God provided what Noah, family and animals needed while on the Ark. I believe God led all animals and creatures to the Ark, at which time God closed the door that no man could open.
GOD, my Holy Father, made me to see that ye know Christ is come in the flesh, and ye tremble. Yet, ye speak thine own fleshly wisdom, being dead in hell, for there is no truth in you. For ye blaspheme the Holy Ghost in every generation of this world that is hell: to be cast with death into the lake of fire. Being many, ye say ye speak the truth: so tell ye, Why doth GOD send his ONLY BEGOTTEN Son?
The Bible says he built an ark and that's what happened. There's even remains today of one of same dimensions, same age, on side of mountain in Turkey, even has a visitor center and website.
Gods Truth in His Words are Powerful - In Reply on Genesis 6 - 5 years ago
Linda, your Coments Andrews and Iam show limited understanding of Gods Truth. To Deny Jesus Devinity in The Godhead means you all believe in a god of Mans fleshy understanding Please ask for God's Wisdom and The Holy Ghost read One John and 2 and 3 these books confirm God's Truth too in the EndTimes when we have many deceived by FalseTeachers Prophets and some claiming to be Jesus as Prophesied.
The union of the daughters of men and the"sons of Cain" wouldn't have produced anomalous beings. They would have just been regular humans. Why would God wipe out all creatures on the earth including children? Why would He command to have certain tribes wiped off the earth, including babies and little children...because they weren't fully human! They were corrupted by the fallen ones!
Genesis tells us that Noah was "perfect in his generations." Meaning...there was no corruption in his bloodline. It's all about his DNA. The sons of God refer to humankind only after the resurrection of Christ, when we are given the opportunity to become "sons of God " through adoption when we receive Christ. As Chuck Missler stated "if God destroyed earth due to sin, we should allget lifejkts
If one cannot understand the beginning of the story how can one understand the ending? we believe that every person is a child of God. Now this story is about men took them wives of all that they CHOSE. I see several angles. Gay men marry men instead of women. Slave trafficking little children. Sexual Wicked things are being done to little children by their fathers at home. THINK!Understand
TOOK them wives does not mean married. You must Understand THEY TOOK THEM WIVES of ALL that they CHOSE. This is where learning begins. The same thing was happening in Noah's time. that is happening in our time--right now. What they were doing was WICKED read v. 5 again. The thoughts of the HEART not their minds were wicked continuously. Sex trafficking--human trafficking that's wicked thoughts.
ithink that marrying non believer is not good since God does not feel good as the sons of God saw the daughters of Man and they took themselves wives, and God said 'Iwill destroy man whom icreated'
Paul teaches us to use SOUND DOCTRINE. Preachers don't use SOUND DOCTRINE. They use questionable Doctrine and that is Why the Christian and the Atheist cannot come together. People believe Noah built a boat and gathered all the food to be eaten, for his family all the animals in the world. Ask yourself some questions? What does every animal eat? Where did Noah get the WATER for the animals?THINK
I could prove with FACTS to every person reading this Spiritual STORY of Noah's Ark that Noah did not build a Boat. This Preacher of Righteousness built a CHURCH. Why do Atheists believe there is No God? That answer is because every Preacher tries to get them to see a PHYSICAL IMAGE of a man in their heads instead of seeing an IMAGE of a Masculine Spirit that lives in the inside of everyone of us.
Yes the Spirit is Conduct the Way we act. The Way we act is the way we think, and feel about something which bring about the Way one acts or behaves. I am read a Spiritual Book which explains Spiritual Ways and behaviors. God is a masculine Spirit and that is why God is referred to as a "he" in this Book of Life called the Bible. The Bible says, "Let US make man in our image AFTER OUR LIKENESS.
Christ is now the one and only faithful witness in the earth. none speak the truth but the truth who is jesus christ. only christ, who is the truth, preaches the truth: taking no filthy lucre. only christ himself witnesses christ in the earth now. only christ preaches truth for he is the truth as witnessed by the father. for this it is written, all that ever came before me are thieves and robbers:
John is telling us these are three separate things that are of one accord and not one thing. Christians of the hour, being bewitched and deceived by perverted and carnal minded preachers loaded with unbelief. take it way, way, way, out of context to mean one thing when it is NOT even close to saying that. We see this with Stephen in Acts 7, three separate things operating in one accord.
Hi Linda yes God is Spirit but Jesus The Living Word although One Spiritually with The Father and The Holy Ghost 1Jn5:7 For there are Three that bear Record in Heaven, The Father, The Word and The Holy Ghost and these Three are One Jesus came to earth and was Born in the Flesh but concieved by The Holy Ghost He can't Sin although tempted in every way and when we are Born Again we can't Sin 1Jn3:9.
People Who Is GOD? The Bible tells us that God is a Spirit. It tells us that God is Love and Good is God. I read these comments and I can see that people are not understanding what they are reading. If one looks at God as being a physical being you will never understand what you are reading. If God is a Spirit What is a Spirit? The thinking, feeling, motivating part of man.God is a Spiritual Being
Are we reading the same chapter? Why would you assume that God stopping evil is through anger? Isn't it good to stop evil and isn't that what most people pray for? If evil people were murdering your family, for example, would you pray for that to be stopped or just conclude that it's wrong to stop the murderers?
God's heart was grieved in verse 6 over how deeply wicked the people were and filled with endless violence- verse 11. God was more likely sad than mad as you claim with no evidence of. It was probably complete anarchy and chaos with people murdering and oppressing each other endlessly. We see signs of culture today gravitating to that and is no doubt the work of the devil enticing people to taste blood and harm others. Our life is temporary on earth. We will all face judgment before God. Blasphemy of the holy spirit is an unforgivable sin and those daring to call God evil are walking that road. God loves you enough to die for you.
Do you Understand what you are reading? Who was Noah? A PREACHER of Righteousness. What was going on during Noah's days on this earth? The very same thing that is going on in our world today. The SONS of GOD were taking all the WIVES that they chose. We live in a world today that influences and persuades the children OF God to just get a divorce if you don't like the wife you chose. UNFAITHFULNESS
Only land and air animals boarded the ark. Water creatures will survive the flood. You are right, it does seem like a lot compared to the size of the Ark. I never thought about it
GOD IS LOVE and can be no other way and LOVE hates evil. The Flood was an act of Love or we would not have been Born, God knew those who would be His from Eternity He knows our Name. Mankind would have destroyed itself they were burning their Children alive to their gods and other Abonanations, the flood was Merciful. We Hold onto God'sTruth HE IS LOVE we reject Satan's Deception. Blessings -Anne.
Beasts and creeping beings included. To think of it, what God was really saying here is that He intends to wipe out LIFE in the surface of the earth. ALL LIVING THINGS THAT IS except for plants maybe. Things brings us to realization there is also an end of limit on how far we can push GOD's temper. Its like realizing BEWARE... GOD temper s not anything we can be kidding about. LIFE beware!
Nowhere in the entire Book will we see God's temper other than this reference. Known as the GOD OF LOVE, we are introduced here with the idea of God after all capable of HATE. God that He is, we should realize our feeling of HATE is nothing compared to ours. Let us note here what God intends here. He don't just intent to wipe out men in the face of the earth. That extends to all creatures
Genesis 6:4 says There were giants in the earth in those days and also after that. Look at some people today in 2019 they are big, tall and strong,standing next to most people they could be called "giants".Here is the definition of giant: an abnormally tall or large person, animal, or plant. a very large company or organization. a person of exceptional talent or qualities. Blessings!
God's heart was grieved in verse 6 over how deeply wicked the people were and filled with endless violence- verse 11. God was more likely sad than mad as you claim with no evidence of. It was probably complete anarchy and chaos with people murdering and oppressing each other endlessly. We see signs of culture today gravitating to that and is no doubt the work of the devil enticing people to taste blood and harm others. Our life is temporary on earth. We will all face judgment before God. Blasphemy of the holy spirit is an unforgivable sin and those daring to call God evil are walking that road. God loves you enough to die for you.