The Genesis 6 debate is a good example of people rejecting Scriptural TRUTH in favor of their own bias. "It's impossible for angels to have sex with women", they say. Why is it impossible? Because it goes against their innate BIAS, but not from ANY SCRIPTURAL reasoning. OK- here are SCRIPTURAL reasons why Genesis 6 refers to ANGELS co-habiting with WOMEN: (1. The phrase "Sons of God" found in Genesis 6:2,4 is used in ONLY three other places in the Old Testament: ALL are found in the Book of Job ( Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7). In EACH of those 3 passages, the term "Sons of God" refers to ANGELS, not MEN. If you have a problem with that statement, take it up with the Author of the Book. I didn't write it, I'm only reporting it. (2. Mankind SONSHIP with God was SEVERED with the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Adam was a son of God; Adam and Eve spiritually DIED when they disobeyed God , and ate of the forbidden fruit. ALL of Adam's offspring, until Christ, the 2nd Adam, came were born spiritually DEAD. They were sons of Adam, made in Adam's image, not God's children. The Sonship relationship between God and man was re-established ONLY when Christ died on the Cross, and paid Adam's SIN DEBT that separated man from God. That was why Christ could say to His disciples, after His Resurrection, "I go to MY Father AND YOUR FATHER; to My God and YOUR GOD." There are many more points and Scriptures I could bring out to support the argument, but the two (2) points brought out (above) DEMOLISH the argument "the sons of Seth were the SONS OF GOD."
Dr John C Coutino G Dr In Teology on 2 Esdras 1:30 - 4 years ago
Please read The Book Of Enoch and once you are finish reading this extraordinary book, your life will never be the same again. BENEH HA ELOHIM means The Angels , and BENOT ADAM means the sons of Adam. Read carefully of many,
THE EVERYDAY BIBLE , THE CENTURY VERSION. Genesis 6:4. The Nephilum were on the earth in those days and also later. That The Sons Of God ( Bene Ha ELOHIM ) had sexual relations with the daughters of human beings. ( BENOT ADAM ). These women gave birth to children ( the giants ), who became famous and we're mighty warriors of long ago. HE SAID YAHWEH GOD, ( You will live only 120 years) because that is how The Ark took them numerical years. After that the flood came. """ The book of Enoch as many others books Really does mentioned The Coming Of The Messiah, The Son, The Christ. My question is WHY IN THE WORLD SHOULD I ABSTTEIN FROM READING SUCH AS INTERESTING BOOKS ? Look it under WIKIPEDIA in The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden. And the Non-canonicals books referenced in the Bible. And The Missing Books of The Bible. I will Not Mention More for this is it for now. Glory be to God.
Dr John C Coutino G Dr In Teology on 2 Esdras 1:30 - 4 years ago
You will find nowadays plenty of The Missing Books of The Bible and in this occasion The Apocriphal Books, Deuterocanonical And Pseudo graphical BUT of course, not every book is inspired but It is good to read, but read it using The Hebrew writings, Greek, Latin, Arameo and which ever language you come across with. For an example: Genesis 6:2 ' That the sons of God saw that the daughter of men that they were fair; IT MEANS BENE HA ELOHIM, SAW THE THE DAUGHTER OF MEN, which means " BENOTH ADAM " it really makes a big difference believe it or not. YAHWEH : "Behold the hand, behold the nail ". Check the name of God revealed on YOUTUBE to make it easier for you. Chairs/Shalom. The Apostle Paul was the 13 Apostle because he was chosen for the gentiles ( first it was for the Jews and later on was for the gentiles ). Seem not to believe me brothers and sisters, read The Apocriphal missing books and the rest. I wish I could find a meeting place were I could just go and pray to YAHWEH " God " and still learn how to worship HIM/THEY. The Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit ( AMEN ) ""I WILL HAVE ALWAYS AN OPEN MIND""
yes, I understand what you mean when you say there is no biblical evidence to day they materialize but, we do entertain angels unaware. according to the book of Hebrews which means they do materialize and Abram also entertained them also as guest along with the Lord at his house. Lot took them in, yet he was not aware they were Angelic beings..... These fallen ones that we are talking about are not in service to The Holy Almighty anymore, therefore they do not do nor follow God's laws anymore. Firstly you have to remember like man, the fallen angels also lost there first estate. (meaning the Godly Character). they have become sinful, which mean they do hideous acts of sinfulness, they are the ones that teach man a lead man into all kinds of corrupt sinfulness...
After the flood, the rebellious angels who went after Adams daughters; drowned.
Only 8 souls survived: Noah's family.
The evil ones had no bodies. Bodies Drowned. (There's a chapter where they rail on Satan for getting them killed.) With no bodies they became Demons.
In the New Testament, Jesus cast many out of afflicted peoples, body and soul. If you think..So What?... they can still get inside people who are not Born Again.
They wander until they find some kind of living thing to get inside. That statement is validated in Ephesians 6:11-12, Eph. 2:2, Isaiah 24:21-22 (some are imprisoned); some are in high places; Michael had to fight one so Gabriel could get a message to Daniel. Isaiah 14:16, satan isn't big & handsome. Ezekiel 28:23-19.
Satan has a will and he uses it to hurt people.
Often people blame God for the bad things that happen. If people today have idols in their lives (porn on the computer, gamble online, horoscopes, etc.) There are specialized demons that inhabit those things. We open the door they use to come inside our lives.
One even followed Paul around, hindering his meetings till he turned and cast it out of that woman! THEY ARE INVISIBLE!!! We never have drinks and smoke pot alone.
Maybe we should turn our focus away from nephalim in Genesis and lay our eyes on how to identify demonic activity in our lives, family, friends, mean neighbors, violent video games etc. ask yourself: what Fruit am I seeing?? Is someone depressed or suicidal? That's a spirit of death. Drugs, alcohol, pot=spirit of bondage. Learn these things. You could be praying to set clueless people FREE to follow Jesus.
Please think about this. Remember people who died way too early. Some of you commit to pray every day for Military who will be returning home soon, to find jobs miraculously, find new friends, be blessed for serving. Hold their lives Precious within your heart and spirit. Let's love Larger than just ourselves.
1Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
2This is how you can know the Spirit of God: every spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ come in the flesh belongs to God,
3and every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus*does not belong to God. This is the spirit of the antichrist that, as you heard, is to come, but in fact is already in the world.
4You belong to God, children, and you have conquered them, for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
5They belong to the world; accordingly, their teaching belongs to the world, and the world listens to them.
6We belong to God, and anyone who knows God listens to us, while anyone who does not belong to God refuses to hear us. This is how we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of deceit.
I have never read in the bible where Angels can manifest in human form. Nor have I read that they could materialize. Angels are in spirit form and can appear as a human but not materialize, therefore do not have the ability to have sexual relations with humans.
Why does most still believe that the sons of God mentioned in 6:4 are angels and the offspring are Nephilim. And that the renowned are the Nephilim?
Can people view the scripture as the Nephilim are just present during the time the male humans(sons of God) and female humans(daughters of man) had intercource.
Their offspring are human, and the renowned men of old are in reference to famous people mentioned prior to Gen.6:4.: the sons of God?
I have not viewed any other theories that suggests this.
I like your break down and elimination of the thought. However I think the last part is not spelling out to add up, for it to make full sense. I mean if they are God's son eg: Seth and Cain line eg: Enoch...( i am referring to the Enoch from Cain line here). How then would giants come about?. For we know these mighty men of re-noun speaks to giants also not just great men of mighty accomplishments, it speaks about warlocks, wizards men steeped in evil devices and powers. Think about this for a sec and let me know if it can ever be. The opposite of your own theory. The sons of God as the angels. Yes we are talking about the fallen ones, That 1/3 that the devil deceived to follow him. They are the nephilims that came and mingle with man kind and teach them charms, adornment of beauty, science, war, weapons, etc. Long story short.... Like Jesus being born of an spiritual birth not normal, Born of woman and the Spirit of God, Not the seed of man. The devil also wishes to corrupt the line of the Savior that he cause these corrupted Nephilims to mingle with man Kind. Jesus was born of the Spirit can it not be that the fallen ones can also cause woman born of un-natural procreation to bring forth un-natural off spring being giants in this case. The Idea was the same as what Balack wanted Balam to do back in Number to have man Kind Mingle in sinfulness to cause corruption. But the line of purity of Man kind was kept in Noah and his off springs over the year through the line of Seth. But even after the Flood we see the line was kept but the mind of man was corrupted and evil came forth in latter years by Ham line, Nimrod etc.....
We know angels cannot procreate, or marry but that is in Heaven because that is not the way there. however these Fallen ones do not obey such law. the fact that they mingle with Human can be the creation of un natural life. Remember how things are now spiritual things and physical things mixed without God is detrimental and evil.
1. Heavenly or Fallen Angels can not procreate according to biblical scripture. ( Matt. 22:30; Mark 12:25; Luke 20:34)
2. There is no evidence from the dead sea scrolls on gen.6:4 that the Nephilim were the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men.
3. The Nephilim were present before and after the sons of God and daughters of man had intercourse.
4. Sons of God could mean holy Angels or holy men according to scripture. ( Job 1:6; 2:1), ( Psalm 82:6, Hos. 1:10; John 10:34-38, Matt. 5:9; Luke 3:38; Rom. 8:14)
Knowing these facts; we can rule out that the sons of God are angels in gen 6:4 because they procreate.
Therefore, they must be men that had God's favor(Seth's lineage). The daughters of man would be women without God's favor(Cain's lineage). Their offspring would be human.
What are these Nephilim?
Well, they can't be the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of man according to the facts stated above; because the nephilim were present when the sons of God lusted the daughters of man. How could the Nephilim be present when the sons of God first had sex with the daughters on man? Wouldn't they need to be born first?
The interpretation from a root word naphil of Nephilim means fallen ones.
Look at the similarities of seraphim and cherubim. Now look at Nephilim.
Seraphim and Cherubim are Holy Angels.
Doesn't it make since that the Nephilim would be Fallen angels?
The men of renown is another way of referring to famous biblical characters like Adam, seth, Enoch, and Noah.
How did the spies from moses know what the Nephilim looked like or were?
Stories told from generation to generation about them being frightening.
When the spies saw giant men, they were frightened and thought they were the Nephilim.
The Nephilim most likely tempted the sons of God and daughters of man.
The Nephilim were fallen Angels not human. Goliath was a man.
Crucifying Our Fleshly Desires - In Reply on Genesis 6 - 4 years ago
28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
Comment: It is the believers that will be like the angels of God in heaven.
That's a big deal to process. A lot of people in past days have been fixated on A False Doctrine being taught that Eve had sex with satan. See how easily false prophets put out false doctrines like a new brand of sneakers? Stay focused. The Bible warns us that this will be a huge problem in the final days: being led away; wandering off.
Heaven is going to be fun. Stop thinking carnal. We're supposed to be crucifying our own flesh, daily.
Extreme fixation on angels and human sex organs could be cured by spending an hour praying in the Prayer Request Room. With people who have real problems and need someone who knows how to pray with a little mercy and grace.
Jesus didn't think of it as a waste of time. He's at the right hand of God right now praying for all saints. (US)
Even IF there was a dual/parallel creation by God, Genesis chapter 6 declares that God would "destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them". Genesis 6:7. "But Noah found grace in the Eyes of the LORD".
So IF all the "creations" of God were destroyed by the flood, bar the "eight souls" ( 1 Peter 3:20), & I'm a Gentile (a part of the first creation & not of Adam's line) & therefore not in the line of Adam - Noah - Abraham - David - Jesus, then in fact, I don't exist.
And IF God's Judgement by the flood was restricted only to Adam's progeny because of their "wickedness being great", then why overlook those "Gentiles" who would also have been wicked because of their sin & not include them in the worldwide destruction - or maybe they were sinless & needed no judgement as we're not told that sin was in them nor passed onto them? Then this might give some added weight to our 'sinless perfection' brethren's argument, sans their need of Christ. The mind starts to boggle indeed. Or, maybe there's a link that I've missed.
God made everythingLive for Him NOW - In Reply on Genesis 6 - 4 years ago
Before they were cast out of heaven with Lucifer: Lucifer was an archangel. The 1/3 of the angels cast out with him had bodies.
You explain to me how the (evil) angels procreated with Daughters of Adam and Eve and giants were born. How did Goliath get a giant body?
I read Genesis and other books at a snails crawl, PLUS I read every reference to those scriptures. Write it down chronologically. Then I pray for the Holy Spirit to show me how it happened.
It takes time! I love to study. I love to uncover mysteries. It's in my dna. When I was drafting (18 yrs), the boss would drop table-size drawings on my desk to redraw because the engineers had trouble making underground jobs work. I call it spaghetti drafting. Dump the whole bowl out, start at the beginning, draw it to scale to the end. I identify all the branches. I love details, but I love God greater than all that. I'm eternally grateful He pulled me out of the pit and set his love on me. Means more to me than my life. I died, but He resurrected me and He is my north arrow. I wish I could explain better.
I let go of the world. I've been single 37 yrs. Studying Gods Word (Bible) for 36 years. Nothing else satisfies better than the things that God will reveal. I wait days to hear or see Him show me things. I go days without food. Daily life interrupts. One time the Holy Spirit sang: There's Room at the Cross For You. The pure sweetness brought tears of deep joy. Any thing I learn; I share it.
Like now: you are going to LOVE heaven. He has spared no effort to make it leave you breathless at the Beauty, the detail of each creation. There will be food even tho we don't have to eat or drink. There will be music, dancing, wild abandon of pure joy. Nobody is jealous, petty, impatient, no disdain. It really is heaven.
Live for Him now. Let the world go. Help others be ready to go with Jesus now. That's what He intercedes for: the Harvest.
Evil spirits do not have bodies of flesh , but the can possess people and animals ,
The sons of God here in Genesis, are Gods people at that time , if you will notice be fore that time men began to call on the Lord , these are the sons of God ...
They recently, 2018, found one of thiese giants that had wiped out a platoon of Texas Rangers, I believe, and sent another platoon in to find out what happened, this was in Afghanistan...his bones were so strong that standard longrifles could not penetrate to get into the vital organs to kill was arilifted back to an army base there and never seen again...the worlds way of covering up anything that leads to Scripture and there being a God of creation...It is very difficult in today's world to try and find real truth about anything...I was born and raised Catholic, read the KJV Bible at 23, found out many lies the Catholic church printed and the same with the Protestant church...that is why I depend on the baptism in the Holy Spirit at age 23 to test truth...Bottom Line...Christ is the only way to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...confession of Him and believing that God raised Him is the cleanest life we can live, but knowing our sins, all our sins can be forgiven just by asking and trusting in the healing power of His Blood...
Jim, it was troubling to read your understanding of Genesis chap 6 & particularly likening the Almighty God to a child throwing a 'hissy fit'. You demonstrate a very poor understanding of the Doctrine of God if all you can see in that passage is a simple-minded, irrational God.
If God Who has the wisdom & power to create all things out of nothing, but as you state, shown Himself to be incapable of controlling His Anger & not displaying the required commonsense, then where does your determination leave you as a simple sinful created being speaking so highly & ignorantly against the Holy Living God?
Could not your 'wisdom' in judging the Character of God as being flawed, leave you wallowing in your ignorance as one who is destitute of knowledge of Who God is & of His Plans for mankind, that you attempt to make judgement on? It seems that you would need to be at God's side, in full knowledge of His Plans & Purposes, seeing the rampant wickedness of mankind, noting the "preacher of righteousness" (Noah, 2 Peter 2:5) living amongst the wicked, & God's desire to give mankind another chance rather than wiping them all out forever, before even a reasonable judgement from you can be given.
Rather, we should all plead ignorance on matters that are way beyond our knowledge & our limited narrow worldly perspectives & submit to the All-Wise God Whose Word that goes out accomplishes all that He pleases. By declaring what you have just said only serves to demonstrate that part of your thinking that is perverted & in darkness about the God before Whom you will one day have to stand.
14 What then shall we say?(AC) Is God unjust? Not at all!(AD) 15 For he says to Moses,
"I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."[f](AE)
16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God's mercy.(AF) 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."[g](AG) 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.(AH)
Genesis 6 clearly demonstrates that God has the mind of a toddler or small child, throwing a hissy fit over his creation and then getting angry and murdering them, before crying over having had a hissy fit and getting upset and saving noah. No adult doesn't just pull all the weeds because one is a dandelion and looks like a flower - no, an adult will pull all the weeds, i.e. not save noah because he appears as though he is not a weed, even though he was, being human.
Regarding Celine's question on Genesis 6:3: The 120 years may be referring to the time from the moment the Lord spoke those words until the flood commenced.
Gen 6:2, 4, Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7, Psalms 29:1, 89:6, Dan 3:25) refer to the expression "sons of God." I believe that this is the Hebrew idiom referring to angels. It is a figure of speech.
I believe that the sons of God left heaven, came down to earth ( Jude 1:6), and took to wife all of whom they chose from the daughters of Adam. The children of these marriages were the giants. The giants were there on earth before the flood, and "also after that" ( Genesis 6:4), meaning that they did indeed survive the flood, and the giants are mentioned throughout the Bible.
Noah is the representative at this time period for the seed line that will bring forth the Messiah.
Sometimes we're given a little more information about those that lived between Adam & Noah, but not a lot which would require volumes more to include details of their lives, their marriages, exploits, religious observances or diversions, etc. The Bible does focus on the generations leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ so one can track His lineage all the way back to Adam: Luke 3:23-38.
However, post Flood, God's chosen (Israel) came through the line of Shem, Noah's eldest son.
THE EVERYDAY BIBLE , THE CENTURY VERSION. Genesis 6:4. The Nephilum were on the earth in those days and also later. That The Sons Of God ( Bene Ha ELOHIM ) had sexual relations with the daughters of human beings. ( BENOT ADAM ). These women gave birth to children ( the giants ), who became famous and we're mighty warriors of long ago. HE SAID YAHWEH GOD, ( You will live only 120 years) because that is how The Ark took them numerical years. After that the flood came. """ The book of Enoch as many others books Really does mentioned The Coming Of The Messiah, The Son, The Christ. My question is WHY IN THE WORLD SHOULD I ABSTTEIN FROM READING SUCH AS INTERESTING BOOKS ? Look it under WIKIPEDIA in The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden. And the Non-canonicals books referenced in the Bible. And The Missing Books of The Bible. I will Not Mention More for this is it for now. Glory be to God.
Only 8 souls survived: Noah's family.
The evil ones had no bodies. Bodies Drowned. (There's a chapter where they rail on Satan for getting them killed.) With no bodies they became Demons.
In the New Testament, Jesus cast many out of afflicted peoples, body and soul. If you think..So What?... they can still get inside people who are not Born Again.
They wander until they find some kind of living thing to get inside. That statement is validated in Ephesians 6:11-12, Eph. 2:2, Isaiah 24:21-22 (some are imprisoned); some are in high places; Michael had to fight one so Gabriel could get a message to Daniel. Isaiah 14:16, satan isn't big & handsome. Ezekiel 28:23-19.
Satan has a will and he uses it to hurt people.
Often people blame God for the bad things that happen. If people today have idols in their lives (porn on the computer, gamble online, horoscopes, etc.) There are specialized demons that inhabit those things. We open the door they use to come inside our lives.
One even followed Paul around, hindering his meetings till he turned and cast it out of that woman! THEY ARE INVISIBLE!!! We never have drinks and smoke pot alone.
Maybe we should turn our focus away from nephalim in Genesis and lay our eyes on how to identify demonic activity in our lives, family, friends, mean neighbors, violent video games etc. ask yourself: what Fruit am I seeing?? Is someone depressed or suicidal? That's a spirit of death. Drugs, alcohol, pot=spirit of bondage. Learn these things. You could be praying to set clueless people FREE to follow Jesus.
Please think about this. Remember people who died way too early. Some of you commit to pray every day for Military who will be returning home soon, to find jobs miraculously, find new friends, be blessed for serving. Hold their lives Precious within your heart and spirit. Let's love Larger than just ourselves.
1Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
2This is how you can know the Spirit of God: every spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ come in the flesh belongs to God,
3and every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus*does not belong to God. This is the spirit of the antichrist that, as you heard, is to come, but in fact is already in the world.
4You belong to God, children, and you have conquered them, for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
5They belong to the world; accordingly, their teaching belongs to the world, and the world listens to them.
6We belong to God, and anyone who knows God listens to us, while anyone who does not belong to God refuses to hear us. This is how we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of deceit.
I have never read in the bible where Angels can manifest in human form. Nor have I read that they could materialize. Angels are in spirit form and can appear as a human but not materialize, therefore do not have the ability to have sexual relations with humans.
Why does most still believe that the sons of God mentioned in 6:4 are angels and the offspring are Nephilim. And that the renowned are the Nephilim?
Can people view the scripture as the Nephilim are just present during the time the male humans(sons of God) and female humans(daughters of man) had intercource.
Their offspring are human, and the renowned men of old are in reference to famous people mentioned prior to Gen.6:4.: the sons of God?
I have not viewed any other theories that suggests this.
Good luck in your search.
Blessed are the peace keepers.
We know angels cannot procreate, or marry but that is in Heaven because that is not the way there. however these Fallen ones do not obey such law. the fact that they mingle with Human can be the creation of un natural life. Remember how things are now spiritual things and physical things mixed without God is detrimental and evil.
Scriptural Facts:
1. Heavenly or Fallen Angels can not procreate according to biblical scripture. ( Matt. 22:30; Mark 12:25; Luke 20:34)
2. There is no evidence from the dead sea scrolls on gen.6:4 that the Nephilim were the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men.
3. The Nephilim were present before and after the sons of God and daughters of man had intercourse.
4. Sons of God could mean holy Angels or holy men according to scripture. ( Job 1:6; 2:1), ( Psalm 82:6, Hos. 1:10; John 10:34-38, Matt. 5:9; Luke 3:38; Rom. 8:14)
Knowing these facts; we can rule out that the sons of God are angels in gen 6:4 because they procreate.
Therefore, they must be men that had God's favor(Seth's lineage). The daughters of man would be women without God's favor(Cain's lineage). Their offspring would be human.
What are these Nephilim?
Well, they can't be the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of man according to the facts stated above; because the nephilim were present when the sons of God lusted the daughters of man. How could the Nephilim be present when the sons of God first had sex with the daughters on man? Wouldn't they need to be born first?
The interpretation from a root word naphil of Nephilim means fallen ones.
Look at the similarities of seraphim and cherubim. Now look at Nephilim.
Seraphim and Cherubim are Holy Angels.
Doesn't it make since that the Nephilim would be Fallen angels?
The men of renown is another way of referring to famous biblical characters like Adam, seth, Enoch, and Noah.
How did the spies from moses know what the Nephilim looked like or were?
Stories told from generation to generation about them being frightening.
When the spies saw giant men, they were frightened and thought they were the Nephilim.
The Nephilim most likely tempted the sons of God and daughters of man.
The Nephilim were fallen Angels not human. Goliath was a man.
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
Comment: It is the believers that will be like the angels of God in heaven.
That's a big deal to process. A lot of people in past days have been fixated on A False Doctrine being taught that Eve had sex with satan. See how easily false prophets put out false doctrines like a new brand of sneakers? Stay focused. The Bible warns us that this will be a huge problem in the final days: being led away; wandering off.
Heaven is going to be fun. Stop thinking carnal. We're supposed to be crucifying our own flesh, daily.
Better to marry than burn with lust.
(Advice) marry a Christian.
Jesus didn't think of it as a waste of time. He's at the right hand of God right now praying for all saints. (US)
Have you read all of Mathew 26 ?
Red letters...
So IF all the "creations" of God were destroyed by the flood, bar the "eight souls" ( 1 Peter 3:20), & I'm a Gentile (a part of the first creation & not of Adam's line) & therefore not in the line of Adam - Noah - Abraham - David - Jesus, then in fact, I don't exist.
And IF God's Judgement by the flood was restricted only to Adam's progeny because of their "wickedness being great", then why overlook those "Gentiles" who would also have been wicked because of their sin & not include them in the worldwide destruction - or maybe they were sinless & needed no judgement as we're not told that sin was in them nor passed onto them? Then this might give some added weight to our 'sinless perfection' brethren's argument, sans their need of Christ. The mind starts to boggle indeed. Or, maybe there's a link that I've missed.
You explain to me how the (evil) angels procreated with Daughters of Adam and Eve and giants were born. How did Goliath get a giant body?
I read Genesis and other books at a snails crawl, PLUS I read every reference to those scriptures. Write it down chronologically. Then I pray for the Holy Spirit to show me how it happened.
It takes time! I love to study. I love to uncover mysteries. It's in my dna. When I was drafting (18 yrs), the boss would drop table-size drawings on my desk to redraw because the engineers had trouble making underground jobs work. I call it spaghetti drafting. Dump the whole bowl out, start at the beginning, draw it to scale to the end. I identify all the branches. I love details, but I love God greater than all that. I'm eternally grateful He pulled me out of the pit and set his love on me. Means more to me than my life. I died, but He resurrected me and He is my north arrow. I wish I could explain better.
I let go of the world. I've been single 37 yrs. Studying Gods Word (Bible) for 36 years. Nothing else satisfies better than the things that God will reveal. I wait days to hear or see Him show me things. I go days without food. Daily life interrupts. One time the Holy Spirit sang: There's Room at the Cross For You. The pure sweetness brought tears of deep joy. Any thing I learn; I share it.
Like now: you are going to LOVE heaven. He has spared no effort to make it leave you breathless at the Beauty, the detail of each creation. There will be food even tho we don't have to eat or drink. There will be music, dancing, wild abandon of pure joy. Nobody is jealous, petty, impatient, no disdain. It really is heaven.
Live for Him now. Let the world go. Help others be ready to go with Jesus now. That's what He intercedes for: the Harvest.
Bless you. Mishael.
The sons of God here in Genesis, are Gods people at that time , if you will notice be fore that time men began to call on the Lord , these are the sons of God ...
I just read that in my devotions.
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
If God Who has the wisdom & power to create all things out of nothing, but as you state, shown Himself to be incapable of controlling His Anger & not displaying the required commonsense, then where does your determination leave you as a simple sinful created being speaking so highly & ignorantly against the Holy Living God?
Could not your 'wisdom' in judging the Character of God as being flawed, leave you wallowing in your ignorance as one who is destitute of knowledge of Who God is & of His Plans for mankind, that you attempt to make judgement on? It seems that you would need to be at God's side, in full knowledge of His Plans & Purposes, seeing the rampant wickedness of mankind, noting the "preacher of righteousness" (Noah, 2 Peter 2:5) living amongst the wicked, & God's desire to give mankind another chance rather than wiping them all out forever, before even a reasonable judgement from you can be given.
Rather, we should all plead ignorance on matters that are way beyond our knowledge & our limited narrow worldly perspectives & submit to the All-Wise God Whose Word that goes out accomplishes all that He pleases. By declaring what you have just said only serves to demonstrate that part of your thinking that is perverted & in darkness about the God before Whom you will one day have to stand.
"I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."[f](AE)
16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God's mercy.(AF) 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."[g](AG) 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.(AH)
Many believe that it took Noah about 100 years to build the ark, (with the help of his three sons).
Noah was commissioned to build the ark by God at approximately the same time his three sons were born (not triplets), look at Genesis 5:32, 6:10-14.
Noah was 600 years old when the ark was finished ( Genesis 7:6).
Genesis is an amazing book, one of my personal favorites!
Gen 6:2, 4, Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7, Psalms 29:1, 89:6, Dan 3:25) refer to the expression "sons of God." I believe that this is the Hebrew idiom referring to angels. It is a figure of speech.
I believe that the sons of God left heaven, came down to earth ( Jude 1:6), and took to wife all of whom they chose from the daughters of Adam. The children of these marriages were the giants. The giants were there on earth before the flood, and "also after that" ( Genesis 6:4), meaning that they did indeed survive the flood, and the giants are mentioned throughout the Bible.
Noah is the representative at this time period for the seed line that will bring forth the Messiah.
However, post Flood, God's chosen (Israel) came through the line of Shem, Noah's eldest son.