I just read your comment. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world and received into glory. God did this all by Himself. God was manifest( made visible in the flesh of Jesus Christ). He is the Father of creation, the Son ( his flesh) in redemption; and the Holy Ghost in the church. The idea of a triune Godhead is not found in the Bible. Read Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 43:10-13; St. John 1:1-14; St. John 17:6; St. John 8:21-24; St. John 14:9-10; Luke 24:44; Colossians 1: 13-16; Hebrew 1:1-4; I John 1:1-3; Revelation 1:13-20; Revelation chapter 5. These are only a few of the scripture that validate the Oneness of God. God has many names and many attributes. He appeared in many theophanic forms in the Bible. But His greatest revelation to man was as the Man Christ Jesus. Jesus is His Saving Name. Jesus is God. God is Jesus. From Genesis to Revelation, there has only been one God, One Spirit, and One Savior. Ephesians 4:4-5 tells us that there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. One God and Father of all...God does not have three personalities in His head. God is our savior; and He loved us so much that He was willing to die for us and rise again for our salvation. What an awesome God that we serve!
Pamela, I can explain the Statutes (not statues) of the LORD, but it would be helpful to you (I hope) that the other similar utterings from God be quickly explained. So when you read the Scriptures, you will know what they mean.
Commandments: are Orders or Charges.
Judgements: instructions as to what to do in a situation.
Statutes (also given as Ordinances): decrees or requirements or boundaries set by God.
Law: is a general word to encompass the above, but of course, Law can be given by God or man.
That is a very brief description that may help you even though it may seem a little puzzling to us today. The Jews who read their Torah, the Psalms & the Prophets, knew well the meaning of those words & how they applied to them.
But Chris, we are not looking for the natural and logical understanding of 2Peter 3:8; we are looking for the wisdom of God, hidden in the mystery in which they spoke.
Kenneth, so from your last answer, we can only assume that you don't connect the existence of sin in the world today with the sin for which Jesus died. In other words, the evil (sin) around us today, is not really the sin that Jesus died for at the Cross. So how do you classify the sin of today? Why is it different? Is there then no hope for mankind now, since God (or some other deity) has not mercifully come forward to offer us 'another' way for cleansing & forgiveness? Then the ultimate question: why do we then even bother about God since He has no further interest in us & indeed the many believers who have experienced new life in Christ (by the indwelling Holy Spirit) are now left as believing a lie, misguided, destitute & destined for hell?
How do you see your position in the world & before God, given the belief that sin no longer exists? Is there a life after death awaiting you, or do you adopt the atheistic position of 'to the dust we return & that's the end of it all? I'm sure you've given much thought to these questions as you would need to personally substantiate your 'new' understanding of the Scriptures, or else your mind would never rest.
Sin and evil abound today. Satan wants people to believe it doesn't exist since he loves deceiving people into sinning and disobeying God. Jesus paid the debt of sin for everyone but it's up to each person to accept that gift. Even thought the debt is paid doesn't mean people aren't still sinning. Today in every major city through the world there will be violence, rape, and murder. That is both evil and sin. To claim those unspeakable acts aren't sin is inconsistent with the Bible. Have a nice day.
The Father says he will Not judge the world and Jesus also says he will not judge the world its only his Words that will judge the world Which is the H.G. His words are living beings that come from heaven they are the seeds of the sower that are gonna be planted in humanity Jesus said when HE the spirit of truth is come he will reprove the world of sin and judgement and righteousness they are our new inner men the h.g. the gifts of God to humanity they have to be born in us they come from his mouth his words + our hearing as faith comes by hearing. The Son that is gonna judge the world is the H.G. And they are also his fire as the prophet said i will make the words in your mouth as fire and this ppl the wood.His baptism of fire is gonna destroy mans Adamic nature.Thats y God is refers to as a consuming fire the H.g. is that consuming fire Jesus said the H.G. will come in His name meaning the H.G is his son his offspring simply b/c the H.G comes outa of his loins ( his seed ) his BREATH, his words etc.Just as Solomon came outta of the loins of David the H.G will come outa of the loins of Christ meaning his seed which are his Words.Thats y we cannot speak a word against the h.g. simply b/c he is our own personal God if we are not faithfull to what belongs to God he will not give us our own God which is his Son the H.G. HIS NAME IS EMANUEL GOD WITH US,Remember to whom the word came it made them Gods.Why am i telling ya all this simply b/c without a 3 rd person there cannot be an Israel of God which is the multiplication of God in humanity via his WORD THE Promise. Now maybe you will understand y jesus was so passionate about about the babes and sucklings THEY ARE SPIRITS that which is born of the spirit is spirit the h.g. which answers to the babes and sucklings, mankinds fruit unto God
These associations enlighten us about the works of God, from the beginning of the Creation; to clarify things and show us the greatness of our salvation.
Yes, you are correct. Evidence of evil is all around us; however, sin is gone. The KJVBible gives us the history of the days of the Creation, it is not about man. It is about other dimensions, using things which can be easily understood, to enlighten us about things we cannot understand.
These associations enlighten us about the works of God, from the beginning of the Creation; to clarify things and show us the greatness of our salvation.
Yes, you are correct. Evidence of evil is all around us; however, sin is gone. The KJVBible gives us the history of the days of the Creation, it is not about man. It is about other dimensions, using things which can be easily understood, to enlighten us about things we cannot understand.
Kenneth, you have inundated us with your understanding of the Bible, especially with associations of days of creation with other parts of the Bible. Even though you present some strange teachings that have no bearing on the Truth of Scripture, I hear what you are saying. And to what extent do all these associations go to enlighten us or strengthen us in the knowledge of God, His Son & the greatness of our salvation? To me, it is still strange teaching that does not stay true to the message of the Bible.
Rather, your declaration that 'Jesus died on the Cross for the sins of mankind shows that sin is no more in existence', is the more concerning to me. At least on this score, you are referring to known facts of man's inherent wickedness & rebellion to God, & his need of a Saviour to deal with the sin question. However, according to your understanding, at the Cross, sin of man was dealt with, thereby removing sin altogether from the world, hence no further punishment for it. Am I correct? How did you arrive at this, considering that the evidence of man's wickedness is all around & growing. Then how do you account for this rampant wickedness when 'sin no longer exists'? Do you think that there could be some connection between the two? Or are our personal sins & crimes in society deserve another designation & of no further interest to the Godhead? I could go further, but some rhetorical questions only to you, if I may: how do you account for sin = aberrations of mind or in action that may come up each day in your life? Do they exist? Do you give it a name? How do you deal with it? Is there a consequence to them? Thank you.
The dialogue is from the beginning, in 2Peter 3:3, and by verse 8; the KJVReader is on the fourth day, looking to the fifth day and sixth day with the six, "thousand years," in Revelation 20:2-7."
As well, I've not given any further comment on 2 Pet 3:8, as I believe that I've given the natural & logical understanding of that verse as it ties in with the preceding verses, esp, vv 3 & 4.
The dialogue is from the beginning, in 2Peter 3:3, and by verse 8 the KJVReader is on the fourth day, looking to the fifth day and sixth day in Revelation 20:1-7.
I quoted John 19:30 to show how I know Christ's work is finished. The KJVB is about the history of the days of Creation, as introduced in Genesis 1. "Sin," in the KJVB, is anything not compliant with the laws of the creation of this Universe. Information about the hidden wisdom of God may be found with the ten times, "from the beginning," occurs in KJVText, after the book of Proverbs, 1Co 2:7.
When you enter this website, type: IN HEAVEN. Go through the verses. You will learn much.
If you truly look around at earth and see all the variety of things God made, how could you not know now, that heaven is beautiful. Lots to do there.
Personally I think we will see our loved ones who are there already. I don't think they sit on bleachers watching us every day. There's a veil between us and them for now.
There is no marriage or old boyfriends or girlfriends. Heaven is not earthy.
You need to be forthcoming with why you want to know if we will know and recognize each other. Would you go to hell if you thought a loved one was there?
That movie 'What Dreams May Come', is just that: a script someone dreamed up and turned into a movie.
I want to see Jesus! That's my desire. Whatever happens after that is all full of wonder I am sure. Really peer at earth and universe photos and see what you see.
Kenneth, I'm unsure of the reason for you quoting Jn 19:30, so I won't comment on it. As for "sin": I don't know where any non-compliancy with the Universe comes from; my Bible tells me (in numerous portions) that sin is any act that is in violation of God's laws & Holy requirements, whether committed in mind, word or in action. I'm not aware of any realm outside of God's domain that is interested in my propensity to sin or to administer punishment to me for it.
And "Interpretation": if a message is given verbally or in writing, it should be understood in its natural, logical meaning. If the author or speaker wishes to veil his message with other meanings/imagery/innuendo/& such like, then as free as he is to do so, it leaves the reader/listener mystified as to what is being said. Therefore, the need for a further interpretation: (enter Kenneth), who would then enlighten his readers further to its meaning. But the question (& the primary thrust of my initial enquiry with you) is, on what basis can you reinterpret the message, for all reinterpretations require a source (hopefully, a reliable one), so that one can make clear & logical judgements/decisions on what is being said. I understand, to a small extent, on what you've said, but I see no connection or corollary to the clear intent of what is written in the Bible.
As well, I've not given any further comment on 2 Pet 3:8, as I believe that I've given the natural & logical understanding of that verse as it ties in with the preceding verses, esp, vv 3 & 4.
Who dreamt that up about, "Earth's time schedule?" Where did that come from, I see no cause for it. However, the KJVInterpret seems to be pretty clear about this, the two days in 2Peter 3:8 must be the fifth day and sixth day.
Have you read, [ John 19:30 KJV] 30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
I believe that, "sin," in the KJVB; is any incompliancy within this Universe.
One thing, the interpretation works, without need for a topical read and also a chronological read to satisfy all their stipulations. What is your interpretation, where did you get it?
Hi Kenneth, my understanding is that all sin is evil and all evil is sin. 1 John 5:17. If you don't believe this, what is your criteria for differentiating between them and do you have examples? Also evil and sin exist today. Today in nearly every major city in the world someone will be murdered according to death statistics. That is evil and sin. So, I also don't understand someone saying there's no sin today since there is proof of it and the Bible says there is. Also why specifically do you believe science proves sin is gone? Thank you for sharing your perspective.
Have you read, [ Jhn 1:29 KJV] 29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. It is very simple; His work is finished and sin is gone.
I think one of the ways that satan comes against us is found in Genesis 3:1.
"Hath God said...". He starts trying to twist what the Word of God says. Confuse us. Make us doubt. Make us believe God didn't tell us the complete truth or is withholding information.
Jesus mentions his sheep saying my father that gave them me is greater then ALL and NO MAN CAN PLUCK THEM OUT OF MY FATHERS HAND.This cannot be refuted and is y i believe in OSAS .And also we are bornagain ( if you are truly bornagain via his seed),Gods word and Gods word cannot return unto him void isaiah 55 .11.So if you are truly bornagain via his seed th living Word as PETER SAID. YOU CANNOT FALLAWAY. Unless ya wanna say that Gods word can return unto him void.Remember the WORLDS WERE FRAMED BY HIS WORD.
Commandments: are Orders or Charges.
Judgements: instructions as to what to do in a situation.
Statutes (also given as Ordinances): decrees or requirements or boundaries set by God.
Law: is a general word to encompass the above, but of course, Law can be given by God or man.
That is a very brief description that may help you even though it may seem a little puzzling to us today. The Jews who read their Torah, the Psalms & the Prophets, knew well the meaning of those words & how they applied to them.
How do you see your position in the world & before God, given the belief that sin no longer exists? Is there a life after death awaiting you, or do you adopt the atheistic position of 'to the dust we return & that's the end of it all? I'm sure you've given much thought to these questions as you would need to personally substantiate your 'new' understanding of the Scriptures, or else your mind would never rest.
Please explain the Lord's statues
Yes, you are correct. Evidence of evil is all around us; however, sin is gone. The KJVBible gives us the history of the days of the Creation, it is not about man. It is about other dimensions, using things which can be easily understood, to enlighten us about things we cannot understand.
Yes, you are correct. Evidence of evil is all around us; however, sin is gone. The KJVBible gives us the history of the days of the Creation, it is not about man. It is about other dimensions, using things which can be easily understood, to enlighten us about things we cannot understand.
Rather, your declaration that 'Jesus died on the Cross for the sins of mankind shows that sin is no more in existence', is the more concerning to me. At least on this score, you are referring to known facts of man's inherent wickedness & rebellion to God, & his need of a Saviour to deal with the sin question. However, according to your understanding, at the Cross, sin of man was dealt with, thereby removing sin altogether from the world, hence no further punishment for it. Am I correct? How did you arrive at this, considering that the evidence of man's wickedness is all around & growing. Then how do you account for this rampant wickedness when 'sin no longer exists'? Do you think that there could be some connection between the two? Or are our personal sins & crimes in society deserve another designation & of no further interest to the Godhead? I could go further, but some rhetorical questions only to you, if I may: how do you account for sin = aberrations of mind or in action that may come up each day in your life? Do they exist? Do you give it a name? How do you deal with it? Is there a consequence to them? Thank you.
The dialogue is from the beginning, in 2Peter 3:3, and by verse 8 the KJVReader is on the fourth day, looking to the fifth day and sixth day in Revelation 20:1-7.
If you truly look around at earth and see all the variety of things God made, how could you not know now, that heaven is beautiful. Lots to do there.
Personally I think we will see our loved ones who are there already. I don't think they sit on bleachers watching us every day. There's a veil between us and them for now.
There is no marriage or old boyfriends or girlfriends. Heaven is not earthy.
You need to be forthcoming with why you want to know if we will know and recognize each other. Would you go to hell if you thought a loved one was there?
That movie 'What Dreams May Come', is just that: a script someone dreamed up and turned into a movie.
I want to see Jesus! That's my desire. Whatever happens after that is all full of wonder I am sure. Really peer at earth and universe photos and see what you see.
And "Interpretation": if a message is given verbally or in writing, it should be understood in its natural, logical meaning. If the author or speaker wishes to veil his message with other meanings/imagery/innuendo/& such like, then as free as he is to do so, it leaves the reader/listener mystified as to what is being said. Therefore, the need for a further interpretation: (enter Kenneth), who would then enlighten his readers further to its meaning. But the question (& the primary thrust of my initial enquiry with you) is, on what basis can you reinterpret the message, for all reinterpretations require a source (hopefully, a reliable one), so that one can make clear & logical judgements/decisions on what is being said. I understand, to a small extent, on what you've said, but I see no connection or corollary to the clear intent of what is written in the Bible.
As well, I've not given any further comment on 2 Pet 3:8, as I believe that I've given the natural & logical understanding of that verse as it ties in with the preceding verses, esp, vv 3 & 4.
Thank You Chris,
I believe that, "sin," in the KJVB; is any incompliancy within this Universe.
One thing, the interpretation works, without need for a topical read and also a chronological read to satisfy all their stipulations. What is your interpretation, where did you get it?
Thank You
"Hath God said...". He starts trying to twist what the Word of God says. Confuse us. Make us doubt. Make us believe God didn't tell us the complete truth or is withholding information.