Donna Cromb; You asked how I "came up with" 1656? Just add the number of years that Moses wrote. Adam 130 Seth 105 Enos 90 Cainan 70 Mahalaleel 65 Jared 162 Enoch 65 Methuselah 187 Lamech 182 Noah 500 = 1556 100 years building the Ark (the 600th year of Noah's life) = 1656 After the Creation was the Cataclysm. Adam died 46 years before the birth of Noah. Enoch Preached 687-987.
Someone asked, How do you get 1656 years? By adding up the years till each son mentioned was born; e.g. "Adam lived 130 tears and begat Seth..Seth lived 105 years and begat Enos.." (etc.) That's the number you have to keep adding not the length of their lives. Afterwards you can add in the years of their lives to see who was still alive and for how long. Shem lived for 35 years after Abraham died.
BSP "He gave the people surrounding Noah plenty of time to get onto the ark.." Oh how well we can identify with that; we have simply to add the years that ARE WRITTEN, to see just how long God gave them. It was 1656 after the Creation, that Noah and his family entered into the Ark. All those years and generations of having the Word of Christ coming, only in the end to abandon the Spirit of God!
Verse 16: God shut the door at a certain time. He gave the people surrounding Noah plenty of time to get onto the ark, but because they failed to do so they lost their lives.
Hi Cheryl; No, not a Publisher's addition! the clean beasts were to go by sevens into the ark. So, were the "two by two's" two pairs? that would make sense for the "seven's" and for the repopulating of the earth as well. With three stories, and as large a a Battleship, its amazing to think about the greatness of what Noah did! And in the 100 years it took to build the ark, still no one repented!
Cheryl: Of every clean Beast thou shall take to thee by sevens, the mail and his female: and of beast that are not clean by two,the male and his female. Of fowls also of the air by sevens,the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth Genesis 7:2-3. It has never been changed.
The Holy Bible used to say only two of each creature came to Noah to put on the ark,not seven. Publishers changes?Anyway, what do you think Noah went through to build the ark, in persecution for obeying God, since it had never rained on the Earth before the flood, according to the Holy Bible. The land was watered from beneath before that according to it. I doubt it was easy for his family. Courage
I was told it never rained before the flood waters is this the first sign of rain coming down instead of earth being waters by mist of the earth thur God
At least nobody here said the Locusts were helicoptors!
Clue: The five months are a literal 150 days.
Clue: It has nothing to do with the Ottoman Empire [nor anything found in history before the Days before the Flood].
Clue: Reference the 150 days of Genesis 7:24.
Clue: We are looking at something extremely ancient and extremely deadly from Noah's day that will be released at the End Time.
Those select few who walked with God found favour with God and did not die under the curse, even in Genesis. It is God's desire to have a deep relationship with us. We come into relationship with God and find favour with Him when we receive Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savour. There is therefore no death for those who are in Christ but eternal life. How awesome!!
You know, God didn't give us His Word to 'puzzle' through and try to figure out what it means - on our own. That's what His Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost, Acts 2:38) is for. We are to 'pray through' to receiving His guiding spirit to open up His Word to us. HE - wants to teach us His Holy Word; just like any teacher, high school, college, etc. They don't hand you a book and say - learn it yourself.
Well it had never rain before n the earth this is the first rain from the heavens could be why so many dident believe it was coming just like today they don't believe Jesus is coming Back to get the church first Tessalonians 4-16 says he is
Verse 11. The windows of heaven opened up. The flood in the time of Noah did not come from a very bad thunder storm as to what all of us know and understand today,no. These flood waters that God sent Noah came from the outer firmiment of our universe itself. Our universe in and of itself is set in water like unto a mothers womb. Even NASA knows this so it can be deemed a fact. Shalom yedda dim.
No the earth was not destroyed in Noah's flood the dove brought back an olive branch the first earth age was completely destroyed that's why in Genesis it was void it was not created that way but became that way because of Satan's fall
The commentary was awesome, and how God saw fit to prepare Noah, how Noah was obedient and how he stayed on course no matter how, it looked to others. Noah heeded to the call of God as we should. Notice how he stayed true to the course and the call. This is serious when you are consider by God to be a chosen savior, to warn people and to have God move on your behalf. Wow powerful.
as i read genesis i really got the full understanding as i compare the commentaries with the passage of genesis 7 yes being obedience to GOD is so amazing because all the things that going on today i rather be doing what i suppose to do for GOD than to be disobediences to HIM
Whom is truly holy. no not a one. but Noah had faith which led to obedience. He was saved and sealed wherefore Jesus imputed his righteousness to all who are saved. Now Noah was truly holy. When we do mortal sins that are witnessed, our advocate Jesus claims our righteousness to the father on our behalf as in a court of law.
Now a days we are all having computer minds . If any one asks about the clear explanation of Noah's ark , we don't have much knowledge about it .and how Noah put all the animals from very big to very smallest creatures into his ark?and how many rooms are there in that ark ?answer is only it is the God's knowledge . and God hate the sin ,So he wanted to destroy all the creation , except Nosh's ark and the flesh in it . and this 40 , and 12 , 3 and 6 are the very important numbers in the bible. and God saved Noah's family because for the future salvation of the humanity through Jesus Christ.
As it was with Noah and all during his time so shall it be with us in the current world,we should not take God's word lightly, awaken b4 its too late and we start knocking on the door of mercy after it was long shut
It 's not a coincidence Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights,it was Gods way to start afresh but rather than destroy,He filled Jesus with the Holy Spirit for the journey ahead..Principle is the Same
Some interesting comments about this chapter....I personally think God created everything good and pleasant for man and when man sinned, God added briars, etc. to make life and toil hard for man. God also removed the tree of life. Since that time man 's existence has had to cope with all those thorny parts of existence and I suspect disease is part of all that. However, God has also given us His Word, His Promises and His Son to help us maneuver ourselves through all this briar patch.....
Clue: The five months are a literal 150 days.
Clue: It has nothing to do with the Ottoman Empire [nor anything found in history before the Days before the Flood].
Clue: Reference the 150 days of Genesis 7:24.
Clue: We are looking at something extremely ancient and extremely deadly from Noah's day that will be released at the End Time.
I don't understand:
who are the sons of God and daughters of men in Genesis chapter 6 and what was consider unclean animals ? Ty