In the new Testament, it says Noah was a preacher of righteousness. Who do you think he was preaching to? If his children were wicked, God wouldn't have preserved them. It is a requirement for all God's children to walk before Him uprightly, AND in so doing, share God and God's WORD with others. IE, Ezekiel's warning. Read 2 Peter 2:5 and Ezekiel 3:18 and 33:8
Gina is absolutely correct read your Bibles people for yourself. Genesis 6:1-4, book of Joshua ect. most churches are giving you a super watered down version of the truth. There are no aliens, its the Fallen Angels just like the Bible is telling us about, I have read the Bible cover to cover and the old testament was always hard for me to understand certain things,all I can say is read 1 Enoch
Servant of the most high God on Genesis 6 - 6 years ago
Job 1:6 and Job 2:1 c boyer read the bible cover to cover before you make yourself a stumbling block pray for the will of God in every area of your life and that God would reveal to you the true interpretation of The Holy Bible. In job its clear sons of God are angels presenting themselves before God and satan with them(so there fallen). Pray in The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ for ever Amen.
God saw that The Wickedness of Man was Great in The Earth and that Every Imagination of The Thoughts of His Heart was Only Evil Continually( Genesis 6:5). God Flooded The Earth because of Their Heart Corrupted Their Way and Violence. Genesis 6:11-13
End of previous comment was supposed to be: The LORD also destroyed (judgement)
against Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins against him. Just as he did with the flood
of Noah's day. As the judgment will come against our time and peoples if WE fail to
truly REPENT.
Responding to Eva's comment 11-05. SIN is the main reason for building the Ark." God saw that wickedness of man WAS great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart WAS only evil continually". Gen. 6:5. Where there is SIN, there is always judgement, unless there is TRUE REPENTANCE. Just as it was when the LORD destroyed Sodom
So fallen angels (sons of God) had sexual encounters with women and by product was GIANTS. The only preserved - genetically pure was line of Noah that is why only Noah was instructed before the FLOOD to build the Arc so that he and his family (8 souls in total) so that God's creation could be preserved. The flood was due to GIANTS mixing with Men seed which was against God's rules.
C Boyer, the sons of God referred in Genesis 6 are angels you can refer to Job 2vs1 and Job 38vs6-7. And 2 Peter 2vs4-5 clearly states that these angels are under confinement in hell, the first fallen angels of Lucifer are not under hell prison as they are demons which wonder and roam around the earth seeking to turn men away from God.
Alan, the answer is found in the NT. Heb. 11:7 states Building the ark condemned the world. 2 Peter 2:5 ….a preacher of righteous.... Hope this helps. A sister in Christ
God never called an angel (fallen or otherwise) His son, according to the apostle Paul in Hebrews. Jesus is the Son of God--not brother to fallen angels. Adam in the gospel geneology of Jesus is called "the son of God." Adam is not a fallen angel. John says "Beloved now we are the sons of God..." Seth's lineage (sons of God) intermarried with unbelievers and were wiped out in the flood.
I keep noticing a claim by Christians that Noah warned people of the Flood while he was building the Ark, and since nobody listened to him, they got swept away in the Flood. Sort of a reverse of the fable of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. But that's not actually what the text says happens, is it? Why is that teaching so widespread?
The Sons of God could not be the SETH line
Because they got wiped out in the flood! Only 8 survived?! Why didnt all the Sons of God survive?! They were a part of a Transhuman race called: Nephilim! So God wiped them out. Noah and his Sons and wives did not patticipate in this type of cohabitation thus Noah Found Grace in the eyes of the Lord! Its not difficult to understand: the Virgin Birth?!
Hello, Lorease. Thank you for the input. What I was trying to get at is this: "Sons of God" refers to the godly line of Seth. That line was now becoming polluted with Cain's descendants. There are no female angels mentioned in God's Word, true. When Jesus used both humans and angels He was referring to the resurrection. There will be no sex/procreation in Heaven.
Bro. Stephen in Matt 22:30 why would Jesus parallel angels and humans as He spoke on marriage? Why did God ordain marriage, to reproduce. Again many verses proves all angels are males. Isaiah 43:6 has nothing to do with Sons of God? When the verse clearly speaks of restoring the children of Israel. Sons of God vs sons and daughters major difference
Angels are sexless. Marriage in unknown among them ( Matthew 22.30) From the Scofield Bible: Verse two marks the breakdown of the the separation between the godly line of Seth and the ungodly line of Cain. Also, the title "sons of God" is not exclusive to angels: ( Isa. 43.6)
Cheryl, Sons of God (not Cain's seeds) are referencing angels that left their own habitation/heaven read Jude 1:6. Giants were birth due to angels mating w/women. There are many supporting scriptures angels are male gendered read Gen Chps 18
Cheryl: All through Scripture Angels are referred to in The Masculine Gender. The Angels that talk to Lot are Called Men.They are always Called by Masculine Names. -when they rise from the dead they neither Marry nor are given in Marriage but are as the Angels which are in Heaven: Mark 12:25 / Zechariah 5:9 Two Women have Wings like a Stork. Two Female Angels? Found nowhere else in Scripture.
How is it that we say that the daughters of man mated with the Angels when we are also taught the Angel's have no sex , are they taking about men having sex with woman without marrying her and then saying the made giant children none as the nephilim dosen't make sense ?
"To walk with God," to live in obedience to his commands, and have communion with him: Source: BibleHub. Even Greek states, doing the "WILL of GOD."
Folks, be careful not to be mislead here. people take chapters like this, and create so many theories and use it to get followers. For example, is this talking about fallen angels? We don't really know here. "Sons of God" could have simply been Seth's line (people doing God's Will), and the wicked Cain's line. Giants could be big tall people or even dino's, we really don't know. Just be careful
This chapter tells us about fallen angels copulating with human race and consequently their giant-like huge in size children. The reason why Noah was only preserved is stated in Genesis 6:9Noah was perfect in his generation no fallen angel seed IN HIM. That is why God flooded everything else because it was corrupted with devil's seed.
Feels good to know I am One ..with the Light ...sinners...Liars....two-faced double minded fools of disobedience..better wake up and smell da coffee....I ..Angel...or ...A ..saint if you see me as ..just a Man. The Dark times Are.beginning and the Mark of the Beast is Upon Us.. Genesis 6:6 has been altered ...Repented to sorries in new worldly translation s of the Word.worldisDooomed.
Interesting how the very substance contained in this Psalm's Title is played out in the multitude of contentious and fault-finding responses! "Shiggaion of David, which he sang unto the LORD, concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite." Shiggaion means, A departure from what is right, true, correct; a deviation from the normal or the typical; mental derangement or lapse. See Genesis 6:3
Dear BG; You wrote, "You can clearly see Abram's growing dependence upon God to throughout his life. He wasn't perfect but he was learning to trust the Lord more and more." While it is so popular to take up this kind of talk, and apologizing to the ungodly for the Saints; it does not describe Abram! Genesis 6:3 Excusing one's self for failure because of the weakness of the flesh is disobedience!
"..GOD saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart only evil continually.." We have been PRAYING our hearts out for all the evil cruelty and filthy perversion of the wicked to come out in the open, and that they be JUDGED with all the righteous fierceness they deserve! Now we understand better what means the intense heat of God's wrath!
"And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." They wink at each other, and have a nice little chuckle and congratulate themselves for distancing themselves from the Saints of Jesus. But God scorns them!
If some want to follow voices of strangers and have itching ears for ridiculous fables that serve absolutely nothing to the advancement of faith, love and virtue in Christ; LET THEM! For the rest of us who seek the Lord Jesus, the message of a hopelessly lost and degenerate world about to be utterly destroyed moves us to move with fear and build the only means of salvation from the doom to come.
"..the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, MY SPIRIT SHALL NOT ALWAYS STRIVE WITH MAN FOR THAT HE ALSO IS FLESH.." What do you hear the most from constantly the backslider who just can't quit sinning? Excusing their sins (which they secretly love) because their flesh is weak! This is the true doctrine.
In the new Testament, it says Noah was a preacher of righteousness. Who do you think he was preaching to? If his children were wicked, God wouldn't have preserved them. It is a requirement for all God's children to walk before Him uprightly, AND in so doing, share God and God's WORD with others. IE, Ezekiel's warning. Read 2 Peter 2:5 and Ezekiel 3:18 and 33:8
against Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins against him. Just as he did with the flood
of Noah's day. As the judgment will come against our time and peoples if WE fail to
truly REPENT.
2 Peter 2:5 ….a preacher of righteous.... Hope this helps. A sister in Christ
Because they got wiped out in the flood! Only 8 survived?! Why didnt all the Sons of God survive?! They were a part of a Transhuman race called: Nephilim! So God wiped them out. Noah and his Sons and wives did not patticipate in this type of cohabitation thus Noah Found Grace in the eyes of the Lord! Its not difficult to understand: the Virgin Birth?!
Angels are sexless. Marriage in unknown among them ( Matthew 22.30) From the Scofield Bible: Verse two marks the breakdown of the the separation between the godly line of Seth and the ungodly line of Cain. Also, the title "sons of God" is not exclusive to angels: ( Isa. 43.6)