This chapter is encouraging to my life. Sometimes we ask God: why bad things happen? We think we are so unlucky and if God was there with us, then why did it happen? But here we see that He saw it even before it happened. Let us give Glory to God for everything that happens in our lives, He knows all about all of them.
John 11:35 says Jesus wept. It is a touching scene to see Lazarus' sisters and the neighbours crying. Of course Jesus didn't cry out of compassion. I have never really understood why he wept there, and yet he didn't weep when thousands of people were sitting hungry after his teaching. In both cases He knew what He was going to do afterwards. Can someone explain?
It is so moving to read in verse 35 that Jesus wept.. His miracles are many and never ending the same goes for his teachings. His word keeps growing in our hearts in our minds and inside our spirit.
John 11 contains the verses that should be paramount in the hearts of all Christians everywhere. John 11: 25-26 says it all. Glory to God and salvation through Jesus Christ.
I believe Jesus wept also because of their unbelief in God. Jesus knew that through the power of God, this man would have been okay, but since they didn't understand, Jesus wept.
I will see if I can shed some light on the parable of the vineyard (verses 1 to 16).
1. All parables have dual applications (doctrinal and spiritual);
2. The man is Jesus;
3. Householder is owner of property;
4. Early in morning is first thing;
5. Laborers are the 12 disciples;
6. Vineyard is mission field (world);
7. Penny is the compensation for accepting your new position (child of God) in the mission field (world);
8. Hours is daytime hours ( John 11:9);
9. Watch is nighttime hours ( Mark 13:34-37);
10. In Jewish times, third hours is 09 am, six hours is noon, 11th hour is 5 pm, 6 pm begins the new day on Jewish clock. Remember God used Jews to write the bible.
From early morning to the 11th hour encompasses the church age (approximately 2000 years). When a person receives Jesus as saviour and becomes a child of God regardless if they converted in the 1st century or just before the rapture. All saints in Christ receive equal justification, holy spirit, inheritance, and opportunity for rewards; all under grace and mercy by Jesus Christ. There are certain promises God is giving out equally to all saints of God, regardless how long a person has been saved and what time in church history they lived.
YAHchanan MoshAH Baruch on Romans 8:11 - 12 years ago
There are so many scriptural references that teach the transformational process of these mortal bodies, like 1 Corinthians 15, Hebrews 2:14-15, 1 John 3:8, 2 Timothy 1:9-10, Hosea 13:14, John 8:51-52, John 11:24-27, 1 Peter 1:22-25 and there are many more that YAHUWAH has revealed to my heart concerning the restoration of all things that teaches we are coming to the fullness of the true teachings of MeoshiYAch that He destroyed the death process in the physical body to grant true immortality in all of your physical body. The message of the gospel was all about immortality to your whole being not just a spiritual aspect, hallow the first and second Adam which are the two keys in the immortal Name of YAHUWAH. The message YAHUWAH is bringing is the fullness of the death, burial, and resurrection of His blessed Son YAHUW-shua which shall be taught into all the world as a witness of the eternal reign of the kingdom of shamaYAim and the end shall truly come, for the last enemy to be put under the feet of MeoshiYAch is death. Therefore the final message or the last trump upon the earth will be the wisdom of the fullness of love and life that is free from all forms of fear in YAHUW-shua who was raised from the dead by the power of the immortal breath of YAHUWAH, hallo RUWach QadUWsh, immortal soul of YAHUWAH breathed forth that was put upon all the true followers of MoeshiYAch known as the YAHUWans or the taught ones of YAHUW-shua the blessed Son of the immortal Creator of all creation. There are much greater revelation insights that RUWach is bringing to us at the Tree of Life that would be to lengthy in this format that have vast scriptural proofs concerning the issue of physical immortality restored through MeoshiYAch that have been omitted in all of the modern day translations that are in the original scrolls of the prophets and the true followers of MeoshiYAch that the RUWach is unveiling to us in our fellowship at the Tree of Life. YAHUWAH is our immortal Father and YAHUW-shua is our blessed Deliverance from all death and is our authority to the Tree of Life.
Profound, very profound, means we live in immortality in Christ Jesus. We have overcome death, having partaken of his flesh and blood. We have the power and authority to call forth those things that are dead to life ...
I have never noticed this before, and it just goes to show that, because it is in the past tense it means that Jesus has been and is forever with his Father, Amen glory to God
What i like most, not i like, i love most was martha on verse 22 she said >but i know by now that what soever you ask of God, God will it thee< she was the same person who said if you have been here. Secondly Jesus wept because the unbelievers dont know about the Great Glory Of GOD. JESUS IS LORD forever amen.
jesus wept in my opinion because he wanted to be with lazorius when he was sick but he could not leave to help him when he was first summoned because he would be choosing lazorius over GOD
I believe that Jesus wept because he was pained by the unbelief of these people he had already told them I'm the resurrection and the life so they need not have had kept on mourning for Jesus was there. he was going to raise him from the dead. Jesus is saying I'm here for you you need not cry he is never late for you but all is done for the glory of God.
Jesus had told Martha, and Mary that the sickness was not unto death, rather that God would be glorified. We should not worry when God seems to be late, because he is never late or early, he is always on time. Jesus had told them if they would believe, they would see the glory of God. Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life, whosoever believes on me, though he were dead shall never die. Praise God for this truth, for when I stood at the grave of my father, I took comfort in those words. Jesus will speak the words come up hither, and all those in Christ will be raised to life. What a blessed hope we have as christians, and that is why we are not to sorrow as those who have no hope. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with the shout at the last trump, and the dead shall be raised to life while we who are alive will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus.
I believe Jesus wept because his heart was grieved to bring his friend back to life on earth. I wouldnt wish any of my fellow christians whom have passed to be back on this earth.
We all have friends, friend of friends, and people we love because of their activities. If they became sick or hurt in some way, we would be extremely concerned, especially if they could die. Sharing this story with someone can show them that Jesus is never too late to take care of the situation and that he will not neglect their needs. He seemed to deal with each one differently as to their individual faith. Martha was more logical in her faith, although grieving, knew her brother was in heaven. Mary grievied mostly for the loss of brother, not thinking of the hereafter. Jesus was affected by the broken hearts of Martha and Mary and grieved for their pain. Jesus's compassion was manifested by weeping,b not for the death of a friend, but for the pain of the living. All those who lose loved ones can be comforted by knowing Jesus is there for them, and that all they have to do, is call on his name adn don't lose faith.
I love the Lord Jesus Christ today. I want to be totally saturated by his Holy Spirit, starting with my heart, from head to toe. The Lord is so good to us. His mercy and grace abounds. Praise ye the Lord Almighty.
Lots of good comments. I always thought Jesus wept because he knew Lazarus was in paradise and he knew he was about to bring him back to this place. And as JD added he know he had to do all this because of unbelief - double wammy
1. All parables have dual applications (doctrinal and spiritual);
2. The man is Jesus;
3. Householder is owner of property;
4. Early in morning is first thing;
5. Laborers are the 12 disciples;
6. Vineyard is mission field (world);
7. Penny is the compensation for accepting your new position (child of God) in the mission field (world);
8. Hours is daytime hours ( John 11:9);
9. Watch is nighttime hours ( Mark 13:34-37);
10. In Jewish times, third hours is 09 am, six hours is noon, 11th hour is 5 pm, 6 pm begins the new day on Jewish clock. Remember God used Jews to write the bible.
From early morning to the 11th hour encompasses the church age (approximately 2000 years). When a person receives Jesus as saviour and becomes a child of God regardless if they converted in the 1st century or just before the rapture. All saints in Christ receive equal justification, holy spirit, inheritance, and opportunity for rewards; all under grace and mercy by Jesus Christ. There are certain promises God is giving out equally to all saints of God, regardless how long a person has been saved and what time in church history they lived.