I have a question, Does God forget? Chapter 8 of Genesis starts with " And God remembered Noah, chapter 9:15 out lines why God set up the bow so to remind him of his covenant.
If you have noticed, God has done that throughout the history of the bible. I believe he does it so they know not to mess up the same way again so he curses their children and their childrens children.
Because Scriptures teach that his children were in his loins at that time, so his sin affected them, yet there is also hope of redemption in the curse, as God changes the curse to a blessing. Jesus said the servant of them all is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. So in light of that, it is no longer a curse! Good news, glad tidings to you my friend.
stanjett...Hello...God's creation is all created with rules built-in. You can see this with mathematics and science...this also translates into the spirit realm. God put rules of cause and effect into motion. Everything in the spirit realm is run by legal grounds according to the rules or laws So if I, willingly engage in witchcraft-then the penalty is that it WILL affect my bloodline.
Stanjett, good questions. Here is an in-depth look at what occurred between Ham and Noah and why Canaan was cursed: Andrew Unabated podcast, "Ham's Sin Cursed Canaan".
In the Old Testament, God did punish the children for the sins of their fathers. It became a proverb that the elders wrote in the Talmud. However, in Jeremiah 31:29 God changes that practice and says, "In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge." God begins to visit the sins of the individual upon the one who committed them
And he said, Cursed be Canaan a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. Why did God curse Canaan who was not born yet. Ham did the wrong. God curses some people to the 3rd and 4th Gen. Why don't he punish the one that did the wrong? My Father or Grandfather did wrong and I have to be punished?
To read this chapter is to change the world as we know it. There should be prejudice because we have come from the same family, which was Noah and his sons. The only differences are: Male - Female and Good - Evil. So which are you and which do you choose?
The same God who gave Adam and Even herbs for food Genesis1,29 has now given them animals for food Genesis 9,3 ... I believe that now that Jesus has come, we are led by the Spirit of liberty, eating meat or vegetables is a matter of preference. Only, let everything be taken with thanksgiving, not to become a stumbling block for weak brothers 1 Corinthians 8:9 .
Genesis 1:28 Replenish means to refill..... Genesis 9:1 ... similar Noah was told to replenish after the flood...there was already something before, but got wiped out by the flood, hence refill....not just fill.
Hi Stan, this is just an idea, but meat was often used for sacrifices to the Lord- maybe the pleasing aroma was dedicated to Him during that time period. The flood occurred and wiped out all the wicked people then told Noah in Genesis 9:3 he can eat meat- maybe a privilege and a new way of starting over.
I see so many comments about ethicantisity here, God created all in his image it's not about skin color, or where your from, it's about receiving Christ as your savior and walking in his steps, not of your own, and one other thing to have Christ there is no blaming on anyone, Christians we all have one goal, and that's serving God and spreading the word, we know know one is greater then the other
Deacon: Fire and brimstone. Like Sodom, the end of this earth will end with fire and brimstone. Sounds to me as nucular war may end this earth. But new heavens and a new earth will be made after this one is gone and nothing evil will be allowed there.
Also another noteworthy point is that the families of Caanan never pushed down into present day Africa nor taken into captivity as many like to claim for the slavery justification in the Americas. The curse of Caanan was nailed to the cross along with the other sins of mankind. Those of the families Caanan have the right to the tree of life in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Such as the curses upon only Caanan which we see partial fulfilment when the Israelites subdued the families of Caanan. I believe in later verses of scripture attest to the Jebusites residing in Just a under tribite during King Solomon's reign. The 2nd fulfilment is ongoing now with the subjugation of the Middle East to Western Eastern powers.
Christ has Redeemed Us from The Curse of The Law(Galatians3:13)But Sin-Satan are Still here. He Will Use One Against The Other(Hair Color,Length, Style.People:Tall, Short,Fat,Thin. The South, North,East,West.Sport Teams.Unexhaustible Ammunition to put One Against the Other. Some Do Have a Harder Path. Keep Poking Someone You Will Get a Reaction. Only with Christ Can We Treat Others Right
I have often heard this version that blacks are descendants of Ham , slaves have always existed in history and all races ,some use this as an excuse to justify brutality to ones fellow human being,it's not an excuse and the coming of Jesus Christ has wiped away all these curses .Every man shall be judged by his deeds on earth
Animals were originally grass eating, even lions and bears. But after the flood, God allowed man to eat animals (see Genesis 9:3). 1 Tim. 4:3 says, "Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." During the Millenium, animals will eat grass again (see Isaiah 65:25).
Irene 123..servant means son, Caanan was given to his uncle's to raise and not punished. I don't know what Ham did either and the lesson is missed if there is one but the Holy Spirit does edify. Maybe Ham looked in unnatural lust or made dishonorable remarks. It reminds me of Cane and Abel, took a minute to get that too.
Bruce, it wasn't only Noah, almost all the pre-flood men lived very long. Adam was made to live forever, sin changed that, but, it took generations, for sin to wear down on our lives, and shorten them, not because God hates us, but, because sin itself is the root cause of sorrows, and death. Only one man was ever immune to death, and He gave His life away, so that we might live as God had planned.
Bruce; God has power to give life and to take it away: no man lives any amount of time by his own will by his supposed good health or any natural means; but by the word of God! When God wants one to live nine hundred plus years; what is that a problem? "Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? FOLLOW THOU ME!" John 21:22 Whether our years are short or long!
I see a lot of confusion on here about what happened with Ham. He is cursed for fornication, it is a sin to see your parents naked according to Leviticus 18:7. He is not cursed for incest, that is heresy. What would covering the mother do to fix the problem? Also, if that were the case, she would be in the midst of sin as well.