This is exactly how I feel, been feeling latley. I understand and see things for what they are. Negative things that didn 't bother me before now I find unjust. I feel happy, renewed kind of like how I use to be the old me but not quite. I have sinned so much last year at 23. I have distant myself from my friends because I know they aren 't on the same path I have just found. Im overwhelmed but grateful now that I can see. I look different even inpictures I have this glow or beauty but it 's shinning from inside.
I love the verse 36:25 where The Lord said he will sprinkle you with clean water and clean you from filthiness and from your idols. This is what I pray for The Holy Farther to do to me. I know that The Lord is true and I want to Love The Lord with All Of My Heart and To Love My Neighbor. I want to sever The Lord and Truly put my trust and whole being in him. To Truly be Holy in his sight. To only do what is pleasing to him, by following his word and commandments . To Truly represent him the rest of my days here on earth. PRAISE THE HOLY LORD! Amen. God Bless. :-
Take away this wicked heart in me , the bitterness, temper, anger, fear and everything that is not of you. Replace my heart of wickedness with a heart like your own. A heart of love, patience, kindness, understanding and wisdom of you oh Lord my God!
Very inspiring passage to me in my Christian walk. I appreciate the mercies of Christ that have transformed me from being a sinner to being forgiven. May he continue to grant me the will and ability to live a Christ like life.
You know among some people Isreal is always getting a bad rap. But this I know for a surety that GOD has his own way of chastising Isreal. When you accept JESUS CHRIST as your personal savoir you are Isreal also, So before you start bashing a whole nation of people you best find out where GOD is standing for that nation. WHERE THERE IS WAR THERE IS LUST.
For someone that has faith they have been saved this scripture if full of truth. I thank the LORD for changing me, healing my broken heart, and setting my path straight in his ways. I pray that those who read this remember when Jesus touched their life and and became their Lord and Savior, and their heart flutters in the Spirit. Amen
36 25-27 God tell us that when we depend on him,he will take care of us so that we share with others,image we share our blessing,caring for each other?our heart on the same love,Wow