Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank you very much for your add. I need your prayers for me, my family and our work for the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord is about to be celebrated By Christmas in our church. I need your prayers for widows (25) and orphan children who are in my Church. I want to buy the clothing and BIBLES distribute them to those widows, and children. Therefore, please pray for the love gift for this purpose. With love in Christ, I am prayerfully looking forward to your prayers. Jesus tells us in Luke 2:11 that the harvest is great and the laborers are few. This scripture further tells us that we should pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Convey our best greetings to your families. Thanking you, GOD BLESS YOU In the Name of Jesus Christ. Yours in Christ Pastor Kurapatie Yesudas Peravaram/INDIA
There is difference to make between questions that are asked to profit, and those tha are asked to distract or deter. And verse 9 here is very clear: �.. avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.� Those should be avoided, because they bring nowhere.
Now coming to Jeremiah 17:9, �The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?� That means that above all things, our heart can tell us lies than ever, because it is wicked, it tends to tell us that evil is good, which actually is not the case.
The only cure is in Hebrews 4:12 �For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.�
When the word of God dwells in us, and is in rule in our life, God�s judgments become our judgments, God�s views become our views; and with that the word shall separate very sharply, like a twoedged sword, what is of God and what is not, it shall bring light in every single aspect of our life; and then show us the way out.
God bless you.
The Almighty God finished the work of salvation by the death and resurrection of Jesus from the dead. There is now therefore no condemnation for anyone who is in Christ Jesus. By the same token, God has called us to the life of rest in Him. That means to me that God the Creator of heaven and earth is in control, and He wants me to rest. Now all of my desires have been relinquished to Him. It is wonderful.
Hebrew 4:12 says that the word of God is alive and powerful that it can separate the soul from the spirit and the word can judge our hearts, minds, and intents. That�s powerful.
Entering into Gods rest is honoring and keeping the Sabbath a day holy, after all every law, commandment and statute is still in effect with the exception of burnt offerings as that was done away with when Jesus died for our sins...
The Holy Scripture has all manner of dictates, precepts, notions and principles in it that has been given for whosoever believeth. As a matter of fact, God has no choice to do it like that, because, primarily He is the Creator of the Heaven and the earth- and also He created man in His image. Hence, when a person has given his or her life to Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour, it then connotes that such a person has become not only joint heirs with the LORD, but also that he or she is an agent of righteousness on this planet earth to the glory of he Holy and righteous God.
Hence, the writer of Hebrews in it�s 4th chapter, the reminds the Church of God�s holy promises that are, in His covenant that we ensure that we live in accordance with the Word of the Eternal God. Why is this? It is that we can have what it takes to enter into the blessings of His promises; for therein, there is peace of mind and the type of rest that God has given for they that loveth Him.
However, this of a necessity demands the God kind of faith with particular regards to the doctrine of justification through the weaponry of faith. ( Romans 1:16,17)There are many implications to this- it then signifies that as believers, that believes, in the resurrected LORD, we must put our dependency on the living God, through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the holy Son of God. And that is because, as the author and also the developer of our faith, He knows and understands what we may be going through; for He Himself, has been through it, hence the need for, total reliance on the faithfulness of God, and also on the infallibility of the Holy Scripture.Therefore, when we come to the throne of grace, we know with certainty, that we have a high priest in the God Head, who is ready and as a matter of fact has dispensed and made available His favours that we may obtain it through the tool of faith that honours God. Thus we have been admonished through this 4th chapter, that we may do according to the spirit of the Holy Writ, to the glory of God; for He is forever trustworthy.
Re: The meaning of "the Word of God is quick".
It's my understanding that the word "quick" also means "living", so we are talking about the "living Word of God.
Pastor James Olutayo on Hebrews 4:15 - 12 years ago
Jesus is our high priest and He is the most appropriate and the most qualified one.He is ever considerate,hence we are very safe in His judgement for He provides us a ready help always.The only determining factor is our willingness to accept His help.What a fantastic privilege!
Jesus is the rest for us, as he has completed the law, and is seated at the right hand of the father in heaven. When we accept him as Lord of our lives, we enter his rest. Praise God for this promise, and may you enjoy the rest that we have in the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Believe that he died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose the third day for our justification. Confess with your mouth that he is Lord, and thou shall be saved. May you rest in what Jesus has done for us as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
i am really inspired by vs 16, that says we should approaching the throne of grace with boldness not with fear and unbelief
if we mix the word we ve heard with unbelief it cannot work for us....
1. Dont look up things on Wikipedia
2. The Genesis Account is not figurative or an Allegory
3. God Did not Create Anything on the Seventh day including Adam ( Genesis 2:1-3)
4.Verse 4 Brings us back to the day or Period (days 1 - 6 , yes all these "days" are refered to one "day" or period)when Jehovah creative works were being completed.
5.How long were these creative days? the Bible does not say. Were they literal 24 hours ? Theres no basis for arbitrarily stating that each day was 24 hours but his seventh day of rest from creative works continued into Pauls day( Hebrews 4:3-6) if not into our day .
I find it interesting that the word "sword" here is the same word used for sword in Revelation 1:16; Revelation 2:12,16; Revelation 19:15; and Revelation 19:21. ([Greek #4501 - in a James Strong concordance [cover and pages missing])
In other usages, #3162 is used for sword.
The #4501 is always referencing Jesus and the Word of God; whereas, #3162 seems to reference a physical sword.
Once in Hebrews 4:12, the #3162 is used saying the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword... So the word of God is being contrasted with a physical sword.
Also, in Ephesians 6:17 the #3162 is used; but, the sword we are told to take (the sword of the Spirit) is the Word of God.
I find it interesting that the sword in Revelation 6:8 is #4501.
As a Seventh-day Adventist Hebrews speaks loud and clear to me. It reminds me that Jesus who created mankind gave them two blessings to take with them from Eden after sin. Marriage and the Sabbath (the day of rest). Hebrews tells me that when Jesus was on the earth that he did not change nor give another day of rest to the gentiles that was different to the children of Israel, If He had then he would have spoken of another day. I do know that one can not come into the day of rest with out faith in God, because without faith in God then we are trying too keep the Sabbath by our own power and that is "works" but if we have faith and believe Gods word then the Lord can bring us into His rest doing those things that honor Him and not ourselves. We will do God works and not our own, we will stand apart from the secular world and help other to know God by our example. We can not force anyone to take the Sabbath but we can share the seeds of faith and then Gods Spirit will do the rest. God bless my brothers and sisters in faith.
Isaiah,1:18 "Come now let us reason together saith
the Lord." If we want to know the reason, God says
"Let's get together and talk it over." We may not
like what He reveals, but the "Kingdom of God" is
not a democracy,we do not get to pick and choose.
In asking "What is the reason why each and every
time we approach the 'Throne of Grace' we must
qualify our position, relative to that approach, with the "Blood of Jesus?" If we really want to
know the truth the "Spirit of truth" will teach
us. Prayerfully study the book of Hebrews and you
will find the "Blood" brings us into the "Throne
Room," gains audience with the "Father,"and "finds
help in time of need." Why the "Blood?" Well
the subject will not lend itself to a concise
explanation. Let us simply say that's the way it is. It's God's creation; we live by his rules.
If we really associate the calling of the rest, and attribute this only to the dire condition we face, then are we saying that God had the same condition when He created everything as this is referenced to the rest that God had on the seventh Day. Therefore my undestanding through the Holy Spirit is that God's comandment still stand, and it is through Jesus Christ that we will enter that rest, and also keeping His commandments as they are, and not attempt to change and make them suit our lifestiles.
I see Wesley postpones the believer's rest till the future, whereas most translations place it in past tense i.e. BEFORE entering the available rest that God has now provided in Jesus . There are numerous new testament Bible references stating that we cannot save ourselves by trying to do merrit works. Romans 8:1-4. It was during their lifetime that Joshua's people did not enter rest because of unbelief, (vs. 5-9). We are told to make every effort to enter God's rest by trusting in Jesus now for salvation. Jesus said "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. It seems obvious,that to enter His rest here and now that we must cease trusting in our own merrit works.
I think this is a very power chapter.It is letting us know that we can live any old way of life and think that we will be pleasing unto GOD.It also lets us know that GOD knows all of our intentions and there is nothing that we can do intentionally or unintentionally that GOD doesn't know about. WOW alot of us better get in line with the word of GOD.
It is a wonderfult thing to come to the end of yourself and after all that you can do, you can come to Jesus and say I am tired, Lord I turn it over to you . Thank you Lord
IN verse 16 Paul says -that we may find grace; was or is the grace given to us who believe once and for all such that our responsibility is to look out for it and find it as we continue to interact with the word of God? thank you for replying me.
to comment on jesse comment just be very carful that your gift is from the SPIRIT of GOD if it dont line up with the word its not from GOD but the devil test the gift by the mirror of GOD's Word
There is difference to make between questions that are asked to profit, and those tha are asked to distract or deter. And verse 9 here is very clear: �.. avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.� Those should be avoided, because they bring nowhere.
Now coming to Jeremiah 17:9, �The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?� That means that above all things, our heart can tell us lies than ever, because it is wicked, it tends to tell us that evil is good, which actually is not the case.
The only cure is in Hebrews 4:12 �For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.�
When the word of God dwells in us, and is in rule in our life, God�s judgments become our judgments, God�s views become our views; and with that the word shall separate very sharply, like a twoedged sword, what is of God and what is not, it shall bring light in every single aspect of our life; and then show us the way out.
God bless you.
Hence, the writer of Hebrews in it�s 4th chapter, the reminds the Church of God�s holy promises that are, in His covenant that we ensure that we live in accordance with the Word of the Eternal God. Why is this? It is that we can have what it takes to enter into the blessings of His promises; for therein, there is peace of mind and the type of rest that God has given for they that loveth Him.
However, this of a necessity demands the God kind of faith with particular regards to the doctrine of justification through the weaponry of faith. ( Romans 1:16,17)There are many implications to this- it then signifies that as believers, that believes, in the resurrected LORD, we must put our dependency on the living God, through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the holy Son of God. And that is because, as the author and also the developer of our faith, He knows and understands what we may be going through; for He Himself, has been through it, hence the need for, total reliance on the faithfulness of God, and also on the infallibility of the Holy Scripture.Therefore, when we come to the throne of grace, we know with certainty, that we have a high priest in the God Head, who is ready and as a matter of fact has dispensed and made available His favours that we may obtain it through the tool of faith that honours God. Thus we have been admonished through this 4th chapter, that we may do according to the spirit of the Holy Writ, to the glory of God; for He is forever trustworthy.
It's my understanding that the word "quick" also means "living", so we are talking about the "living Word of God.
if we mix the word we ve heard with unbelief it cannot work for us....
2. The Genesis Account is not figurative or an Allegory
3. God Did not Create Anything on the Seventh day including Adam ( Genesis 2:1-3)
4.Verse 4 Brings us back to the day or Period (days 1 - 6 , yes all these "days" are refered to one "day" or period)when Jehovah creative works were being completed.
5.How long were these creative days? the Bible does not say. Were they literal 24 hours ? Theres no basis for arbitrarily stating that each day was 24 hours but his seventh day of rest from creative works continued into Pauls day( Hebrews 4:3-6) if not into our day .
I find it interesting that the word "sword" here is the same word used for sword in Revelation 1:16; Revelation 2:12,16; Revelation 19:15; and Revelation 19:21. ([Greek #4501 - in a James Strong concordance [cover and pages missing])
In other usages, #3162 is used for sword.
The #4501 is always referencing Jesus and the Word of God; whereas, #3162 seems to reference a physical sword.
Once in Hebrews 4:12, the #3162 is used saying the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword... So the word of God is being contrasted with a physical sword.
Also, in Ephesians 6:17 the #3162 is used; but, the sword we are told to take (the sword of the Spirit) is the Word of God.
I find it interesting that the sword in Revelation 6:8 is #4501.
the Lord." If we want to know the reason, God says
"Let's get together and talk it over." We may not
like what He reveals, but the "Kingdom of God" is
not a democracy,we do not get to pick and choose.
In asking "What is the reason why each and every
time we approach the 'Throne of Grace' we must
qualify our position, relative to that approach, with the "Blood of Jesus?" If we really want to
know the truth the "Spirit of truth" will teach
us. Prayerfully study the book of Hebrews and you
will find the "Blood" brings us into the "Throne
Room," gains audience with the "Father,"and "finds
help in time of need." Why the "Blood?" Well
the subject will not lend itself to a concise
explanation. Let us simply say that's the way it is. It's God's creation; we live by his rules.