Discuss John 13 Page 11

  • Reinarudo Watanabe on Philippians 2 - 9 years ago
    PHILIPPIANS 2 COMMENTS 4 2 2015 9:06 PM Paul portraits The humiliation and exaltation of our Lord Jesus Christ. v5 John 13:15 v6 John 1:1-2 Heb 1:3 John 5:18 v7 Isa 53:3 Matt12:18 John 1:14 Gal 4:4 v8 Heb 12:2 v9 Luke 10:22 Heb 1:4 v10 Isa 45:23 Rom 14:11 v11 John 13:13. God bless, A-men.
  • Doris E Parker on John 13 - 9 years ago
    JESUa walked with me through a test of time. Victory was given by CHRIST. Iam happy with JESUS.
  • Robert on John 13 - 10 years ago
    Jesus is telling us that we are all equal one body of Christ no member greater then another so even if we are a leader in church or not we are all one and needed to be a light in this dark world
  • Frank m on John 13:34 - 10 years ago
    So simple, yet so hard to apply in church!
  • Michael Cole on John 13:7 - 10 years ago
    "I 'm currently in a space where God is really dealing me right now spiritually a friend sent me John 13 7 to read it has given me some confirmation as to wht God is doing in my life right now. "
  • Keith on John 13 - 10 years ago
    we must serve.
  • Marsha on John 13 - 10 years ago
    I think what the Lord meant by washing one another 's feet was a representation of his forgiveness of our sin, first of all. The washing of the feet, was representative of his washing away our sins. Note, he said that everyone in the room was clean except the one that would betray him. And likewise, if he forgives us for our sins, represented by washing our feet, we should forgive others for theirs, i.e wash others ' feet. I also think it meant that we should have an attitude of servitude toward our fellow Christians. We should be willing to do anything necessary for them, even to "stoop so low " as to wash their feet. And voluntarily, I might add, because the Desciples did not ask Jesus to wash their feet.
  • Keith on John 13:27 - 10 years ago
    We must bear in mind that the betrayal was already made. Judas only needed to complete his commitment. Jesus was not telling Judas to go ahead and betray him. Judas already made the arrangements. The Holman commentary communicates nonsense when it says that Jesus offered a token of love and friendship to Judas when he gave him sop in an effort to change his mind. That is silly. If Jesus attempted to change the mind of Judas then Jesus was attempting to leave one of the prophecies about himself unfulfilled or perhaps many by way of chain reaction . EVERY prophecy concerning messiah HAD to be fulfilled or it would have been proven that Jesus was a fake. Jesus had to be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver . I believe Jesus knew who Judas was before he said "Follow me ". Jesus knew Judas would betray him. My thoughts are that Jesus was expressing his love for Judas by the sop. Perhaps the bread or morsel that filled with liquid was a picture Jesus was giving to Judas and to us of how Satan was about to fill Judas. What a sad moment.
  • BSP on John 13:5 - 10 years ago
    This really shows how humble and loving Jesus was. He performed the work of a lowly slave in washing the feet of each of his disciples. He showed love in even washing the feet of Judas even though he knew he was going to betray him. Jesus is truly worthy of our love and we should try to imitate him in our dealings with others.
  • Osei Nti on John 13:34 - 10 years ago
    if we understand the love of God how merciful he adore us we will be living better life in Christ amen
  • Blessed on John 13 - 10 years ago
    I was mad at Satan for a while wheneverer I read this verse. I couldn 't get over how he betrayed CHRIST. I was consumed with hate for Satan. Then as I grew in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior JESUS CHRIST I REALISED THAT WHAT JESUS SAID IS TRUE AND THAT IS WHAT I NEED TO LISTEN TO JESUS SAID NO MAN TAKE MY LIFE I GIVETH. GIVETH MEANS HE continually gives me his life. He defeated death that I might hav life and life more abundantly. He defeated poverty that I be prosperous. He defeated sickness that I have health. Thank you JESUS I AM NO LONGER CONSUMED IN HATING THE DEVIL. I AM IN GOD AND GOD IS IN ME. I AM IN JESUS GOD 'S LIVING. WORD '. Therefore I am spreading the good news of the gospel. JESUS IS RISEN. Thank you for saving me.
  • Toni on John 13:35 - 10 years ago
    God is love and love is of God. In order for the people of God to truly have the love Christ speaks of is to be baptised with the Holy Ghost and the fire. Paul states in Romans 5 5 "Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. " Having God 's Spirit dwelling in us and working through us, then and only then, can we truly love one another and Christ loved us.
  • MockingBird on John 13:35 - 10 years ago
    The people of the world fight and sue and bicker at and to one another If we the people of God are acting as the worldly people then why would they want anything to do with God and His people!!!
  • Peggygriffin on John 13:7 - 10 years ago
    I am so glad too read the bible
  • Zarko on John 13 - 10 years ago
    One of the important messages is given in verse 17 our Lord asks us not only to know but to do what we learned from Him and for doing The Lord blesses us
  • Kevin on John 13 - 10 years ago
    The 14th verse is key to the whole chapter If I then your Lord and Master have washed your feet ye also ought to wash one another s feet My church tries to do this every month
  • Muzi Sibiya on John 13:34 - 11 years ago
    In the great diversity that was the constitution of His desciples it was essential that the object of their commonwealth must be stressed, for that when their diverse ways has taken them differently, yet they can remember the author of the things they are talking about: Him who said ''I and the Father are one.'' For if you love not you fellow men you love not God himself.
  • Julia on John 13 - 11 years ago
    in this chapter our lord jesus was preaching the gospel of love telling us to love one another just in the way he had loved us...
  • Sarah Mathis on John 13 - 11 years ago
    In this chapter He was letting His disciples know that they had to wash each other feet as He has taught them and as He has demonstrated. He let's them know that they have to love one another and by this love others will know that they are His.
  • Jake on John 13:34 - 11 years ago
    If the World would just try to live by this Commandment we all would be better off
  • Devon Pearce on John 13:35 - 11 years ago
    I know the different translations make it clearer for us who are Old English challenged, but having love one "TO" another is different than having love "FOR" one another. "To" means the love is demonstrated, actioned upon, not just in your heart. It requires we show this love through our actions, live the love of Christ outward.
  • Mprince on Mark 14 - 11 years ago
    @Harry Tuttle...no where is this scripture of any scripture will you find abortion. The Word is simply saying it would have been better for Judas had he never been born because he betrayed God!
    John 13:2 And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him;
  • Clint on John 13:10 - 11 years ago
    I believe as Christ cleansed the feet of the disciples we should endeavor to cleanse each other with prayer and encouragement, and conversations filled with Love
  • Obed Lartey on John 13 - 11 years ago
    Jesus knew for sure that to take something from above(HEAVEN), one needs to go down(HUMILITY)and that is why HE taught us to be humble by washing the feet of the disciples who later through commitment became the APOSTLES.
  • Alison maple on John 13:27 - 11 years ago
    I love this and intend to preach it soon..people think God don't see what they are doing but like he said go ahead do it though you didn't make it known Jesus already knew his plans,as he knows ours..
  • Troy Purkey on John 13 - 11 years ago
    I like
  • Bob fishback on John 13:10 - 11 years ago
    This a wonderful validation of the imputed righteousness of God to all who believe. Daily sins only affect fellowship, not salvation. David prayed :Restore unto me the JOY of thy salvation...not restore unto me my salvation.
  • Thabo moabelo on John 13 - 11 years ago
    I will remain in you Lord and may your word not depart from me.
  • Fanie nkosi on John 13:34 - 11 years ago
    We need to accept Jesus as our saiver,because when we accept Jesus we accept God him Self,and God is love.then we will able to love one another.
  • Jayaraju on John 13 - 11 years ago
    Jesus knew who will betray him and who will dismay him . Still he is loving his disciples and shew Great Love and comp***ion towards them. Love one another as jesus loved you.

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