERY STRONG scripture to ignore.
Read and Believe!
I'd like to comment on what you wrote: "in fact if you add works to salvation you are not saved at all and going to hell"
You quoted scripture which is great, but that intepretation is untrue.
Let's be very specific. Someone could interpret what you said and instead of helping feed the poor for the day he decides to commit a few random murders. So, according to your statement that's good, because he avoided helping people which would have been bad because it's "works"? Do you realize how twisted and backwards that sounds? So, doing good is bad, and bad is good is your message? Beware, because that is precisely what the devil does. He deceives in order to disobey God and commit evil. Those who follow satan and commit evil are going to hell if they never turn to Jesus. Obeying and doing works is GOOD, as Jesus said.
Now, let's focus on the possible origin of this misunderstanding: Rom 4:1-5.
This is talking about Abraham and works, but as good as he was it wasn't enough. God has high standards. Just because we're not good enough means we should do the opposite of God wants- and commit evil, that would be like slapping Jesus in the face.
This means you can't EARN grace. It doesn't mean to stop doing good. If you keep reading notice Romans 4:8. Paraphrased it says blessed is the man who doesn't even sin in the first place.
The Bible says to be a light of the world, to love and help people, do good works and deeds, help orphans and widows, care for people. And do everything possible to AVOID SIN, even if you have to cut off your own hand! Mark 9:43
John 14:15 - Jesus says to OBEY! And if you don't you don't even love Jesus. Those who don't love Jesus probably aren't following Jesus and by definition are not Christians and should not expect to attain salvation as He says here:
Matthew 7:21
�Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.�
Does that scripture influence your belief?
Chastisement definition on Web= punishment, whipping
Isaiah 53, whole chapter points to Jesus, what the Messiah would endure. John 19:1, scouraged = whipped as punishment
John 19, John 14:25-29,
Hopefully these are helpful.
In peace. God does not take back gifts He has given first! Turn from that path right away in Jesus' Holy Name. In Him there is no changing shadow, or no change at all. Who is changing? We do! Beloved and gracious brethren of the Kingdom of heaven.
When you now see this, you read the Word of God that frees you from this you are struggling with. Jesus says: He is the Way of Truth and Life.
John 14: 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
He also says: John 6:37 All that the Father has given me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
Bring back the gift of grace that He has given you. Confess your sins and return to God and the Lord Jesus in the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit. Believe in Jesus Christ my friend. I love u in Christ and pray.
I and my Father are one.
Wesley's Notes for John 10:30
I and the Father ARE ONE. Not by consent of will only, but by unity of power, and consequently of nature ARE.
This word confutes Sabellius, proving the plurality of persons: one - This word confutes Arius, proving the unity of nature in God.
Never did any prophet before, from the beginning of the world, use any one expression of himself, which could possibly be so interpreted as this and other expressions were, by all that heard our Lord speak.
Therefore if he was not God he must have been the vilest of men.
John 14:10
Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth IN ME, he doeth the works.
Wesley's Notes for John 10:30
I and the Father ARE ONE. Not by consent of will only, but by unity of power, and consequently of nature ARE.
This word confutes Sabellius, proving the plurality of persons: one - This word confutes Arius, proving the unity of nature in God.
Never did any prophet before, from the beginning of the world, use any one expression of himself, which could possibly be so interpreted as this and other expressions were, by all that heard our Lord speak.
Therefore IF he was not God he must have been the vilest of men.
Have you been born again? It is JESUS who baptized us with the in-dwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT. It's his job to Teach us what each scripture means. We ask, and the Holy Spirit quickens the answer to our born again spirits; or tells us which scripture to read.
1 Corinthians 18:21
For the preaching of the cross is to them that PERISH is foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
You may need to re-dedicate your life to God.
I'd keep reading. Seek the truth and open yourself to learn who God really is and what He will reveal to you. Pray for wisdom and understanding. I wouldn't stop after one section and make conclusions before you take the entire context of the Bible into account. There are logical explanations for your questions.
For your food question if you continued reading you would have naturally found Acts 10. There is much more info in the New Testament about what law applies today, because there is moral law, civil law, and ceremonial law. The latter two were specific to Israelites. You would also read a verse like this: Matthew 5:17-20
Regarding your other questions you would eventually read verses like these:
1 John 5:7-8
John 1:1
Genesis 1:26
Genesis 11:6-7
John 10:30
John 8:19
Philippians 2:5-8
2 Corinthians 5:19
John 1:3
Matthew 28:19
1 Peter 1:2
2 Corinthians 13:14
Deuteronomy 6:4
John 14:10
John 20:28
1 John 2:22-24
Isaiah 7:14
Matthew 1:23-25
Hebrews 1:8
Isaiah 44:6
John 1:18
Some OT prophesy of Jesus to come:
Isaiah 7:14
Psalms 72:9-10
Micah 5:2
Numbers 24:17
Genesis 22:18
God bless...
You initiated a reply to me. I'm not sure how interested you are in my belief, but I am happy to dialogue with you as long as it is respectful and grounded in the truth of God's word, not man's opinion. You shared scripture which is great, I believe all the scripture you shared, but I don't believe your interpretation of it. I believe you have misinterpreted it and I can be very specific to the exact reasons why for each point if you are genuinely open to it. For the scripture you shared there is more scripture that says Jesus is God. He's not God the Father, but God the Son. I believe this, because the scripture says this, not because of feelings, bias, or agenda, but because it literally says Jesus is God in John 1:1. Do you believe John 1:1?
Your comment began with a question not about the trinity as the Bible says in 1 John 5:7. But your question wasn't about what the Bible says in 1 John 5:7, but the word 'trinity'. Since we don't know each other I don't know your motive for saying that, but I can say that some others use it as a common straw man argument to deceive others in order to discredit Jesus. The word the "Bible" isn't in the Bible either, so is it not a Bible? The word used in 1 John 5:7 is the three are 'one', so if you can use that if you don't like the word trinity.
John 1:1
1 John 5:7
Genesis 1:26
Genesis 11:6-7
John 10:30
John 8:19
John 1:1
Philippians 2:5-8
2 Corinthians 5:19
John 1:3
1 John 5:7
Matthew 28:19
1 Peter 1:2
2 Corinthians 13:14
Deuteronomy 6:4
John 14:10
John 20:28
1 John 5:8
1 John 2:22-24
Isaiah 7:14 - Jesus is called Immanuel which means "God with us"
Matthew 1:23-25
Hebrews 1:8 "But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom."
Isaiah 44:6 - Lord is King of Israel, Besides me there is no God.
"Sons of God" isn't THE Son of God.
Do you believe these verses?
Thank you for your words of encouragement. You've said some things that truly ministered to me. What stands out the most is "We all can err and make mistakes in interpretation." It takes an honest believer to admit that, and I say amen to that. There's something I said here a long while back. I said it's not what I say that is truth, it's not what you say (Not you personally, but anyone), it's not what anyone of us says that is truth. It's God's word (Logos) alone that is truth.
And yes, we are fallible beings. It doesn't mean were stupid, but we are incapable of knowing the mind of God. I do value the things everyone here has to share. I don't have to agree with it all, but I do value it. We're all to be as the Bereans and search the scriptures daily to see if the things we are being told are true.
But then again, what is truth? Is truth just a bunch of words written in the pages of a book we call the Bible? Many would say "Yes, God's word is the truth" (And it is), but then we turn around in our fallible human minds we think we understand but do we really? I think a lot of it has to do with human pride. I would be the first to raise my hand and say "Guilty."
Once again, what is truth? Here's what truth is to me, but first, here's what truth is not. It's not what I say, period! To me, truth is a person, and that person is Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the WAY, I am the TRUTH, and I am the LIFE."
So, do you or I or anyone else here have the truth? We do if we have Christ. He is the only truth a believer has. It's not head knowledge and it's not the words written in a book, but Christ Himself. If there were no Bibles, we would still have Christ, and He's all the truth we need!
Thanks for sharing the wonderful scripture, directed at baptism. I agree with all! Amen.
Yes, Jesus is the only way to the Father. It's nice to hear of a church like yours that actually follows this bible scripture.
Does your church observe God's Ten Commandments?
John 14:15
"If ye love me, keep my commandments."
God Bless.
If you are feeling lead, trust the HOLY Spirit.
Here are more scriptures I feel relevant in this:
1 Corinthians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16,
Hopefully this is helpful.
May I address your assumption about sinning after being baptized. All are sinners Romans 3:23. After choosing to follow Christ we still are sinners, but as long as we follow Christ our sins will be forgiven by grace. Paul admitted his wrestling with the flesh if you wish to read about that. If we sin we should ask for forgiveness and be genuine- God knows our hearts. If someone intentionally sins to use grace as a hall pass to commit unlimited sin and wickedless, then I would not say that person isn't following Christ. John 14:15. Of course you'll find some people who claim they can do whatever they want, because their sins don't count and I believe that is a lie from the enemy. God hates sin and us obeying Him matters, regardless of what a man says to convince me otherwise.
Also, when you're baptized you're following Jesus's teaching, not a ritual to get into a particular church. So, if you want to be baptized you can ask church leaders in your area and I'm sure you'll find someone happy to baptize you even though you don't attend their church. I also have a hard time with church, because human beings are flawed beings whereever you go. I don't like seeing worldly culture infiltrating into a church, for example, in effort to please man, instead of trying to please God.
For me, being in Christ Jesus would mean that I have received Him into my life as my Lord and Savior. He is in me and I am in Him and nothing can separate me from Him. Jesus said in John 14:20, "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye (in me), and I in you. So Jesus is making a connection for us here.
In Colossians 2:9, Paul says "For in Him, (in Christ), dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" or in bodily form. When we receive Christ, and we are born of His Spirit, we have the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit living inside of us. Not part of Him, all of Him. You know how long it is going to last? Forever!
We have to understand that we have a spirit. And when God's Spirit comes into our spirit, we become one, never to be undone. His Spirit is in our spirit. And when we die, when our spirit leaves our body, He's taking us. His Spirit and our spirit will never be separate from now, throughout eternity!
So this is what it means to me to be in Christ Jesus. I am in Him, and He is in me.
1. there are two comings of the lord yahshua after his ascension.
2. they are the 2.1 the rapture of his churches, and 2.2 the second coming.
3. at the second coming, he will return to earth as king yahshua at exactly the same place that he ascended to heaven.
4. at the second coming, he will be coming down from heaven to earth together with all of those who were rapture earlier.
therefore, when yahshua said that...he will come again to recieve us to himself...this cannot be the second coming but the rapture of the churches of yahshua hamashiach. if we were to come down to earth with him, how can he be recieving us??
sceptics and even christians have asked the question: "how can the rapture be true when jesus himself did not say anything about the rapture??"
i am not a theologian but i do believe that the the lord yahshua/yeshua/jesus/yesus/iesous was referring to the rapture of his churches in john 14:3!
halleluyah..... maranatha.
mike samuel
The losses I've suffered, has given me strength years before these recent trials. GOD had me prepared to face many difficulties. Through GOD's grace, taught me deeper trust in him & deeper realization of these scriptures. Hebrews 12:27-29, 2 Corinthians 1:3-7,
1 John 4:18,
Thank you for your blessing.
Hopefully these encourage you
pushes or you don't don't really need a Saviour for a Spiritual Connection with God all you have to do is
mix up what you have been born with, I.E. Chi, your enlightened self, Ying or Yang, reincarnation,
transmigration of the soul, absolutely anything but John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him and that meant absolutely
without question I am the Way the Truth and the Life NO MAN cometh unto the father but by me!!!!!
He Is The Only Way
P.S. An interesting point to that Truth is that the Hallway in the Temple to the HOLY of HOLIES had three
Sections number1 The Way number 2 The Truth number 3 The Life then your In. Kinda neat That's why he
always ticked off the religious leaders, He knew they were fulla bulla LOl.
Here is Jesus's command to His followers: John 3:5
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
So, the real question is: if someone claims to be a Jesus follower (a Christian), but doesn't follow what Jesus says, how serious are they about following Jesus? And do they really love Jesus? John 14:15.
Would a genuine Christ follower always be looking to do the bare minimum they assume is required to "be saved" -or- give everything in their life to Christ, perhaps beyond what they assume is required?
Matthew 7:22 - this seems to be an unpopular reality for some believers who are uncomfortable with Jesus's words that many will assume they're "saved" but will not be. Given this scenario already predicted by Jesus, and given that someone desires to go to heaven, is it safer to obey Jesus or look for ways to disobey Him?
God bless...