Verses 23 and 24- Martha knew that Jesus had performed resurrections but not of anyone who had been dead as long as Lazarus had been. Despite that she still had faith that Lazarus would be resurrected.
To go with my comment above, if a 1st century Middle Eastern king approached a foreign city on a donkey, he was coming in humility, and peace, as Jesus did riding into Jerusalem..but, if he came riding a horse, it meant he had every intention of taking over, and owning the city....He's coming back....He won't be riding a donkey this time. (Rev19:11)
The reason Jesus folded the napkin..........In the Middle East in the 1st. century it was custom to leave your napkin not folded, and thrown on the table, when finished eating, but...if the master left his napkin folded on the table, it meant he was not done, and would be returning soon ......and that was the message Jesus left, by folding the napkin....He was making a statement, ready.
Why did Jesus fold the napkin that was over His face? Well, one thing, it completely proves the shroud of Turin to be a hoax, and roundly and soundly ensures that NO GRAVEN IMAGE OF CHRIST WAS LEFT for men to be snared by relic worship! They that worship and serve the LORD must worship and serve in the Spirit: if anyone has not the Spirit of Christ, he is not at all His!
Though it is not a salvation issue per se, but it is the scriptures. I see via the folded napkin in the tomb that Jesus rose calmly, in control, taking on the day one step at a time. There is an element of decency and order in so doing. Even after such a bloody, violent, and earth shaking event as His crucifixion, the day of His rising is one of quiet, calm, and peace. Folding a napkin.
John 11:4 When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. Jesus knew Lazarus believe and worshiped him, by bringing Lazarus from the dead, it was a picture of how Jesus was going to be Glorified when he dies.
A disciple: Lazarus died twice ( John 11:38-44), the widow's son died twice ( Luke 7:11-17) and the young maiden died twice ( Acts 9:37-40). Plus you did not explain how Moses got out of paradise to appear at the mount of transfiguration. This is dealing with the nation of Israel, Moses the Law and Elijah the Prophets. Enoch was not Jewish and if anything, he is a type of the church rapture.
"Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me." JESUS
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die Believest thou this. Amen thanks to the blood Jesus i believed you and will worship you forever amen hallelujah
Verses 35 and 36: Even though Jesus knew he was going to resurrect Lazarus, he wept because death is a very painful experience. Jesus understands how we feel when we lose someone we love to death.
Jesus told us that what he does we can do greater works once HE goes to the Father and send back the Comforter. Christ Jesus also said that he is the resurrected and the life and Those that are a part of the KINGDOM
This is a remarkable chapter which documents Jesus weeping. He displayed human nature and love for His friend Lazarus. More importantly is His weeping for our sins which bring death. He then went on to reassure us that even if we are dead in sin, He can resurrect us and wash us clean. He said "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."
"Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus." When the Lord said, that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without our Father, this is so wonderful and comforting to us, who are only little ones in this world. A little family of two sisters and a brother; no mention of the parents, probably meaning that they weren't around anymore; But their house was Jesus' home, whenever He came by.
Bruce,You ask "where will you be in eternity?" A saved person (one that knows who God is through faith, and believing all of His word, walking in truth) will be in His Kingdom,heaven. I believe the verse you gave; you hold fast to your own opinion.I answered your questions but you did not answer mine. Yes, I need a savior;every day. I walk by faith not by sight. And yes, a saved person will know.
Lu: If you don't know these things, if you're not changed, where do you think you will be in Eternity? Most of Your responses Say you read The Bible. Also that You need a Savior. Is He Tugging on Your Heart? That's what John 6:44 is saying. 2Corinthians 5:17. Read These Verses,Pray, See You in The Morning. You Will Know. Impossible Not To.
I don't see a "tug on your heart" any where in scripture. Nor is there any obligation for a walk up to the alter. And I cannot see evidence that Satan would say"not now do it later" And why do you say faith will be evident "the next day"? Why not this day?
Mr. Smith (cont.); Obedience is what drives the action, and comes out of the same as "Hearkening," as it is in its nature, attentively hearing, for the purpose of doing and acting upon what is heard. Obedience is the manifestation and reflection of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that has been rightly planted in the heart: Humility and Truth in the inward parts, worked out in a manner of life.
Mr. Smith (cont.); "When we are obedient.." Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is obedience. Acknowledgment of the truth and repentance is obedience. Changing our life to come now and follow Jesus, and keep His commandments is obedience: when we have heard and received and done that which God has commanded us concerning the Glad Tidings of His Only Begotten Son, and continue steadfastly unto the end.
Mr. Smith; Yes I have received the Holy Spirit since I believed, in the same way as them in the beginning. When I confessed my sins to the Lord and repented, and was delivered from unclean spirits; I was Baptized in water; and being before instructed, I asked the Lord that He would Baptize me in the Holy Spirit; and I came up speaking in tongues. He has also opened my understanding to Scriptures.
A Disciple: as a follow-up on your comment, may I ask you what Paul asked the Ephesians in Acts 19...Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? If so, how do you know you received him? And what do you mean by "when we are obedient"?
Yes,without The Spirit convicting us of sin, we think we are fine./ No man can come to me, except The Father which hath sent me draw him---: John 6:44, That's a Tug on Your Heart. He may say your wrong,You need Salvation,go to The Altar,ask Forgiveness. Satan says not now,do it later, tonight, next week. Without Salvation no one can understand The Bible. They read it with worldly eyes.
Hi Bruce; I like the word "convicted of my sins" better than a "tug on my heart;" I think you can guess the difference. I was saved by Jesus through faith. Conviction is in the realm of faith and spiritual, and it is for the intent of getting us to repent and be converted. As a seal of that reconciliation, when we are obedient and ask Him for it; God gives us His Spirit into our hearts to live it!
The fact is that Jesus rose from being dead, and was seen alive by several hundred people. That Jesus rose from the dead is the key of Christianity.