Meditating God's words day and night all the desire of thine heart will be added. If we delight ourselves to Jesus first we will find his peace and love . Let us therfore come boldly into the throne of grace so that we may obtain mercy and find the grace to help in time of need. Thank you Jesus for your word praise you Jesus all the time amen
Rondalyn Brindley Jones on Hebrews 4 - 7 years ago
Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin..therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need
Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against God! Hidden does not mean it's
not carried and told on the outside,whereas people can not tell whether you are living a lie because the word
is not exemplified as to how you live!
This verse shows that the Bible can have a very powerful effect on one's life. It can show the person who they really are in God's eyes and help them to make needed changes in order to please God more fully. We should read the Bible daily.
God reminded us even we are busy to our daily life we must spend and dedicate our time to God and meditate God's words everyday then all the desire of thine heart will be added if we put God first into our life. God will take care of everything for his burden is light and thy yoke is easy. Only thru Jesus we can get Freedom abd Favor we just need to Praise him and trust his Will Amen
The Sabbath was the 7th day or last day in the week in which God created all things and rested on that day. It started before any Law was given or any commandment was given to Gods people. It was not a Ceremonial or moral Law, but a sanctified day of the Lord from the very beginning of the worlds existence. Taking rest in Jesus or resting in Jesus has nothing to do with the Sabbath day's rest.
Yes the Sabbath is part of the 10 com'ds but the problem is that ever since Adam no man has been able to keep God's Law. Jesus is the only perfect man who could keep the Law of God and so when we receive Jesus the law is fulfilled in us. We must take God's promise and believe that Jesus is our rest. We can be in the presence of God at any time anywhere individually or collectively Jesus has made..
The Sabbath is within the 10 Commandments. Its a package deal. Its not a shadowy thing...does not foretell something is coming / going to happen.Not ceremonial. Written by God's own fingers and given through Moses to the children of Israel. Instituted before sin came to this world b4 Jews. The ordinaces /sacrificial system was ceremonial...given by God and written by Moses. Given after sin came.
Hellfire street Preacher on Hebrews 4 - 8 years ago
Jesus is our Sabbath. He is our Rest. To keep the Sabbath you have to enter into Christ and worship God everyday not 1 day a week. The news didnt get it.
We are told in this chapter that the one who has entered into God's rest has ceased from works (for salvation) as God ceased from His work on the 7th day. Religion will have you working yourself to death while really trusting and resting in Christ will yield peace and fruit of the Spirit. You will have good works because it won't be you. It will be the Spirit of God!
V. 2 states that the word preached unto the people did not profit them because it was not mixed with faith. Action is required in order us to witness the miracles of God. Many say knowledge is power, however, APPLIED revelation is power (Pastor T). God requires us to live by faith and that requires us to apply what we're taught in the word, otherwise, we are only hearers of the word and not doers.
The Rest in Heb is the 7000 thousandth Day the Reign of Christ on earth 1000 years.
Not the 7th;day this is why it says there remaineth a day after the creation.
I go w KJV bible.
Read numbers 15 32-36 (0T). Then Exo 16:25 (OT.) Now how do we re!ate 0T to NT? Bible teaches Sabbaths were a shadow of things to come. NT Matt 12:1. Also Col 2:16. Jeremiah 31:31-33 GI es some indication. " I wil make a new covenant. I will put my laws inside of them". Isa 28: 11-12 is talking about the Ho!y Ghost w speaking in tongues. Acts 2:1. Jesus is our rest 7 days
***Mari, The seventh day is Sabbath. You will find no where in the bible of a change to Sunday. This is a huge lie created to deceive. Tha Sabbath is of great importance. Tradition is now on Sunday. Read about tradition and the changing of time and laws in the bible. Hebrews 4:8 is the ultimate proof. Sabbath created at the foundation of the world. Gods remnant few won't bow to tradition.
Isnt CH 4 talking about the holy ghost? This is our rest in him. We do not worship on Saturday. Throughout the bible it explains things. Jesus is our rest if we have his spirit dwelling in us. We worship him every day.
Ambrose Okech... Read chapter 3 as well. The verse 8 speaks of Jesus. The modern bibles wish this to be hidden because it clearly says he did not change the day when he came. The error originates from the footnotes of the Geneva bible. The foundation of the world is Creation. Please read the Kjv version. All others have removed important things, adding to. The Sabbath is MOST IMPORTANT! See Exodus
By far one of the most important text in the New Testament. You will only find the accurate text in Kjv and the Geneva. However the Geneva's footnotes are in error. Vs 8 speaks of Jesus. Not "Joshua son of Nun". Those who are keeping Sunday please research every word of chapters 3-4. The biblical Sabbath was never changed. God changes not. Creation REST = Sabbath, from the foundation of the earth.
I just understood better verse 12 of Heb 4 which says 'for the word of God is quick, and powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword..' Wow! it means God meant what He is saying, and it will come to pass. If you don't rest from sinning; from the works of flesh; from being unbelieving; and eternity catches up with you either by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, or by death, then you are doomed!
I can see why you left. You said: "Brilliant Ryan" (sarcastically), "smell", "languished", "escaped". You also said: ".... I enjoy Divine Rest every day."
I've been an SDA all my life, and have always enjoyed "Divine Rest" every day.... And.... the Seventh Day is still Holy to the Lord, set apart, Sanctified, Blessed, Hallowed, Kept by God. Love God my friend...Peace!
Brilliant Ryan, How did you ever come up with that conclusion. Do I smell an SDA? Seems like it to me. I languished in their theological camp since birth . Mercifully I escaped some 20 years ago and enjoy the Divine rest offered EVERY DAY!!!
not carried and told on the outside,whereas people can not tell whether you are living a lie because the word
is not exemplified as to how you live!
Jesus Christ is our rest. Amen
See the end of Romans 9
Not the 7th;day this is why it says there remaineth a day after the creation.
Read numbers 15 32-36 (0T). Then Exo 16:25 (OT.) Now how do we re!ate 0T to NT? Bible teaches Sabbaths were a shadow of things to come. NT Matt 12:1. Also Col 2:16. Jeremiah 31:31-33 GI es some indication. " I wil make a new covenant. I will put my laws inside of them". Isa 28: 11-12 is talking about the Ho!y Ghost w speaking in tongues. Acts 2:1. Jesus is our rest 7 days
"More over, I gave them My Sabbaths to be a SIGN, between Me and them, that they might KNOW that I am the LORD that SANCTIFY them." Ez. 20:12
Peace my friend!
I've been an SDA all my life, and have always enjoyed "Divine Rest" every day.... And.... the Seventh Day is still Holy to the Lord, set apart, Sanctified, Blessed, Hallowed, Kept by God. Love God my friend...Peace!