Discuss Genesis 8 Page 7

  • Deborah Bryant on Genesis 8 - 10 years ago
    Having faith in God is a great thing because through him all things are possible I think God was please to find out that Noah choose God as top priority over everything for he did not choose to build his home first but he choose to make a place of worship for God I understand that God place in my life is first foremost than any one or anything I like his promise that he will not destroy earth again by water
  • Mary Simon on Genesis 8 - 11 years ago
    It is interesting what the of Noah at that time and howNoah and his family survived in the Ark
  • James Mbuthia on Genesis 8:11 - 11 years ago
    The dove as a sign of the Holy Spirit gives us the assurance of our day to day living Its through it direction that we understand the abation of the conseqences in life
  • James Mbuthia on Genesis 8:4 - 11 years ago
    And the ark in accordance to the perfectness of the Lord and His direction rested on the mountains of Ararat This shows that God being the coordinator of the Ark knew the standing position of the Ark of which noah hand no idea
  • Gj hyatt on Genesis 8:7 - 11 years ago
    this didnt catch my eyes until i started to read my Bile through again dont know why i didnt see this the first time around as i start to read the 2 time around i see things things i really missed the first time so if any one has some good answer on this would like to know maybe it does have something to do about future events for us all i know know it makes u want to now more about all the Bible
  • Gloria Gertrude on Genesis 8 - 11 years ago
    I Know dat God will save those dat trusted in him in time like this. He would never allow water to eat us up. Praise thy Lord for he is good
  • Kams on Genesis 8:22 - 11 years ago
    God Almighty has put things in place on Earth for us.He desires worship and if we,His choice creation, fail to do so, nature itself, will not cease to glorify Him.Noah's worship ascended to Heaven and it was pleasant to the Father; so to our life ought to be a living sacrifice burning and permeating the heavens as a sweet smelling savor unto God.
  • Karen on Genesis 8:4 - 11 years ago
    Just where are the mountains of Ararat or Armenia located?
  • Debba Murphy on Genesis 8 - 11 years ago
    What we need to know is that the bloodlineof the serpent son cain had father nothing but children as himself evil thoughts. Ad far as the animal they were given as sacrifice unto God and if he no longer wanted to recieve those offendshe had all the piwer to destroy the man with the beast as he did. Thank God for Jesus.
  • Alicia on Genesis 8 - 11 years ago
    To Oracle's comment:
    For alll have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. ( Romans 3:23) God had a purpose for His creation. It was perfect. Mankind was tempted by Satan, manifested in the form of a serpent. We knew the will of God, but chose to disobey it and thus sinned. We were no longer perfect as God is perfect. One flaw causes something to be imperfect. That imperfection doesn't go away, but worsens( Genesis 8:21). That is why we needed a Savior who was man yet perfect. God sent His Son, Jesus to die for our sins so that if we place our sins on Him, He will forgive us. Acknowledge sinful condition, humble yourself, repent, and ask forgiveness through Jesus Christ and you will receive everlasting life with Him in Heaven.
  • Enegesst on Genesis 8:22 - 11 years ago
    This is the mystery of Godliness, God made a convenant with man here, from henceforth I will nomore punish all men for the sin of one man, rather every man shall answer for himself only.
  • Pastor robertson amire on Genesis 8:22 - 11 years ago
    This is thrilling glory of God in manifestation
  • Cheryl on Genesis 8:22 - 11 years ago
    Everything produces after its own kind : wether good or bad : Cannot change the weather ,4 seasons will always be : cannot change what God has ordained :always will be day & night.In Heaven Jesus Light no night !!!!
  • Michael Heard on Genesis 8 - 11 years ago
    My peak of interest was the geological location in which the ark came to rest. The mountains of Aratrat of Turkey.
  • Yvonne on Genesis 7 - 11 years ago
    Noah lived approximately 50 years after the Flood.

    Noah was 600 years old when the Flood started. ( Genesis 7:6)
    "And the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights." ( Genesis 7:12)
    Flooding lasted over 300 days ( Genesis 8:13 and using prior verses to establish timeline.)
    Noah lived to be 950 years old. ( Genesis 9:29)
    (600 years + 300 years = 900 years. 900 years + N years = 950 years. N = 50 years.
  • Jeff on Genesis 8 - 11 years ago
    noah was really faithful when people
    were making fun of him.
    jesus is mighty strong to send rain
    down so hard so fast.
  • Oracle on Genesis 8 - 11 years ago
    I refuse to believe that every single human God killed was evil. And what the heck did the animals do to deserve death?
  • __Rosalina_Sayson_Ko_Tapay__ on Genesis 8 - 11 years ago
    RAVEN eats CARCASSES, while DOVE eats SEEDS. That was the reason why the RAVEN went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. Because there were CARCASSES of both humans and animals to which RAVEN was having feast at that time. While the dove being a SEED eater, couldn't found her rest yet outside the ark on her first trip because there were no trees that could be found to where she could lay her feet and no seeds were on the ground as her food. On the second trip, the dove found a tree outside the ark so she went back with it's leaf to the ark because although there were trees and yet there were no seeds yet for her to eat. He never came back to the ark on her third trip because at last by then she had found seeds on the ground to which she could feed herself. That's my analysis.
  • David on Genesis 8:7 - 11 years ago
    It seems as if there is a certain meaning behind Noah's sending forth of a raven before sending the dove. I mean it never says that the raven returned. And did it fly until the waters were dried up enough to land somewhere. No, it just says it flies until the water is dried up. And why wouldn't it eventually bring some kind of evidence back, as did the dove, of their being able to get off the ark?
    Is there a principle God wants to convey to us using the raven and the dove?
    Is this a foreshadowing of a future event?
  • Rev. prince t. aggo on Genesis 8 - 11 years ago
    Genesis 8:22 God is faithful to His word, hence we see that seasons, seedtimes, harvests, etc, have not failled mankind despite scientists predictions to the contrary. Hence I hereby encourage all Christians to trust God and His word to serve Him, give to His work, widows, men of God, poor and needy, orphans, etc, who shall reward us unfailingly to the glory and praises of His name.
  • Rita on Genesis 8:21 - 11 years ago
    God heartbroken and discussed held his creation accountable for his acts. He did not change his plan b/c he did not kill us he gave us another chance.
  • Mirembe Caroline Sarah on Genesis 8 - 11 years ago
    God is really faithful to the righteous. In Noah's life: He, and his family were the only ones spared. His family survived because of Him. We too, in the same way should stand out, both for ourselves and our future generation.
  • EKUNIE LAURETTA on Joshua 5:12 - 11 years ago
    Manna as food was only to sustain the Israelites. Because they could neither plant nor reap, due to the fact that they were on the move. But I want to believe that when they ate the produce of the Land of Canaan, God Almighty reintroduced his original principle Genesis 8:22, �As long as the earth remaineth seed time and harvest shall never cease.� They can now plant and reap; so God withheld Manna. Our God is the God of Principle.
  • R. D. Mattock on 1 Corinthians 16 - 12 years ago
    1 Corinthians 16:1, 2, coming to Poverty or prosperity, and your choice, Far too long the Devil has told us this lie: �some people are destined to be poor, and some people are destined to be rich, and there�s nothing you can do about it�. It is a lie because Acts 10:34 says �God is not respecter of persons�. And 3 John 2 says �God�s desire is that you prosper�. Deuteronomy 8:18 says �God has given you the power to get wealth�. God would not give you the power to get wealth if He did not intend you to use that power and become wealthy. Your current financial condition is determined by your past obedience in giving. Your future financial conditions will be determined by your obedience today. Genesis 8:22 says �Seedtime and harvest as long as the earth remained�. Don�t eat the seed. If you eat a seed in an apple, the seed taste bad. God is teaching us not to eat the seed but to plant it. Saints Quit tipping God.
  • Ray on Genesis 8:8 - 12 years ago
    It looks like Noah couldn't rely on the raven for surveying the land.
  • David L. Pahlka on Genesis 8:22 - 12 years ago
    Global warming, nuclear war, massive infectious diseases, yet mankind has survived and conquered many of them. This proves God's promise to Noah is valid. Man needs both science and faith. We need like believers of all faiths to spread this truth to give ourselves and our descendants hope.
  • David L. Pahlka on Genesis 8:21 - 12 years ago
    Wesley and myself agree almost totally, despite our investigations were done independently. Especially after the 2000 and 2012 scares of another great mass destruction. The only thing I have to add is that mankind was specifically created to prevent another titanic asteroid or massive comet destruction. Not for our sakes but for all of God's creatures it has taken God so long to evolve. No scientist can explain why mankind evolved so quickly from apes unless it was divinely done. Of all the flood stories, Babylonian or Greek, only the Hebrew contains God's promise which is why Israel survived to bring God's promise to Noah. The Hebrews have survived against all odds throughout human history for a reason.
  • Peter on Genesis 8 - 12 years ago
    Nerak, I don't think they ate meatloaf, because they wouldn't want to kill one of the cattle. They might have had pizza, but without sausage or pepperoni.
  • Lori on Genesis 8 - 12 years ago
    The fact is that the earth is warming up-the manmade heating comes from chemtrails-God does not like that and the earth will be destroyed Revelation 21:1 \"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea\" On the Ark many say that the people as well as the animals were in a state of hibernation.
  • Evy on Genesis 8:20 - 12 years ago
    I think it�s an expression of thanking God who had preserved him and his household from the floods of which it shows that as Christians, we must practice to give offerings of thanking God whenever he takes us out of trouble.

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