JEREMIAH 29:11 Keeps my life going actually it gives me more hope concerniung my life. Even if i am in trouble I remember the words of the LORD because I believe in Jesus.
Yes indeed God have plans for us, that are not of evil. No matter what i'm going through, i have it in mind that he will never forsaken me. This verse is a blessing to my life. I walk by faith i his mighty name Jesus.
I thank God for this verse, whenever I am weak and feel that all my hope is gone, i just go on my knees and start to pray saying "God I am strong because your word says that you have a plan for us, not for destruction but for prospering" glory be to God. Amen
God created us, He knew me before I was born. He created me for His pleasure. He has a plan for me. Tests or tribulations, His plans does not change. I just have to have faith and trust in him. Knowing that he has plans for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and future and not of despair.God is not a man that He can lie. Join me in trusting Him.
The man after God's heart, King David clearly shows that when you are afflicted, God's deliverance comes like a dream. It takes you to a level of realization, praise and revelation, thus he concludes that even if you are afflicted, you need to hold on to the Lord of your salvation and He will give you a sure end ( Jeremiah 29:11)
This comment is in response to Kimutal's ? First of all ask God in prayer to lead you to the right place, where His word is really being taught. I'm hearing scriptures as I respond to you. Please get your Bible & read these scriptures to help.( Jeremiah 29:11-13) ( Psalm 32:8) ( Proverbs 3:5-6) ( Psalm 27:4-8)( Psalm 118:19-20) Pray these verses in your prayers and watch God lead & guide you to the right Church, Remind Him that He promised to give us Pastors after His own Heart.( Jeremiah 3:15) Hope these help. Love you with the Love of Christ!!
It is true that God have a thought of peace for us,all we need to do is to ask him to teach us number our days and to gain a heart of wisdom in order to wait for his peaceful,mercy,and perfect end thought he has for us
god i like when god said that i have good plan for u, not a plan to hard you but a plan to show u that how much i love u, so when we have challenge GOD has already know, so why u dont cry. keep on praying god know you plan.
Since John 17:3, Philippians 3:8-10, Matthew 7:21-23, verse 9 covered by a thick cloud, Jeremiah 29:13 that the people might hear when I speak with you, and believe you forever. John 6:17-8; 8:12. Jesus marveled in Matthew 8:10. Is there a greater marvel elsewhere? Is the only disease (BELEVING A LIE) caused by either Deception, or Pride. 1 Corinthians 4:7 there is only One God Who cannot lie, Hebrews 13:8. Who says there are no absolutes? The statement is an absolute, humble unselfish FATHER already knows everything, and is the answer, yet humanity is so wrapped up in their shallow little plans they miss the mark. His Glory Revelation 4:11, Galatians 2:20-21, Genesis 15:1, Philippians 3:12 Came here to understand this veiled verse 19:13 but got sidetracked. Sound unfamiliar 2 Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 4:13.
God is constantly and consistently faithful- and there is no doubt about that. And that is from the perception of the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. And based on that, a look at this chapter, in Proverbs, reveals that, the writer of the book of proverbs commences, is writing with great and strong admonition of the intent of his writing. He highlights the significance of wisdom, knowledge and understanding- and that is particularly for they that prefer to love and serve the most blessed and most holy God. In that process, he places emphasis, on the receptivity of wisdom and also its practice on a daily basis. In other words, whatever God says, in His Word is what He means. Hence, the import of prayerfully and committed putting into practice whatever He says or reveals to you. In a sense, this opening chapter of the book of proverbs ushers the reader, into the importance of the God type of wisdom and the import of it in the lives of believers and followers of the LORD Jesus Christ. It therefore signifies that this chapter, Proverbs 1, and that is importantly for the truly obedient type of person, is a must, once in a month, no matter what - and so are the others. God is infinitely smarter, and He has not called His followers through Christ Jesus, to worship Him in vain ( Jeremiah 29:11, John 3:16, Romans 8:31, 2 Timothy 1:7). Hence, when His Word is honored, and faith is constantly put to work, God has no option but to honor His part of the agreement; for He is forever trustworthy and dependable.
Nalongo Christine Nviiri on Esther 2 - 12 years ago
Esther's situation confirms God's plans for us as in Jeremiah 29:11. And for sure, there is no situation that cannot change for He raises us from dust to sit with kings!
Any level has an end. Poverty, sickness, tribulation, devil's plan, has its dead line.
Says the Messiah,
Jehovah Jireh,