To Irene123 Matt. 28:19 - using the words of Jesus (thru Peter) of Acts2:38; Matt. 16:19. Irene did you know that none of these verses that you used were written for you to follow. Look at Acts 9:15, Romans 16:25-26, Romans 11:13, and Gal 1:8-9. After Acts 7 even the Jews could no longer claim them. Their exalted nation status was set aside until the tribulation.
Everett:V:18: then after three years I went up to Jerusalem----.Acts9:26 and when Paul was come to Jerusalem---. Yes, he did see the apostles three years later.
Definition of disciple; one who is taught or trained by another.
Definition of apostle; one who was sent forth by Christ himself, or in the case of Barnabas by theHoly Spirit (Acts: 13,2)
Paul did see the Apostles Acts 9:26-29
Anyone can commit unbelievable sins or sins so small they don't show up on our radar. We all have a dark evil heart. When we are cleansed by The Blood of The Lamb and The Spirit moves in, your heart is changed ! Like night and day, hot and cold ! A heavyweight you didn't know you had will be going! You will know! You will tell others, impossible not to! You are a new Creation! Next Morning WOW !
To Bruce - You've got me curious; at the end of many of your comments you say, "impossible not to know". How is it impossible not to know? And a week ago you said, "changed: 2 Cor. 5:17." what changed?
To Bruce - " ..... let's stick with the B-I-b-l-e ..... "; I like that; good advice. You were right; Paul never saw the 'Apostles', the scripture does say disciples. He did go to Arabia - Gal.1:7. Paul doesn't say why he went there, but one can surmise it was to be alone with the Lord for a time to get some things from God that he needed. cont.
To Bruce - You probably won't answer this, but - how were you baptized? Matt 28:19 ..... ? I was baptized by Matt. 28:19 - using the words of Jesus (thru Peter) of Acts2:38; Matt. 16:19.
Irene?:12:Neither received it of man,neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Never saw the apostles,went to Arabia, then Damascus.V:17. ( Let's just stay in The B-I-B-L-E ) 2nd time) "Called" John6:44--, 1John 1:9--, "Will" be Baptized with the Holy Ghost and, Fire. "You will know"! 2Corinthians 5:17. Impossible not to know.
To Hector D. on Paul/Arabia. - here's a tho't; I got it from a book and it sounds reasonable. Paul had just experienced a traumatic thing with the God he had always believed in. So, during his stay in Damascus he found he couldn't stay (and God knew all of this all along), but he needed the time he had with the other apostles for the revelation of God's word. cont.
John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be giving him from heaven.
You saying,there was no church or no Gentiles, received it in a different way, different kind of gospel. Where does it come from??? All 12 Paul received the same Spirit.We can to:John6:44,1John1:9,Baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire:Matthew3:11, changed:2Corinthians5:17( you will know impossible not to know
To D. Taylor, first of all Paul which was Saul did not receive his revelation in Arabia. Saul received it on his way to Damascas. Read his conversion in Acts Chap 9. Paul did not go to Jerusalem because of fear of persecution to the church, and he could not stay in Damascas because in 2Cor. 11:32 he had to flee from Aretas the king and that's why he went into Arabia; perhaps to preach the gospel.
Bruce: Gal.1:17 Why did'nt Paul go to Jewusalem to be taught by the twelve apostles? That is what he means when he says that the gospel that he preached is "not after man" He did not learn "his" gospel from the 12 before him. Instead he went to Arabia (most likely to mount Sinai) where he saw our risen Lord Jesus and received new revelations that had never been revealed before, until Paul.
Bruce: Read Gal.1:11,12 Simply believe what each word is saying. Take Gods word as truth. Forget what religion has taught you or man and take God at his word for what he says. Stick with KJV only for it is truly the authorized version. Note what Paul says "the gospel which was preached of me is not after man" He received it in new revelations from the risen Lord. The 12 never had those revelations
"The Church" Baptized by the Spirit preaching the way of salvation. Thousands were already saved and baptized. Acts2:41 These are the ones Paul was persecuting! "Hitler"of that day! Received mercy, road to Damascus,3days later was Baptized. Nothing new! Ephesians 4:4-5-- One Lord, one faith, one Baptism,---. Genesis 10:5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles Divided--. Always Gentiles,Old--New.
Irene 123 Gal.1:23 Paul is speaking of " time past " when he was, past tense in the Jews religion. He at that time in " time past" was an enemy of the Jewish believers. There were no Gentiles then and there was no Body of Christ mentioned until Christ saved Paul and poured out his grace on Paul. A whole new thing happened. The risen glorified Lord in heaven gave only Paul this new body of truth.
To Dianne Taylor - you believe Paul preached a different gospel from the original apostles. So going on down to Gal. 1:23 - "....... now preacheth the faith WHICH HE ONCE DESTROYED."
Rom. 10:3 - "....... and going about to establish their own righteousness ......."
As you read just take God at his word and simply believe the words on the page. Paul says that the gospel that he preaches is not after man. Believe what he says. The gospel that Paul preaches is from the risen glorified Lord Jesus Christ, so it can not be the same gospel that the twelve apostles were preaching when Christ was in the flesh in his earthly ministry to the Jews.Different gospel.
I believe Satan is the author of confusion, GOD is not the author of confusion 1 Corinthians 14:33. As also in all his epistles Paul's letters to the churches he established in the BOOK OF ACTS , speaking in them of these things, in which are hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest twist , as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. 2 PETER 3:16. These letters were established in the Book of ACTS on PAUL'S missionary journeys. Study to shew thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2Timothy 2:15. Acts 19:1-6. REMEMBER ALL SCRIPTURE IS BY INSPIRATION OF GOD! 2 Timothy 3:16. Read Ephesians 4:5, Galatians 1: 8-12.
Ben:Whoever preaches another "way" let him be accursed.period Not??? There is only one way, the narrow way through the blood of the lamb. Revelations 20:15
Ben, we have been called to hear the Word and do the word. For hearers and doers will be blessed. We haven't been called to be translaters, changing the meaning and message of the word. All scripture is given to us by the Holy Ghost.
Answering the reference to the comment titled "DENNIS FOR VERSE 11".
By which gospel are you talking about when you say 'Gospel age' ? We are in the age of grace. Something to chew on: Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel...let him be accursed. Rev 14:6 And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel..."
Stephanie Green -Cammon on Galatians 1 - 8 years ago
I think Galatians, is ironic and a radical lesson .
1. Being Pau,l was a persecuter of Christian and turned out to be a Apostle, /minister of Jesus Christ.
2. Instead of looking at man for his stewardship he searched Christ, as his certifier.Although, I must say psychology this stance from this type of person/ thinker such as Paul, is not a true radical it is a given .
This James was Jesus' brother who became a leader in the Jerusalem church; Acts 15:18 , Galatians 1:9. The James who was killed (Acts12:2) was John's brother and one of the original 12 disciples.
U are right now that I think of it Mary had never been with a man the Holy Ghost came threw Mary 's Body to bring Jesus to the Earth threw a Women that had never laid with a Man .so she had No childern at that time.Now when she got married to Joesph their childern came from( flesh) and( blood ) Jesus came from the spirit of God so No he had No blood sister and brother like we do Amen
Verse 9: Let him be accursed??? In the Gr. dictionary, this Gr. word anathema; also used in 1 Cor.16:22, is presented as a compound word. Ana is defined as "thoroughly" and thema means "to lay a foundation of faith or doctrine." The word foundation in ch.3:11 is from the same Gr. root as our thema. Paul may have meant, "If anyone is wrong, thoroughly lay the foundation for new testament faith.
Only 12 were Apostles, of whom more than one was named James. Brother and brethren can mean kinsman or intimate friend. Look at Abraham and Lot. And David and Jonathan. Why did Jesus place His mother in the care of His dearest friend, the Apostle John, when tradition would have had Mary cared for by any other son when Jesus died. I don't believe Jesus had a brother.
To Irene123
Matt. 28:19 - using the words of Jesus (thru Peter) of Acts2:38; Matt. 16:19. Irene did you know that none of these verses that you used were written for you to follow. Look at Acts 9:15, Romans 16:25-26, Romans 11:13, and Gal 1:8-9. After Acts 7 even the Jews could no longer claim them. Their exalted nation status was set aside until the tribulation.
Definition of apostle; one who was sent forth by Christ himself, or in the case of Barnabas by theHoly Spirit (Acts: 13,2)
Paul did see the Apostles Acts 9:26-29
You saying,there was no church or no Gentiles, received it in a different way, different kind of gospel. Where does it come from??? All 12 Paul received the same Spirit.We can to:John6:44,1John1:9,Baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire:Matthew3:11, changed:2Corinthians5:17( you will know impossible not to know
Rom. 10:3 - "....... and going about to establish their own righteousness ......."
By which gospel are you talking about when you say 'Gospel age' ? We are in the age of grace. Something to chew on: Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel...let him be accursed. Rev 14:6 And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel..."
1. Being Pau,l was a persecuter of Christian and turned out to be a Apostle, /minister of Jesus Christ.
2. Instead of looking at man for his stewardship he searched Christ, as his certifier.Although, I must say psychology this stance from this type of person/ thinker such as Paul, is not a true radical it is a given .