The 'fountains of the deep'; the 'windows of heaven'; It's just common sense; everyone knows the earth has water 'tables' under it's surface and the windows is simply a euphemism for the skies opening up and pouring rain. The water coming to the surface before the flood is what watered the Garden of Eden and the earth, before the flood. God can do ANYTHING; that's what faith is : believing.
Giving God Glory for His everlasting love; seed time and harvest- as long as the earth remains we don't even have to worry about eating, feeding or being a blessing to others because He said Be fruitful and multiply. When we worry we don't trust God! He has given us everything! Lets be thankful for His goodness and mercy.
Earth will NOT always be here. We 1 of God's most complex CREATIONS have been desecrating HER 4 2 long. Father is crying out 2 us and most ppl don't care 2 Listen. We are on the most beautiful and precious of GOD'S creations and we have destroyed her core. Our only hope of fixing Our homes problems is by opening out EARS EYES 2 FATHERS signs.. Sent c luv. Mjrb
It is clear from these passages that the descendants of Cain were destroyed from the face of the earth. After the earth was replenished with people they were scattered at the tower of Babel, and became many races of people. Out of one of the twelve tribes of the Jewish race Jesus descends. Jesus was definitely a Jew. The Jews crucified him, because he proclaimed himself to be their King; Messiah.
According to Warren Wiersbe Bible Commentary, One year and ten days later God open the door and invited Noah and his family to come out to live on freshly cleansed earth. ( Genesis 8:16)
God's thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways.
verse 20
After Noah came out of the ark, the first thing he did was to express his gratitude to God. He built an altar and sacrifice a burnt offering onto God. Noah didn't worry himself by asking God questions, how are we going to start our lives in this new place, where do we get fresh water to drink, etc. Noah was thankful for his salvation. We must show appreciation to God for all His goodness.
God made everything new he sent his son Jesus to destroy the works of the defeated devil and to give us life in abundance but only thru his blood we are redeemed and pardoned from our sins, curse, pain, sickness and worries. we are now saved by God's grace. He is faithful to his promises that he will never leave us or forsake us. Lets give thanks to the blood in Jesus and praise and worship him
Arnor b, read gen. chapters 2 and 3 for the answers of cursed ground and living off the land by hard work. Noah was told by the Lord to take into the ark all food for everyone including animals.
what a wonderful verse for us on October 1st - Nigeria's National Independence day. The storm is over and we can not only see the mountain top, we are getting there in Jesus Name.
Then what is the purpose of unclean animals? It doesn't mention so far, not to eat them.. But rather that it's meat. As in Genesis 30-31.Everything was Very Good and given for meat.
Verse 22 means that there was a time when there was no seedtime and harvest, no seasons, its either cold or hot, and it 's either night or day in certain places- this was all because the ground was cursed verse 21 after the fall of Adam. Now, how could this happen in Earth? How could it be possible that there was no seasons, no day AND night, no season to plant harvest? I think its only possible, scientifically speaking, if the Earth was not tilted. Read articles and studies about if the Earth was not tilted and you 'll see that it gives a perfect description of how verse 22 can be possible. Now, on verse 8:1-2, it says that God made a wind pass the Earth then the water subsided. Now we must understand that there must be a way how God was able to do that for real. I can only come up with this explanation: how do we usually pour out water into a cup? By tilting the container. I believe that 's when God tilted the Earth. Now that the Earth was tilted, we experience day and night in one day, different seasons, and different weather. Praise God for His mercies to lift the curse He put on the ground. Otherwise, we would be living in terrible conditions all the day of our lives.
I perceive that God did that to replicate what happened in the garden of Eden ...the Raven would be Cain and the dove Abel just like before,the first been untrustworthy and the second been for God,Good and Evil let free on the earth
As long as the earth remains : God has put all things in order : I must adjust my life to live as He has put forth . Whatever I say or do : I will reap the harvest of it , wether good : or bad. Put a watch on my mouth.
GEN 8-18...If you go back to chapter 7 you can read that the pairs were not the only animals that Noah brought onto the ark. They were also sets of sevens male and female of clean animals, they couldn 't have ate all while in their stay on the ark so I 'm sure these were what was used for the offering. 10-4 GOD ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING, HE IS THE OMNIPITENT COMMANDER, PRAISE THE HOLY NAME OF YAHWEH, AND PRAISE YESHUA THE KING OF KINGS. AMEN!!
We must walk with faith and not by sight. Increase your faith to Jesus for He is the only good Shephered whom he is willing to lay down his life to us coz of his loves and mercy to us. Whaterver turbulence comes in our lives still Jesus is a Son of the Living God who is powerful and mighty for he is the only Savior to us. Nothing is impossible for our God. He never fail us and He always open his door for us to comfort us. Keep your faith coz God is God and we can never change him. He can only change us. Be blessed and keep rejoicing and praising God. Thank him for everything he have done into our lives. A good Shephered knows his own people, a good sheep follows the Shephered will hear his voice until rapture. Jesus loves you
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 8 - 10 years ago
I would like to add to my comment, the bases of our success truly relies on our faith in Jesus Christ. Yes, if we sow the right seeds Jesus will bless us, however in the end those who believe in Jesus Christ and follow through with Acts 2 38 our success relies on our foundation and belief in Jesus Christ. The walk is not easy sometimes, but Jesus Christ is always there to support and help us.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 8 - 10 years ago
This is my second time submitting this. I hope it comes out. Hello George Hartwell In addition to my 3 part response, which I hope will come out, in 2010 a group of explorers from Hong Kong and Turkey found Noah s Ark on Mount Ararat. YouTube has the story. The found according to radio analysis is 4,800 years old. However, whether or not it is proven to be true or not, my faith holds fast that what is printed is the true word of God. God had Moses write the first five books of the Bible, the Torah, or the Pentateuch.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 8 - 10 years ago
This is my second time submitting this. I hope it come out. Hello George Hartwell Part 1 of 3 I ask this question with respect. Are you a true Christian? On faith I believe God s word. Because I have followed Acts 2 38 because of God s mercy and grace shown unto me, I know that what I am in is real and the truth is God s word. John 17 17 Sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth . So I did not have to be there, I just believe in what I am reading, the understanding that I have, the lesson that I have learned under Holy Ghost filled men and women, the teaching that the Holy Ghost who was sent back in Jesus Christ name has given me, is real and factual.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 8 - 10 years ago
Hello George Hartwell I had a Part 1 of 3 that did not come out. I do not know if someone is screening what we say or not but I hope it comes out either today or tomorrow. If not I will submit it again.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 8 - 10 years ago
In addition to my other 4 comments, some scholars say that the Geologic Column is not complete. Some scholars say it is only based off of North Dakota information. Once again the Bible is the truth.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 8 - 10 years ago
Hello George Hartwell In addition to my 3 part response, which I hope will come out, in 2010 a group of explorers from Hong Kong and Turkey found Noah s Ark on Mount Ararat. YouTube has the story. The found according to radio analysis is 4,800 years old. However, whether or not it is proven to be true or not, my faith holds fast that what is printed is the true word of God. God had Moses write the first five books of the Bible, the Torah, or the Pentateuch.
God's thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways.
After Noah came out of the ark, the first thing he did was to express his gratitude to God. He built an altar and sacrifice a burnt offering onto God. Noah didn't worry himself by asking God questions, how are we going to start our lives in this new place, where do we get fresh water to drink, etc. Noah was thankful for his salvation. We must show appreciation to God for all His goodness.