I randomly had a verse in mind for my partner which was Genesis 5v15 and I'm still not understanding the message it has for him or both of us but I'm trusting what and how my heart interprets it. I do need further guidance and understanding please.
It seems that "Enos" is the first person recorded within the blood line of Adam and Eve that willfully chose to fall away from the word of God. Both Adam and his wife displayed fear for having disappointed the LORD ( Genesis 3:8 - 10), as well as honesty to Him about their transgression ( Genesis 3:12, 13). Seth, being Adam and Eve's first listed biological son ( Genesis 5:3), is not mentioned in Scripture as acting against the word of God in any form or manner.
To build a wedge between the word of God and His people is the main goal of Satan, and those who do his work for him. Being of a particular family or heritage does not determine whether you will love God or not; that is an individual decision. The example is set forth in this verse that within the direct bloodline of Adam, even at this early period in time, there is a falling away from the saving grace of the LORD, and it "began" with "Enos."
I believe it is also worth mentioning that "Enos" is the only Antediluvian patriarch of the genealogy of Adam and Eve, save for Seth, that is listed among "THE GENERATIONS OF THE HEAVENS AND OF THE EARTH" ( Gen 2:4). Seth is mentioned for genealogy purposes only, as the focus of this verse ( Gen 4:26) is about the error and wickedness of "Enos." The focus of the entire 4th chapter of Genesis, in general, concerns the rise of the seed of Satan upon the earth, and the influence they had on mankind from its earliest beginnings. Even though Adam walked with God only three generations earlier, "Enos" has himself chosen to fall away from the LORD and ally himself with the sons of the wicked one.
It is written "It is appointed for men to die once and then the judgement", Enoch and Elijah didn't die so perhaps God is saving them up for a certain job in future. Perhaps the two witnesses that will convert Israel.
Noah and his family entered into an ark of safety prepared for them before the flood, effectively removed from the then world's destruction. Later, they were restored to a new beginning. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for his people.
Lot and his daughters were removed to safety from Sodom before the LORD rained brimstone and fire on the cities. Sadly his wife looked back.
Our word "rapture" is derived from the Latin "rapiemur", used in the Vulgate translation of 1 Thessalonians 4:17 for "caught up" or "snatched away".
Enoch is our prototype for rapture in Genesis 5:24 and Hebrews 11:5 (translated that he should not see death...).
Another precedent: 2 Kings Chapter 2 tells us of Elijah being taken to heaven by a whirlwind in a chariot of fire.
Song of Solomon Chapter 2 relates a king calling his bride to come away with him from her hidden place, much as we can imagine Christ calling his Church out of this world.
!st Corinthians 15:51-52 declares the mystery that some will not sleep (bodily death), then promises all of us will be changed into the incorruptible and immortal.
Truly no man knows the day or hour, but the book of Revelation does not mention the Church on earth beyond the third chapter. In Revelation 7:9 an innumerable multitude of the saved out of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues stand before the throne praising God. After this the wrath of God falls upon the inhabitants of the earth, which wrath the Church is not appointed to (1-Thessalonians 5:9).
Jesus did ascend up to Heaven. But the rest of us that dies before His return goes to a place called paradise. This paradise is a place where we wait until the end of time. We can't go to Heaven until we are judged, which we will be for all things good or bad. Reward will be given out according to how you lived your life. Heaven is not a commie place. We all don't get the same rewards. I think it was Paul who said strive for the best rewards. I don't care much for rewards myself, I just want to get there. I'll sweep out the stables if so assigned.
Don't know where you study you're leading a lot of people wrong, tells you in John 8:44 you are of your father the devil talking to cain, the devil is satan, and antichrist, in 2 Corinthians 11:3 it tells you satan beguiled eve, you look up beguiled in the greek concordance, it is exapatao 1818 to seduce wholly that's what satan did to Eve, yes satan is cains father
That is a great question. From my understanding, Enoch was taken by God to be with Him in heaven. But John 3:13 says no man hath ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven. I have never heard your question asked before but I can see where it might be raised (No pun intended). In John 3:13, Jesus is giving Nicodemus an answer to his question in Verse 9.
Jesus is saying that I am the only one that has come down from heaven, but if I tell you earthly things and you don't get it, and you are the master teacher, how will you understand spiritual things? Nicodemus should have associated the Lord's teaching to Ezekiel Chapter 37 Verses 1 through 15.
This is where God takes the prophet and He shows them a valley of dead bones and says this is Israel. Spiritually dead! And He says to him, prophecy over these bones that flesh would come on them. And the bones came together and the flesh came on the bones. And then He says prophecy to the wind that the wind would blow on them and breathe life in them. And he prophesies and the wind blows and they are filled with life and spirit.
And so God's promise to His people Israel is that you are spiritually dead until my Spirit gives you life. But right now you are spiritually dead! And He tells Nicodemus, you should have known what I was talking about. How can you be the master teacher in Israel and you don't know anything about being born from above? You don't know anything about the wind blowing, and how the spirit moves!
I guess if I were trying to see the difference between Enoch being taken to heaven, and Christ ascending into heaven, I would look at as God took Enoch. Enoch did not ascend up to heaven on his own. But Jesus did. He rose from the grave Himself. And He ascended up to heaven Himself. No man can do that, not even Enoch.
God is total love!! he is there for you in these times of stressful days. worse then we ever felt before. everything we had before will come to attack us now because of the evil days we have come into. we are now starting the birth pains as the bible warned us before the second coming of our lord. the battle has started in the heavens above. fight we must. the control is only a start for us. prepare by reading the bible-- and praying as you never prayed before. we have to battle not only for ourselves but for our families, no matter what. do not give up. you have a mighty god who lives for you- and will fight with you. who has the strength of all his creations that surround you. go be with them. walk by them. pray as you never prayed before. love the lord when his light from the brightness of the sun shines into your very heart. talk to him. he will one day come down with all his glory. so magnificent and powerful that it will knock you off your feet.
stay close...fight the evil that tries and get near you. fight i say...fight!!!! but first-- ask your god to stand close in your battle...dont give up....fight harder!!! i know to be true. i fight for others and myself daily. for my dreams of the lord come strong. i have seen my god. after death...believe me when i say.. everything is truth.....
The Bible does not tell us how many. We know of at least three, Cain, Abel, and Seth. Genesis 5:4 tells us that there were many other sons and daughters, but we don't know how many. There were probably quite a few, as they lived a lot longer back then and childbearing years lasted way longer than today.
In the modern traditional understanding of 'pastoring', there were no women pastors in the Bible. However, in understanding the word, Pastor (as with apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers), these were all gifts given by the Holy Spirit to certain believers (according to the Churches' need) for its support and edification. Pastor = Shepherd; so in a sense, you could have both genders fulfilling that role today, the women though limited to and having a special ministry to other women and children. Women have always had an important role in the Church, however, it was always the Elders and Deacons (brothers) that were appointed to be leaders/supporters in the Church.
All Christians are called to peace. Also, as much as is possible within you be at peace with everyone.
Caution: do not tell little children who ended it. Not till their 30's.
Personally, I think grounds for irreconcilable differences (as per Bible) is adultery (with either sex). and physical battery. I highly reccomend that you should seek Christian counciling first. Sometimes the couple can be reconciled to the marriage.
My personal thought is don't marry unbelievers! God forbid the Jews/Israelites to intermarry with other tribes. He had a good reason for saying that (idolatry).
No women pastors, however Deborah was a judge (leader) and prophetess. When the Lord can not find a man with a heart as pure as a woman the Lord can and does use a woman for his purpose.
Judges Chapter 4: 3 And the children of Israel cried unto the LORD: for he had nine hundred chariots of iron; and twenty years he mightily oppressed the children of Israel.
4 And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.
5 And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment. (she was the leader)
My initial comment disappeared. I did state that a wife would not be required to remain with an abusive husband. Though both the OT and NT are silent on this aspect of marriage, largely because women in that era were expected to be in the background and suffer in silence, when a believing wife has to undergo such suffering, then the option remains open to leave. 1Cor7:13 speaks of a woman's choice to leave an unbelieving husband (no indication of abuse here). She is advised to remain in the marriage if the husband is pleased for it to continue. But if she chooses to leave (then read on in my next comment)....
So this verse allows for the wife to leave her husband if he is unhappy with her (maybe because of her spirituality or references to his ungodliness), but v11 of the same chapter admonishes her, that if she were to leave, that she should remain unmarried. I understand that the Lord does not regard divorce after a lawful marriage but that the spouse is still married in the Eyes of the Lord. If he or she remarries, then adultery has been committed. So, I understand, that a wife can leave an abusive marriage but she should also choose to remain single.
If someone is suffering abuse in a marriage, I don't believe that the Lord would have that relationship continue. The Bible does not speak on this subject, as with the customs of that era, women generally remained silent in their suffering. The Bible does speak on divorce (both in the OT and NT) but not specifically on abuse in marriage. 1Cor7:13 refers to a Christian wife who is married to an unbeliever. The apostle urges her to not leave him if he is content to continue the relationship. And the blessings of that unequal yoke is described in v14. (see following comments).
I think those of you who want to do some really deep study in Scripture would enjoy reading some of Dakes Commentary in the Dakes Bible. As always, Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to shine light and discernment on scripture and commentaries.
Go ye into all the world is something God will reveal to you. He will equip you. Be part of a gospel church do they can pray for you. Go ye May mean your own neighborhood, the neighbors, your family, a nursing home, local college. If you pray before you go, the Lord will bring people to you. Pray to the Lord of the harvest. Don't argue with people as it may harden their hearts against the gospel (birth, life, death and resurrection). Pray for your seeds to be rained on. Don't be discouraged when you are rejected; it is Jesus they are rejecting. Study to show yourself approved.
Acts 16:6 Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia,
I do not remember of the gospel ever being preached in China or Japan?
Thank you Stanjett for your comment. I have told her the scripture about the dragon of old. We will see where that goes. Yes she must choose! I will continue to witness as I feel that's God's purpose for us. Thank you again!
Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
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It seems that "Enos" is the first person recorded within the blood line of Adam and Eve that willfully chose to fall away from the word of God. Both Adam and his wife displayed fear for having disappointed the LORD ( Genesis 3:8 - 10), as well as honesty to Him about their transgression ( Genesis 3:12, 13). Seth, being Adam and Eve's first listed biological son ( Genesis 5:3), is not mentioned in Scripture as acting against the word of God in any form or manner.
To build a wedge between the word of God and His people is the main goal of Satan, and those who do his work for him. Being of a particular family or heritage does not determine whether you will love God or not; that is an individual decision. The example is set forth in this verse that within the direct bloodline of Adam, even at this early period in time, there is a falling away from the saving grace of the LORD, and it "began" with "Enos."
I believe it is also worth mentioning that "Enos" is the only Antediluvian patriarch of the genealogy of Adam and Eve, save for Seth, that is listed among "THE GENERATIONS OF THE HEAVENS AND OF THE EARTH" ( Gen 2:4). Seth is mentioned for genealogy purposes only, as the focus of this verse ( Gen 4:26) is about the error and wickedness of "Enos." The focus of the entire 4th chapter of Genesis, in general, concerns the rise of the seed of Satan upon the earth, and the influence they had on mankind from its earliest beginnings. Even though Adam walked with God only three generations earlier, "Enos" has himself chosen to fall away from the LORD and ally himself with the sons of the wicked one.
Lot and his daughters were removed to safety from Sodom before the LORD rained brimstone and fire on the cities. Sadly his wife looked back.
Our word "rapture" is derived from the Latin "rapiemur", used in the Vulgate translation of 1 Thessalonians 4:17 for "caught up" or "snatched away".
Enoch is our prototype for rapture in Genesis 5:24 and Hebrews 11:5 (translated that he should not see death...).
Another precedent: 2 Kings Chapter 2 tells us of Elijah being taken to heaven by a whirlwind in a chariot of fire.
Song of Solomon Chapter 2 relates a king calling his bride to come away with him from her hidden place, much as we can imagine Christ calling his Church out of this world.
!st Corinthians 15:51-52 declares the mystery that some will not sleep (bodily death), then promises all of us will be changed into the incorruptible and immortal.
Truly no man knows the day or hour, but the book of Revelation does not mention the Church on earth beyond the third chapter. In Revelation 7:9 an innumerable multitude of the saved out of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues stand before the throne praising God. After this the wrath of God falls upon the inhabitants of the earth, which wrath the Church is not appointed to (1-Thessalonians 5:9).
That is a great question. From my understanding, Enoch was taken by God to be with Him in heaven. But John 3:13 says no man hath ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven. I have never heard your question asked before but I can see where it might be raised (No pun intended). In John 3:13, Jesus is giving Nicodemus an answer to his question in Verse 9.
Jesus is saying that I am the only one that has come down from heaven, but if I tell you earthly things and you don't get it, and you are the master teacher, how will you understand spiritual things? Nicodemus should have associated the Lord's teaching to Ezekiel Chapter 37 Verses 1 through 15.
This is where God takes the prophet and He shows them a valley of dead bones and says this is Israel. Spiritually dead! And He says to him, prophecy over these bones that flesh would come on them. And the bones came together and the flesh came on the bones. And then He says prophecy to the wind that the wind would blow on them and breathe life in them. And he prophesies and the wind blows and they are filled with life and spirit.
And so God's promise to His people Israel is that you are spiritually dead until my Spirit gives you life. But right now you are spiritually dead! And He tells Nicodemus, you should have known what I was talking about. How can you be the master teacher in Israel and you don't know anything about being born from above? You don't know anything about the wind blowing, and how the spirit moves!
I guess if I were trying to see the difference between Enoch being taken to heaven, and Christ ascending into heaven, I would look at as God took Enoch. Enoch did not ascend up to heaven on his own. But Jesus did. He rose from the grave Himself. And He ascended up to heaven Himself. No man can do that, not even Enoch.
stay close...fight the evil that tries and get near you. fight i say...fight!!!! but first-- ask your god to stand close in your battle...dont give up....fight harder!!! i know to be true. i fight for others and myself daily. for my dreams of the lord come strong. i have seen my god. after death...believe me when i say.. everything is truth.....
Caution: do not tell little children who ended it. Not till their 30's.
Personally, I think grounds for irreconcilable differences (as per Bible) is adultery (with either sex). and physical battery. I highly reccomend that you should seek Christian counciling first. Sometimes the couple can be reconciled to the marriage.
My personal thought is don't marry unbelievers! God forbid the Jews/Israelites to intermarry with other tribes. He had a good reason for saying that (idolatry).
Judges Chapter 4: 3 And the children of Israel cried unto the LORD: for he had nine hundred chariots of iron; and twenty years he mightily oppressed the children of Israel.
4 And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.
5 And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment. (she was the leader)
I do not remember of the gospel ever being preached in China or Japan?