Steve M. Also; Galatians 5:13-14, V.13 "For, brethren, Ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but, by love serve one another."
To increase your faith in God, study your Bible. Know who is talking, who they are talking to and in what period of time they were talking in. Change requires a mental change. God has provided the in His written word the things we need to do and think about. Galatians 5: 22 through 26. Strive for the faith once delivered. Jude 3.
Chuck: The Blood of Christ is for all who seek Him. We can't condemn someone. Those in Christ show love and compassion they help guide and teach to bring others into the kingdom(Not like what others post). Fruit of The Spirit: Galatians 5:22/Called: John 6:44/Forgiving: 1John 1:9/Washed Revelation1:5/ you will be Baptized with The Holy Ghost: Matthew 3:11/ Made new: 2Corinthians 5:17. You will know!
I know love,meekness longsuffing goodness peace joy is God cause he love happiness he gives and keeps giving that's love even when you don't deserve it.
Isn't that a beautiful verse? Thank-you for sharing it with me and anyone else that sees it. I knew about Num. 6:24-27, and I've seen this one, but it didn't register for some reason. Have a good day, Bro. Dan ........
123:V:22-26? We are all drawing closer to the grave, young or old. Most are on that wide road. Few find it even harder to find the Narrow Road. We who are redeemed by The Blood of The Lamb, are the only Light the world will see,if they don't see Christ in us???Called: John 6:44,forgiving : 1John1:9,Baptized with fire: Matthew 3:11,Changed: 2Corinthians 5:17, you "will" know, "impossible" not to know!
To Irene 123: Jn 15:13 is a beautiful text but has nothing to do with our "subject". Not that I need it, but for your Christian growth and self esteem: An "I am sorry" would have been more... biblical.
No hard feelings,
Bro. Daniel
To Irene123: P.S. Jesus was 12 when He began teaching in the temple ( Lk. 2:42). Why should you be surprise if the Holy Spirit wants to use a 12 year old girl to teach you something? I see you're making comments on comments all over the place: are you learning anything, or you're
just teaching? ...
To Irene123: How quick you are to judge and condemn. I hope you are not speaking from the abundance of your heart. I raised one daughter and two sons as Christians, and I would not dare to be a stumbling block to anyone: not even you. I really wanted to see what Anne might have to say. Perhaps, her mom or dad was in it too?
I'm sorry Irene, but you got it all wrong. Hope to hear from you, bro. dfc
I saw on the comments 'backlog' from 2013 a comment from a 12 yr. old girl, quote - "I understand this verse more clearly than adults and I'm 12." unquote. Then a 'dart' tossed at her from an (adult?) quote - " ... can you explain how you understand (this verse?). I am sure we can all learn ... from a 12 yr. old ...", unquote.
I thought of Matt. 12:14 and all the 'Pharisee' verses. cont.
A wretch, 6-27-16 - a person looking for salvation/deliverance can find it in God's word - Acts 2:37-38. God is LOVE, this is HIS plan of salvation, it's in HIS Word, the Bible. Because He loves us so much more than even our parents can, He has provided ALL things we need to overcome. Without FAITH it is impossible to please Him. Faith is simply - believing and then following thru with Acts 2:38.
V. 13 - " ..... only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh; ..... "; the 'flesh' also includes our minds and mouths - "set a watch before my mouth and a door on my lips" - Proverbs. Sorry, I don't know the number reference, but it's easy to look up.
Vs. 19-21 Let us not be fooled. Jehovah God plainly states what practices of sin will not allow us to inherit his Kingdom. There is no such thing as "sinning saints". Some religious leaders may make these practices seem okay. At the end of the day God is our Judge, and he is very clear on what he expects from his servants.
Loving every body is good but love is empowered by God, so love God first and He will empower you to love everybody and therefore you will be fulfilling the most important aspect of Christianity (LOVE) Luke 10:27, Galatians 5:14
A wretch: not sure what you meant by living in the law? That will bring spiritual death!Reading HIS WORD,Being in church that preaches heaven and hell,the joy of salvation,called of the FATHER John 6:44,forgiveness Acts2:38, things NEW! -- ll Corinthians 5:17. You will be changed! If you slip, l John 1:9- l John 2:1. Best thing that ever happened to me! The next day I woke up to a different world!
Jesus died on the cross for our sins.... Now our part is to live like He lived...Sacrifice our lives by living our life like Jesus !! Give our all by living like Jesus !!
Thank you JESUS for dying on the cross for my sins. Thank you for saving a wretch like me. I can do nothing without you. I work with the public and it is hard to treat everyone the same but , I do.... I know I am working for the Lord and no one else. I have to remind myself of this. My husband Scott is a great encouragement in my life. He tells me to pray and give this to the Lord. I love him.
No hard feelings,
Bro. Daniel
just teaching? ...
I'm sorry Irene, but you got it all wrong. Hope to hear from you, bro. dfc
I thought of Matt. 12:14 and all the 'Pharisee' verses. cont.