Discuss Job 1

  • Bennymkje - 4 months ago
    Dan.7:5-7 "Unclean Spirits" (1 of 2)

    "And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh."

    The Word in order to indicate the bear as distinct from the land 'like to a bear' instructs us to keep in mind that it is not the animal itself but certain characteristics of the animal is applied to man and a nation, having similar propensities. It can live on anything, carrion, nuts, berries fish and what not. So nations that can turn a dollar from any thing, by exploiting natural resources or man fit the label. The three ribs in the mouth of it, are the real driver so glory of wealth, of power and of religion carry an insatiable hunger for more. This addiction is imposed from elsewhere and so the war in heaven is crucial to understand where it comes from.

    There was war in heaven and Satan loses his place. Michael is one name. So driven out the unclean spirit become prince of the air. He presents before God. "And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."( Job 1:7) All the four beasts mentioned are under the same spiritual uncleanness. "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none./Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished./Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. "(Matt.12:43-45)
  • Bennymkje - 5 months ago
    Job 27:8-10

    "For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul?/Will God hear his cry when trouble cometh upon him?/ Will he delight himself in the Almighty? will he always call upon God?"

    The Book of Job is a set of parables and in this chapter we are dealing with a parable which is the core value of the book. How do we place the sensory values of flesh and blood in terms of soul in terms of the redemption of our soul?. This parable follows twelve other parables.

    "Moreover Job continued his parable"(27:1). The above text explains the dilemma of man whose heart is a spiritual space. Forgiving as the Parable of Jesus teaches in Matt.18 is not as personal as one may think. For man chosen before the worlds began and marked for blessings in his Son is a sign as much as God who called him is a sound. "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out."(1 Ti.6:7) Job puts it eloquently since he is a victim of his human condition, "And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."( Job 1:21). God blessed his latter half, " also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before." (42:10). We read that God gave same number of children since the children that he had before were already in the presence of God. This begs the question. Is not the fulness of Christ is also that of God which our natural eyes cannot take in? It is called the land of the living where God is the God of the living. "But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,/I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."(Matt.22:31-32)

    The unforgiving servant for an hundred pence would put his soul in jeopardy. His soul was cast out as was the rich man, "for I am tormented in this flame"( Luke 16:24)
  • Terry - 6 months ago
    Scripture References:

    Job 1:10 Psalm 91:4,5

    Zechariah 2:5 Psalm 91:8-11

    Psalm 34:7 Psalm 91:14-16

    Psalm 91:1,2
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 7 months ago
    Hey Giannis,

    We know Seth is the line that goes all the way to the Messiah Jesus therefore when Seth had Enosh, this line was the only one walking and calling on the name of God. We see Enoch and Noah walked with God but by the time of Noah all had corrupted themselves, whether they had created false gods, we are not told but their imaginations were evil.

    I may have a different understanding of the sons of God, we see in Luke 3:38 that Adam was called the son of God because he was a direct creation of God, he had no human father. Jesus is the Son of God and through Jesus, we can become sons and daughters of God, but I have not found where men are called sons of God.

    If we take the sons of Seth as sons of God, would we not have to take the daughters of men the daughters of Cain or all the other men who did not call on the name of God? They all are from Adam and Eve would not all the daughters be fair? The flood was 1656 or 2256 years from Adam, and it says when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. So, this was long before the flood.

    We see in the Bible the sons of God are referring to angels as we see in Job 1:6-12 Job 2:1 and Job 38:7. I have not found where men were called sons of God until after the Messiah Jesus and those who believe in Him can become sons of God.

    We know there are fallen angels like Satan and others on this earth but there are other angels God has locked in chains of darkness I suppose is the bottomless pit until judgment, 2 Peter 2:4 Jude 1:6. My understanding is these are the sons of God who corrupted and polluted God's creation that He destroyed all but eight. We see this happened again after the flood as told in Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also, after that, as we see in Scripture some tall as cedars, Amos 2:9.

    God bless,

  • Bennymkje - 7 months ago
    Ge.9:20-29 "Generation of Noah" (1 of 2)

    But Noah found grace in the eyes of theLord./These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." (6:8-9)

    The Spirit describing the generation of Noah gives us two division similar to the before and after in the case of Job. God blessed the latter half of Job. "So theLordblessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning."( Job 42:12). God had found him perfect, and there is no question of having to change it least of all before Satan. "Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?"( Job 1:8). The Spirit used the two divisions to show the divine Will is perfect and holiness of God allowed Job to be tempted even as did not spare his own Son. The blessings of his latter end covered both 'after our own image and after our likeness." Thus blessings went two fold where he was as double for his Son and in the estimation of God the Father as well.

    In the case of Noah it is other way around. Before the flood he is after the likeness of his Son, the Man component in the everlasting covenant. So when God tells him of the covenant, "And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations."(9:12). God is referring to the existing covenant of Ge. Ch.1. "This covenant between God and Man in his Son is for 'perpetual generations." Under the bow in heaven it is addressed to all flesh, "And I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth." (9:16-17)

    The dry land where Noah tended his crops recall his life of the flesh which is his second phase. In order to distinguish these two halves we have the age given. "And Noah did according unto all that theLordcommanded him./
  • Oseas - 8 months ago
    The lesson we believers must learn from the sad episode with Samson is to perceive that after falling into the hands of the enemy, the first thing the Devil does is to take away the believer's vision,and prevent may the believer continue with good vision on the path of Truth,from then to make him err the path.The enemy worked surreptitiously and insistently to enter in the spiritual environment in which Samson was,to discover the secret of the Power that GOD gave him.In fact,he walks around looking for whom he can devour. Job 1:6-There was a Day when the sons of GOD came to present themselves before the Lord,and Satan came also among them.

    Satan,in his wisdom,has countless strategies and traps to climb into the heavenly regions where we believers are- Ephesians 1:3-8 and Philippians 3:20-21-and the most satanic of his strategies when he is among us is to transfigure in an angel of light-2Cor.11:14.It is extremely difficult to identify him in this"outfit".It is even possible to deceive the chosen ones.Another terrible situation for us believers,in our Christian and heavenly environment(Eph.1:3-8 combined with Revelation 12:3-4),is identifying Satan's ministers among us- 2 Corinthians 11:13&15.

    With this strategy he enters the Temple where we attend the services,and he does not sit on benches like us in the Church,he sits in the pulpits of the Churches as an angel of light,the Light is the Word of GOD,and his messengers as ministers or apostles of GOD- 2Corinthians 11:13&15.GOD forbid us.Anyone who believes in their preachings runs the risk of having their eyes gouged out,as happened to Samson,and once blind the people is dragged into the darkness,into Devil's environment.

    In current time,we wrestle not against flesh and blood,but against principalities,against powers,against the rulers of the darkness of this world,against spiritual wickedness in HIGH PLACES.Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of GOD,that ye may BE ABLE to withstand in this evil time and to stand.
  • Terry - 9 months ago
    Scripture References:

    Job 1:10 Psalm 91:4,5

    Zechariah 2:5 Psalm 91:8-11

    Psalm 34:7 Psalm 91:14-16

    Psalm 91:1,2
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 9 months ago

    Part 3.

    How should Christian treat one another?

    We are to be at peace with one another, forgive one another, have mercy on one another.

    Just a few references.

    1 Thessalonians 4:9

    Ephesians 4:32

    Galatians 5:26

    Galatians 6:2

    Matthew 7:12

    1 John 4:7

    However, we don't lie or deceive one another for the sake of peace. The truth hurts sometimes but it promotes spiritual growth providing that the Christ spirit is in the person.


    To shun is to deliberately avoid something or someone. In the Bible, the word shun is applied to evil. Job 1:8, Job 28:28, Proverbs 3:7-8 Proverbs 14:16. So, shunning evil is good.

    There is scripture that promotes excommunication. Matthew 18:15-17; 2 Thessalonians 3:14. but do we do it for harm or Good? What's the intent?

    In any case, it would seem that extreme forms of shunning, such as considering someone "dead," utterly ignoring him, or refusing to acknowledge his existence, go beyond what Scripture commands.

    After all, Jesus said that, when someone is put out of the church, he should be treated as "a pagan or a tax collector" Matthew 18:17. In other words, treat an intractable offender as an unsaved person.

    How are we to treat the unsaved? With love and grace.

    The "pagans and tax collectors" need to be evangelized. We are to love even our enemies ( Matthew 5:44).

    The goal of excommunication and any form of shunning is restoration ( Galatians 6:1).

    The purpose of any type of discipline is to prompt repentance and, ultimately, to reunite our fallen brother or sister with the church body. Being officially ostracized from the church, the sinner might be brought to repentance.

    When the man in the Corinthian church later realized that he had sinned against God, he repented and came back to the church for forgiveness and reinstatement. Fellowship with the Corinthian believers was restored ( 2 Corinthians 2:6-11).

    Isn't it hateful to ignore or shun other believers?

    See part 4.
  • Oseas - 9 months ago
    There was a Day when the sons of GOD came to present themselves before the Lord,and Satan came also among them- Job 1:6.

    Now another Day arrived,the Lord's Day,seventh and last Day, seventh and last millennium,again Satan is also among the current sons of GOD( John 1:11-12),but strongly structured,more than in the time of Job,i.e. now he is with 7 heads,10 horns and a terrible TAIL- REVELATION 12:3-4-,it's a world religious MONSTER whose satanic system is established through a false Christianity in seven Continents-Europe,Asia,Africa,Oceania(Australia),North America, America Central and South America(7 regions of the Earth-7 heads of the dragon).His main partner is Catholicism ruled by the MAN Beast of sea,the current guide and leader/ruler of the Roman Catholic Church which rides upon the Beast, followed by Orthodox, and Anglicanism and Protestantism and their respective divisions called denominations and sects and movements gospel.Total adherents to Christianity are currently around 2.5 billion,but Scriptures warned:The Spirit speaks expressly,that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith,giving heed to seducing spirits,and doctrines of devils;Speaking lies in hypocrisy;having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 1Timothy 4:1-2combined with Romans 1:18-25.This is the devilish scenary of the 7 heads of the Devil,the red Dragon.

    But there is also the religious esoteric,and kabbalistic,and spiritist Judaism, practiced in Israel,represented by ten tribes of the ancient Kingdom of Israel and its 10 Princes,one from each tribe.The MAN of sin,son of perdition,is from one of the 10 tribes,he should be of the tribe of Dan,and he is the little horn,the ileventh horn,which will manifest himself as Messiah,AN IMPOSTER- John 5:43-47 combined with Re.13:11,and will enthrone himself in Jerusalem. The next Pope to be elected in this current year, he will sit in the throne of the Messiah in Jerusalem-Re.13:2-first half of the last week,week 70th Dan.9:24-27

    Get ready
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    The Tribulation: Final reckoning.

    In my last post I discussed what could be described as the lust of the eyes in 1 John 2:16 along with the lust of the flesh. The last part of the verse is involved with the pride of life. That certainly could cover covetousness; greed and materialism. There are two things to watch for here beyond our own hearts; there is the endless routine of daily activities; buying; selling; marrying and given in marriage which are said to characterize a day when the Lord arrives suddenly (see Matthew 24:38). There is nothing wrong with such activities; as we are told to be productive on earth as well as to be fruitful and multiply. But it is making this the whole meaning of our existence which is dangerous; rather than giving thanks for all blessings the Lord has and realizing that He "gives and takes away." ( Job 1:21). Keep in mind that came from Job AFTER his first wave of devastating losses.

    The second thing is the spiritual forces in the demonic realm that are constantly seeking to drive us away from our steadfastness in Christ and be rendered ineffective at spiritual warfare. Please understand carefully what I am about to say-a TRUE believer ALWAYS recognizes the Lord's presence (His sheep hear His voice: ( John 10:27). Other spirits can overwhelm us with desire or temptation but they give themselves away because of the cost involved in following; they are found through wisdom as promoting sin and rebellion as we are exhorted in ( Proverbs 5:1-3 and sequential verses).

    When we see the end result of demonic persuasion in Revelation 16:13 leading men to Armageddon a few chapters later we realize along with the Mark of the Beast that no one who is a nonbeliever will follow the Lord; all will follow Antichrist ( Revelation 13:8). The enemy if he cannot kill us physically or spiritually can certainly render us ineffective and trap us in sin if we are not careful. He will steal and destroy if he can't kill if God allows.
  • Terry - 11 months ago
    A Person in Need of Protection

    Father, in the name of Jesus, I lift up ___USA _______ to you and pray a hedge of protection around him/her. I thank You, Father, that You are a wall of fire around about ____USA ______ and that You have sent Your angels to encamp around about him/her.

    I thank You, Father, that ___USA_______ dwells in the secret place of the Most High and abides under the shadow of the Almighty. I say of You, Lord, that You are his/her refuge and fortress: his/her God; in You will he/she trust. You cover ______USA____ with Your feathers, and under Your wings shall he/she trust. Your truth shall be his/her shield and buckler.

    _____USA____ shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day. Only with his/her eyes will he/she behold and see the reward of the wicked.

    Because _______YSA Family's ______ has made You, Lord, his/her refuge and habitation, no evil shall befall him/her-no accident will overtake him/her-neither shall any plague or calamity come near him/her. For You will give Your angels charge over him/her, to keep him/her in all Your ways.

    Father, because _____USA Family's_____ has set his/her love upon You, therefore will You deliver him/her. He/she shall call upon You, and You will answer him/her.

    You will be with ____USA Family's ______ in trouble; You will deliver him/her and will satisfy him/her with long life and show him/her Your salvation.

    In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

    Scripture References:

    Job 1:10 Psalm 91:4,5

    Zechariah 2:5 Psalm 91:8-11

    Psalm 34:7 Psalm 91:14-16

    Psalm 91:1,2
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Matt.10:1 "Principle of Association" (1 of 2)

    "And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."

    He (Jesus) gave them power,

    In the Prayer of Jesus we have it explained. "As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him./And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."( John 17:2-3) Their power came the Word ("Thy word is truth") so God in the Father-Son Relationship gave them certain privileges in the kingdom of heaven as such what actions they did on the earth was on their behalf. For example it conferred knowledge with regards to the Son so Jesus did not have to talk to them in mysteries.("Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,"-13:11)The disciples were raw and untested and we shall see they were left to grow in their service with their ups and down, so in the end they were more as friends than as servants. "It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord"(v.25) Association therefore devolved from heaven where Jesus served as the Intercessor before his Father and historically began with the 12 the tag for the Gospel of Christ. The number served so where Judas Iscariot fell of another Apostle stepped into the breach.

    " From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."( Job 1:7) There we have Satan's mobility to wreak havoc wherever and whenever possible.Power against unclean spirits necessitated a different approach. These spirits have no fixed abode even as Satan the prince of the power of air could go anywhere and attack the strongholds of man whenever it suited him. For this purpose Jesus Christ established the principle of Association. (10:40)
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Scriptural promises and blessings

    Daniel 9:18-20 show how Daniel asked the Lord to remember the state of Jerusalem being in desolation and His promises (as seen in the book of Jeremiah) of reoccupation and return of the Jews after 70 years of exile (see Jeremiah 29:10). The sins of the people in question were something Daniel took on as a burden to himself in his prayers; fasting and supplications.

    In terms of blessings of a general sort there is that of those who find a wife ( Prov. 18:22). There is also the offspring; or fruit of the womb that is specifically stated to be a blessing ( Deut. 7:13; and several passages in Psalms). Deuteronomy lists blessings for those who obey God's statutes and cursings for those who don't in extensive passages in Deuteronomy 28. As we look at God's chosen people in Exodus; clearly the Lord showed favor in physically delivering the Jews from Egypt; but as Romans 9:6 states not everyone benefitted from it. In fact only Joshua and Caleb survived from the first generation; even Moses was unable to enter the land but saw it from afar due to an isolated sin on his part ( Deut. 3:23 and following verses).

    What we can count on in our sanctification and ultimate glorification ( Romans 8:30). All the prophetic scriptures will be fulfilled to the letter. This includes Israel being restored; the earth being renewed; Christ ruling in the Millennium; wars ending throughout the world; extended lifespans; etc.

    The blessings of financial matters is promised for those who are living by faith (we see the example of Abraham in Genesis 13:2 as the first demonstration of this in scripture although technically the text of Job may be older as an example of God's financial blessings (see Job 1:16 and subsequent verses). Satan was well aware of God's provisions and favor and therefore we can be certain that he will attempt to thwart OR substitute God's blessings with his own which end up being dead ends and illusions.

    ( 1 Peter 5:8).
  • Biblepreacher12 - 1 year ago
    Perfect people in the bible, do they exist or is Jesus the only perfect one? We hear so much about how only Jesus is perfect from almost every Christian and yet, they can not find any scripture or any verse to back up their false claim. The apostle Paul said this:

    Titus 1:16] They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

    Christanity rebells when they have to be perfect thry immediately pass it on to Jesus when Jesus preached in Matthew 5:48 we (human beings) have to be perfect even as our Father which is in heaven is perfect. Why does Christanity argue agianst Jesus? Because they were never told the truth. Let's look in the bible to find more perfect people before, during and after, Jesus. Adam and Eve were in Genesis 1&2 before thry heard another gospel in Genesis 3 from Rev Serpant/Rev Devil.

    Before: Genesis 6:9] These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

    Genesis 17:1] And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

    Deuteronomy 18:13] Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God.

    Job 1:1] There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.

    2nd Chronicals 16:9] For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.

    Psalm 37:37] Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.

    During Jesus:

    Matthew 1:[19] Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.

    See part 2
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Yes, as JESUS revealed,"when unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places seeking rest". The dry places where the unclean spirit walks are the men made by the dust in the belly of the Serpent( John 8:44-45), and are without the Spirit of GOD, without the Spirit of Christ, as was Israel, the clay, the dry land. The unclean spirit finds none among them which were born again from GOD and really remain in the body of Christ. 1John 5:18-19->18 We know that whosoever is born of GOD sinneth not; but he that is begotten of GOD keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not. 19 And we know that we are of GOD, and the WHOLE WORLD lieth in wickedness.(Because they live in the belly of the Serpent,and only within them the unclean spirit finds rest.)

    The unclean spirit saith: I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished./ Then goeth the unclean spirit, and taketh with himself (7) seven other spirits more wicked than himself,

    1Peter 5:8-9

    8 Be sober,be vigilant;because your adversary the Devil(the old Serpent),as a roaring lion,WALKETH about, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

    Job 1:6-There was a Day when the sons of GOD came to present themselves before the Lord,and Satan(the Old Serpent)came also among them.(By the way,we are entering the Day of the Lord,the last millennium)

    Reevelation 11:15-18

    15 - The kingdoms OF THIS WORLD are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


    The battle is against three unclean spirits like frogs: Revelation 16:13-15

    13 I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon,and out of the mouth of the beast,and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

    14 They are the spirits of devils, working miracles...

    15 Behold, I come as a thief. ...
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I do understand from Job 1:19, that all who were in the brother's house (v13) enjoying their feast of food & drink, were destroyed when the wind smote that place. Of course, if only the young men were in the house & Job's daughters were not seated with them, then maybe the caving in of the house did not affect them. But Job 42:12,13 tells us that the LORD blessed Job with even more animals, replacing all that were destroyed, as well as giving him seven sons & three daughters which he had lost ( Job 1:2).
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    quoting you; no one but Christ could fully keep it

    Luke 1:6 Philippians 3:6

    to use your own tools of understanding


    , ( to blame), blameless, deserving no censure, free from fault or defect: Luke 1:6; Philippians 2:15; Philippians 3:6; 1 Thessalonians 3:13 Hebrews 8:7 (in which nothing is lacking); in the Sept. equivalent to , Job 1:1, 8 etc

    Do you think, that perhaps you could be blinded here?
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago

    quoting you;

    What you, and others that hold your view, are doing is missing, ignoring, denying (you chose the word) that the EFFICACY of Christ's Atonement extends from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.

    This is unscriptual, it didn't apply until He actually did it.

    quoting you;

    "If this were not the case, no one living in the OT could have ever become saved. Why? Because no one can, nor ever has, kept the Law of God perfectly".

    Job 1:1 Job 1:8 Job 2:3 Enoch was take up to God, do you really believe God would allow a sinner into heaven? Both of these was before the law, & after the law 1 Kings 11:4 2 Kings 20:3 1Chronicles 29:9 Luke 1:6 Philippians 3:6

    What saith thou of thyself?

    Friend, your putting your foot in your mouth again!
  • Seaver2011 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    My friend, it sounds like your faith was being tested much like Job's was. In the book of Job God let satan take everything Job had. God allowed this to show satan that Job would not cease in his praise and that Job's faith was more than a "payment" for what God had provided for him. At the end of the trial God restored everything satan had taken from him. During all of it in Job 1:21 look at what Job says. 21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD. In the midst of everything Job still praised God.

    The devil worked through your dad to attack your faith. Do not let that be the end of your story.

    "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:5 KJV

    He said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Repent and turn to Jesus. I'll be praying for you.
  • MountHoreb - In Reply on Matthew 16:18 - 1 year ago
    We have a good example of the book of Job.

    the bible said he was a righteous man and fearing GOD.

    Jehovah ( psalm 83:18) himself called job righteous.

    It was Satan doubting Job as a righteous man Job 1:6-11.

    Satan planted seeds of Doubt by raising up 3 friends of Job

    who spoke without really understanding Job 2:11. Their false

    assumptions cause job many pains.

    Jesus is aware of the traps of Satan and how he uses deception and lies.

    Luke 4 and Matthew 4.

    Speaking about things we don't understand in a since can be

    like the ways of Satan John 8:44. false accusations and hinderance to do what is

    right or what God wants us to do is from Satan- Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3:1-5

    Jesus wasn't saying Peter was Satan. but he was being a hinderance to

    his obedience to Jehovah God. John 3:16,17; Isaiah 12:2

    Jesus after his impalement, Jesus came to Peter again. John 21:15-17

    We can avoid hindering others by praying.. Matthew 6:9,10,13
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Living in the Spirit (part 5) Separating the Spirit of truth from the spirit of error

    In detecting a counterfeit; we are often told that experts rely on their experience seeing the genuine in order to detect that which appears at first glance to be the same but on further investigation has some telltale sign of fraud. I would add to that statement in saying that we should learn to recognize all the appearances of truth and how the enemy uses such things to appeal to the flesh in order to draw us in through whatever toxin he chooses to conceal in the punch; so to speak.

    In studying this subject; one can't overlook the key concept of TRUST in God as being the foundation of our walk. The Lord giveth; and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the Lord ( Job 1:21). In studying Job we see that he started his trial well; praising the Lord even when his wife told him to "curse God and die" ( Job 2:9). This was after the blitzkrieg of tragedies that crashed forth; and after his own personal afflictions. We need to keep in mind that it appears he was entirely unaware that Satan was behind the calamaties themselves and all that went on behind the scenes in the councils of God and the angelic/demonic realm.

    We are told not to complain or grumble; but nonetheless pleading our cause wasn't even foreign to Christ when He cried greatly for the cup "if possible" to be removed; nonetheless God's will to be done ( Luke 22:42). It is hard to believe in our greatest trials and suffering that they pale in comparison to the "exceeding joy" to come ( Romans 8:18). When we see Paul's struggle, though we are well aware of the extraordinary amount of suffering which God promised he would endure for His nane's sake at the inception of his ministry ( Acts 9:16). Some of this; no doubt may have been due to his earlier persecutions to set an example as well as to chastise him; not as final judgment but as in the case of David caught in adultery; residual damage in this life for earlier sins.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 6 - 1 year ago
    Hi Cheryl,

    This is a tough scripture, the sons of God and the daughters of men. Some consider the sons of God to be the line of Seth and the daughters of men the line of Cain. Then if we throw in what Jesus said in Matt. 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven, wow.

    There is no need for angels in heaven to marry, they are immortal, and no need to reproduce as we will be after the resurrection in the kingdom on the new earth. Angels are called sons of God in Hebrew b'nai Elohim in Job 1:6 Job 2:1 Job 38:7.

    Through scripture angels take on human form, they eat and drink Gen. 18:7-8 Gen. 19:3 and physically wrestle with man, Gen. 32:24. If they eat and drink would that mean they have all the organs of man on earth? Scripture tells us there are devils/demons and fallen angels on earth along with Satan but there is another group of angels. These angels are different, they are locked in chains of darkness in the bottomless pit until judgment. 2 Peter 2:4-7 Jude 1:6-7. We see in Rev. 9:11 this pit has a king, and this is where Satan will be locked up for 1000 years.

    They left their first estate, heaven and in 2 Peter and Jude it says making them an example, (going after strange flesh), they corrupted God's creation Gen. 6:5-7. Even though there are fallen angels roaming the earth this set of angels God made an example to the others they will be locked in chains of darkness until judgment. We see the devils in Mark 5:9-10 were in fear Jesus might cast them down to the bottomless pit.

    We see that this happened again after the flood, Gen. 6:4 "and also after." The description in scripture is clear these are not just tall people. 2 Samuel 21:16 Joshua 12:4 Numbers 13:33 Deuteronomy 2:19-21 Deuteronomy 20:17 Amos 2:9. This is just a small amount of information but may it will help in your study.

    God bless,

  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 1 year ago

    The serpent has always had legs, the serpent is not a snake.

    The serpent is the carnal mind of the beast, MAN.

    Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom ....for it is the number of a MAN

    Job 1:17 .....the Lord said to Satan, Whence cometh thou .....from walking (on legs) up and down on the earth

    Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field God made ...

    Psalms 73:22 I was so foolish, and ignorant, I was as a beast before thee.

    Romans 8:20 For the creature (man) was made subject to vanity (a carnal mind), NOT WILLINGLY, but by reason of him (God) ......

    Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman .....enmity between the carnal mind and the bride of Christ ....

    Romans 8:7 For the carnal mind is enmity against God .....

    God Bless YOU as you study and Christ reveals himself to you.
  • Ruby Lea Read - 1 year ago
    Job 1:12 And the Lord said unto SATAN, Behold, all that he hath is in thine power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So SATAN went forth from THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD.

    Isaiah 63:9 In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the ANGEL OF HIS PRESENCE SAVED THEM: in his love and his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.

    1 Corinthians 5:5 To deliver such a one UNTO SATAN for the DESTRUCTION OF THE FLESH, that the SPIRIT MAY BE SAVED in the day of the LORD JESUS.

    1 Timothy 1:20 Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alesander, whom I have delivered unto SATAN, that they MAY LEARN not to blaspheme.

  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Story of Job 1, was encouragement to me after loss of worldly riches. I was amazed after he suffered so much loss he (Job) was able to say: Job 1:21,

    Also Proverbs 23:4,5, Hebrews 12:27, Psalms 12:5,

    I hope these are helpful
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Job 1:1-22
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Gerald,

    I agree all scripture is inspired by God, and I respect your understanding of this subject many accept that view. The line of Seth and the line of Cain or as you put it the righteous and unrighteous line.

    Where my understanding comes from, is in all the verses the words sons of God in the Old Testament refer to angelic beings, Job 1:6; 2:1 context shows the sons of God are angels, also Job 38:7, says the sons of God shouted for joy when God created the earth, a man had not been created.

    There are angels that God locked in the darkness for what they did that Peter and Jude witnessed that only Genesis 6 matches what Peter and Jude wrote.

    I understand Matt.22:30 Mark 12:25 is taken angels do not procreate, Jesus said angels in heaven because of their spiritual being there is no need. Peter and Jude both said they kept not their first estate and left their own habitation, and they could not return and are now locked in the bottomless pit the same place Satan will be locked in for 1000 years.

    So, my understanding of the term sons of God has two basic meanings. It refers to the angels, both good and bad, in the Old Testament. But in the New Testament, the phrase refers to believers in Jesus and through Him have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. By this adoption by Jesus, we become sons and daughters of God

    Thanks for your reply,

    God bless,

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Sammi,

    This is my understanding; Satan is our accuser, and he still accuses us before God. We see in Job 1:6 and Job 2:1 Satan came along with the sons of God/angels to present themselves to God. I understand that would be in heaven.

    We are told to put on the whole armor of God in Ephesians 6:11-12 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. The Greek word for high places is epouranios, heavenly realm.

    In Revelation 12:7-8 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. The words "neither was their place found in heaven" tells me they still have access to heaven until they are cast out, down to earth.

    Verse 10:12 shows Satan accused the brethren before our God day and night it was by the blood of Christ, they cast him out and he only has a short time. My understanding this starts the tribulation when Satan gives his seat, power, and authority to the beast Rev. 13.

    So, my understanding is Satan still has access, I am sure it is limited but until they are cast out permanently that will be in the future. If you understand another way that is ok.

    God bless,

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Lee1960,

    You are right, this is hard to understand so we need not be dogmatic but humble. The sons of God are in the OT only 5 times Gen. 6:2, 5 Job 1:6 Job 2:6 Job 38:7, and Daniel 3:25. The times in Job and Daniel are clearly angelic beings, so how do we take the meaning in Gen. 6. It says, "when the sons of God saw daughters of men", The Hebrew word for men here is h-'-m/adam meaning mankind. So, is this distinguishing a difference in the sons of adam/men?

    There are words that we may overlook, "and also after that". We see giants/Nephilim after the flood. 2 Sam. 21:16 Joshua 12:4 Num. 13:33 Deut. 2:19-21 Deut. 20:17 Amos 2:9 and more. Are there any NT scriptures that speak to this?

    2 Peter 2:4-6 and Jude 1:6-7 both are talking about angels who sinned and "which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation", the Greek word is used only two times translated habitation is oiktrion, the other place was in 2 Cor 5:2 the word house. Peter and Jude both compare what these angels did the same as in Sodom and Gomorrah, strange flesh.

    There are fallen angels along with Satan who are active on the earth today and still have access to heaven, but these angels did something even worse because God made an example of them and locked them in chains of darkness in the bottomless pit, until judgment. I do not know of any man in the OT who was ever called or referred to as son of God, I may have overlooked it, but my understanding is Nephilim came from these angels that God locked up.

    God bless,

  • T Levis - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 11 - 2 years ago
    Ephesians 3:11-12, 1Corinthians 13:12, 1Corinthians 11, 1Corinthians 11:15,

    If we approach the throne as: Job 1:6, Job 2:1, John 1:12, 1John 3:1,2,

    Philippians 2:1,

    Hopefully these help

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