brother just trust God with all your heart and put your faith in the beginning and ending of your life . God has plan for you it's always peace and hope not the evil one . So brother I will give u two verses . Psalm 23:1-7 and Jeremiah 29:11 . God is incontrol of everything .Our fight is not with flesh, take up God's instrument of war Ephesians 6:11-12 . Declare the name of God Jesus in ur work.
I am so very thankful for the Holy Ghost, and the Comforter along with the Devine Teacher that leads the truth seekers in to all Truth. For me Ephesian 6:10-12 is a very timely Word for me, as the world is growing darker every day, along with the wiles of the devil, the devil is not playing and their are many people who are fainting, they cannot take the wiles of the devil, Call On Jesus
It is God's divine holiness which we live by that stops all the firey darts of the enemy: Being transformed into the likeness of Christ Romans 8:29 we have the support in Isaiah 11:5 our loins are girdles with righteousness and our reins with faithfulness. The reins are the conscience and the mind; it is the faithful reins that bring into our heart what we aught to live by, and will live by.
I think you answered your own question why do people still have multiple locks on the door because bad things happen to good people so you must protect yourself and your family just because you are with God and have his armor on does not mean that the people outside are with God and God also said we must be submissive not dumb careles we must forgive but not forget that is what defines us from God
We should be putting on the whole armor of God every day. The thing is that we believers have a tendency to think that we are going out to battle Big Fights and forget that the devil has many devices and fiery darts that he uses. I know one of the greatest weapons we have against the devil is Prayer. He knows this too. So, what he does to me many times, is try to distract me with all kinds of things when I'm praying to God our Father. He will try to distract me with thoughts of where I need to be or what I plan to do later, send the cat to want to sit in my lap, the dog will come in whining to go out. All manor of things to distract me. These distractions can add up to my not being strengthened as God intends for me to be throughout my day. These little distractions can lead to big destruction for me. Maybe not immediately but somewhere along the way. We constantly know that we need God to help us through and deal with the "BIG" problems and situations that come at us but in the "little" things, we think we can 'handle' them on our own in our strength and in our own power. The scripture that we need the full armor for the darts and wiles of the devil. Things we sometimes think we are capable of doing or handling on our own. That is why the Armor covers different aspects of us. We are vulnerable in more than one area and not all of that is our physical being.
The whole armour of God is explained further down from this passage. God has equipped us with all we will need for every circumstance and or situation of life. helmet for our mind : Breastplate for our heart : belt , loins girt with the truth which is the word of God : shoes for our feet for to bring peace :Sword of spirit to cut off all lies of enemy : shield of Faith which is the word of God : to Quench the firey darts of the wicked : And praying always : being in a prayer attitude at all times , being aware of the presence of God at all times. Saul's armour didn't fit David : but God's armour equips us to the max and it is not heavy on us or a baggage to carry around : The promises of God are not grevious !!!!
This is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. If only we, as chiildren, were taught this over and over when we were growing up. That our parents, tho showig love and compassion, were stricter and taught us the right way to go. But so many times our parents of the 70's and 80's went the way of the world and didnt stay together or discipline us children enough. Now many of those children are drug and alcohol addicts, many in prison, many who gave up their own children to the same parents who let them get away with so much, thinking it was best because society thought so. I pray all parents love their children enough to follow this chapter, that they show them love with dicipline. Time is short- the Lord doesn't want anyone to perish, but to having everlasting life in Heaven.
In regards to verse 34, we know that only Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and Sword represents the Word of God Ephesians 6:17-18. May be He warns us that because He is the Peace and He is the Word, those that believe in Him shall face persecution, rejection, division, etc. by their own blood relation. But be of good cheer for He has overcome. We can win them to Christ as well!
Having Obedience to God's words and commandments are more important than Sacrifice. All Battles belongs to Christ all we need is to believe Jesus that He is our Savior and Provider of all. Thanks be to Jesus for the blood that shed for us. Amen
Ephesian 6 is telling me the you must be obedient to God who is your father and trust him for everything in your life it says that their is evil and you must be guarded against evil and God shows you how to be prepared to fight off evil I thank God for his words
This Chapter is basically helping understanding what your award is for being obedience if you can gain life for obeying your parents what do you think you will gain for obeying GOD put on the Breastplate of Righteousness to keep from being disobedience and your REWARD Will BE OUTSTANDING
Pastor Taiwo Olusoji Peter on 2 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
God has given us His word The Bible to study and grow in it and to share to others in order to face the challenges of life and to be victorious. The Bible says in Joshua 1:8 " This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. " It is when we study the Bible that this word will be in our mouths, and through this word in our mouths and hearts we shall 1. Know the Law of our God 2. Do as expected of us 3. Prosper and succeed in it 4. Get the weapon of word which is the sword of the Spirit to fight our battles. Ephesians 6:17. In short we must study God 's word The Bible to be stronger in the Lord. Ephesians 6:10-11. Jesus used the power and weapon of the word " IT IS WRITTEN " to conquer satan after His forty days and nights fast and prayer. Matthew 4: 1-11. Finally study the word, share the word of truth and let all believers get the power of the word to do all things. My own comment on 2 Timothy 2:15. Pastor Taiwo Olusoji Peter Nigeria .
It is true that any word proceeded out of the mouth of God is True and Perfect. Parents in all, must be an example and in like manner of God the Father so that, we their children may live that life to other generations. For what we see from them as a child that we do. Thanks.
EPHESIANS 6:1-4 COMMENTS 5 10 215 3:45 PM Apostle Paul exhorted the great duties of children and parents. V1Prov.23:22 Luke2:51 V2-3Ex.20:12 Deut.5:16 Matt.15:4 V4Col.3:21. We must teach and guide our children that we may bring them unto the Lord to know Him, which in times come they will in the right path unto the Lord, A-men.
The entire letter hinges on the imperative to put on the whole armor of God. The Ephesians knew full well about the principalities and powers in high places, and Paul instructs them how to protect themselves by relying upon the all powerful Creator.
You do not have to do it alone. All you need is to turn your WILL, your STRENGTH, and most important, your FAITH over to the LORD, and HE will lead you into battle and YOU will CONQUER the ENEMY!
EPHESIANS 6:10-18 COMMENTS 4 25 2015 11:2o PM Apostle Paul proclaimed to wear the complete armour of God for the Christians. v11Rom.13:12 v12Rom.8:38 John 12:31 v14Isa.59:17 v15Isa.52:7 v16 1John5:4 v17 Heb.4:12 Rev.1:6 v18Phil.1:4. Thank you Lord of the armour that we have had in you. A-men.