There is a clear warning between Matthew 16:17 and Matthew 16:23 and in regard to the about face Christ had from praise of revelation from God in regard to Peter and then suddenly telling Satan to get behind Him after he had gained a foothold over Peter so quickly afterwards. This is quite shocking and should serve us as with all scriptures with an example of just how quickly we could all be overtaken by evil when we think we stand (see 1 Cor. 10:12).
In both cases Peter was being used as a vessel for spiritual possession; as it were. It could be argued that the Spirit wasn't residing with him permanently; nonetheless Jesus' comment that only the Father could have revealed to Peter who He was clearly showed him as a saved individual. Also Satan may not have directly possessed him as it stated it was later on for Judas Iscariot; but nonetheless his mind was being controlled by the "thoughts of men" which Satan placed in his mind. That would probably imply that his natural inclination and desire to protect Christ and not see harm come to him was taking precedent over God's plan and purpose for Christ to die for atonement of the sins of all He has chosen (including on Peter's behalf as well).
Clearly Christ wasn't surprised by these things; and later on as I explained in a recent discussion Christ predicted his martyrdom and his restoration after the denial was prophesied as well to Peter. Lest we upbraid Peter we should remember that he was the only one with the "audacity" to walk on the water as well as to ask questions others no doubt pondered but were too afraid to mention out loud.
When we recognize our own weaknesses and frailty it certainly can't be that we will be carried away by such things if we stand on guard against the wiles of the devil (see James 4:7). We can't take our eyes off of Him though for Satan can and will use any opportunity given to him to blindside us; harass, torment, distract and mess us up.
When God is not answering our prayers there are a couple of things that might be going on. First, we are likely asking amiss, meaning we are asking outside of God's will. We are asking within our own will. James 4:3 says Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
God's ways are higher than our ways and God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We are finite and cannot see the entire picture but God can!
Secondly, we can hinder our prayer life with unconfessed sins. Psalms 66:18 says If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:
Isaiah 59:2 says But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
These are two reasons that prayers are not answered...The first is in my opinion more often than the latter...
Another reason is simply just not time yet! We always have to remember everything is in God's perfect timing! Not in our timing as I said previously, we cannot see the whole picture but God can!
So continue to pray and ask the Holy Ghost to lead you in your prayers or maybe just simply ask if your prayer is really within God's will.
God's unanswered prayers are sometimes His greatest blessings!
It is a blessing to be humbled by God. What you said reminds me of what James tells us in James 4:6.
God gives more (or greater) grace. Wherefore he says, and this is Proverbs 3:34, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
Proverbs 3:34 is found three times in the New Testament. It's a very important and popular verse. God resists the proud. Who are the proud?
There are two things about the word for proud. Number one, a person filled with pride is self-centered.
Now by that, the word means that you are centered on yourself whether you think you are somebody great, or you think you're somebody like a failure.
It's the high or the low, high self-esteem, or low self-esteem, you're still focused on yourself. It's still pride.
The other thing about the word for pride is self-reliance. This is the person that uses their human resources to live their life and satisfy their problems. And for them, maybe when they run out of human resources, they might call on God.
God resists the proud, the person who is relying on their human resources, who is self-centered and self-motivated. God will resist that person. But He gives grace to the humble. And the word humble is the person who has been made low, just like we see in James Chapter 1.
Why does God resist the proud? God is bringing that person to a position where they need God's grace. God only gives His grace to the lowly.
If a person is self-centered and self-reliant, God has to oppose them so that they turn around and become dependent upon the Lord. But He only gives His grace to the humble!
So, as it says in James 4:5, God has given me a spirit that dwells in me that lusts to envy. The word spirit is no doubt the human spirit that God has given us. The human spirit in us lusts to envy.
But God has greater grace because He'll resist me. And He'll give me His grace when I'm humbled!
If you want to read about Jesus, Luke 1, is a good Book to start, you can search words in this site also.
Many people try reading the Bible from cover to cover in a year or less. As you read & study you will notice several Scriptures of the Bible will speak about the same situations, people & events at times, so as you get to know scripture more, you might want to study multiple scriptures together.
Solomon is credited for Proverbs 1, some of the Psalms, Ecclesiastes 1, others similar Ecclesiasticus 1, Wisdom of Solomon 1, Song of Solomon 1, it seems much easier to understand deeper Songs of Solomon when understanding other scriptures, like Psalms 1, Psalms 42:1, also the love story of Solomon,
"spoiler ALERT," = sadly the love of many wives turned Solomon's heart away from GOD & the nation. 1Kings 11,
But Jesus is Greater than Solomon! Matthew 12:42, John 10:23-42, Matthew 6, Matthew 6:26-33,
Hi Karen. When reading Philippians 4:14-19, in the context there, as you rightly wrote, the Church was mindful of the apostle's physical needs, providing help to him probably more than a couple of times than indicated in these verses. That occasion gives us a Divine Truth: that when God's people are sensitive to His Spirit's Leading, deeply immersed in the Word & Prayer, then the outcome will always be a generosity far surpassing simply the act of giving or doing so to appease one's conscience. We see the first instance of this in Acts 4:32-25, where the fledgling Church, filled with God's Spirit, "were of one heart & soul" and they knew that their possessions were not their own (i.e. they realized that all things that they possessed belonged to and came from God for their use). With such a mind & spirit, they immediately looked out for one another, even selling houses & land so that the proceeds could benefit others among them in need.
Even though the full extent of that particular example of sacrificial love may be infrequent today, the Truth of that renewed heart & spirit in believers urged them to look out to others, when formerly it was always 'me first or what's mine is mine'. So when we give with a generous spirit, sensing the real needs within the Church (& of course, outside it), being led of God's Spirit, we can trust that God will always "supply all our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus". Even as we read in James 4:3, "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts", implying when our motives are wrong & not aligned with what is God's best for us, we shouldn't be surprised when we're left with prayers unanswered & floundering in our sparsity. And of course, "godliness WITH contentment is great gain" ( 1 Timothy 6:6): we should be content with what God has given us, even though we have very little & can't or could never 'keep up with the Jones' '.
Assuming your question is how do you KNOW if God is calling you...
Obviously; we have to objectively look at our plans to make sure there isn't an obvious conflict with God's Word and we aren't attempting to "consume it upon our lusts" as James 4:3 states.
When we pray we should ask for doors to open if something is His will; or to close. An example this week was with a brother who I had discussed starting leading a small group with with the stipulation that prayer with him would precede it. There were some mitigating circumstances where he didn't get back to me; and since I kind of went through this process with him before last summer I can see that it isn't God's will at present to pursue this.
I have found from my experience that being around those who aren't messing about but proclaiming the Good News on a regular basis; are "desperate for prayer" (as one of my Pittsburgh brothers was when he started a group early in the morning in the park) and aren't overly distracted by the world (most of my friends in Pittsburgh didn't own TV's or were VERY limited in selection and time spent on these type distractions) are the type of people around which most opportunities to serve God come about. This situation; sadly isn't common in the established church leadership and it's many associated traditions and expected roles. As for a brother of mine who was searching for a wife; we saw an answer within 2 days when he met someone he is now married to. You want to be around people such as another brother in that group I mentioned before who stated that for every hour witnessing he would spend an hour in prayer. I just don't buy what many in church claim when they say that they are "too busy" for such things as my friends have large families and their kids are involved in their Bible studies.
It is good; finally to be around those who sharpen us; and exhort us. Those are people who understand that there is no good in man apart from Christ in us.
James 4:8 "Draw nigh(near) to God, and he will draw nigh to you..."
How do I draw near to God? By reading the Word of God, praying, attending a christian congregation and having fellowship with other believers. Acts 2:42, "And they(believers) continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers."
The wicked will not live out half their life according to Psalm 55:23 (loosely translated). The implied destruction here in this verse is well kproven in the article from the Washington Post March 31, 2015. Here there was Gospel music and a few other types at the high life expenctancy in the70's all the way down to punk and rap which was at best 30 years old as to the length of men and women (although the article was titled "Why a Musician's Life Expectancy Depends on What Type of Music SHE plays". Another article of similar charts was somewhere else (probably a magazine) at the time which also showed classical music on this same type of line chart at the high end.
It is of course debatable as to the exact cause (we all know it is sin). The lifestyles are mentioned; but the demonic language; rhythms; and harmonies that blaspheme God are not given insight.
Something like music once was generally looked upon as an art; and much classical music was written by Christians; especially J.S. Bach. There were of course romances and drama in Opera that sometimes invoked the pagan gods that were usually told for entertainment reasons. There are rumors that Paginini sold his soul to the devil; and we can certainly look at Hitler's fascination with Wagner and his the composer's anti semitic traits as a negative thing. Nonetheless; just looking at the effect of classical music and rap or heavy metal or rock on the mind and we see the former bringing patterns that some say resemble DNA (in the case of Bach there are numerous articles on the subject); whereas the latter music causes dissociation; schizophrenic behavior and other manifestations (as seen with the LSD trips in the 60s).
This particular subject of course could be examined in regard to broader scopes of sins which on their own may be "neutral".
If we prioritize God then He gives us the desire of our hearts ( Psalm 37:4). If we live for ourselves first; then we are following the error of James 4:3.
The conclusion is that once Adam and any one of us started in the course of sin; then the mind was permanently ingrained with that memory; and all the desires to repeat such actions were the default mode against which there was no effective resistance apart from the Spirit of God. God would "wink" at certain things ( Acts 17:30) as specifically referring to idol worship. There were some such as Rachel in the O.T. who would be with God's people but secretly carrying family idols with her. There are other things such as "concubines" which no matter how culturally defined basically were "politically correct" versions of harlots. The situation of multiple wives and such brings out the unique situation when at first there was only a sister for instance; for Cain to marry.
We can look at the ancient conquests and widespread carnage; and go through much angst with the tough verses where God Himself commanded widespread slaughter. That is a subject which I may have touched on and could some more in the future.
What IS certain; however is that much of these things were due to sins that Israel specifically committed and of course the book of James states that people war because they lust after things they cannot have. ( James 4:2). We also had a national political and religious state where the law of the land was to be enforced directly from God's commandments. Again; there is a level of responsibility that His Covenant people had above any other nations; but the same principles are involved.
In general; there has to be a submission to God's authority involving a trust relationship which is based on His Covenant(s); namely today in the New Covenant that Christ has brought into effect. ( Heb. 9:15). All good gifts come from God above ( James 1:17). That is referring specifically to spiritual gifts; but certainly all blessings in life have Him as the source.
Let us follow Romans 12:2 and be transformed by renewal of mind.
Wilful sin is a big issue as the article mentioned.
Hebrews 10:26-27. For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Here's also a commonly looked over sin.
James 4:17. Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Sometimes we as Christians think we have the balances in our hands to tell the degree of the offence so we weigh the sin against another man's sin. That seems to give us comfort to continue in our folly.
We should understand that we have been bought/Redeemed with the blood of Christ!
Here is where we examine ourselves to see if Christ Lords over our life.
Galatians 2:20-21. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
This righteousness is not just Positionally it is practical. It should be on display "BECAUSE" it is energized by the Spirit.
This is not how well we serve, it's WHO we serve and WHO is glorified.
It's the outward act that shows the inward parts. ( The regenerated heart.)
If we count the blood of Christ dear to us we should have a fear of offending the grace of God, so his word and our our worship should line up with scripture.
Our walk and zeal confirms our attitude towards the ransom.
Another way to treat the blood of Christ as if it wasn't enough and try to add to it is to say "You don't except it or perhaps don't believe it.
Today; we seem to think little on the next generation; hence kids have found that there isn't much value in their existence. With so many cut off before birth it is no wonder that kids would feel unvalued today and with such poor parenting skills undisciplined themselves. Hosea 4:6 indicates that because of a lack of knowledge people are perishing. Life is as a vapor as several scriptures indicate ( James 4:14). Not only are things accelerated today ( Daniel 12:4) but as I said in the last piece the value of everything has diminished. There will be no suffering loss; I assure you for cell phones; computers and other high tech entertainment sources NOT being present in heaven. We need to be careful in earthly treasures as well (See Luke 16:11); such behaviors show what is really in our hearts as to our conduct in this world.
In light of these facts; do we consider how great it is that we are saved from having to be in an unregenerate state for all eternity? Isaiah 66:4 describes how God "chooses their delusions" and later on at the end of that chapter a vivid description of hell is given. Phillipians 1:21 states that Paul said "to live is Christ; to die is gain." and other verses show that it is better to be in the house of mourning rather than mindless happiness ( Ecclesiastes 7:2).
In light of all this; we do well to see how we approach the House of Worship but also how we live out the rest of the week. It is sad today how many people insist on having beepers and other cell phone distractions interrupt the services. Personally; I feel a need to have a cell phone only in case my elderly parents have an emergency at home. That was the original use of "beepers". For every moment here on earth there are eternal ramifications; we need to focus on working while it is yet day ( John 9:4). As for Christ it is also for us in that respect our time to serve here is short and we need to focus on the Great Commission.
Dear Christina, This is something all born-again believer goes up against. 2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) God has given us His Word to combat the arrows of the devil and his demons. Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. What is the whole armour of God. Ephesians 6:14-18
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Don't argue with him. Do what Jesus did when He was tempted in the wilderness. For example:
Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
See? Don't argue with him. Memorize scriptures that guide you against whatever things you are tempted to do, and quote them as Jesus did. James 4:7 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 exhort us to pray continually. We should note that giving thanksgiving and rejoicing in Christ are other factors. Meditating on the Word day and night ( Joshua 1:8) certainly would be the other principal act associated with answered prayers. This verse in greater detail gives the exhortation to DO the things in the Word; and gives the added benefit of prosperity and success. This causes us to look at Solomon's prayer for wisdom when God also gave Him what He DIDN'T ask for in terms of exceedingly great riches. 1 Kings 3:5-15 shows this coming to pass; but of course the later sins that Solomon committed despite being warned of God to avoid basically caused the downfall of Israel.
There are obvious guidelines of what to avoid in seeing answered prayer in the Book of James chapter 4. We should note that this passage can be broadly taken for ANY type of lust (sexual; power; material gain) that comes from the world; flesh or the Devil. This would be something that hopefully would be limited to new; immature believers or the prosperity preaching crowd.
There are a number of basic concepts that need to be covered here providing that we are at least attempting caution as to the warnings in James; including our character not being "double minded" for example; where a person is warned that they should expect nothing from God. (see James 4:8).
Fact One: The primary purpose of prayer should be for the sake of God's Kingdom. The most obvious conclusion should of course be in accordance with the Lord's Prayer that HIS will is done and His Kingdom comes; and that He gets all the power and glory. ( Matthew 6; Luke 11 version somewhat abbreviated). That prayer is written as a general concept of prayer; only asking for "daily bread" as a request for human needs. It is not to be rehearsed as a mantra.
Fact Two: Prayers need to be secondarily for the edification of the Body. (more in next section)
Dear Annamae, It's hard, I know, but we must not go by the way we feel. Philippians 4:6-7. Just because we feel that God is far from us doesn't mean He is. He has promised to never leave us. Psalm 118:6. The devil will cause you to feel the way you do to disrupt your relationship with God. Here are a few weapons to use against him.
James 4:7 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment
thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
Dear Christina, James 4:7 says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." How do you resist the devil? Like Jesus did when he was tempted in the wilderness. He did not argue, He quoted the scripture, and the devil fled each temptation.
The Word of God is our armor against Satan, our bullets, I like to call it.
Shoot as many as you need at him when he tempts you with unnatural relations. I give you Romans 1:26,27, 1 Corinthians 6:9, and Jude 1:7. Prayers going up.
We see a lack of wisdom of any ssort these days as we continue to increase in knowledge exponentially (shades of Daniel 12:4). In one sense; we cannot rely on our own understanding ( Proverbs 3:5-6) but on God alone. There are certain principles whether of law; crops; finances or other things which all those under the sun are embarked in to one degree or another with whatever freedoms God allows. We certainly cannot operate against human wisdom or our conscience when we don't do something we know we are supposed to do ( James 4:17). As with anything else there are extremes we should try to avoid. Christ; for instance when He was on earth told those He sent forth two by two not to bring much along with them ( Mark 6:8); but later once He was preparing for His departure the instruction changed ( Luke 22:36). This included money; clothes and a weapon for protection from thieves. We have two major things that we need to avoid; the first being seeking things for ourselves outside the will of God or trying to "help God" by speeding up the process. Having the understanding that everything belongs to God and that we take nothing into this world and cannot take anything out helps a great deal ( 1 Timothy 6:7). The second thing is not laying down our life for the Lord. At the extreme this would be martyrdom; but everyday tests where we choose to serve others above our own desires we "die a little" bit at a time as we carry our cross daily. Things like marriages of course can be a major factor and in some cases individuals who can remain chaste can be in unique advantages for unfettered service toward the Lord. Again; as with anything else I have seen more than enough Godly Christian marriages where more than sufficient attention is paid to the wife and children along with a generous amount of time dedicated to corporate worship; prayer; evangelism and small group studies. Being equally yoked of course works this out best.
Matthew 25:31-46, is how we are to treat the "least of these" to belittle anyone is a direct offense to GOD. 1Corinthians 1:20-27, Proverbs 17:5, Romans 14:13, James 4:11, 1Corinthians 4:5, John 13:34, Romans 12:10,
This is "brother or sister" literal & family of believers aka "brethren " because those words from "family" hurt deepest
Do you believe John 3:16 ? Do you believe GOD can heal? Do you believe GOD can change everything? Do you believe man who spoke those words over you, or GOD ALMIGHTY that created you!? Be Healed be delivered
Trust GOD
James 1:5, Romans 10:17, James 4:7, Luke 11:9-13,
Nick 34, You're saying only when you pray or read the Bible; the scripture says pray without ceasing 1Thessalonians 5:17. Lay the word on your heart & in your soul, bind on your hand, in front of your eyes, to talk about them often, with your children when sitting, walking along, when laying down, the WORD of GOD, Deuteronomy 11:18-20, Psalms 119:11,
Is it a spiritual attack to keep you from reading, praying & learning of a Loving Creator our Loving Father in Heaven? Or is it the HOLY Spirit bringing conviction of sin? If it's not peace that is present, your relationship needs work, possibly. Even Isaiah a Prophet of GOD, had to repent to be close to GOD's presence: Isaiah 1:6, These should be helpful
5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
James 4:8
8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
Revelation 3:3
3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Acts 3:19
"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;"
Hi Dr. Lyle Lee....Let me bring your attention to the Woman at the well a Samaritan a Gentile.. John 4:1 Jesus tells her of the gift of God which is the H.G. That CHILD OF Promise..There is only 1 Promise.. Luke 24:49 kjv Behold i send the Promise of my father upon you which was baptism of the H.G. the Promise and that was the only Gospel he Preached..Being bornnagain of an incorruptible seed etc.. Acts 2:39...The Promise is unto you and your children....which was the gift of the H.G....A living being had to be born in them which was the H.G. Their new heart and new spirit was the H.G. That New Creature neither circumcision nor uncircumcision ( not Jew or Gentile )...but a new Creature...Which was the H.G..When he breathe on them they received the H.G... John 20:22...The gift of God and there is only 1 gift which is the H.G....Dr. Lee don't ya see that 2 gospels wd make him a double minded man which is an abomination to God...And a hypocrite...2 Gospels wd make him a hypocrite...Double minded man... James 4:8 a double minded man is unstable in all his ways...We know our Lord was not double minded preaching 2 gospels...Gbu Lyle, but ya need to rethink this...I always agree with you..But not on this one...
.....When he said my words are spirit and life that implies living words...The 1 and only Gospel is a living being the H.G....That Child of Promise..The only Gift of God ..Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil child you will in no wise enter there in...That Child is the H.G. as that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit...Our new innerman has to be born in us Which is the Child of Promise... Romans 14:17 for the Kingdom of God is not in meat or drink but in joy and peace in the H.G....This implies that the H.G. IS THE Kingdom...And there is only 1 kingdom and 1 bridegroom
Please Lord enrich Ruben with Your grace that he been strengthen through this time of testing of faith. Please Holy Spirit guide Ruben in prayer and scriptures that will be comforting and allow spiritual enlightenment to flow on him I pray in the name of Jesus Christ!
Please consider reflecting on: James 4:7-9, John 8:44, Ephesian 3:16-19, 1 Peter 5:6-8 and 2 Timothy 2:1 and 2 Timothy 1:7.
There is a clear warning between Matthew 16:17 and Matthew 16:23 and in regard to the about face Christ had from praise of revelation from God in regard to Peter and then suddenly telling Satan to get behind Him after he had gained a foothold over Peter so quickly afterwards. This is quite shocking and should serve us as with all scriptures with an example of just how quickly we could all be overtaken by evil when we think we stand (see 1 Cor. 10:12).
In both cases Peter was being used as a vessel for spiritual possession; as it were. It could be argued that the Spirit wasn't residing with him permanently; nonetheless Jesus' comment that only the Father could have revealed to Peter who He was clearly showed him as a saved individual. Also Satan may not have directly possessed him as it stated it was later on for Judas Iscariot; but nonetheless his mind was being controlled by the "thoughts of men" which Satan placed in his mind. That would probably imply that his natural inclination and desire to protect Christ and not see harm come to him was taking precedent over God's plan and purpose for Christ to die for atonement of the sins of all He has chosen (including on Peter's behalf as well).
Clearly Christ wasn't surprised by these things; and later on as I explained in a recent discussion Christ predicted his martyrdom and his restoration after the denial was prophesied as well to Peter. Lest we upbraid Peter we should remember that he was the only one with the "audacity" to walk on the water as well as to ask questions others no doubt pondered but were too afraid to mention out loud.
When we recognize our own weaknesses and frailty it certainly can't be that we will be carried away by such things if we stand on guard against the wiles of the devil (see James 4:7). We can't take our eyes off of Him though for Satan can and will use any opportunity given to him to blindside us; harass, torment, distract and mess us up.
When God is not answering our prayers there are a couple of things that might be going on. First, we are likely asking amiss, meaning we are asking outside of God's will. We are asking within our own will. James 4:3 says Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
God's ways are higher than our ways and God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We are finite and cannot see the entire picture but God can!
Secondly, we can hinder our prayer life with unconfessed sins. Psalms 66:18 says If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:
Isaiah 59:2 says But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
These are two reasons that prayers are not answered...The first is in my opinion more often than the latter...
Another reason is simply just not time yet! We always have to remember everything is in God's perfect timing! Not in our timing as I said previously, we cannot see the whole picture but God can!
So continue to pray and ask the Holy Ghost to lead you in your prayers or maybe just simply ask if your prayer is really within God's will.
God's unanswered prayers are sometimes His greatest blessings!
It is a blessing to be humbled by God. What you said reminds me of what James tells us in James 4:6.
God gives more (or greater) grace. Wherefore he says, and this is Proverbs 3:34, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
Proverbs 3:34 is found three times in the New Testament. It's a very important and popular verse. God resists the proud. Who are the proud?
There are two things about the word for proud. Number one, a person filled with pride is self-centered.
Now by that, the word means that you are centered on yourself whether you think you are somebody great, or you think you're somebody like a failure.
It's the high or the low, high self-esteem, or low self-esteem, you're still focused on yourself. It's still pride.
The other thing about the word for pride is self-reliance. This is the person that uses their human resources to live their life and satisfy their problems. And for them, maybe when they run out of human resources, they might call on God.
God resists the proud, the person who is relying on their human resources, who is self-centered and self-motivated. God will resist that person. But He gives grace to the humble. And the word humble is the person who has been made low, just like we see in James Chapter 1.
Why does God resist the proud? God is bringing that person to a position where they need God's grace. God only gives His grace to the lowly.
If a person is self-centered and self-reliant, God has to oppose them so that they turn around and become dependent upon the Lord. But He only gives His grace to the humble!
So, as it says in James 4:5, God has given me a spirit that dwells in me that lusts to envy. The word spirit is no doubt the human spirit that God has given us. The human spirit in us lusts to envy.
But God has greater grace because He'll resist me. And He'll give me His grace when I'm humbled!
May the Lord continue to bless you also!
1 John 3:4
"Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law."
Now if you don't know something your doing is wrong then it is sin not leading to death.
It is still sin but not done in an intentional manner.
James 4:17
"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
Stop answering questions if you do not know for sure what you are talking about. You are helping to further ignorance
2Timothy 2:15,
Matthew 6, John 3:16,
James 1:5, James 4:8,
Is a good place to start.
If you want to read about Jesus, Luke 1, is a good Book to start, you can search words in this site also.
Many people try reading the Bible from cover to cover in a year or less. As you read & study you will notice several Scriptures of the Bible will speak about the same situations, people & events at times, so as you get to know scripture more, you might want to study multiple scriptures together.
Solomon is credited for Proverbs 1, some of the Psalms, Ecclesiastes 1, others similar Ecclesiasticus 1, Wisdom of Solomon 1, Song of Solomon 1, it seems much easier to understand deeper Songs of Solomon when understanding other scriptures, like Psalms 1, Psalms 42:1, also the love story of Solomon,
"spoiler ALERT," = sadly the love of many wives turned Solomon's heart away from GOD & the nation. 1Kings 11,
But Jesus is Greater than Solomon! Matthew 12:42, John 10:23-42, Matthew 6, Matthew 6:26-33,
Hopefully these are helpful
Even though the full extent of that particular example of sacrificial love may be infrequent today, the Truth of that renewed heart & spirit in believers urged them to look out to others, when formerly it was always 'me first or what's mine is mine'. So when we give with a generous spirit, sensing the real needs within the Church (& of course, outside it), being led of God's Spirit, we can trust that God will always "supply all our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus". Even as we read in James 4:3, "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts", implying when our motives are wrong & not aligned with what is God's best for us, we shouldn't be surprised when we're left with prayers unanswered & floundering in our sparsity. And of course, "godliness WITH contentment is great gain" ( 1 Timothy 6:6): we should be content with what God has given us, even though we have very little & can't or could never 'keep up with the Jones' '.
Hopefully this is also helpful
Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:1-29,
Proverbs 14:5,25, John 8,
Revelation 12:19,
Hopefully these are helpful
Godly worship songs, can also fill the atmosphere : 1Samuel 16:23,
Hopefully these are helpful
Psalms 148:1-14, James 4:7,
Hopefully these are helpful
Hopefully these are helpful
Obviously; we have to objectively look at our plans to make sure there isn't an obvious conflict with God's Word and we aren't attempting to "consume it upon our lusts" as James 4:3 states.
When we pray we should ask for doors to open if something is His will; or to close. An example this week was with a brother who I had discussed starting leading a small group with with the stipulation that prayer with him would precede it. There were some mitigating circumstances where he didn't get back to me; and since I kind of went through this process with him before last summer I can see that it isn't God's will at present to pursue this.
I have found from my experience that being around those who aren't messing about but proclaiming the Good News on a regular basis; are "desperate for prayer" (as one of my Pittsburgh brothers was when he started a group early in the morning in the park) and aren't overly distracted by the world (most of my friends in Pittsburgh didn't own TV's or were VERY limited in selection and time spent on these type distractions) are the type of people around which most opportunities to serve God come about. This situation; sadly isn't common in the established church leadership and it's many associated traditions and expected roles. As for a brother of mine who was searching for a wife; we saw an answer within 2 days when he met someone he is now married to. You want to be around people such as another brother in that group I mentioned before who stated that for every hour witnessing he would spend an hour in prayer. I just don't buy what many in church claim when they say that they are "too busy" for such things as my friends have large families and their kids are involved in their Bible studies.
It is good; finally to be around those who sharpen us; and exhort us. Those are people who understand that there is no good in man apart from Christ in us.
Hopefully these are helpful also
How do I draw near to God? By reading the Word of God, praying, attending a christian congregation and having fellowship with other believers. Acts 2:42, "And they(believers) continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers."
It is of course debatable as to the exact cause (we all know it is sin). The lifestyles are mentioned; but the demonic language; rhythms; and harmonies that blaspheme God are not given insight.
Something like music once was generally looked upon as an art; and much classical music was written by Christians; especially J.S. Bach. There were of course romances and drama in Opera that sometimes invoked the pagan gods that were usually told for entertainment reasons. There are rumors that Paginini sold his soul to the devil; and we can certainly look at Hitler's fascination with Wagner and his the composer's anti semitic traits as a negative thing. Nonetheless; just looking at the effect of classical music and rap or heavy metal or rock on the mind and we see the former bringing patterns that some say resemble DNA (in the case of Bach there are numerous articles on the subject); whereas the latter music causes dissociation; schizophrenic behavior and other manifestations (as seen with the LSD trips in the 60s).
This particular subject of course could be examined in regard to broader scopes of sins which on their own may be "neutral".
If we prioritize God then He gives us the desire of our hearts ( Psalm 37:4). If we live for ourselves first; then we are following the error of James 4:3.
The conclusion is that once Adam and any one of us started in the course of sin; then the mind was permanently ingrained with that memory; and all the desires to repeat such actions were the default mode against which there was no effective resistance apart from the Spirit of God. God would "wink" at certain things ( Acts 17:30) as specifically referring to idol worship. There were some such as Rachel in the O.T. who would be with God's people but secretly carrying family idols with her. There are other things such as "concubines" which no matter how culturally defined basically were "politically correct" versions of harlots. The situation of multiple wives and such brings out the unique situation when at first there was only a sister for instance; for Cain to marry.
We can look at the ancient conquests and widespread carnage; and go through much angst with the tough verses where God Himself commanded widespread slaughter. That is a subject which I may have touched on and could some more in the future.
What IS certain; however is that much of these things were due to sins that Israel specifically committed and of course the book of James states that people war because they lust after things they cannot have. ( James 4:2). We also had a national political and religious state where the law of the land was to be enforced directly from God's commandments. Again; there is a level of responsibility that His Covenant people had above any other nations; but the same principles are involved.
In general; there has to be a submission to God's authority involving a trust relationship which is based on His Covenant(s); namely today in the New Covenant that Christ has brought into effect. ( Heb. 9:15). All good gifts come from God above ( James 1:17). That is referring specifically to spiritual gifts; but certainly all blessings in life have Him as the source.
Let us follow Romans 12:2 and be transformed by renewal of mind.
Great topic.
Wilful sin is a big issue as the article mentioned.
Hebrews 10:26-27. For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Here's also a commonly looked over sin.
James 4:17. Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Sometimes we as Christians think we have the balances in our hands to tell the degree of the offence so we weigh the sin against another man's sin. That seems to give us comfort to continue in our folly.
We should understand that we have been bought/Redeemed with the blood of Christ!
Here is where we examine ourselves to see if Christ Lords over our life.
Galatians 2:20-21. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
This righteousness is not just Positionally it is practical. It should be on display "BECAUSE" it is energized by the Spirit.
This is not how well we serve, it's WHO we serve and WHO is glorified.
It's the outward act that shows the inward parts. ( The regenerated heart.)
If we count the blood of Christ dear to us we should have a fear of offending the grace of God, so his word and our our worship should line up with scripture.
Our walk and zeal confirms our attitude towards the ransom.
Another way to treat the blood of Christ as if it wasn't enough and try to add to it is to say "You don't except it or perhaps don't believe it.
God bless.
Today; we seem to think little on the next generation; hence kids have found that there isn't much value in their existence. With so many cut off before birth it is no wonder that kids would feel unvalued today and with such poor parenting skills undisciplined themselves. Hosea 4:6 indicates that because of a lack of knowledge people are perishing. Life is as a vapor as several scriptures indicate ( James 4:14). Not only are things accelerated today ( Daniel 12:4) but as I said in the last piece the value of everything has diminished. There will be no suffering loss; I assure you for cell phones; computers and other high tech entertainment sources NOT being present in heaven. We need to be careful in earthly treasures as well (See Luke 16:11); such behaviors show what is really in our hearts as to our conduct in this world.
In light of these facts; do we consider how great it is that we are saved from having to be in an unregenerate state for all eternity? Isaiah 66:4 describes how God "chooses their delusions" and later on at the end of that chapter a vivid description of hell is given. Phillipians 1:21 states that Paul said "to live is Christ; to die is gain." and other verses show that it is better to be in the house of mourning rather than mindless happiness ( Ecclesiastes 7:2).
In light of all this; we do well to see how we approach the House of Worship but also how we live out the rest of the week. It is sad today how many people insist on having beepers and other cell phone distractions interrupt the services. Personally; I feel a need to have a cell phone only in case my elderly parents have an emergency at home. That was the original use of "beepers". For every moment here on earth there are eternal ramifications; we need to focus on working while it is yet day ( John 9:4). As for Christ it is also for us in that respect our time to serve here is short and we need to focus on the Great Commission.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Don't argue with him. Do what Jesus did when He was tempted in the wilderness. For example:
Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
See? Don't argue with him. Memorize scriptures that guide you against whatever things you are tempted to do, and quote them as Jesus did. James 4:7 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
God bless!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 exhort us to pray continually. We should note that giving thanksgiving and rejoicing in Christ are other factors. Meditating on the Word day and night ( Joshua 1:8) certainly would be the other principal act associated with answered prayers. This verse in greater detail gives the exhortation to DO the things in the Word; and gives the added benefit of prosperity and success. This causes us to look at Solomon's prayer for wisdom when God also gave Him what He DIDN'T ask for in terms of exceedingly great riches. 1 Kings 3:5-15 shows this coming to pass; but of course the later sins that Solomon committed despite being warned of God to avoid basically caused the downfall of Israel.
There are obvious guidelines of what to avoid in seeing answered prayer in the Book of James chapter 4. We should note that this passage can be broadly taken for ANY type of lust (sexual; power; material gain) that comes from the world; flesh or the Devil. This would be something that hopefully would be limited to new; immature believers or the prosperity preaching crowd.
There are a number of basic concepts that need to be covered here providing that we are at least attempting caution as to the warnings in James; including our character not being "double minded" for example; where a person is warned that they should expect nothing from God. (see James 4:8).
Fact One: The primary purpose of prayer should be for the sake of God's Kingdom. The most obvious conclusion should of course be in accordance with the Lord's Prayer that HIS will is done and His Kingdom comes; and that He gets all the power and glory. ( Matthew 6; Luke 11 version somewhat abbreviated). That prayer is written as a general concept of prayer; only asking for "daily bread" as a request for human needs. It is not to be rehearsed as a mantra.
Fact Two: Prayers need to be secondarily for the edification of the Body. (more in next section)
James 4:7 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment
thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
I am praying for you...
The Word of God is our armor against Satan, our bullets, I like to call it.
Shoot as many as you need at him when he tempts you with unnatural relations. I give you Romans 1:26,27, 1 Corinthians 6:9, and Jude 1:7. Prayers going up.
Bless you!
We see a lack of wisdom of any ssort these days as we continue to increase in knowledge exponentially (shades of Daniel 12:4). In one sense; we cannot rely on our own understanding ( Proverbs 3:5-6) but on God alone. There are certain principles whether of law; crops; finances or other things which all those under the sun are embarked in to one degree or another with whatever freedoms God allows. We certainly cannot operate against human wisdom or our conscience when we don't do something we know we are supposed to do ( James 4:17). As with anything else there are extremes we should try to avoid. Christ; for instance when He was on earth told those He sent forth two by two not to bring much along with them ( Mark 6:8); but later once He was preparing for His departure the instruction changed ( Luke 22:36). This included money; clothes and a weapon for protection from thieves. We have two major things that we need to avoid; the first being seeking things for ourselves outside the will of God or trying to "help God" by speeding up the process. Having the understanding that everything belongs to God and that we take nothing into this world and cannot take anything out helps a great deal ( 1 Timothy 6:7). The second thing is not laying down our life for the Lord. At the extreme this would be martyrdom; but everyday tests where we choose to serve others above our own desires we "die a little" bit at a time as we carry our cross daily. Things like marriages of course can be a major factor and in some cases individuals who can remain chaste can be in unique advantages for unfettered service toward the Lord. Again; as with anything else I have seen more than enough Godly Christian marriages where more than sufficient attention is paid to the wife and children along with a generous amount of time dedicated to corporate worship; prayer; evangelism and small group studies. Being equally yoked of course works this out best.
1John 3, whole chapter, , John 15:12-26, Luke 6:22, 1Peter 4, John 16:1-16,
Examples of Christ to follow = John 16:32-33, John 3:17, Luke 23:23,33,34
James 4:1-4,
Matthew 25:31-46, is how we are to treat the "least of these" to belittle anyone is a direct offense to GOD. 1Corinthians 1:20-27, Proverbs 17:5, Romans 14:13, James 4:11, 1Corinthians 4:5, John 13:34, Romans 12:10,
This is "brother or sister" literal & family of believers aka "brethren " because those words from "family" hurt deepest
We're to edify Romans 13:8, 1John 4:7, Romans 14:19, 1Thessalonians 5:8-23,
Hopefully these are helpful
Do you believe John 3:16 ? Do you believe GOD can heal? Do you believe GOD can change everything? Do you believe man who spoke those words over you, or GOD ALMIGHTY that created you!? Be Healed be delivered
Trust GOD
James 1:5, Romans 10:17, James 4:7, Luke 11:9-13,
Nick 34, You're saying only when you pray or read the Bible; the scripture says pray without ceasing 1Thessalonians 5:17. Lay the word on your heart & in your soul, bind on your hand, in front of your eyes, to talk about them often, with your children when sitting, walking along, when laying down, the WORD of GOD, Deuteronomy 11:18-20, Psalms 119:11,
Is it a spiritual attack to keep you from reading, praying & learning of a Loving Creator our Loving Father in Heaven? Or is it the HOLY Spirit bringing conviction of sin? If it's not peace that is present, your relationship needs work, possibly. Even Isaiah a Prophet of GOD, had to repent to be close to GOD's presence: Isaiah 1:6, These should be helpful
5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
James 4:8
8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
Revelation 3:3
3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Acts 3:19
"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;"
.....When he said my words are spirit and life that implies living words...The 1 and only Gospel is a living being the H.G....That Child of Promise..The only Gift of God ..Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil child you will in no wise enter there in...That Child is the H.G. as that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit...Our new innerman has to be born in us Which is the Child of Promise... Romans 14:17 for the Kingdom of God is not in meat or drink but in joy and peace in the H.G....This implies that the H.G. IS THE Kingdom...And there is only 1 kingdom and 1 bridegroom
Please consider reflecting on: James 4:7-9, John 8:44, Ephesian 3:16-19, 1 Peter 5:6-8 and 2 Timothy 2:1 and 2 Timothy 1:7.