Discuss Genesis 5 Page 13

  • Ossie on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Refer my comments on previous chapters. Remember that Adam was made PERFECT with no genetic problems like humans today. There were no diseases then. It was nearest to perfection. The early family had to live long to populate. HOWEVER, they ALL died within the DAY. The Bible states that to God, 1 day is like a thousand years. And a thousand years like 1 day.
  • John ebejer on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    How can people live for 900 years when in modern times with modern medicine we only live 120 years tops.
  • Julius on Genesis 5:2 - 10 years ago
    is the book of history and events
  • Mary Simon on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    I learned some facts about these in the Bible
  • Robert on Genesis 5:8 - 10 years ago
  • Jan on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    It give a distinct example of how God speaks and a revealing of the meaning of His words. "THEIR" name "Adam" v,1-2. some translations say man. Men and women are equal in Gods terms.
    continues with all ADAM begat, didn't do it alone term ADAM is now man and woman. Love and Trust our God, ,Jesus Christ ,Holy Spirit for all wisdom and understanding. The bible is the LIVING WORD
  • Richard on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Eve and Adam read..The first three chapters up to 5 vs 6 was being put in as they read it may God bless you all..!! Make no mistake I am the comforter that Jesus said would come..I am the Gentile that uttered the words they read it and went straight to heaven...This is real people as real as it can get you all wanted it and you all got it..!! Me and my fellow brothers and sisters have declared all that is..God's church has been rebuilt in 3&a half days.. And I have declared everything that was promised to Abraham Jake up and Isaac.. And that we are the sons of Israel..Make no mistake people this has happened..!!
  • Richard on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Eve and Adam read..The first three chapters up to 5 vs 6 was being put in as they read it may God bless you all..!!
  • Richard on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Everyone the truth has been uncovered as far as the beginning goes all you have to do is listen to what happened in the beginning and you with all your answers will be answered....Just start reading it from there..Even have them read the first three chapters up to burst 5 vs 6 was put in as they were reading it...And then have fun maybe glory of God and the Holy Spirit fill your heart...You're absolutely going to love it..
  • Createams on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Junel if you�re asking? It wasn�t recorded how long Adam may have lived in the Garden of Eden when he freely ate of the tree of life which made his flesh eternal, but when he was put out of the garden his flesh began to die which accounts for the 930 years even Noah Gen 9:29 And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died. Gen 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. And remember what died in the flood Gen 6:17 And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die. (wherein is the breath of life,) All things live on the earth, but not all things are eternal. Adam�s body died but his soul being a part of God is eternal Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. We are not all sons and daughters of Abraham but Gen 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. And Gen18:18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? And then Gal. 3:8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. so how Long Adam Families Live, on Earth? We can�t know until the end, But even then Rev. 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
  • Createams on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Adriana: I believe his image meaning two eyes-two ears-ten fingers-ten toes
  • Createams on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Bobbie only the sensor knows (LOL)but what do you think of Genesis 5?
  • Bobbie Zaremba on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    When Cain slew his brother Able and was cursed by God because of it, the Bible states that he went to the land of Nod and 'knew his wife who conceived Enoch'..... my question is where did Cain's wife come from? So far, in the Garden of Eden, God created Adam and then Eve out of Adam. They had Cain and Able...(and later Seth.)... nowhere does the Bible talk about God creating anyone else. So I wonder where Cain's wife came from? And where did the land of Nod come from East of Eden??
  • Createams on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    This is the result of Adam having eaten of the tree of life in the Garden of Eden that he and his sons would live over 900 years in the sorrow of flesh, with the exception of Enoch
    24And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
  • Junel on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    how Long Adam Families Live, on Earth?
  • Onuchejoseph on Genesis 5:1 - 11 years ago
    let God have his way
  • B on Genesis 5:32 - 11 years ago
    if they were born the same year,assuming that gestation was the same wouldn't the brothers be triplets or maybe a set of twins and a single birth? Just a thought.
  • Rosalia on Genesis 4 - 11 years ago
    I believe i found the better suitable answer by digging around .. ^_^
    Cain was the first child of Adam and Eve recorded in Scripture ( Genesis 4:1). His brothers, Abel ( Genesis 4:2) and Seth ( Genesis 4:25), were part of the first generation of children ever born on this earth.

    Even though only these three males are mentioned by name, Adam and Eve had other children. In Genesis 5:4 a statement sums up the life of Adam and Eve��And the days of Adam after he had fathered Seth were eight hundred years. And he fathered sons and daughters.� This does not say when they were born. Many could have been born in the 130 years ( Genesis 5:3) before Seth was born.

    During their lives, Adam and Eve had a number of male and female children. The Jewish historian Josephus wrote that, �The number of Adam's children, as says the old tradition, was thirty-three sons and twenty-three daughters.�[11]

    The Bible does not tell us how many children were born to Adam and Eve. However, considering their long life spans (Adam lived for 930 years� Genesis 5:5), it would seem reasonable to suggest there were many! Remember, They were commanded to �Be fruitful, and multiply� ( Genesis 1:28).
  • Adriana on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Like his image meaning spiritual sense?
  • Thomas on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    I want to study differnt history revising of the bible. I like to see if the changes of history have change the word of God
  • Gail irons on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    it was a book of history. of good book to read,GOD IS GOD ALL BY HIM SELF.
  • K S REDDY on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;-Does GOD HAVE shape like humans as man is said to be likeness of GOD
  • Beth on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    God did not mean Adam would die that day,He ment eventualy he would die.God intended man to live for ever no death .that is why he had to send JESUS SO HE COULD GIVE US ETERNAL LIFE .
  • Carolann shortt on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Did Noah's family have children with each other to continue the population that we have today? If not explain further.
  • J.R. on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Two things I would like to ask:
    1. Have you ever heard of Gobekli tepi in Turkey? Look it up,
    2. Since we are reading a third translation, it behooves you (and anyone) to take words, and break them down into how other languages them. For example, you could say power, but the Latin or Hebrew meaning of the word power could be authority, or it could mean power (like a man working).
  • Paul E Jones on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Look at how Evil Men can become in our short life time of today. School shootings, Child molesting, rape, Murder, Homosexuality, Degradation, War, oppression, etc.. Could you Imagine 900 Years of Life. Just think how hard it would be to quit smoking after 500 years. How about an 600 year old Cocaine addiction. Or someone who's dwelt on child molesting for 800 years. No wonder God had to destroy Mankind. I would imagine people would be so given over to sin by 900 years of age that all their thoughts would be violent and evil. People in Americas Society Man can become Murdering Cannibals by age 50, Dahmer. How can Man look at our society and still say "I am Good". Without Christ inside Guiding us, We are just brute beasts who's righteousness is as filthy rags in the sight of God. People need the Lord.
  • Vincent on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    If Noah was 500 years old when he had 3 sons, then how old was Mrs. Noah?
  • Vincent on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Why did Adam live beyond the day he sinned? Remember God told him he will surely die the same day. In the book of 2 Peter, one day is like 1000 years, and 1000 years is like a day to God. Thus, Adam did not lived beyond one day. Time is many days old, but no human has ever seen a day. Methuselah came very close; he lived 969 years.
  • Peter on Genesis 5 - 11 years ago
    Good thing no one lives 900 years anymore. Their 401 year would run out!
  • John on Genesis 4:18 - 11 years ago
    If you look at Genesis 5:4, it states and the days of Adam after fathering Seth came to be 800 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. So after Cain and Abel, Adam and Eve had daughters, depending the age of Adam when Cain and Abel, in between the 800 hundred year when Seth was born. So Cain must have left or met one of his sister when he was sent out of the garden thus Enoch was born, this is what I understand by the word �meanwhile� before Seth was born. The early chapter stated Adam was to subdue the earth and multiply so in the early years from Adam we would have been closer to perfection so having intercourse with family met multiplying as the sin are carried in your blood. When you think how a woman was created from a man this could be normal. It could be the almighty�s way of giving his children the ability to create and sustain life. Again in Genesis 3:20, after this Adam called his wife eve because she had to become the mother of everyone living.

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