Discuss Genesis 6 Page 21

  • Derrick on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Genesis 12:7 You see one of the first alters built. This is what they set their offerings on and gathered around to pray. Don 't really think you have to be taught to pray, just do it the best you know how.
  • Remi oyelasa on Genesis 6:5 - 10 years ago
    PLS I want to ask in the old testament did any of the prophets teach their followers how to pray
  • Michael on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    It took me years over a decade to understand Genesis in a complete perspective....in the name of Jesus. Praise God for understanding. .and helping me seek wisdom
  • Sharon on Genesis 6:2 - 10 years ago
    The sons of God are from the bloodline of Seth.
  • John on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Hey Alvin. I can tell you what happened to the angels who fathered the hybrid race. God tells us that He locked them in unbreakable chains, in Tartarus - Tartarus is also called The Pit, and The Pit, is literally in the midst of the earth. The hybrid offspring are the Nephilim, and they almost took over the entire world. That is why God destroyed them with the flood. But, the scriptures tell us there were giants in the earth in those days days of Noah and also afterwards after when? after the flood. It is my belief that the small grey "aliens " are actually fallen angels, trying to create another race which could destroy humankind. The scriptures don 't tall us what happened to the women who were married to the angels. They probably had no choice, and therefore were not found guilty. The scriptures tell us these angels "took whoever they wanted " 2 Peter 2:4 4 "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment 5And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly 6And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example unto those that after should live ungodly " Hope this helps Alvin. John Von Bronzesnake
  • Sylvester mckinney, jr. on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Genesis 6 gives me the holy ghost, and another reason to keep on thanking God for saving a wretch like me. I just thank God for being a merciful God and not let my feebleness overcome what is right in his sight. I say thank you Jesus.
  • Alvin Kelly on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    I understand a lot of chapter 6. I want to know more about The Giants and what happened after they laid with the daughters and what happened with The men of God who laid with them. I know the flood came and took care of business. I 'm feeling like I 'm missing something really important and nobody has been able to help me???!
  • Alvin Kelly on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    I understand a lot of chapter 6. I want to know more about The Giants and what happened after they laid with the daughters and what happened with The men of God who laid with them. I know the flood came and took care of business. I 'm feeling like I 'm missing something really important and nobody has been able to help me???!
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Hello Sylvester mckinney, jr.: I am curious, how does Genesis 6 gives you the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost is not mentioned until in Isaiah 28: 11 Isaiah 33: 19 Joel 2: 28 and 29. Then it fell on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
  • Wayfarer on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Answer to Word 's comment 01 01 2015 10:46 pm The book of Genesis is about the creation, how the earth was formed and how life begun here, its not about rejuvenating, the earth we know now will be perished it will not rejuvenate, because we Christians are waiting for the new earth that comes from God Revelation 21:1 . And you have provided wrong bible verses to support your idea: Isaiah 45: 18 take note the word TO BE INHABITED, meaning no one yet living there when it was created, Proverbs 8:22-31 - it tells about the Wisdom of God its not about the sons of men, verse 31 its not the sons of men rejoicing here, the one rejoicing here is the Wisdom of God Jesus Christ . Job 38:7- it speak about the angels of God, not of the sons of men, please refer to Job 1:6 and Genesis 6:2,4. Rev 12- the stars here relates to Israel, it does not relate to all inhabitants of the earth. Jeremiah 4: 23 to 27 - it 's about the destruction of the land of Israel, its not about creation, please read from the beginning of chapter 4. What ever we do, the earth we know now is heading to destruction 2Peter 3:10, and will be replace with a new one from God Rev 21:1 , thanks be to God who given us hope.
  • Sylvester mckinney, jr. on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Genesis 6 gives me the holy ghost, and another reason to keep on thanking God for saving a wretch like me. I just thank God for being a merciful God and not let my feebleness overcome what is right in his sight. I say thank you Jesus.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Part 5 of 5: Think about this, God destroyed all the human life on this planet except 8 souls, Noah and his family. However, since then there has been countless of giants born into this world, for example Goliath. Was he begotten of angels? In our world today we have living very tall and strong men. Were they begotten by angels? In the end, I will believe in what the Bible states that angles do not marry and that fallen angels are held in hell in dark chains.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Part 4 of 5: According to what I have studied this root word is usually in reference to prayer. The word palal literally means to "fall down to the ground in the presence of one in authority pleading a cause ". This can be seen in Isaiah 45:14 where the Sabeans fall down and make supplication this is the Hebrew word palal to Cyrus. If you use this word, palal, in reference to the sons of God, then that would further say that these men at one time where at a high spiritual level. The point is that this scripture is not talking about angels having sex with daughters of men.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Part 3 of 5: Now some scholars say that this scripture is talking about angels. These angels produced Nephilim. I could not find the word Nephilim nowhere in the Bible. The word Nephilim derived from a Hebrew root word naphal or phal which usually means to fall. Then someone like Sitchin, decided that these were angels who fell or was cast down from heaven. His translation was incorrect. There is still an argument over where did they get the word Nephilim.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Part 2 of 5: The only one left out of these sons of God was Noah who found grace in the eyes of the LORD, Genesis 6: 8. Only Noah who was an upright religious man God chooses to save. He was a preacher during that time, 2 Peter 2: 5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly So they, these religious men, came into the daughters of men.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Hello Colvin Straker: The scripture in Genesis is not talking about fallen angels. Why would God call fallen angels his sons? Does he call Satan his son? He is a fallen angel. If I can say it like this, it was not until after Seth had Enoch that man began to call upon the name of the LORD. Let s think for a moment that these are religious men during that time that the scripture, Genesis 6: 2, is talking about men who called on the name of the Lord. Somewhere along the way they lost their way. They lusted after the flesh. They had strayed from the path of God later on during this course in time. In reality these were men that at one time were at a high spiritual level and fell from grace.
  • Colvin straker on Genesis 6:2 - 10 years ago
    I also think that the sons of God are angels.who took on human format and produce a giant race of hybrids.i also think that christ is not God because why would God punish the angels for having children by women and then he himself would have a child by a woman. Through Adams disobedience sin and death care into the world. Through Christ obedience sin and death was defeated. Sin was defeated when christ over came the wicked one when he was tempted 3 times and death when he died and came back to life to be what the scriptures call the new man
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Hello Jayson Duvan: God does give man a chance to repent, under each dispensation of the Bible. We are now living in the Dispensation of Grace. Under this dispensation man is given the opportunity to become saved by following Acts 2: 38. This is how Jesus Christ becomes your personal savior. A person must be born of water and spirit to enter and to see the kingdom of Heaven. There is no getting around this. Is a person has not the spirit of God he is none of his, Romans 8: 9 "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his ". This scripture did not say all Jews or all Gentiles or some people it stated "Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his ". This means any of mankind. The spirit is the Holy Ghost who is named Jesus Christ, John 14: 26.
  • Jayson Duvan on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    I think that God sendingbthe flood was of his mercy upon a dark, depraved and sinful humanity, and even before the flood God gave them 120 years to repent and turn to Him, and after the 120 years, once again, in His great mercy, gave another week, so you see, God didn 't really want to send a flood to destroy all sinful humanity, but since man rejected Him, what else can He do? And we see that right now, in our generation, how God wants us all to be saved, and so far, He 's given us more than 2000 years to repent He wants us all to be saved. Hell is meant for the devil and his angels, not for us, but since we keep putting Him off, what else can He do? God is still the God of Justice. And the flood did work, even though sin is still inherent to all mankind, didn 't He send His One and Only Son to die on the cross for you and me, so that we could have forgiveness? And he did through giving us His Son, being born of the line of David, who came from the line of Judah, who came from the line of Abraham, whom God chose, even before the beginning of time. By the way, if you don 't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, go to Billy Graham 's website and click on grow your faith, make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior. Thank you and God bless you and all the people around you :
  • Paul on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    only Noah and his family were righteous. Noah was described as a preacher of righteousness. All the earth was extra corrupt before God because the Giants had been Men of reknown in the earth. The giants were very evil and they thought men their evil ways. Genesis 6
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Part 3 of 3 As far as God being angry, why do you really think that the bow rainbow in the sky appears? God is reminding himself not to destroy mankind and the whole earth with water this time. If I can say it like this, God is telling mankind alright you all are really bad, but I will remember my covenant that I made with Noah and will not destroy you all and the whole Earth with water this time. I will place my rainbow in the clouds this will be my covenant between us, Genesis 9 8 thru 17. God can still tear up some things, but he will not destroy the whole earth with water this time. He will destroy it with fire. 2 Peter 3 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Part 1 of 3 Hello P Once Adam ate off the tree of knowledge of good and evil man s conscience was opened up. It did not just close when the flood came. Mankind still has their conscience. Even though we are not living under this Dispensation we are still responsible to do that which is good. The nature of mankind is its own worst enemy. This is why we truly need to follow Acts 2 38 so that the spirit of the Lord, which is the Holy Ghost can change us from the inside out. God has given mankind a way out, through Jesus Christ, death, burial, and resurrection. This is his mercy, grace, and love shown to us.
  • P on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    If I understand this correctly, God was really angry that man was wicked so he killed everyone except Noah and some of his family members, and a pair of the millions of animal species. Some questions I have weren 't there any other nice people in the world ? Why did he kill all of the animals, what did they ever do? Apparently, God wanted to "reset " the earth and man. It looks like it didn 't work, since after the flood we had slavery, world wars, etc... God must be really angry now.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Part 2 of 2 Then you have the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3 21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth? If I can say it like this, this scripture is stating that man 's spirit will go upward to God and that the beast spirit will go downward to the earth. The meaning of beast, according to Webster, is any animal as distinguished from a human being. Any large, four footed animal sometimes, specif., a domesticated animal.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Part 1 of 2 Hello Everyone I disagree with the Pope 's comment. Animals are not going to heaven. In addition to that animals have no souls. When Noah built the Ark and the animals, Noah, his wife, their three sons and their son s wives entered the Ark the scripture states that only 8 souls were saved. This scripture is significant because it denotes the fact that God recognized the humans with souls and the animals did not have souls. If animals had souls then God would have had it written that every soul in the Ark was saved instead it distinguishes that only 8 souls were saved. 1 Peter 3 20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Hello Justin Peoples We are closer to the end time than when we first believed, Romans 13 11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed . How long we have left unto the rapture take place, the tribulation, and Jesus Christ return to the Earth is still not known by anyone, however, it is close. Remember our time is not God s time so we must be ever vigilante, ever ready, and spreading the news to everyone to follow Acts 2 38 in order to be saved and miss the tribulation that is to come.
  • Justin peoples on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    It appears that the current world conditions are as the days of Noah.....just read the head lines of todays news.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Hello Ibrahim Leadley and Paul When you read the scripture Genesis 2 5 where it states that there was no man to till the ground, this is letting people know that there were no other people created before he created Adam to do anything on the Earth that he had created. After the flood there were only 8 souls to survive. Through this family the world was populated. God first told them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, Genesis 9 1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Then God had it written that through the sons of Noah the whole earth overspread, Genesis 9 19 These are the three sons of Noah and of them was the whole earth overspread . John 17 17 Sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth.
  • Ibrahim Leadley on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Genetics proves interbreeding with Neanderthals. 4 DNA content Why the big question about who bred with who? Obvious isn 't it? Adam and Eve may be the original H.sapiens, but they weren 't the first Humans to walk the Earth by a long way!
  • Ibrahim Leadley on Genesis 6 - 10 years ago
    Paul. That 'Bronze age nonsense ' has more going for it than the interpretation put on it on this web site by C.Robinson. There is a sequence of events described there that is borne out by geneticists, cosmologists and archaeologists.

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