It is no longer Jehovah or the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and whatever else you want to call him from the OT. It is now the God and Father of Jesus Christ Ephesians 1:31st Peter 1:3. Jesus the Son of God came John 3:16 and God arose his Son from the dead. Acts 3:13-15. Jesus came and died and arose from the dead. Old things are passed away behold all things become new. 2nd Cor 5:17
2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30...sealed, sealed, sealed 1 John 5:11 -And this is the record that God hath given unto us ETERNAL life... 1 John 5:13 ... unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God that ye may KNOW that ye have ETERNAL life... I can't do anything work sacraments,to gain my salvation Eph 2:8-9 , and I can't do anything to lose it either. John 10:27-29
Laci-Ann, I have no bad intent, just thought you might want to know that the God of life is always capitalized. Little "g" God is used when you are referring to other gods.
Douglas Russell Jr., If you died today do you know where you would go ? Do you believe we are all born sinners ? But through the gift of God his son Jesus spilled out his blood as the altemint sacrifice covering our sins. By faith in Jesus and all he is we are born again to new creatures, the children of God. I pray if you do not know Jesus as your savior you will find a KJV teaching church
You will never make a better decision for yourself or your loved ones. Buckle up and prepare to be thrilled. Yes. God is ,Christ is, Holy Spirit is breath taking.. God always has the best in mind for his own and that would be you and me. WELCOME BROTHER L
Douglas it's Wonderful that your desire is to become a Christian and to learn about Our Lord and Saviour and Best Friend. If you don't have a Christian Friend or Relative who you can share with or a Church you can go to this Website has many Faithful Christians that will Encourage you as Jesus our Spiritual Teacher Leads you into all Truth, He tells us to Ask Seek and Knock Praying for you- Annie.
Dr. Wanda-you are so right. I'm not sure of what you are searching but maybe this will help. Check Eph 1:3-it says we have God Christ-now see v9, we have the mystery of His will-The Holy Spirit. That completes the Godhead-creation-salvation-and Gods Holy Spirit, though the throne is in heaven God is always with us. Pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will complete prayer.
His God, His Father. I am beginning my walk to ordination. I see to distinct authorities from which Christ Jesus has been given power. Please provide feedback.
Ephesians gives us our identity who we are in Christ all that he has given to us through the Father his love his spirit blessing us with all his Father has given to him, healing powers power to defeat any situation to walk in his righteousness and holiness this is amazing so is our God!
God Bless you to, and I understand what you are saying but if you read 1 John 1-10, not one is perfect, we deceive ourselves if we think we haven't sinned , Jesus said to repent, even in revelations it tells you repent for you know not when your time will end, I would repent daily
The Bible doesn't say "once saved always saved" but it is an eternal salvation which is given freely and we are sealed and secure in Christ, Eph.1:13, 2Cor. 1:21 if we have truly trusted him for it. Good verse you referenced. Thanks and God Bless.
Acts 3:19 and Matthew 3:8 is talking about true repentance which is turning from sin to God. I don't follow after sin now but being in the flesh I am surely not sinless. My salvation is secure in Christ but my peace and joy come from keeping sin confessed and seeking the Lord for grace to overcome. Sin is no longer imputed to me as a child of God. Romans 4:2-8. God chastens us in mercy when we sin
The book of Acts is a transition from the old to the new. Did you not understand vs. 13 telling us we are sealed by the Spirit? 2Cor. 1: 21-22 telling us again of the sealing. How do you know you are saved for eternity if an evil thought could keep you out of heaven. When I trusted Christ to save me it was a permanent thing. A new creature in Christ. Salvation is of the Lord. God Bless you.
as long as we live under God's ways and not our own, people can backslide, or truly not except Christ,for he who fills us with the spirit, knows this life is temporary, no evil can prevail when we are in Christ. Amen! many blessing to you always peace be with you.
I know We have to repent and ask for God's forgiveness every day, because we are not perfect, We are just simply sinners saved by Grace. When We sin, We don't lose Our Salvation, We lose Our relationship with the Lord, when We pray and ask for forgiveness God says He will forgive and forget Our sins in the sea of His forgetfulness. No one can live a perfect life, because we are human.
Acts3:19 may help you understand why we repent daily, just a thought could keep you from enter the kingdom , it's not being born again over and over again it's repenting God Bless you always peace be with you also Matthew 3:8
Scripture says God is male, "Father Son Holy Spirit. The 3 are one. When God revealed himself to me I saw the face of Jesus every time I closed my eyes for 2 years. I can assure you God is male. Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father also." Jesus also referred to the Holy Spirit as 'He'. God has created female beings so he understand both male and female, but he is not a woman.
Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.
Jean: The Lord Says He Will Wash Us in His Own Blood( Revelation 1:5)He Will Baptize Us With The Holy Ghost( Mark 1:8) He Will Make All Things New, We Will be Changed( 2 Corinthians 5:17) Impossible Not to Know. All this Happens when The Father Calls( John 6:44) And You Ask Forgiveness. You are Sealed( Ephesians 1:13, 4:30) We Grow by Telling Others What He's Done in Our Life and How to be Saved
Carol: We are Sealed with The Holy Spirit: Ephesians 1:13. You Need a Church that Believes Eternal Security. You Need to Tell Others What Christ Done in Your Life. Tell Them how to be Saved: When The Father Calls then Ask Forgiveness. If Saved, They will be Washed in His Blood. Revelation 1:5 / Baptize with The Holy Ghost. Mark1:8 / You will be Changed. 2Corinthians 5:17. Impossible not to Know.
Blessed be God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
He has blessed us with Christ!