Sinful acts will ever remain sinful. No compromise aspects could cover. And again it was the retributional dispensation, i.e. where eye for an eye was the order of the day.
Timothy Wayne George on Genesis 34:2 - 12 years ago
The text reads: when Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, Dinah, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her. The question in this text would be: when is rape really a rape? The torah points out that the woman has a duty to scream, when she is being raped. The text does not say that Dinah screamed, and this would yield another question was this act consented to? Jacob has another problem on his hand, with Shechem wanting to inter-marry with his daughter Dinah. The New Testament states that believers are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. So there was a love relationship there between Dinah, and Shechem. The resulting acts of Dinah's brothers were also wrong, and caused folly in Israel. Jacob did not seem to be the best example of a father, because he favored some of his kids over the others. This is why Joseph's brothers hated him, because he was favored, being the son of Rachel, who was the wife that Jacob loved more than Leah. Had the brothers of Dinah been more protective of her, they would have accompanied her, and this event with Shechem, would never have happened. These things happened to them to be examples unto to us today in the Church Age. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance. We are told to be kind one to another, tenderhearted, and forgiving as God for Christ sake has forgiven us. Paul later states let everyman have his own wife, and every woman have her own husband. This is a topic that deserves much discussion in the Church today, so that what happened to Dinah, does not continue to be perpetuated by those with a zeal without knowledge.
What Jacob's sons did was repugnant and disgraceful. They proceeded to make a covenant but did not fulfil their part of the bargain. The Word said that they dealt deceptively to the Hivites. However, The LORD always have the last word and will see to it that Israel fulfil it's side of the covenant, because any covenant made in the Name of The LORD must be upheld because that would blaspheme His Holy Name. (In those days each party invoke the name of his god.) So we read in Joshua chapter 9 that the Gibeonite, who were Hivites pulled a deception on Israel in return. This time Israel was forced to uphold its part of the covenant or face dire consequences from The LORD. Even though it took over four hundred years, The LORD see to it that justice was served and His Holy Name is vindicated.
Did God approve of what Jacob's sons did after the rape of their sister Dinah? We must remember that God is a God of love, and love does no harm to his neighbor. We must love the Lord with all our heart,mind, and soul.
We must love our neighbor as our selves. Love was not practiced in this passage nor forgiveness, and the consequence was more sin was committed. If we will stop the violence, then we must do as God has commanded. He who loves much has been forgiven of much, and he who loves little has been forgiven of little. Love is the fulfillment of the law.
People you have to read Don's Genesis 33:15 comment.
When the "Spirit" impresses upon you a particular verse for understanding you must go back and glean out the situations or statements that peaked your interest.
Above all, get the tools necessary to translate our English back to the original Languages. Hebrew (Old Testament) Greek (New Testament)
The Strong's Concordance dictionary and The King James Companion Bible. (both will be a great blessing!
Example the word "Hate" #3404 in the Strong's Concordance also can mean - "To Love Less than".
A huge huge difference in understanding
the meaning of Luke 14:26 !!!
Esau is of Satan's blood line. Genesis 26:34-35
He married "Judith" a Canaanite women (birds of a feather flock together) the daughter of Cain the murderer of Abel.
That rebellious union made Issac and Rebekah very bitter because he left the God of their fore- father's, for an idol worshiper.
Genesis 33:2 Jacob puts his most precious family members (including Dinah) in the most rear section of the caravan. (farthest away from the prying eyes of Esau)
Genesis 33:15 Esau is trying to trick Jacob into taking his blood line to join with Jacob's family members. (to prevent/pollute the pure seed-line of God's man "Jesus" from coming into this world and saving it!) Thank God, Jacob doesn't take the bait!
Genesis 34:1-2 no more Mr. nice guy, Satan's evil spirits have Shechem rape Dinah! (Jacob's daughter)
Shechem's dad - Hamor's answer to rape - let us impregnate the rest of your "Holy seeded" children with "my son the rapist" and his cousins blood-line to boot!
2 MAJOR WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT!!!! Malachi 1:3 that is why God said, Jacob I loved,
Esau I hated.
Genesis 34:25 Thank Simeon and Levi the "Avenger Brother's" for Dinah, to putting an end to the humbling any more of their women folk!
The questions about verse 11 don't make any sense to me. It seems very apparent why it says "her". It reads thus, "And Shechem said unto her father and unto her brethren, Let me find grace in your eyes, and what ye say unto me I will give." The narative is setting up to whom he is speaking before the quote of what he said. He is speaking to her(Dinah)father and brethren. What he says to her family is " Let me find grace in your eyes, and what ye say unto me I will give."
He was trying to appeal to her (dinah)family so as to get her as his wife.
I think the brothers were angry, look at the last verse, but it doesn't justify their actions. But God is the judge and if you want to understand more, read on...
Why is there so much violence, contrary what my vicar says about other religion.
How can they be forgiven, killing in cold blood, should never be forgiven. An eye for an eye.
If you are insisting god told them to the i guess its ok but still why is god so blood thirsty? For what reason was there?
The sons of JACOB murdered and killed. Some might say they will go to HELL for their acts. GOD is all knowing, HE used JACOB sons to fulfill the scriptures.
I know they will be forgiven for these acts, for they were used as vessels of GOD to instill fear to the surrounding tribes.
I do apologize, sometimes, I enjoy making people think. GOD's WORD is so deep. I LOVE IT.
I will show you in scriptures (later) why they are forgiven.
It sure would have been like that, if the girl would be allowed to live a man that did not marry her.
God bless you.
We must love our neighbor as our selves. Love was not practiced in this passage nor forgiveness, and the consequence was more sin was committed. If we will stop the violence, then we must do as God has commanded. He who loves much has been forgiven of much, and he who loves little has been forgiven of little. Love is the fulfillment of the law.
When the "Spirit" impresses upon you a particular verse for understanding you must go back and glean out the situations or statements that peaked your interest.
Above all, get the tools necessary to translate our English back to the original Languages. Hebrew (Old Testament) Greek (New Testament)
The Strong's Concordance dictionary and The King James Companion Bible. (both will be a great blessing!
Example the word "Hate" #3404 in the Strong's Concordance also can mean - "To Love Less than".
A huge huge difference in understanding
the meaning of Luke 14:26 !!!
He married "Judith" a Canaanite women (birds of a feather flock together) the daughter of Cain the murderer of Abel.
That rebellious union made Issac and Rebekah very bitter because he left the God of their fore- father's, for an idol worshiper.
Genesis 33:2 Jacob puts his most precious family members (including Dinah) in the most rear section of the caravan. (farthest away from the prying eyes of Esau)
Genesis 33:15 Esau is trying to trick Jacob into taking his blood line to join with Jacob's family members. (to prevent/pollute the pure seed-line of God's man "Jesus" from coming into this world and saving it!) Thank God, Jacob doesn't take the bait!
Genesis 34:1-2 no more Mr. nice guy, Satan's evil spirits have Shechem rape Dinah! (Jacob's daughter)
Shechem's dad - Hamor's answer to rape - let us impregnate the rest of your "Holy seeded" children with "my son the rapist" and his cousins blood-line to boot!
Malachi 1:3 that is why God said, Jacob I loved,
Esau I hated.
Genesis 34:25 Thank Simeon and Levi the "Avenger Brother's" for Dinah, to putting an end to the humbling any more of their women folk!
He was trying to appeal to her (dinah)family so as to get her as his wife.
How can they be forgiven, killing in cold blood, should never be forgiven. An eye for an eye.
If you are insisting god told them to the i guess its ok but still why is god so blood thirsty? For what reason was there?
I know they will be forgiven for these acts, for they were used as vessels of GOD to instill fear to the surrounding tribes.
I do apologize, sometimes, I enjoy making people think. GOD's WORD is so deep. I LOVE IT.
I will show you in scriptures (later) why they are forgiven.