Beloved, Let James chapter 4 Bless you, to remember, that God wants us to, daily resist our selevs; For our flesh wants what the devil has to offer us, which is: Pleasure, dominion, self-will, selfishness, self-pride, luxury, and self-fulfillment, for the Bible says in, 1 John 2:16; That, all that is in the world is; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
So the Bible shows us that our nature is with satan, and against God. So we must be attentive to that fact, and then keep our focus on denying ourselves, not even trusting in our own hearts, cause the Bible says, in Jeremiah 17:9, that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. so we must read, study (meaning memorize),and meditiate on this chapter.
Verse 7, I praise and give thanks to our faithful God. His word is powerful to those that believe, trust and put their hopes on his word because Jesus is the word. Salvation is already prepared for all human being that accepted him as a personal savior. And his kingdom is our home forever, I think him who trusts, believes and obeys in his word, he bless them.
It simply means don't seek help looking at men; for vain is their help. In Jeremiah 17:5, it continues to say cursed is the man that puts his trust on men, when men help you, they will talk about you.
I noticed that in many chapter of the Bible, God makes it clear he does not want us to work on Sunday. Does he allow for exceptions? For example, if my house is burning down on Sunday, will he forgive the firemen who put it out? What about policemen and doctors? Is there a list of occupations that are exempt from this rule?
Jeanette Campbell /Warner on Daniel 4:16 - 11 years ago
To change a heart you must know it, and the word asks us who can know this wicked and perverse miracle that God has given us? Jeremiah 17:9. Only God can know our hearts because He created us in His own image, and not only that, He is the Holy and awesome one that changes what He wishes, whatever He desires He is God; maker of heaven and earth.
In verse 17, Jesus is making an observation of man's heart ( Jeremiah 17:5-10), on how most do not give the Almighty God the gratitude he so richly deserves for the everyday miracles he performs just to sustain life and supply all our needs according to his riches and glory ( Philippians 4:19) and how the rain falls upon the just and the unjust.
I like to thank my heavenly father for revealing this truth and all people who are in charge with internet. May the good Lord keep on blessing you and may God add more wisdom and knowledge to everybody. Wishes of good luck on this festive season and enjoy the coming year. Thank you.
There is difference to make between questions that are asked to profit, and those tha are asked to distract or deter. And verse 9 here is very clear: �.. avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.� Those should be avoided, because they bring nowhere.
Now coming to Jeremiah 17:9, �The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?� That means that above all things, our heart can tell us lies than ever, because it is wicked, it tends to tell us that evil is good, which actually is not the case.
The only cure is in Hebrews 4:12 �For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.�
When the word of God dwells in us, and is in rule in our life, God�s judgments become our judgments, God�s views become our views; and with that the word shall separate very sharply, like a twoedged sword, what is of God and what is not, it shall bring light in every single aspect of our life; and then show us the way out.
God bless you.
This is where I�m confused in Jeremiah 17:9 it says, to test our heart, how are you supposed to test that things are of God without asking questions?
Jeremiah 17:11 is a good verse to remind us that we as true Christians are not here on this earth to build material wealth, but to advance the Kingdom of God. Building treasures in Heaven is a wise investment; treasures on earth are very temporal.
I'm a practising Christian. I regard myself as having 'signed up' at some point in my past, and attend a boisterous CofE church. But in my darkest moments of doubt it occurs to me how absolute is the vision of Man in these words. Christians want nothing short of perfection (for themselves and unfortunately sometimes of others). How can we, human-all-too-human beings use that vision in our daily lives without an huge subconcious arrogance. Sometimes it seems I become aware of that secret arrogance and flip over into the most morbid thoughts of isolation and worthlessness in immense cold Universe. In that state I watch myself gradually return to a smug forgetfulness of the intuition. Yes, I have sinned/do sin. Yes, I ask forgiveness. But what rings most true to me is Jeremiah 17:9.
Jer 17:1 Pretty harsh comment concerning Isreal and what they have done. Are we any different today? Could we, current day humanity, be accused of the same?
So the Bible shows us that our nature is with satan, and against God. So we must be attentive to that fact, and then keep our focus on denying ourselves, not even trusting in our own hearts, cause the Bible says, in Jeremiah 17:9, that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. so we must read, study (meaning memorize),and meditiate on this chapter.
There is difference to make between questions that are asked to profit, and those tha are asked to distract or deter. And verse 9 here is very clear: �.. avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.� Those should be avoided, because they bring nowhere.
Now coming to Jeremiah 17:9, �The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?� That means that above all things, our heart can tell us lies than ever, because it is wicked, it tends to tell us that evil is good, which actually is not the case.
The only cure is in Hebrews 4:12 �For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.�
When the word of God dwells in us, and is in rule in our life, God�s judgments become our judgments, God�s views become our views; and with that the word shall separate very sharply, like a twoedged sword, what is of God and what is not, it shall bring light in every single aspect of our life; and then show us the way out.
God bless you.