Discuss Isaiah 64 Page 3

  • Patrick Burwell on Isaiah 64 - 4 years ago
    Remember to keep to the context of the verses; Not every word written by God is for you at the moment. Understand the meaning by who wrote it, at what time and in response to what.
  • WHAT DOES GOD LOOK LIKE - In Reply on Luke 14:26 - 4 years ago
    God is Spirit. There are MANY scriptures on God being seen. If you read it slowly, you will see the description is in imagery.

    Go get some pen & paper and write down these scriptures; then you can read them and picture God in your heart when you pray.

    John 1:18, John 6:46, John 5:37

    1 John 4:12, 1 John 3:6, 1 John 4:20

    1 Timothy 1:17, 1 Timothy 6:16

    Luke 1:31-32, Matthew 22, Romans 1:20

    Philippians 2, Hebrews 1:1-13,

    Colossians 1:15

    Deuteronomy 4:12, 15. Exodus 3:6

    Exodus 33:20-23

    Isaiah 38:11, Isaiah 64:4

    Job 9:11, Job 35:14, Job 23:8

    This is a ps from me: if you have "pictures of God" (some artist imagined) in your home? You need to get rid of them,

    According to Exodus 20. That's not a photograph of God and is considered to be a graven image. Crosses on the wall is ok, but not images.

    I have 1 still life painting of a bowl of fruit and a pitcher of water. It makes me think of eating a meal with Jesus.

  • Mishael - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Go on YouTube and watch some videos on spiritual warfare. You need to understand what his real problem is. Do not tell him about it! It will just upset him more.

    Scripture links:

    Read Ephesians 6

    Isaiah 54:13

    Isaiah 64:27

    What you pray in your closet is private. But it is witnessed and heard in Heaven.
  • Neena - In Reply on Isaiah 3 - 4 years ago
    Isaiah 64:6 (KJV) "All righteousness is as filthy rags."
  • BerkeleyDebbie on Isaiah 64:6 - 4 years ago
    The weak comforted themselves with tears, and the strong honed themselves with sweat
  • Larry Crowder - In Reply on Isaiah 64 - 4 years ago
    That's why jesus, god the son died on the cross to pay our sin debt because our good works are not a justification to enter jehovah gods heaven. only his shed blood could wash away our sin and pay our sin debt. praise the father,son, holy ghost forevermore. amen and amen.
  • Frances - In Reply on Isaiah 64 - 5 years ago
    I like that programmed of all the ways of the word without the wisdom and understanding from God. So was I thank Him for keeping me from sinking.
  • Obbie Beal on Isaiah 64 - 5 years ago
    The above speaks loud and clear to me. Though I was born in sin MY CREATOR blessed by allowing me to nurse and HE protected me from all the many dangers both seen and unseen. From birth-18 years GOD was there with HEALTH and STRENGTH and I unknowing did not realize EACH BREATH I took was a blessing from MY CREATOR. At 18 my creator presented the whole earth to me and I could stake my claim. Programmed with all the ways of the world but without WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING from GOD, nevertheless BLESSED by GOD because HIS promise found in John 3:16-21 was offered to me and I accepted IT. IT secured SALVATION for me thereby I shall be at THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB, Revelation 19:9.
  • Timothy L. Jones Sr. on Isaiah 64 - 5 years ago
    Our redeemer from everlasting is thy name. HALLELUJAH!!!
  • BSP on Isaiah 64 - 6 years ago
    Jehovah God is our heavenly father because he created us and we should be like clay that can be molded by him.
  • BSP on Isaiah 64 - 6 years ago
    Verse 8~We want to be useful to our Great Potter, Jehovah God, and make sure that we submit ourselves to do his will.
  • Evelyn Long on Isaiah 64 - 7 years ago
    I believe that only God words can mold us and through his mold it will shape us as the way he wants us to be.
  • Grace Simmonds on Romans 8 - 7 years ago
    Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, it is not subject to the things of God and can ever be. We have to ask the lord to place his righteousness on us, Isaiah 64:6 we are as an unclean thing, and our righteousness are filthy rags. Let us keep our mind on the things of the spirit, we cannot want to please God and do the things of the flesh, we have to crucify the flesh.

  • BSP on Isaiah 64 - 8 years ago
    This chapter shows that the Israelites were in a truly broken down state. They had damaged their relationship with Jehovah God and now they were reaping the consequences of their actions.
  • Robert Shenje on Isaiah 64 - 8 years ago
    A very inspirational verse that speaks to us that we are nothing without our Creator, we are like a ship without a rudder, nothing to stir it upon. For as we abide in him and seek his ways everything we ever wished for, shall be fulfilled. Our Creator completes us in everything we endeavour to do. Very inspirational verse.
  • Gauta Mopedi on Isaiah 64 - 8 years ago
    We are all his workmanship in the name of JESUS name
  • Librarygal143 on Isaiah 64 - 8 years ago
    So true!
  • Sharon Kay hunn on Isaiah 64 - 8 years ago
    Lord Jesus Love you Lord Jesus Love Us Love Lord Jesus Lord God love you Love Lord God
  • Johnson Bamidele on Isaiah 64 - 8 years ago
    If we be righteous in our sight, our iniquities then abound but if we will seek him for forgiveness then we know not yet how the heaven rejoices over our redemption for if we forsake our sins he's faithful that called.
  • Anny on Isaiah 64 - 8 years ago
    We should be honored to be molded by Jehovah God. We have to be willing to be like soft clay that God can mold into a precious vessel.
  • MockingBird on Isaiah 64:8 - 9 years ago
    As the clay : Has no will of it's own : I do So as I submit my will into His will and allow my Lord God to mold me into a vessel fit for His use. Sometimes those lumps hurt when He molds them out of me : But : OH !!! The joy and peace afterwards :
  • Lilian on Isaiah 64 - 9 years ago
    Our God is a Potter simply because He is our loving God who created everything and we are one of his workmanship a clay. We must be Born Again in Spirit and we must give him a place in our life inorder for him to take place in our hearts. If we allow God to take over our life and guide us to our salvation. For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ that whoever believes in him will not be perish but have everlasting life. Thanks to Jesus for his blood that shed for us. From his blood we are cleansed and we are washed by our sins. He made everything new, our job now is to believe Jesus and follow Jesus and obey his commandments if we love him. He is the only Jehovah whom i praised and give thanks for he is worthy to be praised. Amen
  • Trinity adwoa kwofie on Isaiah 64:8 - 9 years ago
    he created us, so in any situation that we find ourselves we must remember that our creator will be able to create a good a way for us, as he was able to use the clay which is the ground that we walk for it to become a living being so is he able to make all things possible
  • Phemelo on Job 29 - 9 years ago
    Our self-righteousness is likened to filthy rags Isaiah 64:6 . We can 't do anything of our own, on our own, which is good. All good things comes from Jehovah. Here, Job gives himself the credit for doing all he has done, bragging and boasting . The left hand must not know what the right hand has done, given, helped, etc. All glory must be given to God, because when we start boasting of our deeds, that 's when we develop a vain-glory personality and sooner or later, we will want all the glory. ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God, so say Scripture.
  • RNM 7-5-1 GEN on Genesis 7 - 9 years ago
    GEN 7-5-1...Cheryl, I don 't think I 've ever heard that asked before, but I would think at the point where Adam and Eve disobeyed their Heavenly Father and ate of the forbidden fruit, they became unclean before God. And that is why God has gone through lengthy steps to correct this, In Isaiah 64:6... But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags and we all do fade as a leaf and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away... God has layed everything at our feet, even His own Son, and He expects little in return, just as any parent would, He expects Obedience, He set a day of rest in motion at Sinai, which was a continuation of the 7th day of Creation. He expects us to uphold that day if we love Him, the world expects us to uphold Sunday the 1st day if we love satan, they don 't tell us that, but when we follow the commandments of man over God, it can be none other than the commandment of Satan, this is why the world has so many problems, the deception of Satan is Worldwide, probably less than one percent of the World 's population observes the true 7th day Sabbath, but that is exactly why the scripture says in Matt 7:14...Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it... It may sound bad, but for you that has an ear to hear, this may be the Greatest story ever told if you heed it. I hope you do. PRAISE THE ANCIENT OF DAYS AND HIS HOLY WORD. AMEN!!
  • MockingBird on Isaiah 64:8 - 10 years ago
    God is the potter If I allow Him to make the necessary changes in my heart I will have a peace able and prosperous life. We prosper not as the world prospers but in the way God prospers. We are more rich than the world. I am His workmanship created in Christ Jesus.
  • Ken Maina on Isaiah 64:4 - 10 years ago
    It is reassuring to know that there is God and that His thoughts toward us those who wait for Him are unfathomable by mankind including ourselves as mortals. How wonderful it is then to rest assured that in all things He will come through for us. Praise be to the Most High God.
  • Gaudiozi junior on Isaiah 64:6 - 11 years ago
    if we are to depend upon our works for salvation then it means that we are doomed no man will ever work out his own righteousness to the level of God s righteousness for even our best efforts are like filthy rags before God thanks Father for calvary
  • GERMAN REYES on Hebrews 1 - 11 years ago
  • Andrew on Isaiah 64 - 11 years ago
    All our righteousness are as filthy, polluted, good for nothing rags -- how much more for our unrighteousness.

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