Discuss Isaiah 43 Page 8

  • Joyce Ballentine on Isaiah 43 - 9 years ago
    No Matter What's Going On In Your Life At This Moment Remember That GOD Is ALWAYS With Us. Isaiah 43:2 Says That When You Pass Through The Waters I Will Be With You, And That The Rivers Shall Not Overflow You, And That When You Walk Through The Fires That You Wouldn't Be Burned. NO MATTER YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES, KNOW THAT GOD IS GONNA SEE YOU THROUGH.
  • Inease on Isaiah 43 - 9 years ago
    what ever we may face good or bad, God word of promise says, come let us plead together which means we can talk and entrust all of our cares in good times and bad to him. I am so glad that God words goes before him, therefore it is most powerful. Thank you Jesus.
  • Freddy on Isaiah 43:10 - 9 years ago
    No Kevin your wrong. This proves Jehovah's witnesses wrong. They call Jesus "another" god. They change john 1.1 to ...and the word was a god. The Greek says the word was God.
  • OKOYE CLIFFORD on Isaiah 43 - 9 years ago
  • Pandora on Isaiah 43 - 9 years ago
    i needed these words of encouragement thank you lord for hearing and listening,thank you for faithfulness,i believe every trial is a learning experience for growth in a persons life.i know i will go through trials but to have the lord give you reasurance that he is with you and he knows you by name means so much to me.
  • Ebenezer on Isaiah 43 - 9 years ago
    i really likes the way the bible give us some life hope to the situation we are in now
  • Lilian on Isaiah 43 - 9 years ago
    God prepares and provide everything for God's own people for those who love him and obey his words. Accepting Jesus in our life we will be surely be saved and redeemed in fact Jesus already shed his life to us in order for all of us will have life in abundance. Thanks to Jesus for his blood. From his blood are sins are washed and we have cleansed by our ungodly things. What a promising father and a loving Father to God's people who have obedience into Jesus. Thank you Lord and i will praised you forever for you are worthy to be praised. We must remember that meditating God's words day and night are more important and powerful than prayers. Our prayers must be completed with Praised and thanksgiving. amen
  • Pastor audu benjamin on Isaiah 43:2 - 9 years ago
    The decision to forsake the kingdom of darkness and to follow jesus will attract fiery trias from satan and his agents. These trials symbolically represent waters and fire that naturally can drawn and burn. God in his omnipotent power will deliver all faithful followers of christ. Faith in God is essential to enjoy this privilege. The eternal glory of the overcomers should serve as an encouragement to all TRUE CHRISTIANS so they can win the crown of glory.ref.js 1:12 mt :24:13 rev 2:10. thanks.
  • Joy Omonafe on Isaiah 43:19 - 9 years ago
    A new thing that God promises is for the faithful ones and not for those who are doubting Him. This is a great promise for me even if the world sees me as a failure, God istelling me I am a winner .
  • Tanko Iliya on Isaiah 43:19 - 9 years ago
    after the first Adam sin, man has been suffering and God, been a compassionate God make this covenant he will do a new thing to east man 's suffering.
  • Andrea on Isaiah 43 - 9 years ago
    Isiah 43 means to me that God is with us just as he was with the children of Isreal.But we have to be obedient in order to enjoy his blessings we are redeemed by the blood of his son Jesus christ Glory be to God Almighty.
  • God's Woman on Isaiah 43 - 9 years ago
    Amen and Amen to you who are preaching repentance and forgiveness. Both forgiveness and repentance are daily essentials for Christians as well as the sinners. Holy Ghost-filled people need to ask for a refilling also. Marie, to call upon the Lord is simply praying, communicating, talking with God, or expressing your heart 's desires to Him, in Jesus name.
  • Q Williams on Isaiah 43:25 - 9 years ago
    Abba Father is Saying I will forgive you, But you must REPENT and ask for forgiveness! It is freely given , but not without repentance of our sins and transgressions! So, this isn 't just for Israel this is for all who have Sinned and fallen short! REPENT!!
  • Marie on Isaiah 43:22 - 9 years ago
    What does it mean to call on the Lord?
  • Esy on Isaiah 43 - 9 years ago
    Forgiveness is a life saving grace, we remember that Christ was bruised for our transgression, he was chastised for our iniquity, yet he forgave that we may live. When you forgive, you inherit peace and you feel like a new born.
  • John madden on Isaiah 43:2 - 9 years ago
    Aman......its true ..storms .trials of life ...the bitter fires and deep waters are n match for the almighty
  • Victoria on Isaiah 43 - 9 years ago
    it 's a blessing to know that idon 't have to be afraid even when am faced by tough situations God is with me.
  • Benjamin Mwinga on Isaiah 43:25 - 9 years ago
    forgiveness is for one self and for the benefit of the other. when you for give someone you actually make peace for yourself.
  • Kolawole Ayilara on Isaiah 43:19 - 9 years ago
    well, its means when you are at a cross road and there is no help anywhere my GOD will make away
  • Prince cosmas on Isaiah 43:19 - 9 years ago
    In that chapter the new thing the Lord will do is fix it can not change or devil cant destroy it because it is a new thing done by God at it appointed time.
  • Abraham on Isaiah 43:10 - 9 years ago
    As we are Gods people take this Gods promise for our generation
  • Lesego on Isaiah 43:19 - 9 years ago
    New beginnings...something that you have never thought of before. God wants to surprise you. It 's not about what you do this time but manifestation of what He long planned
  • Michael kumatia on Isaiah 43 - 10 years ago
    For I am lord thy God holy one of Israel.
  • Shale Ntsima on Isaiah 43 - 10 years ago
    verse 1. 'I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine. ' God has called me by my name and He says I am his. I am his responsibility, how awesome. What can man do to me.
  • Daniel on Isaiah 43:25 - 10 years ago
    This verse says that,you don 't have to do anything in order to be forgiven,but He forgave us for His own sake.
  • Kaneng marshal on Isaiah 43:19 - 10 years ago
    it means God 's new agenda in my life,evidence that silenced the enemies argument
  • Ese okposio on Isaiah 43 - 10 years ago
    The Holy One of Israel, The Redeemer, Savior, God is one and the same, Holy Spirit. He is the One who led the Israelites out of Egypt and parted the Sea!
  • Caroline Gregory on Isaiah 43:19 - 10 years ago
    A new thing is believing, trusting and having faith in Jesus Christ.Knowing that his word is the truth. Jesus replied, "what is impossible with man is possible with God. " Luke 18:27
  • Richard White on Isaiah 43:2 - 10 years ago
    He has seen me through numerous events comparable to this verse.
  • Emmy ice Eddy on Isaiah 43:4 - 10 years ago
    GOD 'S Love for HIS Own is great that I lack words even if I be a "wordsmith " to explain this scripture which tells of HIS Marvelous Love. But all I know is that this scripture paints a picture of my value to GOD in CHRIST JESUS cos CHRIST made it all happen for me. In CHRIST THE BELOVED I am accepted Favored, Loved ane Prized halleluyah!. I just can 't help but think or see CHRIST when I see or think this scripture. The Love of GOD towards us is indeed marvelous. And all these are to the praise of HIS Grace which has made us HIS Choice. Grace is a Marvel indeed..... Bro ICE

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