I accidently left off some information from my previous post. I believe that the sons of God were bad spirits that were being banished to earther after an accounting with God. These evil spirits then commandeered souls and spirits at birth of new-borns, thus giving spirits the physical attributes needed to procreate.
Interestingly, the first verse in Genesis 6 discusses an birth explosion: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
The second verse then mentions the sons of God. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. This seems to support the idea that evil spirits took on natural attributes.
Just because they are called sons of God does not make them good. Jesus, Son of God was good. Satan, also a son of God, was evil.
A final note. The sons of God mentioned in the OT are different from the sons of God in the NT. In the NT, we are the sons and children of God. We, natural men, have received the Holy Ghost. Romans 9:14 - For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Here, Paul is talking about us, as natural men. This notion is support later in Romans 8:16 - The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.
Who or what were the sons of God? Were they spirits or men?
Consider this key related verse, Job 2:1 - there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD. If they presented themselves to God, the sons of God had to be spirits. But they weren't good spirits. How do we know this? They were led by their leader, Satan, and were being called by God to account for themselves. Being evil, they were being banished from heaven and given the choice of remaining a spirit, like Satan, or assuming a natural body.
We know that the soul (and spirit) are given to man at birth. I propose that when the evil spirits were banished, they commandeered the spirits of new-borns. This gave the evil spirits, which didn't have physical bodies and therefore couldn't have sex, the physical attributes needed to marry and have children as noted in Genesis 6:4.
This would also explain Genesis 6:3 - And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh. "that he [the evil spirits] also is flesh." Implies that the evil spirits had become men. It would also explain the outburst of wickedness found later in Genesis 6. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. It was because (6.4) the children of the sons of God and daughters of men had become mighty men which ere of old, men of renown with natural bodies but evil spirits.
May the Holy Ghost lead us in knowledge. Peace to you and yours.
I've had it explained to me that it was finished when Noah finished it, "that GOD couldn't move until Noah finished it" that "GOD's timing isn't man's timing. He waits sometimes for completion of events not like world thinks". That significance is amazing to consider. Genesis 6:22,
Daniel 7:22, Galatians 4:22, Ecclesiastes 3:1-17, Daniel 7:25, Exodus 9:16-19, Hebrews 9:8-10, Psalms 105:17-19, Micah 5:2-4, seems to be significant even in future Luke 16:16,
The medbeds use your original DNA to heal. They do not alter your DNA. Also, if one chooses to take an mRNA vaccine, a medbed would not be able to change your DNA back to original DNA. The medbed would have to have access to your original DNA to change it back. So, if your first scan on a medbed was post vaccine, it would not have access to your original DNA.
So much conflicting information about covid vaccines. There is a reason big Tech is suppressing info that doesn't fit what they wish to be distributed on their sites. My approach is to be prayerful and chose what God has laid on your heart to do and then trust Him, whether you chose to vaccine or not. I chose to be vaccinated because of multiple health problems. I know that Jesus is my covering and will deliver me safe in the end, come what may. If I was young and healthy, I would not get vaccinated because of what statistics show about low risk to this group of people. I am not afraid. I feel at peace that I have followed the lead of God. Bless you for considering training for utilization of med beds. I have not heard anything about this. I will have to l look it up. Thank you.
The vaccines categorically do NOT alter your DNA nor are they made from DNA. They use mRNA, Messenger Ribonucleic Acid. MRNA basically instructs your cells to produce a piece of a foreign cell, in this case the spike protein that is part of the COVID19 virus. At that point your immune system does its job and destroys the proteins and the mRNA and retains a "memory" of the protein and the next time it encounters that protein your body can overcome it.
This process is something that happens in your body naturally every day.
There is no mention of DNA in the bible because the authors had no knowledge of it. Eating a piece of fruit does not alter your DNA just as eating a piece of meat or a cookie or a glass of wine does not. The "apple" mentioned in Genesis is just a literary device and a pretty weak one at that.
GENESIS speaks of altered DNA..hence the obvious covid vaccines...changes godly DNA. Grapevine news is that hospitals will be implementing Med Beds...which would extinguish the need of greedy doc, big pharma etc. These beds use DNA to fix what's wrong with you...like it had for the elite for 70 years now. I believe these med beds are just another way to change you DNA like the covid bioweapons...I need guidance because I signed up to train as a med bed operator and fear I'm just like the ones pushing the deadly vaccines.
Yes, the DNA still exists in our corporate gene pool. We just don't know how it got there after the flood if Noah and his sons were unmixed. Don't know if all wives were unmixed though.
We are building up today. Look at all of the sky scrapers (the word describes the tower of Babel) all over the world. But even more, we are going into space. I don't think God ever wanted us to do that. He said earth was made to be inhabited by man, but never space.
Agreed, animals cannot sin, but can be defiled and perhaps interbred with deleterious results.
Revisiting this portion of Scripture is indeed helpful for us to realize how devastating unbridled sin is on our world.
And it serves as graphic reminder of God's viewpoint on it and how thoroughly he judged the world. we are to remember that there is a judgment to come as well as a tribulation. Jesus said that this time will be far more severe than ever before in history, so, as you said, make use of the time we have to speak the gospel to others, pray for them, warn them, help them as best we can, that some may be saved!
Hi all, Jumping in late after travelling today. My meditation: There are lots of extra teeth and extra digits these days. Man built up before the flood and man built up again the tower of Babel and man is building up to giant status one last time. Sometime soon will be man's last day and mark. And yet there is a way of escape (Grace :)).
I fully agree with the 120 years between the command to Noah & the onset of the rain.
And I also believe that as sin corrupted mankind & his generations, so to were the animals subjected to corruption, yet not to sinful behaviour; not only leading to their death but also for their fierceness in many cases. Fortunately, animals still kill because of feeling threatened or for hunger - unlike some of us who kill them, calling it 'sport'. Indeed, one could even presume that the earthquakes, tsunamis, tidal waves, famines, & the like are all Earth's & its troposphere's responses to the general decay & corruption of civilization. And of course, these are painful, yet vivid reminders to all that there remains a greater judgement from the Creator of all flesh that is yet to come. But we press on unflinchingly & unperturbed, a lot like those in Noah's day. Yet, as did Noah, so must we continue to sound the warning coupling it with the Gospel of Grace.
Either way, these giant offspring were exceedingly wicked and powerful. It is likely they contributed greatly to the acceleration of wickedness on the then earth by the time of Noah. Perhaps this is when mankind began worshipping renowned men or predecessors, making images of them and temples for the idols to "abide".
I don't have any information on the time frame where this intermixing first occurred. Anyone out there with thoughts or info? How long did God hold back from deciding upon judgment? I believe after God told Noah to build the ark and announced the flood, He also said that the years of mankind would be 120 years. I think that speaks to the number of years between Calling Noah and the day the flood began, 120 years (not lifespan).
Some have commented why God destroyed the animals. The text says that ALL flesh had corrupted the ways God had intended for them. So, it seems the natural order of all breathing creatures was corrupted. It doesn't say how, though. God said that the world was filled with violence. It seems that anarchy was prevailing throughout the world. Perhaps governing systems had collapsed, and anarchy filled the void. It took mankind about 1600+ years to get to this point. Not really very long. God was grieved.
So glad God spared Noah and pairs of animals to replenish the earth. He was going to give the earth a new start instead of total destruction. He could have translated Noah and have been done with it. But the Lord had a plan that was too be accomplished no matter what mankind did. In the big scheme of things, the flood was a blessing to the world. The set number of humans had not all been born yet. The world was not filled to the capacity God had pre-determined. And, more importantly, the Redeemer had not come and rule and reign yet. There is an end to this world age. God knows when that will be. We can be assured that His plans will be accomplished because he is all-knowing and all-powerful.
To continue...I am not convinced that God really wants to look that far back in time to "discover" what really happened. He destroyed the pre-flood world for a perfect reason. If he really wanted us to know, He would have left some archeological written historical account or artifacts for us to examine and use to help us find out. I am not aware of any such reliable artifacts. If anyone knows of some, please let me know so I can research. In any case, the beings that were produced from these unions were killed in the flood, along with all of Cain's descendants, as far as we know. Some say that one or more of the wives of Noah's son may have had some Cainite blood to pass on after the flood, which explains the giants after the flood, if the passage refers to the non-angel scenario.
To consider the angelic/human sexual unions scenario, then these offspring would have been very different than rest of humanity. And so the description of them as giants and /or mighty men of renown. This theory usually states that the fallen angels were bound up in the abyss for future judgment. Hard to know if they were able to mate with humans, since they are bound and so haven't been involved in human history since the time of the flood or before. Therefore we do not know what they could or could not do in their fallen state. Certainly ALL fallen angels were not bound or else where would Satan get his sinful spiritual accomplices. I do feel that this theory is as plausible as the Sethite/Cainite theory. The text is just not explicit enough for me to really make a determination.
I do believe that the beings produced from the unions mentioned in the text were giants. It says that, and the giants mentioned after the flood in Scripture were described as one would normally consider giants with the physical anomalies of extreme height, extra digits on hands and feet, extreme strength, and extra rows of teeth. Hard to say which is true.
This chapter has so many ideas in it. Hard to know where to start. Having read most comments I will try to keep to the text as much as possible without going down too many "rabbit holes" knowing that many can be "snake holes" instead.
This chapter describes the deep and widespread wickedness of mankind in the times before the flood. God says that every intent of man's heart was wicked. Taking this saying literally, it would state that every person but Noah and Enoch in that time were wholly corrupted. I don't know if that was true of Lamech, Methuselah, Jared, Mahalalel, Cainan, Enosh, Seth or Adam between the time of Adam-Noah's 500th year. These persons are spoken of as preachers of righteousness or patriarchs. It say that Noah alone was a just man and perfect in his day. So what does it say about these other patriarchs who were alive during Noah's lifetime or say, 500 years before he was born? So what transpired to bring this state about in mankind?
Many say that Noah was a godly man and that he descended from these patriarchs who did not intermarry with Cain's progeny. I lean towards this view, but can't be definitive about it from the text.
In the comment section there is much discussion concerning the identification of the sons of god and daughters of men.
I was taught as a child that the sons of god where fallen angels and the daughters of men were just that. But I have also heard teaching that says they were the sons of the godly line of Seth and the daughters of men were the daughters of Cain's line. I really don't know as there seems to be some biblical support for both theories. Extra biblical sources elaborate on this subject, some being from a very long time ago in the early church or Book of Enoch, Book of Jasher, and Book of Jubilees. I have read many sections in these extra-biblical books. Like a lot of Judaic rabbinical writings, I take a cautious view of such literature because of the multitude of errors taught in such writings. See more.....
You're right there Alice. Judges chapters 6 through to 8 speak of Gideon & his exploits. When you see the name 'Jerubbaal', this also refers to Gideon, a name given to him because he tore down the altars of baal.
In Genesis 6:4 it talks about the giants, "in those days; and also, after that", We see in those days and also after that we have giants (Nephilim). We see when Israel went into the promised land God gave them a command Deuteronomy 20:16-18. The word giant is Nephilim, which is also in Numbers 13:33, giants after the flood.
The question this raises is, who are the Nephilim and how did they survive the flood? Were these more fallen angels that created more giants? If the Nephilim were indeed half-human/half-angelic then it may explain the many ancient religious views after Babel with demi-gods (half man half god), but we do not find it clearly in scripture.
Also, in the Old Testament, there is the Rephaim (or Rephaites), and the context describes them as giants. The name of these people means "terrible ones" also, refers to departed spirits whose dwelling place was the abyss.
Here are some scriptures that may help your study, Joshua 12:42 Samuel 21:16 Also read Joshua 13, 15, 17, 18, 2 Samuel 21 and 1 Chronicles 20.
We do find giants of considerable size. Is there any scripture that tells us where these giants came from? There were not just one or two, but there were many. The descriptions of these giants appear much larger than 8-9 feet tall, a small number of people today.
Many struggles with there being giants but all over the world history records similarities of myths of giants, were they real? Whatever the case, there is the biblical evidence, plus written accounts outside of the Bible, that giants did exist.
Are the Nephilim and Rephaim the offspring of angels and human women that became demons and evil spirits after the flood that we see in the Bible? In the Bible there are angels which kept not their first estate, but left their habitation and are locked in chains of darkness until judgment.
Study for your conscience may this help, God bless.
EPHESIANS 6 COMMENTARIES from This Website - In Reply on Genesis 6:2 - 3 years ago
Wesley's Notes for Ephesians 6:12
For our wrestling is not only, not chiefly, against flesh and blood - Weak men, or fleshly appetites. But against principalities, against powers - The mighty princes of all the infernal legions. And great is their power, and that likewise of those legions whom they command. Against the rulers of the world - Perhaps these principalities and powers remain mostly in the citadel of their kingdom of darkness. But there are other evil spirits who range abroad, to whom the provinces of the world are committed. Of the darkness - This is chiefly spiritual darkness. Of this age - Which prevails during the present state of things. Against wicked spirits - Who continually oppose faith, love, holiness, either by force or fraud; and labour to infuse unbelief, pride, idolatry malice, envy, anger, hatred. In heavenly places - Which were ONCE their abode, and which they still aspire to, as far as they are permitted.
People's Bible Notes for Eph. 6:12
For we wrestle. Fights then were a hand to hand grapple. Not against flesh and blood. While flesh and blood may seem to assail us, the real enemies are evil spiritual powers. Against principalities, against powers. These terms designate different rank of evil spirits. These were fallen angels (see Ro 8:38). The same terms are applied to the different ranks of holy angels in Eph 1:21. Against the rulers of the darkness of this world. Satan is described as the ruler of this world (Joh 12:31 14:30 16:11) and the god of this world ( 2Co 4:4). He uses for his dominion not only evil spirits, but wicked men, and his sway is darkness rather than light. Against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. "Spiritual [hosts] of wickedness" (Revised Version). It is likely that the meaning is the same as in Eph 2:2 The high places, the air, is a dwelling place and medium of these evil influences.
THEY HAVE TO BORROW A BODY, by a humans permission; at risk of losing their soul.
Job 1:6 - Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
Isaiah 14:12-15 - How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Ezekiel 28:14 - Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Ezekiel 28:15 - Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
Ezekiel 28:16 - By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Luke 10:18 - And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Revelation 12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
John 8:44 - Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Hebrews 2:14 - Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of DEATH, that is, the devil;
LEGALLY, because Jesus (2nd Adam) WON back the Authority FROM SATAN that First Adam lost in the Garden of Eden.
Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, was conceived becoming the SON OF MAN. All God, all HUMAN.
Satan and Demons are NOT HUMAN. They borrow bodies: dogs, frogs and witches who lend their bodies.
Hence, the geber ,.. ( giants ) the fallen angels, created a total mess ,. Trying to mess up Gods plan ,.. mixing a spiritual body with a flesh body,. I cannot even imagine the pain those women went threw giving birth ,..
Philip Christian Parks on Genesis 6:2 - 3 years ago
Of Gen. 6:2; "they (angels) took them (daughters) wives of all which they chose" =
Scriptures reveal angels may take on human form:
+ In Genesis 18:1-8, The LORD and two holy angels visited Abraham and Sarah in the form of "three men" in human bodies. During that visit, these angels conversed and ate with Abraham in the same manner as would human men.
+ Two of these angels in human form proceeded to visit Lot in Sodom ( Gen. 19). While there, the Sodomites mistook these angels as actual human men and attempted to physically sodomize them ( Gen. 19:5).
+ At least two angels appeared as "young men" ( Mk. 16:5) after LORD JESUS' Resurrection wearing "shining garments" (Lu. 24:4).
+ While the disciples strained to see the final glimpses of The LORD's Ascension into Heaven, "two men {? angels?} stood by them in white apparel", and promised CHRIST's Second Coming "in like manner as ye have seen HIM go into Heaven" (Ac. 1:10-11).
Because angels are immortal and not subject to death, they have no need to procreate lawfully through marriage as do humans (cp Mt. 22:30; Mk. 12:25).
Yet, these angels assumed human form and married, co-habitated, and bore children through human "daughters of men" (v.2).
Philip Christian Parks on Genesis 6:2 - 3 years ago
Of Gen. 6:2 =
Besides here, the Old Testament uses the expression "the sons of GOD" to identify supernatural angelic beings:
1st, Job 1:6-7 describes "sons of GOD" presenting "themselves before The LORD." Note that "Satan (the supreme demonic angelic principality) came also among them."
2nd, Job 38:7 records JEHOVAH asking Job
"[4] Where wast thou [7] When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of GOD shouted for joy?"
Here, both expressions, "morning stars" and "sons of GOD" identify supernatural angels reacting to GOD's wondrous Creative Power.
The Old Testament does not use this expression to refer to believing saints except for the possible exception of Hosea 1:10: "In the place where it was said unto them (Israel), Ye are not MY people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of The Living GOD." The LORD, through HIS prophet Hosea, prophetically promised Israel a restoration far into the future.
Moreover, the designation "men" translates from the Hebrew noun "adam" (Eng. transliteration; pronounced "aw-DAWM"). Scriptures record the term "adam" (aprox. 529 times) to refer to all mankind (generically), both male and female, as the highest created species of living creatures (e.g. Gen. 1:26): "GOD said, Let US make man (Heb. "adam") in OUR IMAGE, after OUR Likeness."
Therefore, these "daughters of men" are the human female offspring of human fathers and mothers. Certain demonic angels saw these "daughters" as physically attractive ("fair"). Their "fairness" spawned unholy desires within these wanton angels who looked upon them, and desired them as objects solely for fulfilling their lusts.
Philip Christian Parks on Genesis 6:2 - 3 years ago
The theory that the "sons of GOD" are the GODly sons of Seth's lineage while the "daughters of men" are the GOD rejecting daughters of Cain's descendants proves baseless and erroneous.
Consider the following points of argument:
> Seth's male descendants were not all inherently righteous by default, simply because Seth was their forefather.
> From the silence of Scriptures, Bible students cannot assume all of Cain's descendants were evil and rebellious.
> A marriage between the descendant males of Seth and the female descendants of Cain would not automatically guarantee an offspring of giants. If this were true, all "unequally yoked" ( 2Cor. 6:14) parents, if one is an unbeliever while the other is a believer, would produce grotesque hybrid giants.
> If Seth's male offspring were inherently righteous enough to deserve the title "sons of GOD", then this demands answers to many questions:
? Why is Noah solely and singularly described as "a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with GOD" ( Gen. 6:9; cp. 7:1)?
? Why weren't any others of Seth in the Ark besides Noah, a descendant of Seth? Must we assume Noah was Seth's only and final righteous offspring?
? Did their marrying an unbeliever forfeit GOD's Mercy and abandon them to die with the rest of the wicked as The LORD de-creed ( Gen. 6:7)? The LORD would not do so according to HIS Promises to Abraham concerning Lot's safety in Sodom. Six times The LORD promised Abraham, "I will spare all the place for their (the righteous) sakes" (see Gen. 18:26-32).
This theory implies that if Seth's male descendants were truly "sons of GOD", then they all, without exception, had to sin so grievously as to lose this title. So much for the Doctrine of Eternal Security.
> Bible students commit hermeneutical malpractice to assume the "daughters of men (Heb. "adam")" was restricted to the female descendants of Cain. Such interpretation comes from prejudice and bias which The LORD prohibits (cp. Lev. 19:15).
Hello Lily. If we say that the Holy Spirit is a person, some people might think that we believe in two gods. So that word (person) can often be unsuitable or confusing to some.
It's best to understand the Holy Spirit (& Jesus) as living parts or emanations from the One God. Just as Jesus, before His incarnation (i.e. coming to Earth in human form) was the Word of God ( John 1:1-14), so to the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God sent out to accomplish God's Will. Neither the Word of God (Jesus) nor the Holy Spirit are ever independent of God - all are equally One & eternally One - God wouldn't be Who He is without the Word & the Holy Spirit.
But when we read in the Bible of the Holy Spirit's Attributes & Work, we are actually seeing God manifesting Himself in the out-working of His Spirit. If you look up the following Scriptures, you can see God the Spirit manifested in a few ways:
a. He is intelligent ( 1 Corinthians 2:10,11)
b. He has feelings ( Ephesians 4:30)
c. He has a will ( 1 Corinthians 12:11)
d. He teaches ( John 14:26)
e. He guides ( John 16:13; Romans 8:14)
f. He commissions ( Acts 13:4)
g. He commands ( Acts 8:29)
h. He contends ( Genesis 6:3)
i. He intercedes ( Romans 8:26)
So, the Holy Spirit is not simply a force or a power of God, as some want to believe. He is God Himself because He goes about His Work as God desires (i.e. as if God was on Earth doing it). Nothing the Spirit does is contrary or independent of God, just as Jesus on Earth, perfectly fulfilled God's Will through His Words, His Life, His Work, & His Death (you can read Jesus' wonderful prayer to His Father in this respect). I hope that has been a little helpful. May the Spirit (the Living God) help you as you meditate on these things from the Word.
Interestingly, the first verse in Genesis 6 discusses an birth explosion: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
The second verse then mentions the sons of God. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. This seems to support the idea that evil spirits took on natural attributes.
Just because they are called sons of God does not make them good. Jesus, Son of God was good. Satan, also a son of God, was evil.
A final note. The sons of God mentioned in the OT are different from the sons of God in the NT. In the NT, we are the sons and children of God. We, natural men, have received the Holy Ghost. Romans 9:14 - For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Here, Paul is talking about us, as natural men. This notion is support later in Romans 8:16 - The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.
Consider this key related verse, Job 2:1 - there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD. If they presented themselves to God, the sons of God had to be spirits. But they weren't good spirits. How do we know this? They were led by their leader, Satan, and were being called by God to account for themselves. Being evil, they were being banished from heaven and given the choice of remaining a spirit, like Satan, or assuming a natural body.
We know that the soul (and spirit) are given to man at birth. I propose that when the evil spirits were banished, they commandeered the spirits of new-borns. This gave the evil spirits, which didn't have physical bodies and therefore couldn't have sex, the physical attributes needed to marry and have children as noted in Genesis 6:4.
This would also explain Genesis 6:3 - And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh. "that he [the evil spirits] also is flesh." Implies that the evil spirits had become men. It would also explain the outburst of wickedness found later in Genesis 6. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. It was because (6.4) the children of the sons of God and daughters of men had become mighty men which ere of old, men of renown with natural bodies but evil spirits.
May the Holy Ghost lead us in knowledge. Peace to you and yours.
Daniel 7:22, Galatians 4:22, Ecclesiastes 3:1-17, Daniel 7:25, Exodus 9:16-19, Hebrews 9:8-10, Psalms 105:17-19, Micah 5:2-4, seems to be significant even in future Luke 16:16,
Hope that's helpful
This process is something that happens in your body naturally every day.
There is no mention of DNA in the bible because the authors had no knowledge of it. Eating a piece of fruit does not alter your DNA just as eating a piece of meat or a cookie or a glass of wine does not. The "apple" mentioned in Genesis is just a literary device and a pretty weak one at that.
John 8:31, Matthew 27:11, John 18:33, Revelation 7:5
We are building up today. Look at all of the sky scrapers (the word describes the tower of Babel) all over the world. But even more, we are going into space. I don't think God ever wanted us to do that. He said earth was made to be inhabited by man, but never space.
Agreed, animals cannot sin, but can be defiled and perhaps interbred with deleterious results.
Revisiting this portion of Scripture is indeed helpful for us to realize how devastating unbridled sin is on our world.
And it serves as graphic reminder of God's viewpoint on it and how thoroughly he judged the world. we are to remember that there is a judgment to come as well as a tribulation. Jesus said that this time will be far more severe than ever before in history, so, as you said, make use of the time we have to speak the gospel to others, pray for them, warn them, help them as best we can, that some may be saved!
And I also believe that as sin corrupted mankind & his generations, so to were the animals subjected to corruption, yet not to sinful behaviour; not only leading to their death but also for their fierceness in many cases. Fortunately, animals still kill because of feeling threatened or for hunger - unlike some of us who kill them, calling it 'sport'. Indeed, one could even presume that the earthquakes, tsunamis, tidal waves, famines, & the like are all Earth's & its troposphere's responses to the general decay & corruption of civilization. And of course, these are painful, yet vivid reminders to all that there remains a greater judgement from the Creator of all flesh that is yet to come. But we press on unflinchingly & unperturbed, a lot like those in Noah's day. Yet, as did Noah, so must we continue to sound the warning coupling it with the Gospel of Grace.
Either way, these giant offspring were exceedingly wicked and powerful. It is likely they contributed greatly to the acceleration of wickedness on the then earth by the time of Noah. Perhaps this is when mankind began worshipping renowned men or predecessors, making images of them and temples for the idols to "abide".
I don't have any information on the time frame where this intermixing first occurred. Anyone out there with thoughts or info? How long did God hold back from deciding upon judgment? I believe after God told Noah to build the ark and announced the flood, He also said that the years of mankind would be 120 years. I think that speaks to the number of years between Calling Noah and the day the flood began, 120 years (not lifespan).
Some have commented why God destroyed the animals. The text says that ALL flesh had corrupted the ways God had intended for them. So, it seems the natural order of all breathing creatures was corrupted. It doesn't say how, though. God said that the world was filled with violence. It seems that anarchy was prevailing throughout the world. Perhaps governing systems had collapsed, and anarchy filled the void. It took mankind about 1600+ years to get to this point. Not really very long. God was grieved.
So glad God spared Noah and pairs of animals to replenish the earth. He was going to give the earth a new start instead of total destruction. He could have translated Noah and have been done with it. But the Lord had a plan that was too be accomplished no matter what mankind did. In the big scheme of things, the flood was a blessing to the world. The set number of humans had not all been born yet. The world was not filled to the capacity God had pre-determined. And, more importantly, the Redeemer had not come and rule and reign yet. There is an end to this world age. God knows when that will be. We can be assured that His plans will be accomplished because he is all-knowing and all-powerful.
Noah obeyed God.
To consider the angelic/human sexual unions scenario, then these offspring would have been very different than rest of humanity. And so the description of them as giants and /or mighty men of renown. This theory usually states that the fallen angels were bound up in the abyss for future judgment. Hard to know if they were able to mate with humans, since they are bound and so haven't been involved in human history since the time of the flood or before. Therefore we do not know what they could or could not do in their fallen state. Certainly ALL fallen angels were not bound or else where would Satan get his sinful spiritual accomplices. I do feel that this theory is as plausible as the Sethite/Cainite theory. The text is just not explicit enough for me to really make a determination.
I do believe that the beings produced from the unions mentioned in the text were giants. It says that, and the giants mentioned after the flood in Scripture were described as one would normally consider giants with the physical anomalies of extreme height, extra digits on hands and feet, extreme strength, and extra rows of teeth. Hard to say which is true.
This chapter describes the deep and widespread wickedness of mankind in the times before the flood. God says that every intent of man's heart was wicked. Taking this saying literally, it would state that every person but Noah and Enoch in that time were wholly corrupted. I don't know if that was true of Lamech, Methuselah, Jared, Mahalalel, Cainan, Enosh, Seth or Adam between the time of Adam-Noah's 500th year. These persons are spoken of as preachers of righteousness or patriarchs. It say that Noah alone was a just man and perfect in his day. So what does it say about these other patriarchs who were alive during Noah's lifetime or say, 500 years before he was born? So what transpired to bring this state about in mankind?
Many say that Noah was a godly man and that he descended from these patriarchs who did not intermarry with Cain's progeny. I lean towards this view, but can't be definitive about it from the text.
In the comment section there is much discussion concerning the identification of the sons of god and daughters of men.
I was taught as a child that the sons of god where fallen angels and the daughters of men were just that. But I have also heard teaching that says they were the sons of the godly line of Seth and the daughters of men were the daughters of Cain's line. I really don't know as there seems to be some biblical support for both theories. Extra biblical sources elaborate on this subject, some being from a very long time ago in the early church or Book of Enoch, Book of Jasher, and Book of Jubilees. I have read many sections in these extra-biblical books. Like a lot of Judaic rabbinical writings, I take a cautious view of such literature because of the multitude of errors taught in such writings. See more.....
In Genesis 6:4 it talks about the giants, "in those days; and also, after that", We see in those days and also after that we have giants (Nephilim). We see when Israel went into the promised land God gave them a command Deuteronomy 20:16-18. The word giant is Nephilim, which is also in Numbers 13:33, giants after the flood.
The question this raises is, who are the Nephilim and how did they survive the flood? Were these more fallen angels that created more giants? If the Nephilim were indeed half-human/half-angelic then it may explain the many ancient religious views after Babel with demi-gods (half man half god), but we do not find it clearly in scripture.
Also, in the Old Testament, there is the Rephaim (or Rephaites), and the context describes them as giants. The name of these people means "terrible ones" also, refers to departed spirits whose dwelling place was the abyss.
Here are some scriptures that may help your study, Joshua 12:4 2 Samuel 21:16 Also read Joshua 13, 15, 17, 18, 2 Samuel 21 and 1 Chronicles 20.
We do find giants of considerable size. Is there any scripture that tells us where these giants came from? There were not just one or two, but there were many. The descriptions of these giants appear much larger than 8-9 feet tall, a small number of people today.
Numbers 13:33 Deuteronomy 2:19-21 Deuteronomy 20:17 Amos 2:9
Many struggles with there being giants but all over the world history records similarities of myths of giants, were they real? Whatever the case, there is the biblical evidence, plus written accounts outside of the Bible, that giants did exist.
Are the Nephilim and Rephaim the offspring of angels and human women that became demons and evil spirits after the flood that we see in the Bible? In the Bible there are angels which kept not their first estate, but left their habitation and are locked in chains of darkness until judgment.
Study for your conscience may this help, God bless.
God protected the lineage of Jesus all the way to Bethlehem.
By saying what you have alleged, you show yourself to be a heretic.
I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus, by Dominion and by the authority of Jesus Christ.
For our wrestling is not only, not chiefly, against flesh and blood - Weak men, or fleshly appetites. But against principalities, against powers - The mighty princes of all the infernal legions. And great is their power, and that likewise of those legions whom they command. Against the rulers of the world - Perhaps these principalities and powers remain mostly in the citadel of their kingdom of darkness. But there are other evil spirits who range abroad, to whom the provinces of the world are committed. Of the darkness - This is chiefly spiritual darkness. Of this age - Which prevails during the present state of things. Against wicked spirits - Who continually oppose faith, love, holiness, either by force or fraud; and labour to infuse unbelief, pride, idolatry malice, envy, anger, hatred. In heavenly places - Which were ONCE their abode, and which they still aspire to, as far as they are permitted.
People's Bible Notes for Eph. 6:12
For we wrestle. Fights then were a hand to hand grapple. Not against flesh and blood. While flesh and blood may seem to assail us, the real enemies are evil spiritual powers. Against principalities, against powers. These terms designate different rank of evil spirits. These were fallen angels (see Ro 8:38). The same terms are applied to the different ranks of holy angels in Eph 1:21. Against the rulers of the darkness of this world. Satan is described as the ruler of this world (Joh 12:31 14:30 16:11) and the god of this world ( 2Co 4:4). He uses for his dominion not only evil spirits, but wicked men, and his sway is darkness rather than light. Against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. "Spiritual [hosts] of wickedness" (Revised Version). It is likely that the meaning is the same as in Eph 2:2 The high places, the air, is a dwelling place and medium of these evil influences.
THEY HAVE TO BORROW A BODY, by a humans permission; at risk of losing their soul.
Isaiah 14:12-15 - How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Ezekiel 28:14 - Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Ezekiel 28:15 - Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
Ezekiel 28:16 - By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Luke 10:18 - And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Revelation 12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
John 8:44 - Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Hebrews 2:14 - Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of DEATH, that is, the devil;
LEGALLY, because Jesus (2nd Adam) WON back the Authority FROM SATAN that First Adam lost in the Garden of Eden.
Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, was conceived becoming the SON OF MAN. All God, all HUMAN.
Satan and Demons are NOT HUMAN. They borrow bodies: dogs, frogs and witches who lend their bodies.
Scriptures reveal angels may take on human form:
+ In Genesis 18:1-8, The LORD and two holy angels visited Abraham and Sarah in the form of "three men" in human bodies. During that visit, these angels conversed and ate with Abraham in the same manner as would human men.
+ Two of these angels in human form proceeded to visit Lot in Sodom ( Gen. 19). While there, the Sodomites mistook these angels as actual human men and attempted to physically sodomize them ( Gen. 19:5).
+ At least two angels appeared as "young men" ( Mk. 16:5) after LORD JESUS' Resurrection wearing "shining garments" (Lu. 24:4).
+ While the disciples strained to see the final glimpses of The LORD's Ascension into Heaven, "two men {? angels?} stood by them in white apparel", and promised CHRIST's Second Coming "in like manner as ye have seen HIM go into Heaven" (Ac. 1:10-11).
Because angels are immortal and not subject to death, they have no need to procreate lawfully through marriage as do humans (cp Mt. 22:30; Mk. 12:25).
Yet, these angels assumed human form and married, co-habitated, and bore children through human "daughters of men" (v.2).
Besides here, the Old Testament uses the expression "the sons of GOD" to identify supernatural angelic beings:
1st, Job 1:6-7 describes "sons of GOD" presenting "themselves before The LORD." Note that "Satan (the supreme demonic angelic principality) came also among them."
2nd, Job 38:7 records JEHOVAH asking Job
"[4] Where wast thou [7] When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of GOD shouted for joy?"
Here, both expressions, "morning stars" and "sons of GOD" identify supernatural angels reacting to GOD's wondrous Creative Power.
The Old Testament does not use this expression to refer to believing saints except for the possible exception of Hosea 1:10: "In the place where it was said unto them (Israel), Ye are not MY people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of The Living GOD." The LORD, through HIS prophet Hosea, prophetically promised Israel a restoration far into the future.
Moreover, the designation "men" translates from the Hebrew noun "adam" (Eng. transliteration; pronounced "aw-DAWM"). Scriptures record the term "adam" (aprox. 529 times) to refer to all mankind (generically), both male and female, as the highest created species of living creatures (e.g. Gen. 1:26): "GOD said, Let US make man (Heb. "adam") in OUR IMAGE, after OUR Likeness."
Therefore, these "daughters of men" are the human female offspring of human fathers and mothers. Certain demonic angels saw these "daughters" as physically attractive ("fair"). Their "fairness" spawned unholy desires within these wanton angels who looked upon them, and desired them as objects solely for fulfilling their lusts.
Consider the following points of argument:
> Seth's male descendants were not all inherently righteous by default, simply because Seth was their forefather.
> From the silence of Scriptures, Bible students cannot assume all of Cain's descendants were evil and rebellious.
> A marriage between the descendant males of Seth and the female descendants of Cain would not automatically guarantee an offspring of giants. If this were true, all "unequally yoked" ( 2Cor. 6:14) parents, if one is an unbeliever while the other is a believer, would produce grotesque hybrid giants.
> If Seth's male offspring were inherently righteous enough to deserve the title "sons of GOD", then this demands answers to many questions:
? Why is Noah solely and singularly described as "a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with GOD" ( Gen. 6:9; cp. 7:1)?
? Why weren't any others of Seth in the Ark besides Noah, a descendant of Seth? Must we assume Noah was Seth's only and final righteous offspring?
? Did their marrying an unbeliever forfeit GOD's Mercy and abandon them to die with the rest of the wicked as The LORD de-creed ( Gen. 6:7)? The LORD would not do so according to HIS Promises to Abraham concerning Lot's safety in Sodom. Six times The LORD promised Abraham, "I will spare all the place for their (the righteous) sakes" (see Gen. 18:26-32).
This theory implies that if Seth's male descendants were truly "sons of GOD", then they all, without exception, had to sin so grievously as to lose this title. So much for the Doctrine of Eternal Security.
> Bible students commit hermeneutical malpractice to assume the "daughters of men (Heb. "adam")" was restricted to the female descendants of Cain. Such interpretation comes from prejudice and bias which The LORD prohibits (cp. Lev. 19:15).
It's best to understand the Holy Spirit (& Jesus) as living parts or emanations from the One God. Just as Jesus, before His incarnation (i.e. coming to Earth in human form) was the Word of God ( John 1:1-14), so to the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God sent out to accomplish God's Will. Neither the Word of God (Jesus) nor the Holy Spirit are ever independent of God - all are equally One & eternally One - God wouldn't be Who He is without the Word & the Holy Spirit.
But when we read in the Bible of the Holy Spirit's Attributes & Work, we are actually seeing God manifesting Himself in the out-working of His Spirit. If you look up the following Scriptures, you can see God the Spirit manifested in a few ways:
a. He is intelligent ( 1 Corinthians 2:10,11)
b. He has feelings ( Ephesians 4:30)
c. He has a will ( 1 Corinthians 12:11)
d. He teaches ( John 14:26)
e. He guides ( John 16:13; Romans 8:14)
f. He commissions ( Acts 13:4)
g. He commands ( Acts 8:29)
h. He contends ( Genesis 6:3)
i. He intercedes ( Romans 8:26)
So, the Holy Spirit is not simply a force or a power of God, as some want to believe. He is God Himself because He goes about His Work as God desires (i.e. as if God was on Earth doing it). Nothing the Spirit does is contrary or independent of God, just as Jesus on Earth, perfectly fulfilled God's Will through His Words, His Life, His Work, & His Death (you can read Jesus' wonderful prayer to His Father in this respect). I hope that has been a little helpful. May the Spirit (the Living God) help you as you meditate on these things from the Word.