Peter was preaching to the Jews of the laws and a different way to the gentiles, Paul faced him on that saying we walk in faith in Christ not by the laws, Christ fulfilled the laws when he was crucified on the cross, we do not continue a sinful life style since we died with him, we walk in faith, and we speak the truth of the gospel, those are God's words. If we followed mans word we'd all perish
The following verses make it clear that to be saved we must accept JESUS CHRIST as our LORD AND SAVIOR. John 3:16John 1:12John 14:61John 4:10Romans 3:10Romans 3:23Romans 6:23Romans 10:9-11Acts 3:19Acts 16:311John 1:9John 3:36Galatians 2:162Corinthians 5:17Philippians 4:3
I think those verses helps us to see that we can't allow other's to interfere with a course we know to be right. Peter was fellow-shipping with the Gentile Christians, but because the Jewish Christians didn't approve of it he stopped. Thus Paul's rebuke. Peer pressure can be strong. However, we need to stick to our morals, despite public opinion.
Gal, 2:20 This scripture speaks to my soul. It clearly states that even while in this fleshly body God will provide me with what I need to walk in the spirit if I allow Christ to live in me.Will it be easy? no but it will make life so much more better knowing that he lives in me and he guides me and he died for me so that I may live.
The disciples were tough, and hardy.We see from great ease, behavior non-agreeable. God corrects from love and so should we. Paul loved Peter, all the others,
Kieran: Knowing that a man is not justified by The Works of The Law but by The Faith of Jesus Christ, even we have Believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be Justified by The Faith of Christ, and not by the works of The Law: for by the works of The Law shall no Flesh be Justified. Galatians 2:16
" continued to haunt the church for many years..?" Birds of a feather flock together! If the devil can find a weak brother not watching and not filling his house with God, then he will come in and bring seven more worse than himself. And anyone who is likewise bored with hearing any more of the conviction and sound teaching of the Spirit, deserves the same. Take heed lest any man deceive you.
vs1.When Paul, along with Titus, Barnabas (and Luke?) went to Jerusalem about the Jew/Gentile/Church question...the Jews withstood Paul. And while the question was settled for all time, at that time, it continued to haunt the church for many years, even leading to Paul's death. And later, in Revelation chapters 2:9, and 3:9, we see the problem still exists. And even to this day, it remains.
Jimmy a disciple of Jesus on Galatians 2 - 6 years ago
Paul was just addressing the situation face on before it grew out of control and lead to more divisions and separations,false doctrines in the body of Christ and the Truth! Sometimes harsh but straight to the point.
Daniel; I haven't looked on this post for a while, and would like now to follow up with you. Please don't be offended; but 3.5 years is does not make the same as 40 years; but our boasting is entirely in the Lord's mercy! Paul was right in his judgment, WITHOUT RESPECT OF PERSONS, for Peter was to be condemned in that he feared what the Jews would think, and led others by example of hypocrisy.
Daniel I understand what you are saying but I don't agree with you totally and I do not agree with you to compare Paul and Peter on a platform like this someone young in faith can get confused. . The important thing is that Peter needed to be corrected. How should Paul have done when others joined Peter to do the same? Or don't you think he should be corrected?
"Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." If we can look so hard on our unsaved family members, neighbors and coworkers and demand that they are accountable to the Law of God, and His Judgments upon disobedience how do so many then not recognize the beam in their own eye, or the hypocrisy of calling themselves saved Christians, while they are clearly still bound in their sins? "And if we seek to be justified in Christ, we ourselves be found sinful men, whether Christ be minister of sin? God forbid." Galatians 2:17 Wycliffe Bible The LORD God our Saviour says, "Sin no more, that not a worse thing come upon you " yet some still strongly protest, saying, "We all sin every day we can't help but sin " and then misuse the Scriptures to cover their defeated lives. If one breaks a hedge, the serpent will bite! But that doesn't negate the truth of the Glad Tidings, that Christ sets us REALLY free only that that one has fallen into sin! But we have an Almighty and wonderfully merciful Saviour, who is able to save to the uttermost ALL who call upon Him. So if you're having a problem bring it to the Lord in repentance, and BE CONVERTED! that your sins may be blotted out and you shall receive forgiveness and all the fullness of His great and glorious Salvation Victory.
It is such a wonderful experience to be Crucified with Christ.In 2004 on the day Pentecost was celebrated I was rebaptized in the name of Jesus ( Romans 6:3-8; Acts 2:38).This was the result of revelation.Sadly many are only baptised in Jesus' titles( Matt 28:19)and not his Name.The Lord Jesus is the head of the church why is his name not used in Baptism?
To a Disciple. Don’t get me wrong: I love Ap. Paul: I just disagree of how he treats Ap. Peter, who is equally dear to me. His attitude of a learned man, a Pharisee who studied at the feet of Gamaliel, towards a simple fisherman, strikes me as arrogance. I don’t think Jesus would agree with that. And that is not all… so, talk to me Disciple!
To a Disciple. No, I am not hasty, and it doesn’t take special revelation to see where Ap. Paul comes from; whence his behavior. Read the whole letter to Galatians, and you will understand better. Accusing your fellow worker, who was trained by Jesus for 3.5 years, a faithful man, full of the Holy Spirit, of hypocrisy, and cursing the people who disagree with you; is hardly Christian behavior.
Daniel; You are too hasty in your speech and sadly lacking in understanding and respect for things much higher than you! Are you so likewise endowed with a calling and wisdom and knowledge by revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ? And are you likewise travelling through foreign Countries risking your life to preach the Glad Tidings under constant persecution, slander, and betrayals? Why scrutinize?
In verse 8, Apostle Paul's modesty leaves much to be desired: - ... he that wrought wrought EFFECTUALLY in Peter - versus -the same was MIGHTY in me. - I guess Ap. Paul doesn't know about the Day of Pentecost nor about the thousands that accepted Christ as the result of Ap. Peter's preaching. See Acts Ch. 2. Three thousand people turned to Jesus: Now, that's MIGHTY.
Galatians 2:20 20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Paul still had to live in his flesh, that means he still had sin in his life, thank God for the Holy Spirit inside him that never sins. The flesh still will sin.
Galatians 2:7-8 7 But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter 8 For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles: Paul had a mission from Jesus himself to reach out to Gentiles and Peter to reach out to Jews.
What l think is not important, so when you ask my thoughts you ask of Christ's gospel witch is written on your heart. Knowing all flesh is sinful, my human ideals are unrighteous as no one is completely holy in the flesh. Ask the lord thy God ruler of heaven these things that you seek, thus total truth be shown in light, a honest revelation added unto your spirit.
My friends, you see Apostle Peter in 2 Peter :15-16 had a hard time understanding Paul's episode, but he did believe that it was given to Paul from Jesus himself and that anybody that didn't believe, there will be destruction. Peter was for the JEWS and Paul was for the Gentiles Galatians 2:8 how wonderful that Jesus though about the Gentiles. Paul is the Apostle for the Gentiles. All true. ...
I am starting to study figures of speech that are used in the Bible. It is helping me tremendously to under stand what I am reading. No one ever taught me a thing about figures when involved with churches. But I find that without a basic understanding of figures of speech, the Word of God becomes much more difficult. For example: anaphora in Ephesians 6:12.
To Bro. Daniel FC on Gal. ch. 2 - I answered your question about the flood-time 'laws' 3 wks. ago. I'm not one to debate God's word. There's nothing wrong with that; I just don't do it.
To: Irene 123 Part 1 Are you saying that God destroyed the antediluvians in spite of the fact that they had no laws to guide them in righteousness? Is God unfair? Sin is the transgression of the law 1Jn. 3:4, and the wages of sin is death Rom. 6:23.
-----Now if any Man have not The Spirit of Christ,he is none of His: Romans 8:9 /