Discuss Job 1 Page 5

  • Chris - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    Job reprimanded her: Job 2:10.
  • Thomas - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    what was the ladys Name in the bible that Suffered for 12 years with blood disorder
  • Thomas moyd on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    what did Job do when his wife said you should cuss your GOD
  • Marilyn Taplin - In Reply on Ephesians 2 - 4 years ago
    There are many scriptures that tell us not to sin. Examples: ECC. 8:29, "Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright: but they sought out many inventions."

    Job 1:1, "...Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." Job was perfect and he feared God. To fear God is to hate evil as stated in Pro. 8:13, "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil ." Job hated evil and he was perfect.

    A person must leave uprightness to fall and walk in darkness. Pro. 2:13, "Who leave the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness." Yes, a person must leave being upright to walk in the fallen state of sin.

    The story of Noah tells us that those in the Ark were Godly and those in the water were wicked. But you say there could be no one in the Ark, because all people are wicked.

    God gives us good advice, Pro. 4:14, "Enter not into the paths of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men." It is a choose.

  • Gary Lee - In Reply on 1 John 4:1 - 4 years ago
    Just to add. God is the head of everything. In Job 1:12 God allowed Satan to touch all Job's possessions but not to touch his body. And later in Job 2vs6. God allowed Satan to touch his body but not to kill him. Satan cannot do anything without God's command. Our lives is a picture of Job's life. We too will be tested to see how faithful we are to Jesus. God uses Satan to purify us. God will use our worst enemy to make us grow. Our nosy neighbour, horrible boss and even the tax man or government.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    I'm single. I keep Deuteronomy 30:19 in my head when temptation is near. It's about choices we make. It's saying choose this day who you will serve: life or death. Sin works death.

    We're told in 1 Corinthians 6:18, flee fornication. It actually means run! So I get busy doing things I dislike: straightening the pantry, linen closet, tools, until the temptation passes. It's helps to notice what started the temptation: watching worldly things on tv, reading romance novels instead of the Bible. It's spiritual warfare ( Ephesians 6) so sometimes we need to put that helmet of salvation back on our heads.

    I Corinthians 7 actually teaches about marrying, to avoid burning with lust. Marry someone who is a Christian too, to avoid being unequally yoked.

    Apostle Paul never married, so he's a good one to read in the Bible.
  • Chris - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    The message is always: FLEE, FLEE, FLEE. 1 Corinthians 6:18, "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."

    Other sins may have an impact on oneself, whether immediate or in time. But fornication is sin that has immediate effect on both the body & mind that will eat away & lead to destruction.

    But a person won't flee unless it is determined that danger is present. One has to look at the Scriptures, all the way from Israel's behaviour in the Old Testament to some Christians' behaviour in the New Testament, that the warning about sexual sin is everywhere. Once we understand the gravity of this sin, as other sins also, we will not come to the Saviour for salvation & receive His Power to overcome. Mostly we sin when tempted because we enjoy sinning & maybe believe that God cares not or easily forgives us when we do. James 1:15. However, some Christians are not on guard against the enemy's taunts to sin, & easily fall into his traps. Whatever our reason, we must know that any sin displeases the Lord & if we should stumble & fall into sin, there is still a place of repentance & forgiveness for us. 1 John 1:9.

    The ways to handle this sin or any sin, is to first know your position as a child of God, purchased at a great cost. You belong to Him & it is God's desire & should be yours too, to refrain from all sin & all appearance of evil. That's not always easy & we can succumb to temptations: we need to strengthen our minds & hearts from God's Word (i.e. read & meditate on it daily); we need to be in much prayer about that area of weakness in our lives, that the Spirit's Power will avail for us at the moment of testing; when temptation knocks at our door, we turn the other way, we run to the Lord; put your mind, your hands, your body to other good uses; even mix with company that don't open up a way of temptation or sin for you, rather ready to support & help you. May God help you.
  • Diana Rose Rezzetti on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    According to the bible how is the best way to handle sex temptation
  • Chris - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    Stephen, I think you're responding to another thread with Adam, so apologies for this intrusion, but thought to clarify something here.

    If you're considering the God/Satan encounter in Job chapter 2, you need to bring in Job 1:6-12 into it as well. You've quoted 2:3 (part): "and still he (Job) holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me (God) against him, to destroy him without cause." When you read this, you also have to take into account chapter 1.

    I don't believe that God was moved by Satan against Job in chapter 2 simply because Satan had already "moved" (or, prompted, persisted, challenged) God to test the integrity of Job in chapter 1. Therefore, what we have in 2:3 is the statement that God was 'moved by Satan against Job', as this was done earlier on.

    So can we conclude that it was God Who instigated & carried out those acts against Job & his family/animals? The normal reading of both those encounters with Satan, show that God had declared the righteousness of Job to Satan. Now, we're not told what Satan was up to earlier as he went "to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." Maybe, he was seeking out 'targets' & had a room full of trophies as a result, but couldn't find fault in Job (just my thoughts only). But God had presented righteous Job before Satan as one different from the others. Satan took up the challenge & it was 'game on' - again.

    God could have refused Satan permission to touch Job in the way he did. Though God was confident that his servant Job would put His Creator & Redeemer ( Job 19:25-27) first in everything, even to the destruction of his loved ones & his own body.
  • John - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    Hello, God allowing something is not the same as God causing something.
  • Stephen on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    Adam: re: "...what his God did to him..."

    Doesn't Job 2:3 have God telling Satan that Satan has caused God to move against Job?

    It seems to me, (I'm no scholar, mind you,) but it seems to me that this statement from Job's God confirms that Job's God DID do those things to Job.
  • Andy Metz on Genesis 6:2 - 4 years ago
    The Genesis 6 debate is a good example of people rejecting Scriptural TRUTH in favor of their own bias. "It's impossible for angels to have sex with women", they say. Why is it impossible? Because it goes against their innate BIAS, but not from ANY SCRIPTURAL reasoning. OK- here are SCRIPTURAL reasons why Genesis 6 refers to ANGELS co-habiting with WOMEN: (1. The phrase "Sons of God" found in Genesis 6:2,4 is used in ONLY three other places in the Old Testament: ALL are found in the Book of Job ( Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7). In EACH of those 3 passages, the term "Sons of God" refers to ANGELS, not MEN. If you have a problem with that statement, take it up with the Author of the Book. I didn't write it, I'm only reporting it. (2. Mankind SONSHIP with God was SEVERED with the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Adam was a son of God; Adam and Eve spiritually DIED when they disobeyed God , and ate of the forbidden fruit. ALL of Adam's offspring, until Christ, the 2nd Adam, came were born spiritually DEAD. They were sons of Adam, made in Adam's image, not God's children. The Sonship relationship between God and man was re-established ONLY when Christ died on the Cross, and paid Adam's SIN DEBT that separated man from God. That was why Christ could say to His disciples, after His Resurrection, "I go to MY Father AND YOUR FATHER; to My God and YOUR GOD." There are many more points and Scriptures I could bring out to support the argument, but the two (2) points brought out (above) DEMOLISH the argument "the sons of Seth were the SONS OF GOD."
  • Chris - In Reply on Colossians 3 - 4 years ago
    I agree, Sin is a good subject to discuss. You state: "What are we saved from? We can be saved from sin." If you stand on that premise, then certainly, Christ's Salvation saves us from sinning again. But if one believes that His Salvation doesn't do that, rather saves us from the penalty of sin, then this becomes very different.

    There are three aspects in the Work of Salvation: 1. a legal requirement by God (i.e. a complete & lasting payment was required for our sin so that God could forgive us on that basis): Romans 8:1,2. There was no other option in God's Mind to consider another possibility to redeem sinful man to Himself. So we say that we are Justified before God (i.e. just-as-if-I'd never sinned).

    2. a purifying requirement (i.e. a sinner who has been saved is expected to deal with sin, with temptations & slip ups). He cannot continue in a sinful lifestyle as the Spirit of God abides in him ( 2 Corinthians 1:21,22) to convict him & give him power to live in holiness, putting on the whole armour of God ( Ephesians 6). We are Sanctified, set apart & the work of sanctification is an on-going work to bring us into the likeness of Jesus.

    3. a glorifying requirement (i.e. this is the end result for those who have been justified & sanctified). Our future glorification can only be the result of God's Work in us ( Romans 8:17), accepting us, not because we claim to be sinless, but rather we are sinners saved by His Grace alone, justified, sanctified & having our hope resting only on the Lord Jesus, having fought the battle well.

    It would be a nice thought to believe that we can never sin in this life. All believers have struggled with sin, even the great Apostle Paul ( Romans 7), & we will continue to do so until our spirits return to God. Any who claim that they don't sin, either have an incorrect understanding of what sin is or are deluded into believing their present state is sinless.

    Job was perfect before God ( Job 1:8) yet he sinned (9:20). He was accepted.
  • Yvonne dennis - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    the sons of GOD was in the HEAVENLY throne room read job1;6 -1;7 -1;8 and also Ez28:12
  • Fred - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    He is in heaven behind Christ for Christ told Satan get there hence and he will be there until he is cast down by Michael at the sixth trump
  • Elijah Zmuda on Genesis 6:4 - 4 years ago


    Scriptural Facts:

    1. Heavenly or Fallen Angels can not procreate according to biblical scripture. ( Matt. 22:30; Mark 12:25; Luke 20:34)

    2. There is no evidence from the dead sea scrolls on gen.6:4 that the Nephilim were the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men.

    3. The Nephilim were present before and after the sons of God and daughters of man had intercourse.

    4. Sons of God could mean holy Angels or holy men according to scripture. ( Job 1:6; 2:1), ( Psalm 82:6, Hos. 1:10; John 10:34-38, Matt. 5:9; Luke 3:38; Rom. 8:14)


    Knowing these facts; we can rule out that the sons of God are angels in gen 6:4 because they procreate.

    Therefore, they must be men that had God's favor(Seth's lineage). The daughters of man would be women without God's favor(Cain's lineage). Their offspring would be human.

    What are these Nephilim?

    Well, they can't be the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of man according to the facts stated above; because the nephilim were present when the sons of God lusted the daughters of man. How could the Nephilim be present when the sons of God first had sex with the daughters on man? Wouldn't they need to be born first?

    The interpretation from a root word naphil of Nephilim means fallen ones.

    Look at the similarities of seraphim and cherubim. Now look at Nephilim.

    Seraphim and Cherubim are Holy Angels.

    Doesn't it make since that the Nephilim would be Fallen angels?

    The men of renown is another way of referring to famous biblical characters like Adam, seth, Enoch, and Noah.

    How did the spies from moses know what the Nephilim looked like or were?

    Stories told from generation to generation about them being frightening.

    When the spies saw giant men, they were frightened and thought they were the Nephilim.

    The Nephilim most likely tempted the sons of God and daughters of man.

    The Nephilim were fallen Angels not human. Goliath was a man.
  • Ed Kidgell - In Reply on 1 John 1 - 4 years ago
    No human being can be 'sinless' except for Jesus Christ. We need to distinguish between the two natures present in the believers person, the flesh (which we're born with) and the spirit (which is 'born' when we are saved). The flesh is definitely evil, it cannot do good. But the spirit is perfect - it cannot sin. Two natures.

    There are many things we should do once we've been saved, but none of them affect our standing as sons (and daughters) of God. They are works, and our salvation is based purely on grace, the free gift, not on works.

    The flesh is evil, born in sin, the spirit is perfect, born of the Holy Spirit. So we're both good (spirit) and evil (flesh).

    Re Satan

    Luk 10:18, Isa_14:12, Job 1:6

    God does not 'control' any being. We (created beings) have free will, granted to us by God, and can choose our own paths.

    When we're saved ALL our sins, past, present AND future are forgiven and washed away.

    Our salvation is not dependent on works. Also, the Bible is clear that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit when we are saved, and that He seals us until the day of redemption (we die or are raptured): Eph 1:13 and Eph 4:30. There are no conditions attached except that we believe: 1Co 15:1-4

    Our carnal nature will be removed when our flesh is replaced with our resurrection bodies - we will struggle with our flesh until then. Paul himself had an ongoing battle with this very issue: Rom 7:18

    Question: if you are saved and yet commit sin, when do you stop sinning?

    You stop sinning when you die.

    'We are redeemed people trapped in unredeemed bodies' - Dr. Michael Heiser
  • Paul Chikwali - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    Where was this meeting of God's sons and God,because we read that Satan was cast down from heaven,so at moment was he in heaven?.
  • Chris - In Reply on Job 11 - 4 years ago
    In Job 1:6-12, God had limited Satan's thrusts against Job only to his livestock, servants & family. Job's life was to be untouched, but sadly, all his possessions & family were wiped out by outside forces instigated by Satan.

    In Job 2:1-8, God had allowed Satan to touch Job's life (with boils) but not to take his life away.

    Job according to Job 1:8 was considered a righteous man by God: "And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?" Satan, wanting to make God out to be a liar, wanted to test Job's mettle & show that Job would ultimately reject God if he & his family were sorely affected. God had great confidence in His servant.
  • EJL - In Reply on Genesis 6 - 4 years ago
    Hi Linda,

    Gen 6:2, 4, Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7, Psalms 29:1, 89:6, Dan 3:25) refer to the expression "sons of God." I believe that this is the Hebrew idiom referring to angels. It is a figure of speech.

    I believe that the sons of God left heaven, came down to earth ( Jude 1:6), and took to wife all of whom they chose from the daughters of Adam. The children of these marriages were the giants. The giants were there on earth before the flood, and "also after that" ( Genesis 6:4), meaning that they did indeed survive the flood, and the giants are mentioned throughout the Bible.

    Noah is the representative at this time period for the seed line that will bring forth the Messiah.
  • EJL - In Reply on Genesis 4 - 4 years ago

    Thank you for your various responses.

    I believe you are correct as to the speaker being Jeremiah up until ( Jeremiah 4:26).

    I was wondering, though, if you believe that this is a portrayal of Israel's future punishment, the devastation of this particular punishment of earth covered in water, and no light from heaven, has not come to pass. Is this yet still a future punishment awaiting Israel? If so, then what do we do with God's covenant to Noah in Genesis 9:8-17?

    As to the three earth and heaven ages, have you considered 2 Peter chapter 3.

    5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

    6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

    I believe this is reference to the 1st earth and heaven age, which ended by being "overflowed with water," i.e., becoming "without form, and void."

    7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

    I understand this to be the 2nd heaven and earth age. Time present. From Genesis 1:2 on.

    13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

    I believe this is the 3rd heaven and earth age we are all looking forward to.

    Heaven on earth ( Revelation 21:2)

    Three heaven and earth ages; One heaven and one earth.

    Concerning Satan, I would give reference to Job.

    Satan I believe can be considered a "son of God," because he is referenced as being among them and with them to present himself to God in Job 1:6 and again in Job 2:1.

    Satan is also included as being there with God when "the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy" ( Job 38:7) in reference to the creation of earth by God.

    It seems as though Satan and the other angels may have been around before the creation of the earth itself.


  • Mishael on Matthew 26 - 4 years ago

    "Satan is styled the "accuser of the brethren" ( Rev. 12:10. Comp." " Job 1:6; Zech. 3:1), as seeking to uphold his influence among" "men by bringing false charges against Christians,

    with the view" of weakening their influence and injuring the cause with which they are identified.

    He was regarded by the Jews as the accuser "of men before God, laying to their charge the violations of the" "law of which they were guilty, and demanding their punishment."

    "The same Greek word, rendered "accuser," is found in John 8:10" "(but omitted in the Revised Version); Acts 23:30, 35; 24:8;" "25:16, 18,

    in all of which places it is used of one who brings a" charge against another."

    Mishael: I'm not saying we should tickle ears or stroke egos.

    We should at least spend an equal amount of time Edifying the Brethern. Encouraging, lifting up wilting spirits, undergirding;

    Standing in the gap and in the hedges, sitting in the watchtowers, even,

    Interceding for the Saints, as Jesus is doing.

    We talk the talk, but can we walk the walk of Jesus Christ? All of this knowledge and do we spend time in the Prayer Request room? Praying for the little people? What would Jesus do?

    I don't say this in anger or in accusation. I'm just weary of hoping for change.

    Have a great Saturday. God bless.
  • Elijah Isaiah Zmuda on Genesis 6 - 4 years ago
    Scriptural Facts-Gen.6:4:

    1. Heavenly or Fallen Angels can not procreate according to biblical scripture. ( Matt. 22:30; Mark 12:25; Luke 20:34)

    2. The Nephilium were present before, at the time, and after the sons of God and daughters of man had ***. They can't be their offspring, because they would have to be born first.

    3. Sons of God could mean holy Angels or holy men according to scripture. ( Job 1:6; 2:1), ( Psalm 82:6, Hos. 1:10; John 10:34-38, Matt. 5:9; Luke 3:38; Rom. 8:14)

    * The sons of God are the renown men of old(from seth's lineage)and were tempted by the Nephilium (Fallen angels) to lust the daughters of men(from Cain's lineage).
  • Isaac awuah on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    what is the meaning of Job 1:8. why did God initiated the conversation
  • Chung Lam - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    @ Thomas Hills, You need to renew your mind with God's written words, for God ways and thoughts are higher than your ways and thoughts. You have to be a doer of God's words, and not just a reader or hearer. Do Roman 12:1-2; a lot more. Submit to God, and the Devil, and his demons will flee from you. Cast away thoughts that go against God's words or thoughts that goes against God's written words, do 1 Corinthians10:5; more, and you have to rightly divide the word of truth anyway. Only Jesus can the author and finisher of your faith. Remember Job depended on God. With faith and love (obeying God) we can please God. Get a deep foundation in the word of God in the new testament books first.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 3 - 4 years ago
    Read Job 38 which tells you the Sons of God shouted for joy at the foundation (creation) of the earth.

    Adam did not exist until 6 days after the earth was created. So how can the sons of God be godly men? Adam did not even exist to shout then.

    since when do godly men marry ungodly women and then giants are born to them?

    John 1:14 Jesus is the ONLY BEGOTTEN Son of God.

    Luke 3:38 Adam is called a son of God since God created him.

    1 John 3:1 Believers do not become Sons of God till they are born of the Spirit.

    So who was the Father of the angels? would they not be Sons of God also?

    Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.

    I know most churches will argue with me and claim Genesis 6 is not referring to angels and I say they are wrong.

    when do believers and unbelievers get married and have giants for kids? Goliath anyone?

    Matthew 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God IN HEAVEN. NOT ALL THE ANGELS ARE IN HEAVEN, some were cast out.
  • D.J. - In Reply on Philippians 4:17 - 4 years ago

    Page 3

    These are some very important subjects that you seem to be a bit unsure of. As I am sure you already are, we have to dig a little bit under the surface; that is where the hidden treasure is. If we do not understand what happened in the beginning, how will we understand what will happen in the end?

    "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man" ( Luke 17:26), also look at Isaiah 46:10, Amos 8:11, Matthew 24:37, 2 Timothy 2:15.

    Since we have been discussing the first chapters of Genesis, I will leave you with this.

    The sons of God are Angels, look at Job 1:6, 7. The fallen angels came down from heaven and mated SPECIFICALLY with the daughters of Adam, producing giants. The flood came not only to rid the earth of evil men, but to preserve the lineage from which Christ would come (due to the success of the fallen angels).

    Satan was an angel. Eve was beguiled by Satan. The word "beguiled" means to be seduced (Strong's). What happened in the garden to Eve (and Adam) was the first attempt to blot out the seed line from which the Messiah would come, and was the same thing the fallen angels were guilty of during their second attempt. The punishment Eve (and the rest of womankind) would from that point forward endure had to do with BIRTH, look at Genesis 3:16; and the punishment Satan faced included a separation of his PROGENY from that of the woman ( Genesis 3:15).
  • Mishael on earth destruction and restoration on 1 Timothy 3 - 4 years ago
    I stayed up most of last night, being led through BIBLE SCRIPTURES, that back up what the teacher is teaching. It is painstakingly slow, And biblically SOUND.

    I would not have even listened to it if it didn't have scriptural foundation. The teacher uses the Hebrew to explain the events that happened. I do not know why I had NEVER heard this expanded teaching before, at church, but I have now. I still have 3 hours to listen to!

    Here are some scripture passages you'll want to mark for that study. At one point I just began to write all over the page margins :/

    This may interest you to listen to it on YouTube later.

    Genesis 1, Job 1:8, restoration of earth in Genesis,

    Jeremiah 4;23-28

    Jeremiah 4:26 Gods anger

    Isaiah 24:1 Is pre-Adam; God turned earth upside down,

    Job 9:1-9 earth frozen ball of ice

    Revelation ch 6

    Job 38. Science has proved the Bible is accurate;

    Deu. 32:4 Gods work is perfect

    Isa 45:18

    Eccl. 3:11

    Psalm 18:30

    Genesis verses 6-9 restoration not creation

    Genesis 1-2 earth not 6 thousand years old; it's billions, what science proved.

    I had all the prophetic scriptures boxed; I just didn't know how the fit in. When it says former inhabitants and people's, those are the 1/3 angels that followed Lucifer.

    Isaiah 14:17 20 spoken by demons to Lucifer

    Satan was in hell when Adam was created. He was turned into a snake. Was in the garden Ezekiel 28:13

    Ezekiel 28: 1-19 Lucifer>Satan

    Lucifer went from Archangel/ covering Cherub. God>Holy Spirit>Jesus>Lucifer

    4th in line to the throne. Isa.14:12

    YouTube. WAR IN THE HEAVENLIES, by Benny Hinn. 5 hour teaching

    Why do we need to put this together so we can understand it?? Because people ask questions. And..,it's very important to Satan. We need to know HOW he came to be loose on the earth; after Adam and after Jesus'S death on the Cross.

    For myself and you, we have a responsibility to piece this together as it really happened.
  • Mishael on WE39RE IN THEY39RE OUT on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    Remember that study I did called, THEY'RE OUT, and WE'RE IN now. Romans 3:29

    We're in till the fullness of the Gentiles is accomplished? Romans 11:25-26

    For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this MYSTERY, Lest you should be wise in your own conceits; that BLINDNESS in part, is HAPPENED to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in (finished).

    And so, all Israel Shall be Saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob (The Jews).

    That's why I say that Gentiles are IN now.

    The whole thing is DETAILED in Romans 11:7-11. Please read it!! Romans 10:2 and Romans 11:12, 15, 18-22 READ IT SLOW

    There are some warnings in there if you are a Gentile. No boasting, no judging, no smirking. Just leave it alone!!!! Keep your salvation secure. No hateful commenting.

    They are blinded. Their ears are closed up by God. Their eyes have scales on them. Why?? For us Christians!! " The Election"

    Romans 10:19. Deuteronomy 32:21. Our love for Jesus is supposed to make them envious. What a happy, cheerful, non- judgmental Jesus Loving Bunch we are?!?!

    Yes they are into all manner of idolatry and occultism mixed with Jewish ritualism. It has to have a lot of emptiness in it, if God is not speaking to you.

    IT could happen to us if we can't learn (from scriptures above) to keep our yaps closed. We are WARNED.

    If one person yaps, another person does; soon the whole neighborhood is barking and no one is listening to God!!

    I think God would love it if we would get over our self-righteous, judgmentalness. They probably don't even know they are OUT.

    I will not speak on this again. I'm dropping this ball... you pick it up.

    I made banana bread. Come get a handful.
  • Sally - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    We've been taught wrong. The bible teaches us the right way. Do the first and second commandment Jesus told us to do.

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