Discuss Job 42 Page 3

  • Sandra Kebeciebu Pauline Howard on Job 42 - 6 years ago
    With God All things are possible. Just learn to trust him alone and completely. Only He can see you through. I am a witness to His goodness and faithfulness.
  • James johnson on Job 42 - 7 years ago
    Notice the bible tells us that God gave Job twice as much as he had back in ch.1, checking it out I found out he did because he always keeps his promises only notice his children he had 7sons and 3daughters in both ch.1 and here also.I realized Job didn't lose them he had 10 in heaven and 10 on earth. Don't we serve a awesome God?"Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord
  • BSP on Job 42 - 7 years ago
    Verse 5 shows that when Job took the time to meditate on how Jehovah God's hand was in his life, he could see in his mind how God had helped him. We need to take time to read the Bible and meditate on it so that we can see how God's hand is in our lives.
  • Joseph steven Mujabi on Job 42 - 8 years ago
    Surely the 42:1 has touched me a lot just look at Jobs words l know.,,,,. The words 'I know' puts to a poing of powerful faith God bless you
  • Echo Lee on Job 42 - 8 years ago
    Blessed be those in misfortune but still holding their faiths. Amen.
  • Chawota joseph on Job 42 - 8 years ago
    God test us in different ways just like he did to Job, but the Christians or believers of today we are lacking faith in the lord ,people easily fall into temptations. if we look at Job he kept on looking up to the lord until the lord hears his cry. We need to trust in the lord because he is the author of salvation and we will enjoy the fruits of heaven. God is there and he hears our prays
  • Sarah frierson on Job 42 - 8 years ago
    I thank we have a lot to learn about God in job 42. God sure us nothing belong to us even our self. And we be patient he will gave You and answer.Amen
  • Teresa on Job 42 - 8 years ago
    It's GOD he is as Faithful "Now" As though he was then. He is the Author and the finisher of Our Faith. Praise His Name. So who ever reads this and you feel that you are loosing a battle of what ever that is..Don't give up your Faith and Trust in God. Stand on the word of Job 42 God love us..Just Have Faith and don't Ever let go. You will Win if you do.
  • Rodion Ponomariev on Job 42:14 - 9 years ago
    Job 42:14 And he called the name of the first, Jemima and the name of the second, Kezia and the name of the third, Kerenhappuch.
  • INIOBONG UDOH on Job 42:5 - 9 years ago
    This means the ability to commune with your creator.
  • Rachel Sears on Job 42:3 - 9 years ago
    Sermon note I heard. "When you compare yourself to others, you may look pretty good, even righteous. Compare yourself to God. " God 's plan is perfect even when He tests us and we do not understand His thoughts.
  • Kelly on Job 42:3 - 9 years ago
    We cannot fully understand God . We can read and study the Bible, the book of guidance he has given us , it is all we need to know. But we cannot as mortal beings of the sinful flesh, fully understand the marvelous divine Creator.
  • Mitchell Nelson on Job 42 - 9 years ago
    i think that the 42nd chapter of Job shows us the true love of God. He honored Job for his faithfulness in yime of tribulation. Though all he had was taken, family, posessions, etc., Job kept his integrity with God, and God rewarded him with 10 new sons and daughters, twice the posessions as before, his family came back, and he was awarded the priviledge to pray for his comforters "for him will I accept. " I think that this book was written for us today to give us the strength to stand in trying times, knowing that God is going to work out our every situation in life if we only trust in Him,
  • Darren on Job 42:1 - 10 years ago
    Job realized that God is still in control and to wise to make an mistake and too loving to turn his back on him. Job repented for his complaint towards God, prayed for his friends and God turned every thing around and added double for what he lost. God is in control
  • Yeat on Job 42:10 - 10 years ago
    Restrained everything he had.
  • Dal on Job 42 - 10 years ago
    The great truth of this book is that it disputes and corrects the idea prosperity ideology.God owes us nothing for our faith and hope in him but we owe him everything for his love for us in Christ Jesus.God said Job was perfect and upright and God cannot lie.He was perfected through his faith in The Redeemer that was yet to come but Job knew still lived.We are no different.Jesus our high priest makes intersession for us when the devil comes to accuse us as he did Job.For our sake God tests us to make us see our utter dependence upon him.Sometimes our lives are not long enough to see the restoration that Job saw but God is faithful to restore all and bless us in eternity.Remember the man born blind that Jesus healed.The disciples asked who sinned,this man or his parents?Jesus replied neither but that the power of God should be revealed.We should be oh so ready to comfort our brothers and sisters in Christ when they are afflicted and in temptation because of pain or illness or grief.We should be like Jesus himself who though he was God,wept in his grief.I thank You now Heavenly Father for the wounds that heal.
  • Margaret on Job 42 - 10 years ago
    God is our creator. God knows all things. Nothing is hid from the Lord our God our Everlasting King. God is mighty in strength and wisdom. God is just and his judgment is right. With the grace and mercy of God we always obey and serve God in the Spirit. Blessed be God for his loving kindness, tender mercy and peace. We give thanks to Almighty God for all things in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
  • ED on Job 42 - 10 years ago
    the carnel mind thinks for the body below it.and it tells the body what to do.and think. and with his mouth he tells you what it thinks,and if you listen it will deceive you. now the mind of CHRIST which is in you GOD himself can use your spiritual mind .and tell you things you never heard before the difference beween them one thinks he knows the outher knows the truth. which one teaches you?
  • Nonjabulo on Job 42 - 10 years ago
    If u read verse 1 you will find Job saying Lord I know u have gud plans We should know dat in Jeremia 29 11 12 God says He knew us while we were on our mothers womb wat devil is trying to do to destroy us he has no power no matter how painful it is but hold on if u put it pratically how can u say u know your redeemer lives But u in pain loose every everything nobody is no yo side we need God each and every1 so that we will be able to stand at tymes things cannot make sense but we shouldnot forget that our saviours word to us is full of hope he will be alwaz there if we look for help comfortin our sorrows and dissapointment Let not your heart be troubled He said ye believe in God The path of sincerity and intergrity is not a path free from obstruction but in every difficult we are to see a call prayer whatsoever ye shall ask in my name said Jesus that will do let us learn to trust God like Job even if life doesnot make sense as long as God is on our side it is well
  • Terrance on Job 42:10 - 11 years ago
    Where he was down now he is up
  • George on Job 42:6 - 11 years ago
    And this how we should feel about our sinfulness before God and our sins that cost us so much in our lives when we allow them to control us instead of God. And we should also continue past abhorring ourselves and also repent of them before God and leave the paths of sin which pleases God when we trust fully in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour. Sincerely ;
  • George on Job 42:12 - 11 years ago
    Yes, indeed, God delights in blessing his own children when they walk in obedience to him as he did Job. Although we may not have as much as Job had financially or family wise yet he has promised to bless us and take care of us in this life. And my God shall supply all of your need according to his riches in glory , by Christ Jesus. And I am sure that Jobs heart was joyful after all he had been through to have all of these blessings from the Lord his God and was joyful in him. Sincerely ;
  • George on Job 42:7 - 11 years ago
    The tendency of our Christian friends at times is to judge us about why we are going through what we are going through. Yes, at times it could be for sinful reasons for chastisement. But sometimes it is only being used to grow us spiritually or as in this case to prove to satan that Job did fear and love God for no other reason then that . And not for any alterior motives or for what God had blessed him with but for the love of God himself. Who Job knew to be his redeemer and that he would stand at the later day upon the earth. And these friends were in some ways used by the devil which is why we should always guard our tongues when someone is going through something hard in their lives and seek to encourage and help them instead of have unrighteous judgments on them since the ultimate judge will determine our motives one day at the Judgment seat of Christ which is the judgment for believers and their works after they were saved. But the lost sinner will be judged for all of the sins he has done and why he didn't repent of his sins against God and trust his Son, the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour when he had opportunity to do so. We do not have full knowledge of everything as God does and in this account with Job and his friends although they said some notable things yet they judged Job harshly as well as out of line with the way Job really lived. And very few Christians today I believe come up to the things Job did for other people and the things he didn't do. Although God reproved Job for judging him also. Wilt thou condemn me that thou mayest be righteous. So we shouldn't condemn God's dealings in our lives or think we are more righteous then God nor should we judge peoples hardships in life as being because they are a hypocrite or were living wicked or some other assumption on them. But we should instead judge righteous judgment according to the facts about someone. So let us comfort those in need and encourage them since we to may need it someday in our own lives. And also as these friends be ashamed when God reproves us and demands a sacrifice from us and commends the one who we judged unfairly without factual evidence fro doing so. Sincerely ;
  • George on Job 42:2 - 11 years ago
    Yes, indeed, this is very true . God can do everything and we should have the faith that he is able to do so instead of doubting him in our lives. And also the fact that no thought can be withholden from him. He knows what we even think about so we should be careful what we meditate on that it is not sinful since out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Therefore if we seek to think on things that are honest, just , pure , lovely , any virtue or any praise we will also do the right things in our lives instead of the sinful things at least if we know the Lord Jesus as our personal Saviour through repentance a change of mind about our sins before God and then wanting to turn away from them and then trust in the Lord Jesus , God's Son , as our own personal Saviour . Believing in our hearts that he died for all of our sins on the cross of Calvary, was buried, and rose again from the dead the third day, was then seen of men, and went back up to heaven. Which also will change our lives and make us a new creature when we turn our heart to the Lord God, the Lord Jesus Christ and believe his word, the King james Version Holy Bible in English. Sincerely ;
  • Rain on Job 42 - 11 years ago
    This is true You are tested by Satan everyday in life. But if you walk in faith like Job . God will show up on time and you will be blessed Just try the Lord it works. Job never gave up on the Lord . If you have just a ounce of a mustard seed he will never leave you are forsake you. I'm like Job at this time but I know my miracle is here! Thank you Lord! I've been beaten just like his son so I know how it feels in life!
  • Lynnette on Job 42 - 11 years ago
    I knw we hear this cliche " double for your trouble" ! But this is a clear example... A man who lived an absolute righteous life before The Lord! And was considered by God, and given to a whirlwind of obstacles, challenges, stresses, problems, etc. what his wife and friends failed to understand was that God orchestrated all of it!!! And therefore, God replaced everything the canker worm had eaten AND THEN SOME! It's never too late with God, Job was able to see his second set of off springs children's children's children's children! :D
  • Felicia Ofem on Job 42 - 11 years ago
    Temptations and trials make us better than what we used to be, when we endure it with patience.
  • Brad Holland on Job 42 - 11 years ago
    Jesus said, "woe unto the world because of offences, for it must be that offences will come, but woe unto the man by whom the offence comes." Eternity is a long life. I don't want to be Satan.
  • Winnie on Job 42 - 11 years ago
    Job survived the worst pain we can think of, and he was blessed even more after all the tests.
  • Kezia on Job 42:14 - 12 years ago
    I have found the origin of my name!

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