Mostly the Judge in this world will act according to the Law of the nation he rules, but the Lawgiver is empowered to amend the law suitably and justifiably according to the circumstances of the land and condition of the citizen. So, the lawgiver is more powerful than the judge. Further, if He is our King, he can execute or not execute the findings of the Judge and Lawgiver. He is vested with super power than that of above said TWO. Amazingly, our LORD is three-in one and He is capable to save us.
It is his introduction to us, it shows he is unique above all, he is matchless in every way, and shares not his glory. It establishes him reasonably as God alone not part of a god dishonouring triune entity. He is our God, Creator, Statute giver worthy of us getting to know and worshipped: Jehovah God the Almighty. Revelation 15:3, John17:3, Isaiah 33:22, Mark 12:29, Isaiah 42:8, John 14:28.
This scriptural verse is what today�s Christians lack. You can have stability in our times without knowledge and wisdom. Go for knowledge and wisdom and be stable. There is fullness of salvation.
Pastor Anayo okorie on Isaiah 33:24 - 12 years ago
Pastor Anayo views are trying to make us know good health is our portion. He has pre-described and arranged our life for health free life. Why say you are sick makes you limiting God. You are healthy, speak the word, he also promised forgiveness. What advantage to know God, he forgives all your past sins...