Discuss James 2 Page 9

  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello Grace This is a very good question because the word used for poor[ptochos]means tremble and yet the scriptures

    given are more tied into the needy or humility or both. In Mathew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall see

    God sounds more like tremble in humility and yet there are at least 12 scripture where poor in wealth is the case.

    James 2:5+6 Appears to point out the bad treatment of believers by believers poor tremble in humility to God by people high minded and lofty and financially well off who are not walking and treating other believers appropriately.

    Thanks and very good question needs more input. God bless Grace
  • D W L - 3 years ago
    Adam - there are reprobates that can't see, Paul was spiritually blind until the light shined on him. Paul believed in the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob but he didn't know who Jesus was. - Matthew 7:6

    James 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

    Mark 6:12 And they went out, and preached that men should repent.

    John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

    1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Luke 23:29, Isaiah 54:1, these scriptures exist too. When other women say._..

    Luke 1:25, 1 Samuel 1:6, women have cruelly mocked other women many times over this issue & others.

    Remember GOD justifies Romans 8:33, Psalms 22:24, be encouraged sis

    Proverbs 16:9, Romans 5:1, James 2:22-25,

    However the root argument sometimes stem from situational issues of choice which people may be referring to Genesis 38:6-10, then continued reading Tamar was considered "more righteous" Genesis 38:26, pursuing offspring of her dead husbands lineage, which was significant either in justification, reward or preplanned destiny. Matthew 1:3, Genesis 38:29, she is written in the documentation of Jesus lineage. Hebrews 11,

    Additional scripture

    Act 17:28-29, Malachi 2:15, Isaiah 65:21-24, on their perspective

    I hope this was encouraging & helpful
  • Earl Bowman - 3 years ago

    Genesis 3:1 Now the SERPENT (Satan) was more subtil than any BEAST of the Field which the Lord God Had made...

    God made ALL THE BEAST of the field out of DUST, The BEAST are all made FLESH.

    1 Corinthians 15:39 Not all flesh is the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of man, another of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.

    Which of these creations of FLESH is the MOST SUBTIL, Of course it's MAN.

    Job 26:13 By his Spirit he hath garnished the heavens; His (Spirits) hand hath formed he crooked (liar and murderer, from the beginning) serpent (subtil beast).

    1 John 2:16 ..The lust of the FLESH, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life..

    Which of these creations of FLESH have the capabilities to have the pride of life, lust of the FLESH, and the lust of the eyes, of course it's MAN.

    James 2:19 thou (terrestrial FLESH) believest there is one one God, thou doest well, the devils (Satan, terrestrial FLESH) also BELIEVE, and tremble.

    Revelation 13 :8 Here is wisdom let him that hath UNDERSTANDING count the number of the BEAST (FLESH): for his number is the number of a MAN..

    Who is the ONLY beast of the field that is subtil, can lust, can BELIEVE and can buy and sell. Why of course, it's MAN, THE PRINCE(S) OF THIS WORLD.

    You BELIEVE, long before you are BORN AGAIN. Terrestrial FLESH, the carnal mind, has to BE DESTROYED (it's the process of light replacing darkness).

    1 Corinthians 5:5 To deliver such a one (terrestrial flesh) to Satan (terrestrial flesh) for the DESTRUCTION of the Flesh, that the Spirit might be SAVED in the day of the Lord.

    Isaiah 9:20 ..they shall every man EAT THE FLESH OF HIS OWN RIGHT ARM.

    Zechariah 14:12 ..their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet..

    Revelation 19:18 That you may eat the flesh of kings, and he flesh of captains, and the flesh of might men..

    Romans 13:11 ..now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.


  • Bro dan - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Adam,

    I agree. The gift that is so freely talked about by those who want to "keep their lives" and still recieve salvation are plainly missguided. You simply can't keep your life, and recieve salvation. It is one or the other!

    The gift is really a "favor from God" with the hope that the reciever will accept it - and walk with Christ. If the reciever does not walk with Christ - they do not recieve the gift of salvation.

    If we are truly - Born Again - there will be a change in us, and we will want to try to live a Christ like life!

    Paul states the following which is very clear:

    Hebrews 10:26

    "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,"

    Galatians 6:7

    "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

    A Christ like person will strive to be sin free, and will produce good fruit/works.

    James 2:22

    "Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?"

    So many christians todaybelieve wrongly they are going to heaven no matter what. This is wrong! Here is Paul himself instructing us how to achieve our own salvation:

    Philippians 2:12

    "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

    Why would Paul instruct us in the above verse, if all believer's are going to heaven anyway?

    There are "no free tickets". People need to read the bible and believe what it says.

    God Bless
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello, it really doesn't matter what man thinks, but what God says, correct? So, if you believe and trust God then go with God's word. Here's the problem: people are falsely assuming they're 'saved' before they're even judged. It doesn't say in the Bible we're saved before we're judged, but after. The judgment is to determine salvation. So, you have many here claiming they can't lose their salvation. But that won't occur until after this life. So, they are taking verses that are for that and assuming they apply now. But read the Word closely, Paul said we can have assurance of salvation. Not that we're saved and can do whatever we want with no consequence. Paul said to run the race to get the prize. But people here are thinking he said 'you already have the prize, so don't run any race, and enjoy the world.' It says don't conform to the world.

    Matthew 12:32 "...but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."

    Matthew 7:21-23

    "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

    Hebrews 10:26 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,"

    Hebrews 6:4-6

    James 2:14-26 "...faith, if it hath not works, is dead..."

    James 2:19 "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

    1 Peter 1:13 "...hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;"

    Romans 11

    John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    Matthew 12:31-32

    Romans 14:12

    1 Peter 1:5 - "...salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

    1 Cor 9:24-27 "run the race", not the 'race was already won.'

    2 Peter 3:17

    Luke 8:5-18

    1 Timothy 4:1

    2 Peter 2:20-22
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Acts 16:31 - 3 years ago
    Please don't forget however James 2:13-26,
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    The scripture is James 2:10

    God Bless
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Have a look at James 2:10, Judith.
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello, this question was just asked yesterday, and probably every week on this discussion area.

    Here's verses about it:


    Here's a previous discussion I found via advanced search and selecting discussions.


    More verses:

    Matthew 12:32 "...but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."

    OSAS believers: "Ok, but a Christian would never do that"

    "Christians no longer have freewill to sin? Is that true?"

    Joshua 24:15 "choose you this day whom ye will serve"

    Matthew 7:21-23

    "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

    Hebrews 10:26 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,"

    Hebrews 6:4-6

    James 2:14-26 "...faith, if it hath not works, is dead..."

    James 2:19 "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

    1 Peter 1:13 "...hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;"

    Romans 11

    John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    Matthew 12:31-32

    Romans 14:12

    1 Peter 1:5 - "...salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

    1 Cor 9:24-27 "run the race", not the 'race was already won.'

    2 Peter 3:17

    Luke 8:5-18

    1 Timothy 4:1

    2 Peter 2:20-22

    Hebrews 3:12

    Galatians 5:4

    1 Corinthians 15:2-8

    2 Peter 2:20-21
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Michael,

    Just one verse in the Bible is all it takes to refute the OSAS theory:

    Matthew 12:32 "...but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."

    But there's so many more verses too. Paul is the one who said we can have assurance of salvation, but what people often do is the remove the contingent part- this requires us to "follow Jesus!" A Christian is an active Jesus follower. It's a pursuit that involves effort and transforming oneself. Not being slave to sin, but to righteousness. People want their cake and to eat it too, by not following Jesus, enjoying unlimited sin, but also demanding salvation like a spoiled, self-entitled brat. Some Christians even deny this reality. But Jesus already addressed that:

    Matthew 7:21-23

    "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

    Believe it or not, there are even people who don't want to do good. They claim that it's 'bad' to do good works. One should ask, did Jesus say that? If not, does that idea come from God or satan?

    John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    I think people would slander Jesus today for doing good works, just like they did back then.

    Here are more verses (too many to even paste here):

    Hebrews 10:26 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,"

    Hebrews 6:4-6

    James 2:14-26 "...faith, if it hath not works, is dead..."

    James 2:19 "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

    1 Peter 1:13 "...hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;"

    Romans 11

    Matthew 12:31-32

    Romans 14:12

    1 Peter 1:5 - "...salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

    1 Cor 9:24-27 "run the race", not 'party' or sit on sofa.

    Pray to God to know the truth.
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Part 1

    If I may give my understanding, did Jesus speak in parables, if so, why? Luke 8:10. In this chapter Jesus was condemning putting faith in wealth and not God, using parables. The Sadducees especially were covetous, they flaunted their wealth and the seat of authority they had and were living in adultery. The Pharisees held many spiritual beliefs not found in the Law of Moses and started in on Jesus. So, according to the rest of the context, Lazarus and the rich man was most likely a parable on the same subject.

    One thing I have found that bears consideration on Luke 16 parable. When Jesus first came, many of the Jews were highly Hellenized and many interpretations of the Law had changed. Greek had become for many the major language and Greek philosophy was deep.

    We see when Stephen and others were chosen to tend to the Hellenized (Grecian) Christian Jewish widows Acts 6:1-5. This parable would have been understood by the heavy Greek influence about death that still influences today. Jesus explains many of the parables to the disciples but this explanation is not recorded. But, is just being poor worthy of the gift of eternal life?

    If our soul or spirit is immortal why would scripture say we are mortal and must put on immortality and this happens at the resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15:53-57. Does it not say we are sown in corruption, 1 Corinthians 15:42-44? Is not resurrection rising from the dead not descending from the living?

    When this body dies what is left? Scripture tells us without spirit our body dies, James 2:26. Spirit, Latin spiritus, Greek pneuma, is breath, life, and consciousness, being awake, aware of your surrounding and how we respond to it either with vigor or idleness 1 Corinthians 2:11.

  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} soul & spirit depart - In Reply - 3 years ago
    1 Thessalonians 5:23

    Precious brother Chris says: "I cannot find a suitable answer for," and asks Great Questions:

    Where does the spirit of man go? Ecclesiastes 12:7 cp James 2:26

    me: Does the soul also depart? Genesis 35:18

    Is there a holding place for such? And where could this place be?

    1) Before The Resurrection Of The LORD JESUS CHRIST, the paradise 'hold' was in "the heart {lower parts} of the earth" Matthew 12:40 Ephesians 4:9, Abraham's bosom, across a chasm from the 'torment' hold Luke 16:19-31 cp Luke 23:43

    2) After The Resurrection Of The LORD JESUS CHRIST, paradise is now with The Throne Of God {Third Heaven?}, and Body Of CHRIST 'members' Immediately, upon physical death {'sleep' is the metaphor for the 'dead body'} "Depart to be WITH our Blessed God And Saviour, JESUS CHRIST!" 2 Corinthians 5:6,8 Philippians 1:21,23 'Confirmed' By:

    3) ...Those 'asleep In JESUS'..." {metaphor for 'resting' in JESUS}, "...Will God {JESUS} Bring With HIM!" 1 Thessalonians 4:14 At our Great GRACE Departure! 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 Amen?

    4) Is the "sleep/rest" UNconscious? Scripture?: Luke 16:19-31 cp Revelation 6:9-11


    Ed Bedore says: "A proper understanding of what the Bible teaches about Hell, Sheol, Hades, and the Grave dispels confusion over what happens to the soul at the time of physical death and guards against being led astray by those teaching the false doctrines of soul-sleep, eradication of the soul, the universal reconciliation of mankind, and the annihilation of the lost.":

    More can be learned from his Excellent Article about this Bible Doctrine:

    Hell, Sheol, Hades, Paradise, and the Grave by W. Edward Bedore


    Please Be Richly Encouraged, Enlightened, Exhorted, and Edified!

    ( 2 Timothy 2:15; Romans 16:25; Ephesians 1:3-9; Ephesians 3:9 = Grace/Mystery fellowship {Romans - Philemon}, For ALL "to SEE," today,?): Link
  • Mishael - In Reply on James 2 - 3 years ago
    If you will go on Google, Type:

    James 2 Commentary

    There are many commentators on this book. Most like Matthew Henry; but generally Bible Hub does a good job too.

    The KJV website has Commentaries but you have to learn how to access it through the Search Box.

    (It sits below what verse you put in the search box)

    Wish Admin would put the Commentary on the Red Link List :)
  • Daniel faltas on James 2 - 3 years ago
    why did James say this
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    At 1st glance it appears to be truth. I went through a Bible study with a Pastor friend I really respected, who taught this idea also & it seemed accurate but didn't set right in my Spirit. Years later I was reading Genesis & noticed something important that contradicts the "angels" married women: Genesis 4:26, (Son's of God ) * Romans 8:14, so it defines who are the son's of God, Jesus also defines the son's & daughters of God: Matthew 12:50, additional scriptures to back it up 2 Corinthians 6:17,18

    1 Corinthians 6:3, Galations 4:6,7

    & if the Son's of GOD are those who do GOD's will, then that rejects fallen angel theory. & if we are called sons & daughters, it's mankind.

    2 Peter 2:11,12, James 2:19,

    Further scriptures: Jude 1:6,7,8,9,10, Hebrews 1:13,14


    Tobit so far is the most indepth book speaking on these matters & interaction between Angels, & evil Spirits. Here are notable scriptures Tobit 6, Tobit 7, Tobit 8. If that kind of relation could have happened as you speak of wouldn't it have happened here?
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Chris, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    Ephesians 4:4 There is ONE BODY and ONE SPIRIT .....

    Christ, (which is, and which was, and which is to come Revelation 1:8); IS, the ONLY ONE BODY. The VESSEL of the ONLY ONE SPIRIT. We (the firstfruits of SPIRIT)( 1 Corinthians 15:23)( Romans 8:23) become the BODY OF CHRIST ( 1 Timothy 6:16)( 1 Corinthians 15:52-55).

    The SPIRIT (the source of POWER) provides ALL, the BODY does all the LABOUR. Christ has everything needed at his disposal at all times; but the SPIRIT ONLY releases it (the power)to THE BODY at the given moment it is required. I am not saying that Christ IS NOT GOD, because HE IS; it takes both (faith and labour)( James 2:17) to be GOD, SPIRIT (the SOURCE) and THE BODY (the LABOUR).

    Everything is done by SPIRIT (the WORKS of the FATHER) THROUGH (the labour) of the SON.

    Christ emptied HIMSELF of the Father's glory ( John 17:5) that he had with him since the beginning, and became sinful flesh, to be destroyed.

    He does't know in advance the second coming, because he is given what is required, as it is required ( John 5:19)( John 5:30), just as we are ( John 15:5). We are being created like him A VESSEL OF THE SPIRIT ( Revelation 10:11).

    1 Corinthians 15:28 When ALL THINGS shall be SUBJECTED to him, then shall the Son ALSO HIMSELF be SUBJECT to him (the source of power) that put all things under him that GOD (Spirit, Truth, Life) may be ALL IN ALL.

    Hebrews 2:8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put ALL in subjection under him, he left nothing that IS NOT PUT under him, But we see NOT YET (but we will see; at the resurrection of the dead) ALL THINGS put under him.

    Obadiah 1:21 And SAVIOURS ( John 17:21) shall come upon mount Zion to JUDGE the mount of Esau (the world); and the kingdom shall be the Lord's.

    Isaiah 26:9 ....when thy judgements are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world WILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS.
  • Brother dan on Revelation 2 - 3 years ago
    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

    I hope all are healthy. I am interested in serving others and doing God's will on this blessed Sabbath Day!

    So I will continue to address the current popular christian belief of Faith/Grace and Nothing else. I will share some scripture below that affirms that Jesus will judge us according to our works.

    Revelation 2:23

    "And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works."

    Revelation 22:12

    "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."

    James 2:19-24

    19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 21Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? 23And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. 24Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

    God gives us the choice to believe and accept this scripture and act on it, or ignore it. It is our choice. It's might be easy to fool ourselves, but we can't fool God!

    God Bless.
  • Messenger - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 3 years ago
    replying to a comment by "Karen Newman"

    The wild beast here at revelation 13 is identifying two beast. (is a Man's number #666... 1 John 5:19)

    It speaks like a dragon (Satan the Devil is liken to a dragon Revelation 12:7-12.

    The Devil and his demons tells lies.- Genesis 3- John 8:44; Matthew 4:1-11.

    but believes and shudders- mark 1:23-26; James 2:19 )

    Satan Gives this wild beast power, a seat (throne), great authority on the earth. this beast is fatally wounded, mortal wounds (Wars/Billions slaughtered).it speaks great things and blasphemies. (speaks against God, blaspheme his name. (Through the centuries bible translations has taken out God's name. "not this king James". those who translated the bible were not ordinary men but "religious leaders"- Psalm 83:18)

    This wild beast was permitted to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them.

    ( Example:70 C.E Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Hitler Germany concentration camp

    slaughter holy ones from 1933 to 1945 etc. Religious leaders supported him and walked with Hitler holding up arms with him) has authority over every tribe, and people, and tongue,

    and nation.

    This wild beat descends out of the earth;

    tells others to make an image. (what images can you think of?)

    Those who refuse to worship this image to the wild beast is killed.

    who are mislead by this man (#666 mark/more then one man) influenced by Satan the devil?

    and who is mislead to worship and bow to this image?

    All people (Follows the wild beast or with admiration, worships it)

    1. The rich

    2. The poor

    3. The free

    4. The slaves

    This wild beast (This Man, a PERSON, He/This mark 666 has authority.

    any man who had or has this mark) buys and sells

    ( Luke 4:6 This Wild beast is very rich from those worshiping and admiring him)

    Hope this helps
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Basic Distinctions between Prophecy and the Mystery (C.R. Stam) - continued:

    8) Prophecy mainly concerns nations as such ( Isaiah 2:4; Ezekiel 37:21-22)

    Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2:15) From "Things That DIFFER!":

    8) The Mystery Concerns individuals ( Romans 10:12-13; 2 Corinthians 5:14-17)

    9) Prophecy concerns blessings, both material and spiritual, on earth ( Isaiah 2:3-4; Isaiah 11:1-9; etc.)


    9) The Mystery Concerns "all spiritual blessings in The Heavenlies" ( Ephesians 1:3; Colossians 3:1-3)

    10) Prophecy concerns Christ's Coming to the earth ( Isaiah 59:20; Zechariah 14:4)


    10) The Mystery Explains Christ's absence from the earth ( Ephesians 1:20-24; Colossians 3:1-3)

    11) In prophecy, salvation by Grace through faith alone is not contemplated ( Matthew 28:19-20; Matthew 23:1-3; Luke 7:29-30; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; James 2:17)


    11) Salvation "By GRACE Through faith" Alone lies at The Very Heart Of The Mystery! ( Romans 3:21-26; Romans 4:5; Ephesians 2:8-9)

    12) The proclamation of the prophetic program committed particularly to the twelve ( Matthew 10:5-7; Acts 1:6-8; Acts 3:19-26)


    12) The proclamation of The Mystery program committed particularly to Paul ( Ephesians 3:1-3; Ephesians 3:8-9; Colossians 1:24-27)

    13) The prophetic program revealed through many of God's servants Luke 1:70; 2 Peter 1:21)


    13) The Mystery revealed through one man: Paul! ( Galatians 1:1; Galatians 1:11-12; Galatians 2:2; Galatians 2:7; Galatians 2:9; Ephesians 3:2-3)

    14) Old Testament writers frequently did not understand the prophecies made through them ( Daniel 12:8-10; 1 Peter 1:10-12)


    14) Paul Both understood And longed that others might understand The Mystery revealed through him ( Ephesians 1:15-23; Ephesians 3:14-21; Colossians 1:9-10; Colossians 2:1-3)

    {borrowed from "Things That Differ" by C.R. Stam}
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello, I'm not sure what you mean by no A B C. If you mean there's no action you need to take to become a Christian, there absolutely are actions to do to become and continue to be a Christian. The definition Christianity is a Christ follower which is an action and choosing to follow Him is your active choice. The current tradition of men is to claim that doing good is bad and that doesn't come from God. Doing good is not the same as trying to follow the law to earn something. Gal 5:19-21 says not to do works of the flesh and if you do those on this list you won't inherit the kingdom of God. And the Bible clearly says to do good: Galatians 6:7-10. Matthew 5:16. James 2:14-17.
  • Adam - In Reply on Hebrews 8 - 3 years ago
    Hello, thanks for sharing your opinion. You used the word 'we' as though you have grouped yourselves with others, assuming others have the same opinion. I could use 'we' also.

    I'd like to question one of your assumptions: "Children of God don't want to sin"

    Is that true?

    Do you believe is Paul a child of God? In my view, Paul became one of the strongest Christian evangelists in world history. He was absolutely dedicated to preaching the message of Jesus Christ, and wrote more books than anyone else in the Bible. He also wrote the following which he admitted to struggling with sin:

    Rom 7:14-19

    Do you have any evidence for where the belief that Christians don't want to sin or aren't tempted by sin comes from? Currently, without further Biblical support I tend to believe Paul and what he wrote. God bless.

    I know dozens of Christians living in sin right now and they are enjoying it immensely. They are taught they don't have to try to avoid it- that human effort is 'bad', so they follow the world and its desires, assuming they're following Christ. I know some assume there's nothing to worry about since they assume they're 'saved', but I am worried for their souls based on what the Bible says. John 14:15-17, ROMANS 11:6, Hebrews 10:26, James 2:19, 1 Cor 9:24-27. Is it 'wrong' to take the Bible verses literally and be concerned for one's salvation? Is it 'wrong' to believe in the Bible?
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} on Galatians 2:7 - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Precious friend, IMKane: "Paul seems to be saying there were TWO gospels." Yes, Biblically Correct! Note the following 'Dispensational' Differences Between God's TWO Gospels:

    Part I Gospel of the kingdom =

    Gospel of the circumcision ( Galatians 2:7; Acts 3:25-26; Genesis 17:9-14)

    Preached by John, Jesus, and the 12 ( Matthew 3:2; Matthew 4:17; Matthew 4:23; Matthew 9:35; Matthew 10:5-8)

    The Prophecy Program for the Jews ( Luke 1:32-33; Luke 3:19-26; Daniel 2:44; James 1:1)

    Preaching of The Cross as historical ( Acts 2:23,36; Acts 3:14-15; Acts 5:30)

    Gospel to be believed = Christ's Name ( Matthew 16:16; John 20:31; 1 John 5:13)

    Salvation by faith and water baptism ( Mark 1-4; Mark 16:16; Luke 7:29-30; Acts 2:38)

    Justification without works is dead ( James 2:17; James 2:20; James 2:24; James 2:26)

    Repentance emphasized along with faith ( Mark 1:15; Luke 3:8-14; Acts 3:19)

    Reconciliation not mentioned.

    Covers Matthew - Acts 8, then Tribulation ( Acts 3:19-21; Acts 8:12; Matthew 24:14)

    Under The Law ( Matthew 5:17; Matthew 8:4; Matthew 23:2-3)

    Good works will follow salvation ( Matthew 7:15-20; 1 John 2:3-5; 1 John 2:29; 1 John 3:7,10)

    Rightly Divided From ( 2 Timothy 2:15) From "Things That DIFFER!":

    Gospel Of GRACE

    to be continued...
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello Hui Ning Wu,

    I would like to offer another perspective to your comment: "And once you are saved, you cannot lose your salvation no matter what you do!"

    I ask, is this true? If true, I would love to commit sins tonight just for fun, because no consequence. Would love to do drugs, have an affair, go to certain clubs to party, maybe even get in a fight, because if we're saved no matter what it wouldn't matter and God would still reward me?

    So, is this true that it's from God and not from satan? Before I do that I would first need to find it in clearly scripture and no other scripture would contradict it. So, if I look through the Bible for evidence, I find the following:

    1 Peter 1:13 "...hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;"

    This suggests grace won't be given until Jesus comes- maybe even after we're judged. But people are telling me I'm saved and have grace now, so which is true? Does anywhere else in the Bible say that?

    1 Peter 1:5 - "...salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

    Ok, I guess it does. So, we're not 'saved' yet, huh?

    Hebrews 10:26 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,"

    James 2:14-26 "...faith, if it hath not works, is dead..."

    James 2:19 "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

    So, believing alone isn't enough? So, maybe faith and actions matter?

    Romans 11

    John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    Matthew 12:31-32

    Romans 14:12

    1 Cor 9:24-27 "run the race", not the 'race was already won.'

    But many people are telling me the race is already won and that I can party. So, who is right: God's Word or man's word?

    2 Peter 3:17

    Luke 8:5-18

    1 Timothy 4:1

    2 Peter 2:20-22

    Hebrews 3:12

    Galatians 5:4

    1 Corinthians 15:2-8

    1 Corinthians 9:26-27 - this suggests 'trying' is good.

    Evidence showing I should NOT commit sin. God bless...
  • Dr Elizabeth Miller - In Reply on James 2 - 3 years ago
    I can help you.
  • Romans 10 - 3 years ago
    Romans 10 was written for those Jews who were still struggling "under the law". For there was a righteousness obtained thru the law but that law ended with Christ (vs. 4) Then the writer distinguishes our righteousness(which is as filthy rags Is. 64:6) and the righteousness that Christ gives you if you believe on him and that righteousness is faith(vs 6). Vs. 7-8 he asking do you(Jews first) believe in the authority of Jesus Christ to be able to rise from the grave. Vs. 9 is a continuation of the prior verses on believing the power of Christ it ends with:..."thou shalt be saved." it is a confession of the prior scriptures, not you ARE saved. Verses 10-13 are a reiteration of all the prior scriptures, ending with "made UNTO salvation, shall not be ashamed,(of who he is) all that call upon him, shall be saved yes that is true but that isn't all we need to do. Lets look at the REST of the chapter. Verses 14-16 talks about how can one call on Jesus unless they first believe,(TRUE) how can the believe unless they hear?(TRUE), how can they hear unless they are preached to?... and this is where it gets STICKY. What do I need to hear? and why would we need a preacher if all I need to do is Believe? Well the next few verses answers those questions(15-18) and right in the middle there(vs.16) he says an interesting thing: "but they have not all OBEYED the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath BELIEVED our report. Now he puts obedience and believing in the same verse....why? he answers that in vs.17 "so then faith cometh(keeps on coming) by hearing"....see we don't stop at just believing(I can believe all my life that I can cross the Grand Canyon standing in front of a bridge that will take me to the other side but if I don't take that first step UPON that bridge I will never get there) you see BELIEVING is the BEGINING, FAITH is EVERY step after that. "Faith without works is dead" James 2:20. I'm out of space PLEASE READ REST OF Chapter. God Bless.
  • Ginger Carol Buriege on James 2 - 3 years ago
    What do someone do if they are possessed by bad spirits?
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thanks and Amen Brother Jesse!!

    With that lesson I believe we can better understand James 2:14-26.

    James 2:20 (KJV) But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

    James is saying you are persuaded to work by the gift of faith given to you.

  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply - 3 years ago

    Many have different views on this and some defend them fiercely and interpret scripture to fit those views. This is not a salvation question so here are some things you may study for your own conscience; we all will face the death of this fleshly body and how you decide to face it is up to you. ( Psalm 6:5) ( Job 14:12-14) ( Job 17:13-16) ( Psalm 89:48) ( Psalm 115:17) ( Ecclesiastes 9:5-10)

    There is a verse in ( 1 Timothy 4:7) to keep in mind, the actual Greek word used by Paul in this verse was "mythous", from which the English words myth and mythology come. In the actual Greek text of this verse, Paul further characterizes these fables as profane "bebelous". The King James Version of the Bible renders as "profane and old wives' tales".

    Does scripture without man's interpretation back up a belief? ( Luke 16:19-31) is taught that we go to heaven or hell when we die. Questions to ask; What is the context of this chapter? Is this a parable or a reality? Is it backed up by other scripture or does it line up with Greek mythology?

    What is our spirit? ( Psalm 104:29) ( Ecclesiastes 12:7) ( James 2:26). Spirit meaning wind, breath, spirit. When are we absent from our bodies? If we go to heaven when we die what is the meaning of ( 1 Corinthians 15:52-58)?

    My personal understanding what scripture says is our spirit is our breath, and when we die it goes back to God who gave it, and our communication through the Holy Spirit stops until the resurrection,(sleep in Christ). And we being saved in Christ with the down payment/seal given by the Holy Spirit will be raised incorruptible in our new body and then we are absent from this fleshly body. But it is what you decide.

    God bless.

  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Acts 15 - 3 years ago

    When Paul first started carrying the gospel to the gentiles it was not totally settled in the minds of some about circumcision and the law, should the gentiles be circumcised and be under the law. A group of the sect of Pharisees told some of the gentiles they had to be circumcised and obey the law of Moses, this meaning the entire law, to be saved.

    Acts 15 is what they are discussing, they came to agreement, they said God chose them, and they received the Holy Ghost the same as they did, Peter said; "Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?"

    Paul addresses this many times in the letters he writes to the churches, we are not under the law, it is not by works of the entire law or just the 10 commandments, that salvation is received, it is by the grace of God through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

    James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

    2 Timothy 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

    God bless,


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