In James 2:10 our father highlights his law and down plays nothing as we some time do, being a transgressor of the law, if you break one all have been broke his stops the cherry picking and made it the whole law. Is 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
Very True Rupthurn, Salvation is indeed a Free Gift and it is impossible to please God without Faith Hebrews11:6 but Faith without doing God's Good Works is dead James 2:17-18 and Mathew 25:31-46 but not meaning those works motivated by the Carnal Flesh but by our Love for God and for others. Christian Love Always Anne or as many call me now Grannie Annie.
When a Christian dies, James 2:26 the body returns to dust from where it came. Gen 3:19 The soul and spirit go immediately to be with Christ in Heaven to await the resurrection of the body. 2 Cor 5:8 In the resurrection our body, soul and spirit are reunited in a body like Christ has - a glorious body that will never die. I Cor 15:44 Read Chapter Phil 3:21 King James Version
Part of walking in grace is loving others, avoiding sin Romans 12:2 not falsely assuming you have a license to sin. Satan wants people to think they don't have to live as a Christian, don't have to try. Unfortunately Christians can buy into the lie, even denounce Jesus, based on a false assumption that they're already saved and can do whatever they want. Satan wants people to ignore James 2:14-26.
Grace vs works is a very common debate. James 2:14-26 and others show that works are important, likely beyond just a reward in heaven. It calls your faith 'dead' without works. There are no scriptures saying that people with no faith or dead faith enter heaven. Most people will go to hell wide is the gate . Christians who denounce Christ or commit blasphemy surely should be concerned.
Judas did not go to heaven. Believing is not the same as SAVING faith. The devil believes in Jesus too and we know that Jesus 'prepared' the place of torment for 'the devils and his angles'. James 2:19 clarifies. "Thou believest that there is one God thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." Jesus said it would have been better if Judas was never born, He called Judas the devil. grace to pay a bill - grace is time between either your death, or the end of the earth to have as much faith as possible that will lead to being a righteous person before judgement, which will occur 7 days after the end of earth as it is today. ..again james 2:20-22. You can't know God unless you do his commandments!!!!! 1 John 2:3.
Salvation is in following the word of god by the way of the messiah.. Hebrews 9:15. ..for eternal inheritance, by way of following his commandments Matthew 19:16. words of advice, you should willfully attempt to follow the words of TMH, with faith and works, james 2:20-22, by the way of the messiah Colosians 3:17. Your judgement will be based on faith, works, and your acceptance of the savior.
The laws statues, commandments, were only given to the Israelites, Romans 9:1-5, Salvation is only for the Israelites Luke 1:68-75, you must walk in faith and works James 2:22. The new Kingdom is for Israel, Jeremiah 31:31, Hebrews 8:8. To get eternal life you must do the commandments of God Matthew 19:16, 1 John 5:3, John 14:15, Ecclesiastes 12:13. God hates the sinners Ecclesiasticus 12:6.
Laws, statues, and commandments are not done away with like many Christians think - there are over 600.. Sacrifices were only ended. Grace gave us time to get it as right as possible before your death on the end of the world, then judgement will come. All of this is with respect to the Messiah - the son of TMH. Colossians 3:17, Hebrews 9:15. Faith Works are a must James 2:22.
I AM THAT MICHAEL ISAAC DALE: on James 2 - 5 years ago
What, O vain MAN? YOU child of the devil, YOU enemy of all righteousness, perverting the right ways of the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Do I not hear and see all these things? Does not MY HOLY Father give me all things in heaven AND earth? Ye imagine to separate and sue the Christ child, even the Son whom GOD raised again from the dead? YOU want repayment? WOE TO THEM THAT SIN, AND KEEP NOT MY COMMANDMENTS.
Only good overcomes evil. Evil as a response only makes more evil. We cannot be focused on the splinter in our neighbors eye because our focus should be on the Lord....mercy always overcomes judgement
Faith: to stand firm in what has been preached to us by the Fathers, the Prophets, the Saints, what God has spoken to them, that God has given/written the law in a book, and that it is required of us, who profess to have understanding of the word, to absorb the truth that is written and profess that alone, their is no private interpretation that will suffice. We must rely on the Book andunderstand
Look easy believing is not faith it is an easy way for people to try to get God to conform to mans way of thinking instead of conforming to the way of a all powerful God, all knowing, and perfect in all judgement with love, if you have no works with your faith you are useless to the up building of the kingdom of God we need God but God does not need us he desires fellowship with us forever.
God always requires more than belief... 1 Peter 3:8-11. Even under the Mosaic law mankind was to do more than just believe... Mark 1:17-21! Even the bible says in James 2:17-20 that it is not enough to just believe! This is a myth propagated by the devil!
Faith/Work or Work/Faith (as it relate to salvation) is two-words spelled different but has the same meaning in the Heart /dictionary of Jehovah/GOD; so, we achieving what GOD desires, the way HE want us too achieve it, causes the definition of these two words to be in-sep-able (1-example; For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also).
I think that the devils believe in God and tremble. We must do more than just believe. Works are the fruits of the spirit. You will know them by their fruits. If you bare no fruits and only have belief in Jesus, God will cut your branch off the vine and burn you. As Christian we were grafted into the vine. If you bare no fruits you are toast.
Yet now, being the last days of the last time, with Christ being raised again from the dead; even walking the earth in his flesh (and the end of this world being nigh:) The confessions, or lack thereof, of every spirit gives the Godly discernment of the ungodly. The ungodly spirit confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, but the loving spirits of God confess that Christ is now come.
A disciple,
The Spirit will convict us whether we have Jesus in our hearts and minds or not. The Word that he has spoken already judges us and we will stand before him, bare, while the books are opened and the works of the heart, mind, and temple will be revealed. Anyone need assistance to know where their heart is? Hear what you say. The mouth speaks what is abundant in the heart.
This song, being the longest song ever, strikes right in the face of the myopic perspective that the law was crucified. It upholds the law. More than 90% of it is about the law of God. There is often confusion between the ceremonial law and the commandments. The sheep sacrifices and the ten commandments are different. See Rev12:17 and Rev14:12, Isiah 8:19-20, James 2:10-12
Salvation has always been by "grace through faith". Luther was right when he preached that we are saved by faith alone. It is the theme of the Bible. What James is stressing is that our faith must be manifested by(works of)obedience and he gave the examples of Abraham and Rahab. Many do good works to impress others which is not of faith but the one who has faith must show it by his good works.
Jay: Wherefore He is Able also to Save Them to The Uttermost that come Unto God by Him, Seeing He Ever Liveth to Make Intercession for Them.( Hebrews 7:25). We don't Keep Ourselves Saved. We're Keep by The Blood of The Lamb/ If You Offend in One Point, to Keep The Whole Law, Your Guilty of All ( James 2:10)
"The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Yahuwah, and have the testimony of Yahushua, the Anointed." Revelation 12:17.
Don't be too quick to abrogate Yehuwa's Law to the dustbin. We know the result of making void the law of Yahuwah? The experiment has been tried. Terrible were the scenes enacted in France when atheism became the controlling power. It was then demonstrated to the world that to throw off the restraints which Yahuwah has imposed is to accept the rule of the cruellest of tyrants.
Verse 24 We are not justified by faith alone, as falsely taught by Luther. This is the only time the term faith alone occurs in scripture, and herein it says we are NOT justified by faith alone.
God wants us to love one another; not merely in word, but in deed and in truth. In Matthew 25, for example, it says plainly that we shall all be judged at the last day by how we treated one another. Jesus came not to abolish the law or the Prophets, but to completely make full! Us being saved by His grace is the sign to the world of Jesus having finished what the Father sent Him to do.
"For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment. What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?" While few like the meat and many like to pick the bone, about whether being under grace exempts us from the works of the Law. But isn't the Spirit of Grace given for us to DO God's Law?
The Spirit will convict us whether we have Jesus in our hearts and minds or not. The Word that he has spoken already judges us and we will stand before him, bare, while the books are opened and the works of the heart, mind, and temple will be revealed. Anyone need assistance to know where their heart is? Hear what you say. The mouth speaks what is abundant in the heart.