Let no man deceive you, follow the word of God it will keep us all on the right path. It may not be easy but God walks with us, we may have to go through but God directs us. We hang on to every word and promos of God, in Jesus name.
Evang Ajanaku Mayowa Joshua on Jeremiah 6:16 - 9 years ago
When we look at the things criticaly,especialy the way things were going on in this world,we can believe that nothing can give man a rest,money,position,children,power,even civiliasation doesn 't give 's us a rest,that is while Jesus said in matthew that will should come to Him and have rest for our selves,Jesus is the only way for who ever seek for rest
Just as in Jeremiah 's day, the church has left the old paths, trying to covert souls without repentance and no conviction. We are worried more about what music or style of worship will attract people and less about calling for repentance. No wonder today 's committed Christian remains committed only until the commitment becomes inconvenient. If you want revival, surrender all to Christ and let Him direct you in the "old paths ". We are like the church of Laodecia in Revelation, we have left our first love.
dont just jump into one decision . God has greater plan stored for us its up for us how to surrender our life to him God has a lot of options for us to follow seek him and you will find
Jeremiah 6 27 "I have made you an assayer and a tester among My people. I believe that God is making someone to be a tester among his people, just like an assayer would test metal but God 's talking about Spiritual testing. He wants them to see and feel what he does, so they can know what he feels about his people. Which is their stubbornly rebellious all of them and their all corrupt and much more.
Obedience is better than sacrifice and, the Lord loves a humble and contrite spirit however, it is not in man to walk uprightly before God except by the Holy Ghost but, these people could not walk in spirit by reason of their sins, they had become so carnal that, like their idols they had ears but, could not hear and, their hearts had become hard as stone. They could not blush or feel shame..they were lost in their sins and could not repent by reason of their uncircumcised hearts. Lord may we never stray so far that repentance becomes a stumbling block and an insult to our exaggerated pride.
Lets repent & walk in the old ways for the Holy Lord dislikes offerings or participation from a heart that refuses to repent and hearken his word ( Jer 6 v 20).
There is clear warning to us in that we have deviated from the ways of the LORD and not living like our fore fathers.God is providing a solution which is optional i may choose to or not to however there are consequences for of either way.I thank God because when we choose His ways there is promise of peace in our souls
This verse was referred to in a card given to me by my father's Bible group when I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the third time. I believe the verse says that if you walk in the path of the Lord as the Lord has told us for centuries, that you will be at peace with yourself and what life has handed you. God gives us all a path to follow in life. If we follow these paths in a way that honors The Lord, we can overcome any obstacles put before us.
The third part of the stars are the fallen angels that the dragon that followed Satan or the devil, who in verses 3, 4 and 9; wanted to take the place of God and were cast out of heaven. The woman is the church ( Jeremiah 6:2-3:14, 2 Corinthians 11:2).
Except for the King James Version, all other bible versions have added one or two extra statements to this verse 2. The original verse in the King James Version, did not say anything about "cutting off or by his hand."
You may not be receiving daily verses in your email box yet, but you can get them on your Facebook page. All you have to do is to go to the bottom of this page, and click at Home. When on the home page, you click at Facebook �like� icon, at the right hand top of the page, just beneath the opened Bible. God bless you."
Hi: Whereas God's people is Israel, who, specifically is the "daughter of My people?" I find definitions like "female offspring" but, find no elaboration concerning this in any commentaries.
Thanks, Joe
i think it's a warning against "new" or "other"corrupt paths/gospels which lead not to true salvation.it also confirms that God's word remains uncorrupted, even from days of old to now! if we seek its truth today, we can find it as it were when spoken by the (real)prophets of old!
IN THE TIME WE ARE LIVING people are moving futher away fron God based on siituation and problems and most noteablity watered down preaching and teaching .I truly believe that the old path is the right way chruches are slowsly moving away from the old path GOD WANTS US TO return back to old path I praise GOD for you allowing me to response may GOD CONTINUE TO BLEE YOU AND KEEP YOU IS MY PRAY
I think that cross roads are there in life. And the LORD has provided a way:- To ask from those who have Spiritual Authority over our lives and seek to walk in the LORD's way.
You may not be receiving daily verses in your email box yet, but you can get them on your Facebook page. All you have to do is to go to the bottom of this page, and click at Home. When on the home page, you click at Facebook �like� icon, at the right hand top of the page, just beneath the opened Bible. God bless you."
Thanks, Joe