Discuss Job 38 Page 5

  • Timatheous on Job 38:24 - 11 years ago
    Read in to it what you will - it's still gibberish. Whatever the bible says, there's always a string of people queuing up to translate it to mean what they want it to mean. Just read between the lines - don't take any notice of what it actually says!
  • ALY on Job 38 - 11 years ago
    No explanation-
    No expectation-
    No exclamation--oh job I feel so bad for your hurt
    Job, examine yourself...where were you?
    Every time he showed job job couldn't or didn't...he was giving job the answer--IAM the answer.
  • Word on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    blessings come from knowing the word. Keep reading the scriptures as your praying. Try to search for the truth as in Genesis 1:2 the word "was" is became, hayah code #1961 in the Exhaustive Strong's Concordance. We know it became without form and void because God created earth beautiful spoken of in Isaiah 45:18,19. Also check wisdom speaking in Proverbs 8:22-31 and if you check Job 38:7 and God speaking of creation to Job you notice in verse 7 all the souls ever created were there with God and as wisdom said in Proverbs so she was also with the family. So, God did know Jeremiah before, and loved Jacob before, and hated Esau in the first world that was as Peter spoke of it in 2 Peter 3 the world of old but not to a full end but reserved for fire of the ungodly men. As you read replenished to this earth, we were, and that is the mystery that Paul teaches.
  • Nadeem ali on Job 38:6 - 11 years ago
    varey good jop
  • Alicia on Job 38:32 - 11 years ago
    To Brian's comment:
  • Word on Proverbs 8 - 11 years ago
    Wisdom was with the Father God in the creation of everything. Then you read God, His wisdom and all men. Notice Job 38:7 when God speaks of His creation of earth and you will see the whole family and that's every soul that ever was created. Makes you understand how God knew Jeremiah befor. Also makes you realize how God could love Jacob and hate Esau. God knows everyone, we were there. God created man and said in Our image and did not leave Him self out so we know who came here and set the example and gave His life, flesh life up for us on the cross. So read John 1 and you realize who sits on the Throne and when He sits look to the right hand to the face on the Throne and you will see who God is or at least the Image of the one your looking for because the Spirit of God is to big.
  • Pastor Koka MM on Romans 3:4 - 11 years ago
    In the beginning of the unknown beginning God Almighty created the visible and invisible universe. Gen 1:1. Job 38:4. He alone knit me together in the womb of my mother (same to everybody) Psalm 139:13-15. Deception from satan stole me from the LOVE of God. (Same to every mortal being) John 10:10. We believed untested ideology of man rather than the WORD of God. We are lost. Luke 19:10. Yes "Let God be true and every man be a liar" Rom, 3:4. The Son of man came to seek and save a wretched man like you and I. I need Jesus Christ for my salvation (same to you as well).
  • Adesuyi Ajayi on Job 38:12 - 11 years ago
    God is telling believers their untapped and unused powers to direct elemental forces of creation. Christians have the power to alter the trajectory of events,the secret that satanic forces know and use to alter human destiny. Gods words in the mouth of the righteous is potent. it is en dunamis, it can spoil principalities . Joshua ordered the moon to stay in the valley of Ajalon and the sun to stand still over Gibeon. Whether its literal or allegorical, we can alter time space sand events therein.
  • Samuel K. Amani on Job 38 - 11 years ago
    The book of Job chapter 38 declare the wisdom and the power of God Almighty who has dominion over everything both living and the dead infact we serve the awesome God.
  • Phill on Job 38:32 - 11 years ago
    Awesome,only the everlasting being!can make this happen,GOD is all powerful no words i may be able to comprehend,to explain what he was saying to JOB,only he(GOD}KNOWS how this awesome Universe operates!
  • Peter Morgan on Job 38:7 - 11 years ago
    I believe that we [the sons of God] were there
  • Evalena Jacobs-Latham on Job 38:37 - 11 years ago
    Only God who created the clouds knows the number of them in the heavens and only he can cause water to flow from the clouds. Man cannot as he was questioning Job. This is in response to James' comment.
  • Derick on Job 38:17 - 11 years ago
    Pray not to see the gates of hell and to close the doors of the shadow of death in your life,In Jesus name,Amen
  • Brian on Job 38:32 - 11 years ago
    [see Job 38:31a] - "Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades,...? Constellations are seen by those on the Earth as a "snap-shot" of the movement of stars, which may be seen to stay in the same relative positions for centuries, because of their distance from Earth. Most stars move in random directions relative to each other, even though they're moving away from the center of the "Big Bang"; they DON'T move in groups. The Pleiades, however, is a group of about 250 stars which ALL MOVE TOGETHER, in the same direction, and at the same speed! It's the only star group of its type in existance - and it's mentioned, by name, by God. (Things that make you say, "Hmm...".)
  • Brian on Job 38:32 - 11 years ago
    Arcturus is also a "run away" star system; it's travelling at about 12 times the speed of other stars in its local area - interesting that God just happens to mention this star, isn't it?
  • Joanne on Job 38 - 11 years ago
    I love this chapter of God speaking to Job. God shows Job his infinite wisdom, power, and control over everything. If we put ourselves in Job's place, we get a taste of how Job felt kneeling before the creator. Awesome!!!! Yet he loves us. God has the forces of nature at his command and he can use them to help us {his children}. These forces of nature are not just for revelation. Throughout history there are accounts of God helping his children with forces of nature. Three accounts are Washington, Joshua, and Israel during the six day war, and many more.
  • ChudiObiesie on Job 38:12 - 12 years ago
    The greatest weapon we have is prayer. The days are evil and we need to take charge of situations around us which calls for the need to rise early and call upon HIM who is able to help us. We need to posses the gates of our enemies.
  • David on Job 38:7 - 12 years ago
    Actually the angels did assist Him in creation.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Job 38:23 - 12 years ago
    God wants Job to know that He rules in the affairs of men, even in war. God directs the hearts of men to accomplish His will. There will always be wars, and rumors of wars. Nevertheless, there will come in the battle of Armageddon a war to end all wars, where God will judge all the nations of the world in the valley of Jehoshaphat, for there will God sit to judge all the heathen round about. Multitudes, multitudes will be in the valley of decision, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. Just before the Lord's second Advent the sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. Then the Lord shall roar out of Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and earth shall shake, but the Lord shall be the hope of His people, and the strength of the children of Israel.
  • Walter on Job 38 - 12 years ago
    I have thoughts about the snow and hail being reserved for the day of battle and war. Could this be the war Armageddon as mentioned in the book of Revelation 16:16?
  • Garyloyd on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    The light I feel God is speaking of is the separation from the light and darkness. I think of this light spoken of is goodness and badness. Like in the scriptures as you read verses you will notice that solar children are separated from the lunatics or children of darkness. A lot happens in these first few verses of the word of God. Isaiah 45:18 is the first verse. Then a war happened because of Ezekiel 28 and what Satan as the prince of Tyrus and Revelation 12:4 and we know who the stars are by reading Job 38:7 and Proverbs 8:31. So, in these first few verses Satan tried attempted overthrow and had stolen a third of God's children and God got mad and the destruction is in Jeremiah 4:22-27. Then God separated the light from the darkness so I think He separating good from evil. Then He begins to re-new the earth as it was and we were replenished in the flesh to see if we can be good enough to make it home. Judgment is in our hands, you could say because what you do on earth this time is how your ending will be. Thank God for the LORD Jesus Christ and through Him we can be forgiven. Them that don't think Jesus is who the Word says He is, well, I feel sorry for them because He is the only WAY.
  • Andr� on Job 38 - 12 years ago
    Please look at 1 Timothy 2:1-2.
    I hope this is the scripture you are looking for.
    God bless you.
  • Theresa brewer on Job 38 - 12 years ago
    I know that there is someplace in "THE WORD" that tells us that we must pray for the people in our government as well as our leaders. Please tell me where I can find this. Thank you in our LORD'S HOLY NAME. Theresa
  • Ephraim Isobara on Job 38:31 - 12 years ago
    The infinite dimension of the universe, amazing quality of design, the constellations, Orion, Milkyways etc, defiles the BIG BANG Theory
  • Garyloyd on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    The image is the same One in Gen. 14:18 Melchizedek who brought forth bread and wine to Abram, King of Salem or King of Peace. Mwlchizedek means King of the Righteous. Jesus said when you see me you have seen the Father. When God said let us, He didn't leave Himself out He said"Our" image. If Father send us here to live and die in the flesh I think you get the point. If you want to know who he was talking to at that time just go to Proverbs 8:31 when the creation of earth was and Job 38:7 will tell you all the souls of the children were pretty happy at the time of earth and the way the earth way created as it is spoken of in Isaiah 45:18. But then old devil who guarded the Mercy seat,Throne wanted to steal it and in the outline Rev. 12 the dragon had a political system set up and had stolen a third of God`s star/children and God got very mad and we read of that distruction in Jeremiah 4:22-27. We got stupid all of us. Maybe not as stupid as some where we learn the Parable of the tares in Matt. 13:36 thru 44 or sowhere satan sows his wicked seed the tares but maybe we didn't realize how good we had it and God turned off the lights and took us all back up. Father loves earth to, He married the land of Jerusalem and where ever God is Heaven is and He can be anywhere He wants. Then He seperated the good from the bad and we are being replenished. In the flesh. 2 Peter 3 can help in understanding the world that was submerged in water and this one reserved until the judgment of fire. Love God and wait for the true Christ and don't chase after the fake one that comes de-facto for at least 2 and half months sitting where he ought not. The Fire will burn evil but to them that love God and wait, a warm love. Now the D.N.A. of Adam was taken to make the woman Eve and she had two fraternal twins Cain and Able. You won't find Cains geneology in Adams because Cain belonged to the devil. But. We know that at least two of every flesh got on the boat for the 2nd flood of 5 months on the water because it was told to us and we see the kenites show up in 1 chron. 2:55. The LORD foretold us all things even when He cut the time down to 5 months from 7 years in Rev. 9 for the elect sake and that it would be at the end just like it was in Noahs time.
  • Soldja on Job 38:31 - 12 years ago
    Wesley' s a bit off actually.
    It refers to GOD's absolute power, over all things, everywhere. The "Pleiades" are a bound system of thousands of stars all held exactly together in place by their own equal gravity. Where as, Orion is a system of fewer stars which are slowly drifting apart.
    Early Persian and Jewish astronomy had observed these phenomenon both. The important part is they both defy man's big-bang theory by way of the laws of thermodynamics, and so put the feat firmly in GOD's hands.
  • Garyloyd newman on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    In the first verse is the beginning of substence,matter of all that is here. When you read of creation in Job 38 and on and in Proverbs 8:22 and on you see this sentence or verse come a live. You also notice in Job 38:7 the creation of all souls and also in Proverbs 8:31 the children of God are the stars or sons of God and we had a home. Heaven is where ever God is and He married Jerusalem and that place is His place He loves to call home. Then the cherub that guarded Gods mercy seat wanted to steal it and lucifer wanted to be the boss. He got a power system together and got a third of Gods children to follow him and these things are spoken of in Rev. 12 and Parable of the sower in Matthew 13:37 to 45 will help. Also if you google search Companion Bible Appendixs and read appendix 146 the foundation of the world it will help. Anyway we were all here and living on earth happy and then when the devil had the attempted overthrow there was a katabole castdown/overthrow and God shut the lights off spoken of in Jeremiah 4:22 to 29 all cities broken down and all men gone from earth. Not Noahs flood, no boat and no bird or family in the first flood. Water covered the earth in this first flood and the water didn't receed God said water gone. Then Father serperated the light from the darkness and I believe this is the good from the evil and sent His two thirds of children back and the wicked one sows his seed to earth. This time that you read is the 2nd earth age being re-started with erased minds and replenished in the flesh to see who you want to love,Our Father or a person can love the devil. We all have a choice.
  • Archana on Job 38:23 - 12 years ago
  • David Burton on Job 38:22 - 12 years ago
    I admire Job, He survived all the devil through at him, and God blessed him
  • Garyloyd on Job 40 - 12 years ago
    God is explaining something to us so we will seek out the truth. It takes time to understand and here God is telling us we have no knowledge of these things. So, we have to think. We have to read the full word and put it all together the way it was and is. If you think 7000 years as the unlearned dothen your learning of the Word of the LORD will never be clear. you then will be without the truth. But if you seek the 3 earth ages you will find the Word all fits together correctly and truth then brings you understanding. Earth beautiful in Isaiah 45:18. Katabole or war satans pride Ezekiel 18. Stold a third of Gods children Revelation 12. Distruction of first earth age Jeremiah 4: 20 & on. Job 38,39,40, things that where and things we can't remember. But we know from Proverbs 8 God created a beautiful home on earth and in Job 38:7 the whole family was with God. The dinosuars were on earth. Tell you something. God has a flying ship spoken of in Ezekiel chapter one. I call it whirlwind because almost everytime the word whirlwind is used it means flying ship.

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