Brianna, here are some more KJV Bible Scriptures that proves that Jesus Christ was Almighty God. Matthew 1:23John 5:23John 8:58John 14:9-11John 10:30-33 John 20:28John 14:6-72 John 1:71 Timothy 3:161 Timothy 6:14-16Hebrews 2:17-18Hebrews 4:15-16Hebrews 1:8-91 Peter 2:24John 15:13Romans 5:8Philippians 2:5-7.
Jesus is the only true God!And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21.For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 1st.timonthy 2:5.But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things and we by him
Hello stan, yes we have been given the "right" to be called the sons of God! But, sticking with this chapter, read verse 35, unto whom the word of God came. We are in the sheepfold now, but we don t go around calling ourselves sons of God-do we? i am content to be a follower, a christian.
Romans 8:14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Galatians 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
John 10:10 says "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly". A thief comes to take from you your joy, peace, prayer life, your belief in Jesus Christ, your testimony, and your love for God. Once he has done this, it is easy to destroy you because you have no power. Hold on to Jesus.
Jay, For ye are saved by grace through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works least any man should boast. Eph 2: 8-9 Salvation is a gift in a person Jesus Christ. You receive a gift or reject. Salvation is not by works you do not keep your salvation once received God does not take it back. John 10:28. .. John 3:7 Ye must be born again. Born of Gods Spirit by Faith.
Hello, Jesus as the Son of God was unique, to whom else did He ever refer to be called the son of God? As in older times, the Judges title referred to an office conferred upon them and they were referred to as gods or sons of the Most High. We represent Christ in the world today and are identified by the Name Character of "Christians"
I love the mystery of the God! Verse 34,35. "Did I not say, ye are Gods", and then, in verse 35, "If then, He". Showing that Jesus, and the father are one. I love the "Mystery" of God, like in Collossions chapter 1, "The mystery of the gospel, which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory"
Revelation 3:21 reveals that the Conquering CHRIST is NOW sitting on the THRONE at the Right Hand of His FATHER GOD. John 10:17 "Therefore doth My Father LOVE Me, because I lay down My Life, that I might TAKE IT AGAIN"
John15:13 "Greater LOVE hath no man than this, that a man lay down his [worldly] life for his friends [and Live his Life as a Soldier of Christ] CHRIST is not telling you to die
The MessiaH Name is Not Jesus that name means Zeus, The MessiaH Name IS YAHshuaH, Also The MessiaH And G-D THE FATHER Are One The Same G-D Name Is YAH, Therefore YAH Abba Father The Creator IS THE MessiaH And The MessiaH IS YAH Abba Father The Creator, Wisdom to All, Blessings And Shalom
When jesus said i and the father are one so jews stoned him then jesus asked why are you pelting stones at me for what i have done wrong? they replied we are not stoned you for your any wrong we stoned you for blasphemy.then jesus realised they misunderstood him so he clarified by giving the reference of old testament psalms 82:6 isaid " you are gods"the judges and priest were called as elohim.
Truthseeker: The Godhead: The Holy Trinity, is one, but Three Different Persons. At the Moment, God the Holy Spirit is on the Earth, while God the Father and God the Son are both in Heaven. At Present, God the Son Sits at the Father’s Right Hand Pleading and Making Intercession for us, Christians.(When the enemy accuses us of our Sins) Jesus reminds The Father of: Trial:Suffering: Death: Burial:
Who has faith to survive every doubt. Noone alive on earth at present, I suspect. The mind can't wrangle it, the heart grows faint in hardship. The world clamors out its dismay, Teachers scramble for the exits when tried. The the Word exists. Someone wrote it. Some human(I imagine) sat down to record things he, or she observed. Faith is personal, for it is no less than a relationship w/God.
This psalm was quoted by Jesus in John 10:34 specifically indicating that reborn Christians, being the sons of God are gods and it comes with the responsibilities listed in verse 3 and 4.
It warns us not to remain in darkness but to open our eyes to what our new purpose is and that as Christians we should be world changers by the love and power of our Most High Father and God.
Christians accept Jesus Christ as the son of God by faith. I accept the fact that I have a brain , actually, by faith. I have never SEEN my brain, but the proof is there, because my five senses, brain and heart life are alive! His miracles and our faith in his word are all we need. " Without faith, it is impossible to please Him! " Sir, does that answer your question?
One of the biggest hurdlesof all is that Jesus,the Christ, is the Son of God. But why?Are we not Spirit as our essence. "The flesh profiteth nothing"Jesus stated plainly this truth because that was his "state of being" and what his miracles certified.As we know,the spirit is not subject to death,unless it is for Judgement of the Father. "Fear him who can cast into Hell, where there is only death
If Jesus was part of a whole body God, then when he died, it necessitates the whole body to die, and we know among the attributes God, he doesn't die it befits him not to die, so he is either an independent body which negates the doctrine of trinity or he didn't die at all which negates the basis upon which Modern Christianity was built that he died for the salvation of Mankind. Rethink!!!
Yes, and though this can be discouraging, it only serves to confirm the truth of God’s Word, (see 2 Tim 4:3-4) but in verse 5 is the answer. He speaks specifically to Timothy here, but the instruction to all is clear: watch. We are to watch and pray. If something you hear doesn’t ring true, check it; search the scriptures. It is good practice to check out the preacher, even if you you know him.
Verse 39,...Therefore they sought again to take him:" but he escaped out of their hand", this vanishing of Jesus happened many times in Luke 4:30," But he passing through the mist of them went his way"...This is a great Miracle by GOD, just when Jesus was going to be stoned or apprehended suddenly time was frozen and stood still and he just walk away ,there is no other explanation. a Miracle.
The Lord is my Shepherd John 10:11 Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd lays down his life for his friends. Jesus said I lay down my life that may take up again. Jesus said it and He did it; that is why the tomb of our Lord is an International Tourist Attraction because the Tomb of my Jesus is empty. The wages of sin is death. Jesus was sinless that is why on 3rd He rose again.
And how many who have come after our LORD are also thieves and robbers? This may not be taken well but my only intent is to be truthful. I find that in most of our denominations today we find men who claim to speak truth about Jesus Christ but subtily preach a gospel that does not save but instead only tickles ears. Not that we who are in His word should be surprised because we were warned.
Simply put: once someone is truly born again it is forever. John 10:25-30 says there r those that properly believe and those that don't and The Lord Jesus knows the difference. He gives to those that believe eternal life, and �they will never perish, and cannot be plucked out of His or the Fathers hand (v 28-29). God will carry a believer through the ups and downs in life: HE will carry us through.
Those who were in leadership could not understand they were face to face with the coming Messiah, which was held in the scriptures given to them to teach and be an example. Jesus is not calling us all gods. He is making a reference to their inflated sense of authority in relation to their impending judgement of supposed blasphemy.
John 10:17 "Therefore doth My Father LOVE Me, because I lay down My Life, that I might TAKE IT AGAIN"
John15:13 "Greater LOVE hath no man than this, that a man lay down his [worldly] life for his friends [and Live his Life as a Soldier of Christ] CHRIST is not telling you to die
It warns us not to remain in darkness but to open our eyes to what our new purpose is and that as Christians we should be world changers by the love and power of our Most High Father and God.
Yes, and though this can be discouraging, it only serves to confirm the truth of God’s Word, (see 2 Tim 4:3-4) but in verse 5 is the answer. He speaks specifically to Timothy here, but the instruction to all is clear: watch. We are to watch and pray. If something you hear doesn’t ring true, check it; search the scriptures. It is good practice to check out the preacher, even if you you know him.