Discuss Daniel 9 Page 7

  • T. Levis - In Reply on Additions to Esther 14 - 3 years ago
    Sister Rebecca,

    Esther 4:1-16

    Esther 4:11, (the law was death sentence) with 1 exception) The king hadn't asked to see her for over 30days,

    Esther 2:19

    Also significant history : Daniel 1:1, They were captives of war

    Esther 2:5-7, Esther 2:10, Daniel 9:1, Daniel 6:8, Daniel 6:16-17, Ezra 4:6-24,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study.
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on 2 Timothy 3 - 3 years ago
    Antonio Vicente,

    There are different understandings, Preterist, Historicist, Idealist/Spiritual, Dispensationalist, and Futurist interpretation of the end times, things that are taught that will happen. Your question of pre, mid, or post is based on when the Church will be taken to heaven to be spared the tribulation. When did this theory or doctrine start? There are some writings before, but the roots started in the late 17th century but were made popular by John Darby and C.I. Scofield with the study bible with footnotes helped promote the doctrine.

    You as well as many on this site may believe this theory and out of love, I just ask that you study this for the truth. For those like me in the upper age group may not still be living but those who will be when these things start many will be lost if this theory is wrong.

    The pre, mid, and post is based on taking the 70th week of the prophecy given to Daniel 9:24-27, and verse 27 is interpreted to be the 70th week and moved to the end time, the he in this verse is the antichrist, and seven years are placed at the end time, and your question is before, in the middle, or at the end of the tribulation.

    Does scripture tell us we will be spared tribulation or the wrath of God, are they the same?

    If the 70-week prophecy given to Daniel has been fulfilled what does this do to this theory?

    Does scripture say there will be a third coming or just the second coming of Jesus?

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 tell us our destination after we meet Jesus in the air?

    If the falling away and the son of perdition is revealed happens before Jesus returns, can there be a rapture before these two things happen?

    These are just a few questions, is this theory true or part of the delusion?

    Did God spare all the ones before us from tribulation?

    Our hope is eternal life in Jesus Christ not being saved from the death of this fleshly body.

    May our ears be open to the Spirit of truth.

    God bless,

  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Brother Earl,

    I believe the same observation could be of many church-going folks, the building with whatever name that's put on it has become the church, not the people, lost in routines, many are called but few are chosen. It is sad when attendance is put above all. When Jesus first came was for the lost sheep of Israel, and to fulfill the law and the prophets. To confirm and fulfill the first and confirm the New in, the likeness of sinful flesh, what we see in Daniel 9:27 that many put at the end time.

    I agree hell is not a place for the condemned and paradise is not a place for the righteous as holding places of the dead. I have not found one verse that say we go to heaven. In Revelation 20:14 we see the last enemy; death and its holding place hell (the grave) are cast into the lake of fire. In scripture when we die the grave is our home of corruption and if the same Spirit dwell in us, we will be raised by the Spirit that raised Christ, in incorruption in our immortal glorified body, death is swallowed up in victory.

    When Jesus first came the land was highly influenced by Greco-Roman philosophy. Whether we believe it or not it still has influence on today, the meaning of death, immortal souls, monasticism that Jesus called Nicolaitans, and more.

    As we see in Matthew 16 and Matthew 18 Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom and what is bound or loosed in earth will be done so in heaven. The reason of all the parables was the mysteries of the kingdom was not for them to know but for those who were chosen.

    I agree in most of your post but if I understand correctly those after resurrection being brought into the fold. I struggle lining that up with the white throne judgment of the rest of the dead. Revelation 20:11-15. These are not all lost people, there will be some not cast into the lake of fire because the book of life is opened and only those not written in it will be cast in to the lake of fire.

    Have a great day and God bless,

  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Jode & everyone I'm sorry to intrude in your discussion earlier, with world view & opinion hopefully it wasn't unwanted. To add to the Biblical discussion I pretty much agree with most answers given. I also do not believe it to be the 'Mark' however through wisdom of this time & everything we are witnessing & experiencing we are all much more wise to see how in the future 'the beast' may try to play out that 'Mark'.

    Matthew 24:24, Matthew 24:1-51, Daniel 9:21-27

    I also do not believe Matthew 24:15 has yet happened, but we're told to be watchful

    Luke 12:1-59, Daniel 11:24-45, note Daniel 11:35, Daniel 12:1-13, Ezekiel 39:11-29,

    * 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 the 'great falling away' hasn't happened yet either

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on John 17 - 3 years ago
    Sangeeth Joseph,

    Prophecy has been interpreted by misunderstandings and assumptions. It has been misheard and many false teachings have people looking for things that are not coming. Prophecy shows that God is in ultimate control.

    When studying prophecy, God's word (scripture) the Holy Spirit is the interpreter we are not. Prophecy is generally understood after it has been fulfilled, it confirms the word of God and the prophet is of God.

    If we have decided the answer by the teachings we have been taught, or other opinions before we have gone to the Bible in prayer for the facts and truth, the only things we will see in scripture will line up with the conclusion we have already come to. Where did the seven years in this teaching come from? Has the 70-weeks in Daniel been fulfilled already Daniel 9:24-27? Is the rapture (catching up or away) 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 the same as the resurrection, the day of redemption? Is the great tribulation the same as the wrath of God? Is our blessed hope, to be spared great tribulation? How about all the martyrs before us, are we more worthy?

    Does scripture tell us our destination after we meet Jesus in the air? Is there any scripture that says we will be taken or we go to heaven? Are there other scriptures that tell us it will be after the great tribulation? Does scripture tell us every eye shall see Jesus coming?

    These are just a few questions, I hope you take them out of love for study and are not offensive. I could tell you what I believe but if it is different, will not help. Pray and let the Holy Spirit lead you to the truth. It will not be overnight and some questions will never be answered. Your question is the covid shot the mark of the beast, it is not. When that happens Satan is permanently cast down and the beast and the false prophet are full throttles. The mark will be based on worship, whoever will take it will know what they are doing.

    We are told to study and to try the spirits.

    God bless,

  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Jeremiah 25:33

    Daniel 9:24-27

    Daniel 12

    Job 26:10

    Matthew 10:20-23

    Matthew 24:11-14

    1 Corinthians 1:8-9

    Revelation 2:25-27

    1 Peter 4:7

    1 Peter 1 whole chapter relevant

    Ephesians 3:19-21

    Hebrews 3:12-15

    Luke 21:8-10

    There are many more, I hope these help
  • DOES GOD ANSWER OUR PRAYERS? - In Reply on Psalms 139 - 3 years ago
    Yes he does, always. David was upset, maybe angry at circumstances he felt was out of his control.

    God waits until we settle ourselves. Like in Psalm 23. We rest, get ourselves quieted. Wait upon the Lord. Then he responds to us by the person of the Holy Spirit, now.

    As an example, in Daniel chapters 9-10: Daniel prayed to the Lord; expecting a speedy answer, but it was delayed. Finally Gabriel the Archangel appears with a message. Daniel 9:21

    Daniel had been fasting; he was visited by an Archangel again. Daniel 10: 5-21

    Michael the Archangel had to fight off principalities and powers, so Gabriel could get the message to Daniel.

    See, sometimes it takes fasting and prayer and waiting on the answer, but it will come. If there is a delay of the answer, we are to stand fast with our faith. Jesus doesn't have to send Archangels to give us answers now. We have The Holy Spirit within us. He speaks to our born again spirit. We just have to listen, until He does. He may give you a scripture or passage to read.

    My best advice: turn off the media and sit before the Lord and listen. Calm yourself. Write down anything that comes into your spirit.

  • Chris - In Reply on Daniel 9 - 3 years ago
    Thank you brother S. Spencer. That was indeed a special directive from the Lord to me which was both unusual & yet very specific - I had been praying much about the matter as I felt the Lord leading me that way, but not knowing the path to take. But it took patience & a constant looking to the Lord over a number of years. And even this may not be quite the experience of many, though I'm certain that both you & others here have at times sensed being led in a direction in life or sharing a word with someone, or even given extra power or courage, that didn't come from any inclination of the mind or body, rather being compelled to do so by the Spirit (i.e. being taken & drawn forward by the arm, by God).

    Romans 8:14: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God". Often we read this verse as given, but I like to also read it backwards: 'if you're a child of God, then you WILL be led by the Spirit of God'. A similar rendering, but the emphasis being on 'being led'. We could add, 'where the Holy Spirit wants to go, we will go as well - what He wants to do, we will do as well'. His indwelling us is more than an earthly temple to dwell in, but to get the Work of God accomplished through us. But it's a sad day when we resist Him. Every blessing brother.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Daniel 9 - 3 years ago
    Amen Brother Chris for that encouraging testimony and advice to all us listeners.

    God bless.
  • Chris - In Reply on Daniel 9 - 3 years ago
    Hello Hilarion Charles. Whenever we feel or believe that God has spoken to us, whether in a dream, whilst in prayer, or from reading His Word, He will always confirm His Message to us in other ways. I think of young Samuel (in 1 Samuel 3:1-10) when he heard a voice speak to him in the night. Supposing that voice to be of the aged Eli, he went to him. But the voice was actually from God, & God continued to call him & finally gave him His Word only when Samuel spoke, "Speak Lord, for Thy servant heareth".

    Back in 1987, I heard the Spirit's Voice, whilst in prayer, directing me to go out & serve in overseas Missions. I was even told the name of Mission organization which I hadn't heard of before. I could hardly believe that deep sense of conviction I had in me. I continued to pray about it asking if that was truly God's Message & if He would order my future actions to meet that end. I shared this encounter with no one, but waited for God to move. So, in a series of events, with the sale of my home to a buyer who had never seen house (I hadn't even advertised it nor employed a selling agent), the buyer who lived in the UK whom I'd never met, & who paid me a price that was above the market value, I sensed the Lord was in control & directing me. And with various other occurrences (providing all the finances, etc.), the Lord made it amply clear that this Word was from Him & He was in control.

    Sorry, I can't interpret your dream about your ring & the Word given to you, but I can share with you, that if that's God's Word to you, then hand that matter over to God, asking Him to make that Word abundantly clear to you in the days & weeks ahead, making it a very real burden upon your heart, & to open up the way (even through the obstacles) to see the goal achieved. If God is not it, then leave it be & continue to praise Him with all your heart & remain faithful in every aspect of your life. In so doing, you will surely hear from your Heavenly Father again. Blessings.
  • Hilarion charles on Daniel 9 - 3 years ago
    I am baptised i had a dream wearing a ring, and removed the ring in the dream upon moving the ring , i heard a voice told me that you started a ministry , i want you to go back and start the ministry ,

    can you please shed some light on this dream of mine

    thank you
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    How Close,

    Please don't take this as against you, I just thought you may want to test the waters and this is in love. I watched the video you posted, very interesting, I loved the art work it made his presentation. It was very well put together, using math along with scripture tells the story, but you may want to check out some of his math.

    I will make it short and only point out a few things and again this is not to start a debate on this and it is not directed towards you but just point out things for truth in his video. First if Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday the next day is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread a Sabbath, and Friday the women could have gone to the tomb.

    If you take a date like 1948 and multiply it by a number and divide the answer by the same number it will come out the same number. 1948x20=38960 divided by 20=1948. The year 1948 is derived by 365.24-day years not 360-day years. Take the 70 weeks, if we use prophetic years, 70 x 7 = 490 x 360 =176400 days divided by 365.24 = 483 years not 490 years for the 70 weeks.

    If we take 457 B.C. as a start day adding 69 prophetic weeks it would be 69 x 7 = 483 years x 360 = 173880 days divided by 365.24 = 476.07 prophetic years. Dates each year is derived by 365.24 days each year. 457 B.C. + 476.07 years = 16 A.D. not 24 A.D. when Jesus first came, you have to substract 1 for not 0 year.

    We see in ( Nehemiah 2:1-8) it was in the month of Nisan not Tishri.

    Regardless of what date Jesus first came, it was 69 weeks from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah, ( Daniel 9:25) and He was to be cut off after 69 weeks ( Daniel 9:26) He was here 3.5 years of the 70th week before He was crucified.

    This may not make since but I hope you can make since of it.

    God bless,

  • S Spencer - In Reply on Matthew 26 - 3 years ago
    Hi Earl.

    Abomination that maketh desolate.

    Your claim:

    ABOMINATION THAT MAKETH DESOLATE SET UP (both at the same time), there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days (42 months, the period of Christ ministry in the flesh, first coming).

    Your claim.

    The daily sacrifice was taken away (at the same time) and the abomination that maketh desolate (sinful flesh is enmity to Spirit) set up (at the SAME TIME); at Christ death and resurrection. "YOU SAY THAT IS THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION "

    Well Earl " ENTERTAINING" YOUR LOGIC, The flesh was crucified at the death of Christ. And the Spirit brought life at the resurrection. ( 3 days later )THAT'S NOT THE SAME TIME.

    and THAT WHAT MAKETH DESOLATE ACCORDING TO YOUR LOGIC WOULD BE THE SPIRIT. Since it entered the temple/our bodies after the flesh was crucified. This is your interpretation of Daniel 12:11. You claim it's all spiritual.

    Here's further proof why I can't accept your view on this. How do you fit these scriptures into your logic.

    Daniel 9:27. And "HE" SHALL CONFIRM THE COVENANT WITH MANY FOR "ONE WEEK:" and in the midst of the week "HE" shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    And Jesus here:

    Matthew 24:15. When ye therefore shall "SEE" the abomination of desolation, SPOKEN of BY DANIEL THE PROPHET, "STAND" in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

    How could this be speaking of Christ death and resurrection when Jesus lays out events, warnings and a promise of his coming immediately following in

    Mathew 24:16-51.

    This is why I say spiritualizing "ALL" the text you can "Attempt to make it say anything.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Matthew 26 - 3 years ago
    Hi Rick.

    I hold the view that this is a future event,

    Mid way through the tribulation period.

    Here's a Googled Discriptural outline.

    Abomination of desolation"[Notes 1] is a phrase from the Book of Daniel describing the pagan sacrifices with which the 2nd century BCE Greek king Antiochus IV replaced the twice-daily offering in the Jewish temple, or alternatively the altar on which such offerings were made.[1] In the 1st century CE it was taken up by the authors of the gospels in the context of the Roman destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in the year 70,[2] with Mark giving Jesus a speech concerning the Second Coming,[3] Matthew 24:15-16 adding a reference to Daniel,[4] and Luke Luke 21:20-21 giving a description of the Roman armies ("But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies"); in all three it is likely that the authors had in mind a future eschatological (i.e., end-time) event, and the activities of the anti-Christ.

    ( Mid week tribulation. )

    Daniel 9:27. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    This will be "LIKE" what happened by Greek king Antiochus IV. in 2nd century BCE.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.
  • David on Daniel 9 - 3 years ago
    Lord, only through You can we recover from our sins and iniquities. Forgive us because of our lack in our devotion to You. Help us to turn from our wicked ways and repent in that you will be glorified and praised. Father, you see the evil we are up against even within our own government leaders; the death of 12 of our men/women in Afghanistan because of the lack of wisdom in the situation and the foolishness in relying on the Taliban/Isis instead of You. The pandemic which is racing through our nation, and the failing economy due to the lack of leadership and or the telling of the truth.

    We have forsaken your righteousness and have sinned greatly before you. Lord turn your anger away from us and hear our prayers and shine your countenance upon us, your saints, and forgive us Lord for we have no one else to turn too. Bless us now Lord that all may know that we worship you and that we are your children.

    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for hearing our cry. August 26, 2021
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hey Ronald,

    Good name, we have a high priest who knows our infirmities because Jesus was tempted just like we are, but He lived a perfect life. We see in ( Daniel 9:21) the speed angels can travel, from wherever Gabriel was, even if he was in heaven before Daniel had finished his prayer Gabriel showed up. It is like time and space do not have any bounds on them. If he came from heaven, I'm not sure we could even calculate how many miles that would be.

    All through the Bible, we see the power angels have and can relay visions like the angel took John many places and showed him visions in Revelation. Angels can operate in our physical realm in a physical body and the invisible realm. I agree with you, our defense is scripture as it is written, and our faith in Jesus. Jesus's name is above every name.

    God bless.

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago

    I don't see how you can associate "THIS THY DAY" and the days of thy PEACE With Revelation 18.

    And In Luke 21 the desolation was the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

    But that's not the "ABOMINATION" of desolation.

    Luke 21:20. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.

    Totally different than what's described here in Daniel , and what Jesus verified in Mathew.

    No Image/idol is set up in the temple as described in Revelation 13. This is what Jesus and Daniel is talking about.

    Matthew 24:15. When ye therefore shall see the ABOMINATION of desolation, spoken of by DANIEL the prophet, STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

    Daniel 12:11. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination THAT MAKETH DESOLATE SET UP, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

    This will last 1290 days. That's 30 days past the 2nd half of the tribulation. There is no mention of that happening in 70 AD. as described in Daniel 12 as mentioned or here in Daniel 9.

    Daniel 9:27. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: AND IN THE MIDST OF THE WEEK HE SHALL CAUSE THE SACRIFICE AND THE OBLATION TO CEASE, AND FOR THE OVERSPENDING OF ABOMINATIONS HE SHALL MAKE IT DESOLATE, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    I leave off there,

    I'm sure we will have to agree to disagree. Not interested in a debate.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Jesse.

    Here's what I believe When Jesus finally ALLOWED them to present him as KING!!

    Genesis 49:10-11. THE SCEPTER shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until SHILO come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

    ( BINDING HIS FOAL UNTO THE VINE, and HIS ASS'S COLT UNTO THE CHOICE VINE; )he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes:

    Zechariah 9:9. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy "KING" cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

    Daniel 9:25. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the MESSIAH THE PRINCE shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

    God bless
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Luke 21 - 3 years ago

    Many believe in the seven years at the end times. Those seven years are taken from the seventy-week prophecy given to Daniel. My advice is to study.


    Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

    Seven weeks + threescore and two weeks = 69 weeks this is when Messiah (Jesus) first comes, when He is baptized. The next verse tells us the Messiah is cut off (crucified) after 62 weeks, this was when the restoration and repairing of the walls, streets, and gates of the city of Jerusalem by Ezra and Nehemiah ( Nehemiah 2:8-17; 4:17). Troublous times when their enemies tried to stop the building ( Nehemiah 4:7) the first 7 weeks. We know Jesus' ministry was 3.5 years.

    This is 3.5 years past 69 weeks so that puts Jesus' crucifixion in the middle of the seventieth week.

    I posted a 3-part post on this a few weeks past may you can pull it up and may it help you study this. Not all of Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, what Jesus is saying is about end times.

    Jesus did cover part about end times but some was telling His Apostles which we see in Mark there were only four, what they were going to have to face before the destruction of the temple. What Jesus said at first before they ask Him, not one stone would be left on top of another.

    There was much of what Jesus said happened before the temple was destroyed, Wars, earthquakes, famines, false prophets, check out Simon in Acts 8, and there were more. The apostles were put in prison, beaten, and killed.

    The main fact, if sixty-nine and one-half weeks is shown in scripture that has already past, you cannot put a full week at end times.

  • Jesse - In Reply - 3 years ago

    In order to better understand the end times, you need to know that all prophecies concerning the last days are based upon Daniel 9:24-27, which presents the 70th week of Daniel. We have not reached the 70th week yet. 69 weeks have passed, but right now we are living in what is called "The time of the Gentiles" which began on April 6th, 32 A.D., the time of Christ's death on the cross. But once the church is removed from the earth, the 70th week (7 year period) will begin.

    The 70th Week of Daniel is divided into four sections:

    1)Pains of birth: first 3 years of the Tribulation. ( Matthew 24:4-14)

    2)Pivotal point: the mid-point of the Tribulation. ( Matthew 24:15)

    3)Perils of tribulation: the last 3 years of the Great Tribulation. ( Matthew 24:16-28)

    4)Promise of his coming: the Second Coming of Christ. ( Matthew 24:29-31)

    All end time prophecies are centered on the Jewish people. Matthew took his outline of the 70th week of Daniel from Mark chapter13 and they both recorded the Olivet discourse. The misunderstanding of the prophecies of the last days is based upon combining Luke's account with Matthew's and Mark's account as if they are the same message. They are not the same. So what happens is we read Matthew and Mark's account of the end time and they match with each other. But then we read Luke and that's where the confusion comes in, because they are not the same!

    Luke's version includes some of the same information only given at a different time, and covers different stages of the 70th Week of Daniel. For instance, In Luke 21:5-6, Jesus was still in the Temple area. And Luke 21:7 records different questions. When will these things be? What sign will there be when these things shall come to pass? Luke covers the first part of the pains of birth in Luke 21:8-11.
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Carry Lennert,

    This by the Bible can not be confirmed, Daniel told when the Messiah would come Daniel 9:25, 483/476.4 years from the going forth to rebuild Jerusalem and the walls. They went forth around 446 BC minus 476.4 360-day years=29 AD. If you take in Luke 3 it was the 15 th year of Tiberius Caesar who came to be emperor 14 AD, which also puts it in 29 AD. Also, Pontius Pilate ruled from 26-36 A.D. The start of John the Baptist ministry.

    Jesus went to 3 Passovers John 2:13, John 5:1, John 6:4 The fourth Passover He was crucified, John19:14. That would put 1080 days from the first Passover Jesus after he was baptized by John the Baptist. This leaves 180 days so, this would put the baptizing of Jesus in the month of Tehri, September- October our months. 40 days of temptation and then choosing the twelve will put them before the wedding in Cana of Galilee and the first Passover Jesus went after He was baptized by John the Baptist.

    Jesus gave up the ghost at 3 PM the ninth hour on 14 th day of Nisan the 5 th day of the week. Jesus' ministry was 42 months or 1260 days. God placed Jesus at the exact day and month of the year the first Passover was done in Egypt. Jesus went into Jerusalem on the 10 th of Nisan the day the lambs were taken up and held until Passover.

    Jesus was placed on the cross at 9 AM the same time the first Tamid lamb was sacrificed and put on the altar. All during that day, all the people's sin offerings were placed on the altar. Jesus gave up the ghost at 3 PM the same time the last Tamid lamb was placed on top of all the sin offerings for that day on the altar. The First and Last. Also, the time the priest started catching the blood of people's Passover lambs and pouring it on the altar.

    If God caused just the things I listed to be done at the exact time. If God wanted these dates to match to the exact second, it would have been so. May you have a purpose for your question. All is possible through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Chase McLaren - In Reply - 3 years ago

    Daniel 9:27 speaks to me differently. That verse is an esoteric overview, the abomination that makes desolate in the midst of the week, and where anti-christ is revealed (Babylon falling away). There is only a 42 month window for anti-christ, we only have the 2nd half of the week left.

    27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    Something tells me you won't let go of your doctrines, and you'd be remiss to not profess 2 beasts having 42 months consecutive power in antichrists 7 year kingdom.
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Joanne David

    The lost sheep of Israel ( Jeremiah 50:6)

    Jesus came to fulfill the law, the first covenant, flesh had to live a sinless life under the law of Moses given by God before it was considered an executed contract (fulfilled). The prophets, all prophecy pointing to the coming of their Messiah had to be fulfilled. These two things had to be completed before God could make a new covenant. The first covenant was made with the house of Israel and the second was offered to the house of Israel first but they rejected Jesus as their Messiah.

    We see in ( Matthew 10:5-8) that Jesus told the twelve, to go only to the house of Israel and not to go by the way of Gentiles. God even told them when the Messiah would come, ( Daniel 9:25) and in ( Ezekiel 34:23-24) they were told a Shepard was coming. but they did not want to give up their authority and wealth they were enjoying, meaning the Sadducees and Pharisees.

    Even when Jesus was born, they heard that it was in Bethlehem they were troubled ( Matthew 2:3) they did not even want to go see if it was their King/Messiah. We see in Acts when they totally said they reject Jesus and the new covenant, when they killed Stephen.

    Acts 7:57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord,

    The Apostles continued to confirm the new covenant to the house of Israel until Peter had his dream and Paul was converted and what God told Abraham came to be, and the mystery was revealed and confirming to the house of Israel stopped. The branch was broken off so we may be grafted in.

    Genesis 18:18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?

    Colossians 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

    God bless,

  • Richard Estrada - In Reply - 3 years ago

    There are several ways to look at this scripture. It is wrapped in mystery that's not easily meant to see. Esoteric in nature. I can only take the essence of the story and see how fits & splits between Jesus' and satan's earthly ministries. You have to think your way through it, it could take years, some you'll never know. God is going to make you work for what he previously has spelled out in allegory.

    Daniel 9:27 allegory makes me envision the beast army forewarning its Babylon attack, thinking about placing the abomination that makes desolate (smart missiles) ( Joel 2:4-11) ( Isaiah 47) ( Revelation 18). This sixth trumpet, surprise event begins anti-christ's 3.5 year reign.

    ( Daniel 9:27) And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
  • OSEAS - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Johnathan Taylor

    Greetings in Christ JESUS

    Sorry, your information is not accurate. The 3.5 years of the 7 last years have NOT been fulfilled as you claim.

    I agree "The prophesy is not in consecutive years", but not in the manner you are interpreting.

    Christ JESUS crucified (cut off) had/has nothing to do with the entire week of seven years as you believe.

    JOHNATHAN, what prevails is the Word of GOD. The Word is GOD.

    Daniel 9:26-27-CJB-Complete Jewish Bible-

    v.26 Then, AFTER the sixty-two weeks, Mashiach will be cut off and have nothing. The people of a PRINCE YET TO COME will destroy the city and the sanctuary,...

    v.27 He (the EVIL PRINCE) will make A STRONG COVENANT WITH LEADERS FOR ONE WEEK [of years]. ...


    Do you see? Based in the Word of GOD,A SATANIC AND DESTRUCTIVE PRINCE rules the week 70th BY ENTIRE, i.e.7 YEARS, and makes A STRONG COVENANT WITH LEADERS FOR ONE WEEK [of years]. ...

    These terrible EVENTS revealed in the Word of GOD quoted above didn't happen in the time of JESUS, or rather, during His Ministry, He had already been cut off before the week 70th, there is a gap between the week 69 and 70, and JESUS never saw, neither heard to speak of that satanic PRINCE during His Ministry, no destruction occurred by any prince in the time of JESUS, until He be crucified.

    For better understanding, WE NEED TO ANSWER SOME QUESTIONS, because in this POINT - Daniel 9:v.26-27-, that is, AFTER the END of the week 69,the prophecy reveals a PRINCE is working in his STRONG COVENANT with LEADERS during the week 70th;This satanic EVENT did not occur in the time of JESUS.

    Who is this EVIL prince?

    What kind of STRONG COVENANT the satanic PRINCE makes with leaders for one week [of years]?

    Who are these leaders?

    In this POINT - Daniel 9:v.26-27-,that is, AFTER the END of the week 69,a PRINCE is working in his strong COVENANT with leaders to be applied for ONE WEEK divided in two periods of 3,5 years or 42 months (first half and 2nd half)

    Its it
  • OSEAS - 3 years ago

    The main events before the beginning of the last week of Dan.9:27.

    See below what will happen from now on.The last week is not too far to start.Here goes the events that will preceed the last week as was prophesied by Dan.9:27:

    - Death of Pope Francis, the rule and guide of the powerfull religious MONSTER of 7 heads, and 10 horns, and upon his horns(10 kings) ten crowns, and upon his 7 heads the name of blasphemy.-Vicarius Filli Dei;

    - The Beast of the earth with two horns LIKE A LAMB rises up in Israel;(earth is Israel-the clay- Isaiah 64:v.8-the dry land- Genesis 1:v.9);

    - Election of the a new Pope-his pseudo-name or nickname may be Paulus VII(Rev.17:10);

    - Then the Beast of the earth LIKE A LAMB will manifest himself as God in Israel;in fact a false messiah,an esoteric, and kabbalistic, and spiritist false messiah;Then there will be two powerful and satanic Beasts in the Earth;

    - The esoteric and kabblistic,and spiritist Beast of the earth will make great signs and wonders of lie,even makes fire come down to the earth before men;Rev.13:13-15;

    - The Pope Paulus VII will meet the Beast like lamb;

    - Both will develop an union between the RCC and Judaism, iron with clay- Dan. 2:41-43-but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay;

    - A religious and universal satanic Empire will be build by both religious leaders-Rev.11:1-2;

    - The esoteric and kabbalistic,and spiritist Beast of the earth-the false messiah of the Jews- will make a deal with the Beast of sea-the Papacy-,and the Beast of earth,the false messaiah-AN IMPOSTOR-will give to the Beast of sea his Power,and his Throne, and great Authority.Then,the Antichrist's Empire is conceived by both satanic Beasts;

    All events listed above,some will will happen before starting the last week-Dan.9:27,for example,the death of Pope Francis,others during the week as soon it starts,and others in the middle of the week and until the consumation.

    Get ready
  • OSEAS - In Reply - 3 years ago
    B. WATTS

    There will be two Beasts as soon the last week of Daniel 9:v.27 starts. Both Beasts will work together: (1)The Beast of sea-a Gentile Beast; and (2)"ANOTHER Beast will come up out of the earth(Israel);and he has two horns like a lamb, and he speaks as Dragon


    Rev.13:v.1-And I stood upon the sand of the sea (sea means waters. Waters mean peoples, and nations, and multitudes of all tongues-Gentile peoples), and saw a Beast rise up out of the sea,having seven heads (7 heads are 7 mountains, and 7 kings),and ten horns (10 horns are 10 kings), and upon his(10)horns ten crowns (because are 10 kings), and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. What's name of blaspheme? Well, this Man Beast, is a religious and satanic MONSTER who has 7 heads in this current time,the 10 kings are not linked to him yet, and this powerful religious and satanic MONSTER manifests himself as a Christian, even as Vicarius Filii Dei, actually a false Christian.

    The 7 heads of the Beast are 7 hills or 7 mountains that Christians imagine Scriptures refer to the 7 hills of Rome. In anyway, the woman which rides upon the Beast of sea-the RCC- is materially sat upon many peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues, and all them are spread by 7 regions of the Earth, i.e.in Europe,and Asia, Africa,Oceania(Australia),and North America,Central America, and South America, but spiritually they are guided and ruled by the Beast of sea, whose headquarter is Vatican City built on the 7 hills of Rome.

    About 10 kings they will be linked to that Beast of sea when the MAN Beast of earth(2) gives to him his Throne in Jerusalem, and Power, and great Authority to him.

    (2) The Beast of earth(Israel) like a lamb, a false lamb, an ESOTERIC and KABBALISTIC, and SPIRITIST Beast, the future guide and ruler of Judaism and the nation of ISRAEL,he will manifest himself as messiah,a man understood in Torah,a false prophet of the Jews-2Thes.2

    Each one will rule Antichrist's kingdom by 3 years a
  • Ronald L Whittemore - 3 years ago
    The 70 th Week

    Part 1

    There are many teachings on the end times and many include seven years which comes from the book of Daniel, taking the last week of the 70 weeks prophecy given to Daniel from God through the angel Gabriel.

    The 70-week prophecy given to Daniel has been used to create a doctrine of the rapture of the church, pre, mid, post, the last week, and much more. The reason for this post is I feel it is deceiving and causes people to be looking for something that will not happen, the days to come will be horrible, many of us if we are still living will face death.

    This prophecy was on Judah and the city of Jerusalem, and six things were determined upon them that would be fulfilled during this time. ( Daniel 9:25) From the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah (Jesus) will be 69 weeks, rebuilding the temple is not in this prophecy. The first captives released with Zerubbabel started work on the temple first before Ezra and Nehemiah ever went to Jerusalem, the temple was rebuilt before the 70-weeks prophecy started, it was dedicated in 515BC, finished in 516 BC.

    When did the clock start on the prophecy? ( Nehemiah 2:1-8), the twentieth year of Artaxerxes I, 445/444 BC. In this decree, Nehemiah tells the king he was sad because the city of his father's lieth in waste. So, Jerusalem has not been rebuilt at this time. The king gave him permission to go and rebuild the city, the walls, and the gates.

    69x7=483 years 365-day years, Daniel used prophetical years; 30-day months, 360-day years so, to convert 365-day years to 360-day years, 483x360=173880 days divided by 365=476 years. So, if the going forth was in 445 BC, minus 476 brings us to 31 AD. Because there is not a 0 year subtract 1, that puts it at 30 AD. With the different historical records, it could be 29/31 AD. This is when Jesus came to John B and was baptized 69 weeks from the going forth from 445/444BC.

  • Ronald L Whittemore - 3 years ago
    The 70 th Week

    Part 2

    More scripture on Jesus first coming ( Luke 3:1-6) Tiberius Caesar was emperor from 14-37 A.D. Pontius Pilate ruled from 26-36 A.D. so the fifteenth year of Tiberius would have been 29-31 A.D. start of John the Baptist ministry. Jesus was baptized, then Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days, tempted by Satan. Then His ministry started. They put John B in jail and later beheaded him. Not long after, in John 2, Jesus was in Cana of Galilee at the wedding and after in John 2:13, the Passover was at hand. This would place it just before spring of 29-31 A.D. maybe a month before the Passover.

    ( Daniel 9:26), "after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off". The 7 weeks, 49/48.3 years that are not counted. This was when the restoration and repairing of the walls, streets, and gates of the city of Jerusalem by Ezra and Nehemiah ( Nehemiah 2:8-17; 4:17). Troublous times when their enemies tried to stop the building ( Nehemiah 4:7) the first 7 weeks, 49 years, or 48.3 prophetical years of the prophecy. So, the main word here is after. The Messiah (Jesus) is cut off 7+62=69+3.5 years= 479.5 prophetical years with 3.5 years to go to 490 years 365-day years or 483 prophetical years

    The other half of 9:26 tells us the people (Roman army) of the prince (Titus) "that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary" 70 AD. Titus did not want to destroy the temple, he wanted to make it a Roman temple but the army (people) set it on fire and destroyed it.

    ( Daniel 9:27). Jesus was here 3.5 years confirming the covenant to the lost sheep of Israel. When Jesus was cut off (crucified) in the middle of the week, He caused the Levitical law sacrifices and oblations to cease, no more animal sacrifices would be accepted by God, Jesus said the worship of God will no longer be accepted at the temple ( John 4:19-24), and the veil rent in half, ( Matthew 23:31-38) covers the second half of verse 9:27.

  • Ronald L Whittemore - 3 years ago
    The 70 th Week

    Part 3

    Jesus confirmed the last 3.5 years through His apostles ending when Stephen was killed, Paul was converted, Peter had his dream the conformation to Judah ended and the gospel was sent to the Gentiles. This fulfills the 70=weeks 490/483 years

    We have been told to study, we are told to test the spirits, trust our teacher the Holy Spirit and pray. These are the six things that were determined on Judah and the holy city Jerusalem, a few verses that may help see if this has been fulfilled by Jesus.

    1. To finish the transgression ( Isaiah 53:5, 8) ( Isaiah 53:11) ( Hebrews 9:15-18)

    2. To make an end of sins ( Matthew 1:21) ( Hebrews 10:8-11) ( John 1:29) ( 1 Corinthians 15:3)

    ( 1 John 3:5) ( Psalm 32) ( Romans 8:3)

    3. To make reconciliation for iniquity ( Colossians 1:20-22) ( Isaiah 53:6) ( Isaiah 53:11) ( Ephesians 2:16) ( Titus 2:14) ( 2 Corinthians 5:18-19)

    4. To bring in everlasting righteousness ( Romans 5:17-21) ( Romans 3:21-26) ( 1Peter 2:24)

    ( 2 Corinthians 5:21) ( Isaiah 61:10-11)

    5. To seal up vision and prophecy ( Daniel 9:23) ( John 6:27) ( Mark 1:14-15) ( Acts 3:18)

    ( John 5:36-40) ( Matthew 11:11-15)

    6. To anoint the most holy ( Hebrews 8:1-12) ( Hebrews 9:6-14)

    The 70 th week has been used along with other Bible verses to paint a fantastic picture of end times. The pre, mid, or post rapture of the Church, an antichrist, 7-year tribulation, 3.5-year covenant with Israel, a third temple, abomination of desolation, 3.5 years great tribulation after breaking covenant, and more. Many of these teachings started in the late 1600s. I hope this helps, if this prophecy has been fulfilled, it will show the falsehoods of these teachings because without using part of the 70 weeks prophecy given to Daniel, these teachings will fall apart.

    Acts.3:18 But those things, which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.


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