God already gave us life in abundance we are already forgiven and pardoned from the precious blood of Jesus. We must invite the Holy Spirit and God to dwell in our life and all the desire of thine heart will be follow. Without Christ in our lives we cannot do anything. Blessed are those who are poor in their hearts for they shall see God. Blessed are those who believe in Jesus for they shall be saved and have eternal life. Give thanks to Jesus and praised him for he is worthy to be praised. He loves us so much and from his precious blood we are covered and washed from our sins. Thank you Jesus there is no other Jehovah is just you. Amen
I am to stand in the liberty of freedom from sin through my Lord Jesus Christ : Sin is bondage. Being made free from sin does not give me a license to sin. I am accountable to God to stand fast in the liberty that is purchased for me . I look back at what Jesus has brought me from and I see the horrible bondage that I was in : and I thought when I was in that bondage at the time that it was not bondage. OH !!! How manifold the Grace and Mercy of God toward me !!!!!!
In this and all references to circumcision in the New Testament St. Paul seems to mean that if a man has ever sinned--and we 're all told by ministers and priests and rabbis?! that each of us has "in Adam 's Fall, we sinned all " . Therefore, a circumcised man may as well not be circumcised in the first place. He has had broken his covenant with God. Whether or not one appears circumcised physically, how one thinks is what counts. Romans 2:25 and Galatians 5:2-3 in particular reiterate this. Thus circumcision is a medical operation that 's often a superfluous waste of time.
Making it all practical. I will say, from experience the fruits of the spirit is awesome. It is fruitful, heart fulfilling, encouraging, easy to live. The art of sharing, caring, giving, sacrificing is like sewing seeds on the field or grooming your garden. The marvellous picture you see when everything grows is an amazing feeling. Can we all imagine a life where we all with care and concern for one another,live together, that is heaven on earth,what a lovely placece our world would be. Selfish interest pursue the fruit of the flesh. These fruits are bitter and destructive, no matter what. We need the grace to live the fulfilling life of the spirit. Yet as we keep pursuing it, the grace will make us whole. Life is unfair as long as human beings are concerned. Yet there is nothing fruitless like a life without peace, joy, love, unity etc.as stated to be the fruits of the spirit. Beloved, let us love. Love is of God, life is too short. Live it intensively, bearing the fruit of the spirit and leave a legacy of hope, joy and happiness for the generation to come. After all this was the example of Christ. May His amazing love and grace make us whole.
Michaela...to be saved is to be redeemed, to be snatched from the jaws of hell by our Saviour. Think of it as a person out at sea drowning or in the deep end of a pool, then a lifeboat or someone comes by and pick them up out of that state or someone caught in a burning house, then a firefighter comes to their aide. It is just like that with Jesus, once you have accepted Him wholeheartedly as Lord and Saviour that is to put away all sin, He will abide in you and you will be a changed person. No one can serve two masters St. Luke 16:13 , so you must choose to either walk with Christ or live in sin. If you choose the sinful path homosexuality - being gay , then 1 Corinthians 6:9-10Galatians 5:19-21 Romans 1:18-32, makes you aware of the fact that you will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Choose wisely and turn from the ways that displeases God and seek after Him, He will deliver you from sin.
Galatians 5:26 verse is telling us that we shouldn 't provoke one another we shouldn 't hate each other cause we wouldn 't want to be treated the same wah and that we should learn that god as all power to do any thing so we should down talk people just to get attention we should be helping each other get closer to god.
Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 5:24 And they that are Christ 's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 1 Peter 2:21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Manybe this will help explain verse 24 for you.
See,it is very glaring and doesn 't need be confusing. Paul is saying that there exists some christians who got born again and were invited to the Glorious message of God 's grace and Righteousness in christ jesus but could not be able to endorse or comprehend such lavish of Mercy by God towards us in Christ Jesus. Paul the Apostle explain it in Galatians 2:16, Romans 8:1 and Hebrews 10:18. Such a person may say "I know jesus died for my sins but now that I am in Him,if I sin, I must try to make it right,but the more I try,the more I fail sin again , so I think the effort I put is not worth it. I could as well go on living because I don 't think this Gospel of Jesus saving people is real ". Such a person has created a New Testament chasm from God 's grace. Galatians 5:4 says exactly same thing.By such act,the person crucify to himself the Lord Jesus christ and disgrace Grace count it useless .
In this context,the apostle Paul is giving us a solution in which we can live a pure life by not fulfilling the lustful desire of the flesh.Fleshly desires attack the flesh we give in to them when we are walking in the flesh because our mind is focused on what the flesh wants.But when we live in the spirit,we do what the spirit wants.The proverb states if you are in Rome do what the Romans do so when we walk in the spirit,the flesh loses its power over us.
Here the Heavenly Father makes it so clear how simple a spiritual life is...not that it is easy to live such a life in this world...just that it is easy to understand. Nothing is hidden from those who wish to understand because God 's Holy Spirit guides us to Scripture after Scripture to assure our understanding. All communication not understood by man cannot teach man yet man 's heart-felt desires that he she may have no words for can be understood by God because the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us. So, make sure you can actually REASON with those studying Scripture with you that you be not misled.
"For He who called you is holy, therefore be ye also holy... " I love scriptures of that sort, reminding me of the plan of redemption of Rev 13:8 after the fall of man. God bless!!!
America is in desperate need of revival, revival like unto the Ministry recorded in the Gospels the Book of Acts. If every Christian should read this chapter and practice this, we can have one of the greatest revival in America and souls would swept into the Kingdom of God. a
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Galatians 5 - 10 years ago
Hello Steve O: The gifts of the spirit is from the selfsame spirit, 1 Corinthians 12: 11. This is the Holy Ghost and the evidence of having the Holy Ghost is speaking in other tongues as the spirit of God gives utterance. We are unified into one body that belongs to Jesus Christ. Gifts come without repentance. You can learn to speak many languages like Paul and some other people, but there is a language that no man can speak or know interpretation thereof unless God gives it to that person. This is why the tongues were split on the day of Pentecost to demonstrate there were two types of tongues. If a person never speaks another language other than their own, they have to have the language of God in order to know that they have the true Holy Ghost.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 5 - 10 years ago
Part 2 of 2: This is why Paul stated he dies daily, 1 Corinthians 15: 31 "I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily ". If I can say it like this, he was constantly putting his flesh under subjection to live saved. Humans respond to the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of life, this is what is in the world, 1 John 2: 16. In Galatians 5: 6 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh . In the end, a person who has not kept their flesh under subjection can still be left here when the rapture takes place because they did not stay saved, example the 10 Virgins, 5 were wise and 5 were foolish.
Many are seeking the gifts of the spirit instead of the fruits of it. The gifts and calling are without repentance. The spirit comes in after our repentance and baptism in Jesus name, and not only when we speak in unknown tongues. Jesus is our high priest and example of this, and the spirit descend on Him after His baptism as it will you. Read Matthew 3:12-16: Romans 6:3-5Galatians 3:27. Peace and prosperity to all who love God.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on 1 Timothy 1 - 10 years ago
Hello Nothing but the Truth: I do not know if they will post this or not, because this is meat. If the people who created slavery were truly God fearing people and understood the scriptures they would never have abused their authority like they did over Black America. In our present day society the words of slavery, prejudice, and hatred for a nation of people that were brought here against their will still rings out. There are churches that preach this hatred. There are people who will die believing that a nation of people should not have any rights, equality, or justice. If they were truly filled with the Holy Ghost and truly know the beauty of God where is the room for such hatred? The fruit of the spirit, Ephesians 5: 9 For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth and Galatians 5: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Galatians 5 - 10 years ago
Hello Beverly Johnson The circumcision of the male children was a twofold thing. First it was to keep the covenant with God and second their whole house was saved, if the men did this. Now we are circumcised of the heart, Romans 2 29. Even though circumcision of the ** does not save you this does not mean that we should not circumcise our young men. I believe that they should be circumcised because of all the health risk that are involved if they do not get circumcised. This is a parent s choice and when the child gets older it will be his choice. In the end, the circumcision of the heart is for everyone. We will all meet God in the end on our own merits, the deeds done in our own body individually not relying on anyone else.
My understanding of the teachings of Galatians 5 is that circumcision was a means of purification in Moses ' days. If you were circumcised you had to obey all the other laws which were burdensome. Christ died for us so circumcision is not important. We should practise the works of the Spirit in our daily lives and do away with the works of the flesh.
U cannot do anything dealing with God if u do not have his spirit .u must be born again .repent of your sin ask God to come into your life and be your savior ask him to help u be that new person u and he wants u to be I am one of his witness that knows he will do what u ask him
Remain steadfast in faith, obedience in the finish work of calvary. Do not put yourself in bondage by trying to please God through your actions, the practice of the law, human philosophies, self righteousness
verse 21. We can not be sin free in this world ever. only by the gosple that paul teaches can save us. If we could be sin free we would not need Jesus Christ to cover our sins to the father. to kei 'S
I think it suggests that it is imperative to know, understand and abide in grace through faith in what Jesus Christ has done for us. And realize that we cannot contribute to our salvation aside from believing the saving message that Christ paid for ALL sins and that God approved of the payment and has put sins out of his sight. It also appears to suggest that it is possible for someone who believed the gospel of the dispensation of Grace aka Paul 's gospel, aka the gospel that saves today, to fall from grace and no longer have Christ righteousness attributed to ourselves? I 'm still learning and studying and can 't say this is what I believe. It 's just one of the ideas or possibilities that I 'm considering.
Galatians 5 Speaks a lot on Grace,What is Grace,Underserving forgiveness and there 's nothing you can do or say that can convence God to love you more than he already does,we are all saved by Grace alone,Even when we don 't deserve it,That 's why it took a saviour like Christ to submit into the father for our benefit, Do you know who God is.He 's a all time Awesome God. Salvation is free and once you receive it it is contained. God Bless the readers with understanding. God loves you and so do I. Trust him!