Discuss Job 41 Page 2

  • Ed on Job 41 - 6 years ago
    Another chapter where God just sounds like a blowhard saying how powerful He is. But for all His bluster, where is the compassion or fairness? Job was obedient and God punishes him JUST because the devil taunts God. If the devil can so easily manipulate God into punishing someone who doesn't deserve it, then maybe God isn't as strong as He would have you believe.
  • Stephen on Job 41 - 7 years ago
    No matter what Leviathan is or is not, verse 10 sums up what we need to know: None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me? No one can stand before God clothed in our own filthy rags. Only in the Righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ can we escape His wrath and enjoy His Grace!
  • Irene123 on Job 41 - 7 years ago
    Ps.30:11- mourning into dancing; Job 41:22- Sorrow into joy; Jn.16:20 - but your sorrow shall be turned into joy, this verse is prophecy of salvation - Acts2:37-38; Jer.31:13. May these scriptures be a blessing to all of us this day.
  • Norm on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 9 years ago
    To all of my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: That man of sin, the son of perdition, has been revealed to us by the Holy Spirit of God. The same is Lucifer Isaiah 14:8 thru 15 and the Assyrian Isaiah 10:5 and Isaiah 14:25 . The same is the great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world Revelation 12:9 . The same is the lion Job 4:10, Job 38:39, Psalms 22:21, Psalms 91:13, Jeremiah 4:7, Jeremiah 25:38, Amos 3:8, Nahum 2:11, Nahum 2:12, 2 Timothy 4:17 and 1 Peter 5:8 . The same was involved in the 2005 Cedar Revolution in Lebanon Isaiah 14:8 . The same speaks very softly in his interviews see Job 41:3 yet the mighty of the world are terrified of him, and rightly so, to the point of urinating their pants Job 41:25 . The same was born in Damascus on 11 September 1965. His last name in Arabic means "the lion". Pray to our Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, that we may be found worthy to escape this evil! May the Lord JESUS be glorified. Amen
  • Kenny on Job 41:8 - 9 years ago
    The word battell used in the original 1611 edition actually means a list of debts owed. Check the Oxford English Dictionary. Also where the word that is used to mean battle in the 1611 edition of the book of Job it is spelled battaile. It is little wonder why the book of Job is so misunderstood. Also, the word battell had a dual meaning at one time and it does mean a fight of some kind in other books of the 1611 bible but not in the book of Job!
  • Norm on 1 Peter 5 - 9 years ago
    Thank You LORD for sending us Your Spirit and opening our eyes: The devil is now here in flesh as the antichrist and as the lion. That devil is just getting started first by destroying DAMASCUS SYRIA which is the city and country he presides over. See Isaiah 17:1. That antichrist terrifies all the middle east and EVERY WORLD LEADER as documented in Job 41:25. May You rebuke him LORD according to Your will. O LORD deliver us from his terror while You pour out Your wrath. I pray that You forgive us of all our sins according to Your will and all for Your glory. Thank You JESUS! In Your name we pray. Amen
  • Oxyum on Job 41:1 - 10 years ago
    Hollywood calls this beast Godzilla
  • Robert on Job 41 - 10 years ago
    Scripture with scripture. Compare Job 41 with Rev.12 12. Satan is cast out through the great frozen sea, that looks like glass, that God 's throne sits upon.
  • Kenny on Job 41:11 - 11 years ago
    Note that God says that He will repay Satan. This scripture is an answer to what God said in verse 8 at Job chapter 41. God is not going to repay Satan for a battle but for all his debts against Him.
  • Kenny on Job 41:8 - 11 years ago
    The word used here actually means a list of debts owed. Check the Oxford English Dictionary. Also where the word that is used to mean battle is used in the book of Job it is spelled battaile. It is little wonder why the book of Job is so misunderstood. The word battell does mean a fight of some kind in other books of the bible but not in the book of Job!
  • Clint on Job 41 - 12 years ago
    I too believe this is a dinosaur and not something Frances ''saw ''!
  • Frances on Job 41 - 12 years ago
    Leviathan was the name of the devil when he was an Angel with God in heaven. This Creature is also described in Isaiah 27:1-4,5. He is a Huge Dragon or snake for clarity. He resides in the Sea but I doubt it can be seen with the naked eyes as his form is also spiritual. He is dreadful to look at and is by far the biggest anaconda-like image you could ever imagine. You may ask how I know, it�s all spiritual and I was given the privilege to see it. Trust me, all the description above in this chapter is real. you don�t want to spend your eternity with him. So Please, Please, Please, strive to serve your creator (the Almighty God).
  • KYO on Job 41:1 - 12 years ago
    I think that only God truly knows what the Leviathan is so we should ask Him when we all get to Heaven. Amen
  • Andrew on Job 41 - 12 years ago
    An expression of the Leviathan points to the fact that their was an extinct animal specie a fire spitting dragon
  • Anonymous on Job 41 - 13 years ago
    Was this a dinosaure God was talking about. It sound like Leviatian suppose to be a very dangerous animal. Fire even come out of his mouth. was his a fire breathing dargon.
  • Andre on Job 41:21 - 13 years ago
    I dont think this is a expression. How do you explain alot of the other happenings in the Bible, how do you know what is to be taken as expression or actual. I think a lot more in the Bible should be taken literally.

    This is how alot of confusion is created among Gods people about what is actual and whats not.

    This is pointing to evidence of a fire braething dinosaurs.
  • Andre on Job 41:19 - 13 years ago
    I think this means it actualy breathed fire, and their are some studies and evidence behing uncovered that shows their could have been fire breathing dinosaurs.
  • Andre on Job 41:1 - 13 years ago
    Leviathan...also in those day refered to as a sea monster. I dont beleive they would have refered to a crocodile as a leviathan.

    Would have probibly have been one of the "sea dwelling dinosuars".

    People have been using hooks to catch crocodiles and aligators for years and im sure they would have been able to kill them in those days, thus I do not beleive this scripture referes to crocodiles.
  • Celshader on Job 41 - 14 years ago
    The behemoth is an amazing vision given to Job of some sort of fire breathing dragon. A vision perhaps, not a real animal. Not an elephant. Not a hippo and certianly NOT a dinosaur. I have never heard of a dinosaur that breath fire and had a nose. Nostrils yes, but not a nose.

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